Politics – If Tehran did slow its weapons program, Bush policies probably had something to do with it. By James Schlesinger.
Shopping – Saffron, botanical name crocus sativus, is the most expensive spice in the world. Derived from the dried stigmas of the purple saffron crocus, it takes anything from 70,000 to 250,000 flowers to make one pound of…
Politics – George meets the Three Ghosts of Christmas and his old partner-in-(war)-crime, Umsfeld. Will Bob Cratchit get a raise? Will Tiny Tim get his operation? George is given a chance to redeem his soul -- will he take…
Politics – The White House has given several versions of when Bush knew about the NIE on Iran's nuclear program. This includes the rather laughable, but not shocking, claim that in August 2007, Director of National Intelligence…
Politics – George W. Bush was told that the intelligence assessment on a covert Iranian nuclear program changed last August, but they have avoided answering the question of when the president was first informed. That evasion…
News – Israel does not have "smoking gun" intelligence that will force an American reassessment of its National Intelligence Estimate that Iran halted its nuclear weapons plan in 2003, a government official told The Jerusalem…
Politics – Israel's dilemma vs. the nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT)
News – A new source of angst is Bollinger's refusal to take up Ahmadinejad's invitation and his ban on official visits to Iran by Columbia faculty members.
Politics – "If the war is enlarged in the next 20 months to include Iran - if that happens - for the next 20 years the United States is going to be bogged down in a war which spans Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan, and…
News – Iran confirmed on Monday that it had received the first fuel shipment for its nuclear power plant at Bushehr, but also indicated for the first time that it was building a second nuclear power plant.
Politics – Talk to Tehran - and invade Pakistan
News – MOSCOW (AFP) - Russia started nuclear fuel deliveries to Iran's first atomic power station on Monday as Tehran defied international pressure by announcing plans to produce more fuel for its nuclear programme.
Politics – The Americans were at least brave enough to present their assessment to the public. This is a sensible act, because issues related to war and peace cannot be decided in the shadows, behind closed doors.
News – Israel's public security minister a U.S. intelligence report that said Iran is no longer developing nuclear arms could lead to a regional war that would threaten the Jewish state. Israel's harshest criticism…
News – Israel's public security minister warned Saturday that a U.S. intelligence report that said Iran is no longer developing nuclear arms could lead to a regional war that would threaten the Jewish state.
Politics – During this meeting, Olmert's tone was sharp and decisive. He directed the heads of intelligence agencies and representatives of the nuclear energy agency to "employ all of Israel's abilities and intelligence capacity…
Gadgets & Tech – The Nepalese government site has been pwned by an Iranian Black Hat Team yesterday. The Nepalese government filled with moron ministers are still not able to bring back the site online probably because they do not…
News – Since uranium enrichment is the key to producing both reactor fuel and fissile material, and Iran has openly continued developing centrifuge uranium enrichment technology, Iran never suspended its nuclear weapons…
Do No Evil – These ideologues have grown accustomed in recent years to misusing the intelligence agencies to advance their foreign policy goals. The tables have now turned. Senior intelligence officers learned the lesson of…
Politics – If it were not for revelations by the Iranian opposition, the mullahs would have been much closer to obtaining nuclear weapons and a nuclear catastrophe would have been much more probable, and the war with this…
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