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Art & Design – Cool post with a no. of wallpapers of high resolution for Vista and XP... Cool collection...
Gadgets & Tech – It has to do with my experiences using Vista and Kubuntu, which eventually lead to me Upgrading to XP from Vista, which isn't a typo. It really was an upgrade, despite the fact that Vista is newer.
Gadgets & Tech – Lenovo says "no thanks" to Vista for 2008 Olympics read more
Gadgets & Tech – Businesses that had been thinking of a quick move to Windows Vista may be rethinking things a bit, according to a new study by Forrester Research.
Gadgets & Tech – WORKAROUND - iDefense is currently unaware of any workarounds for this issue.
Gadgets & Tech – Let me outline those 5 mistakes Microsoft made with the Windows Vista launch and talk about how Microsoft might be able to keep Windows Vista from being a sequel to Windows ME.
Gadgets & Tech – More to the point, this is the future of your desktop experience - in a platform-neutral environment. All I need now is a pre-built, fully-stocked Linux VM (with Compiz Fusion)...
Gadgets & Tech – Businesses that had been thinking of a quick move to Windows Vista may be rethinking things a bit, according to a new study by Forrester Research. "IT managers are finding themselves pulling back their initial…
Do-It-Yourself – There is a very simple registry tweak we can implement to prevent users from writing data to a USB devices like flash disks or external hard drives
Gadgets & Tech – Apparently the Consumentenbond (Office of Fair Trading) is vastly unimpressed by the fact that it's difficult to buy a new computer without Windows Vista, and that the very same operating system causes such a high…
Gadgets & Tech – You need vista tweaks, we've got them at
Gadgets & Tech – So less than 3 hours into this experiment, I have both Vista and Ubuntu installed and patched. Both systems are stable, more or less, but both systems have quirks. Neither system worked perfectly, but much to my…
Gadgets & Tech – What's a good way to make a Super Nintendo decidedly less fun? Modify it to run Windows Vista, of course.
Gadgets & Tech – Under Vista the game is still using an additional 160MB of virtual address space compared to XP, but this is far better than the gap being the entire size of the video memory on our 8800GTX prior to the hotfix.…
Gadgets & Tech – Dell's customers are paying a heavy premium for personal computers running Microsoft's Vista, according to data compiled by ComputerWorld UK's sister site Techworld.
Gadgets & Tech – The System Stability Index allows users to evaluate the stability of their systems and to make informed decisions about how to troubleshoot.
News – Winxperts would like to announce that our 2007 Winxperts Desktop and Writers competitions are now underway, Prizes include Retail Copy of Windows Vista Ultimate Upgrade, Office 2007 Small Business Edition & WindowsBlinds.…
Gadgets & Tech – Fedora and its default GNOME desktop may still have a few lessons to learn from Vista, particularly in the selection of administration tools. Yet in terms of almost everything that's important to users, Fedora and…
Gadgets & Tech – As we saw in part 1 of this series, large applications and games under Windows are getting incredibly close to hitting the 2GB barrier, the amount of virtual address space a traditional Win32 (32-bit) application…
Gadgets & Tech – As with XP, in Vista you can speed up performance by sacrificing the visual effects. Go to the Control Panel, System and Maintenance, System Properties, Advanced (Tab) and settings. Set the radio button in 'Adjust…
Gadgets & Tech – But Vista becoming Microsoft's downfall? Only if Microsoft wills it.
Gadgets & Tech – Content protection features in Windows Vista operating system have been found to prevent users from playing high-definition audio and more and more home movies are shot in HD, it is leaving users unable…
Gadgets & Tech – Is the Linux Operating System for Computers Free ? Free ? How come down vendors of Linux want to charge me ? What is all this about ?
Gadgets & Tech – While Microsoft deserves some of the blame, the bigger story here is the technical nightmare created by AACS and how its tentacles are reaching into the consumer technology we all use daily. It's a shame that this…
Gadgets & Tech – Blue-Ray and HD-DVD consortium are about to potentially revoke Windows Vista's key, to disable protected HD content to be play on Microsoft OS, due to security flaws.
Story submitted Vick 'executed' dogs, co-defendants say
“Two co-defendants of Michael Vick say the NFL s...”
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Comment posted to Democrats target 2008 Calif. vote plan
“Your proposal would require an amendment to the...”
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