SHOCKED Premier Steve Bracks called his son an idiot today for smashing his car into a tree while drink driving.
VICTORIAN police officers have agreed to take the legal steps needed to start industrial action in their bid for a 5-per-cent pay rise.
THE Australian Federal Police have dropped a bid to extend the detention of Dr Mohamed Haneef.
As David Beckham arrives with his family in LA to begin the next stage of his footballing career, his wife Victoria admits to an interviewer, "we're quite boring". More |
Pictures: Beckhams touch down in LA
The black Saab in which Premier Steve Bracks' son Nick cheated death in a crash. The 20-year-old speared the car into a tree today, injuring a friend and narrowly averting disaster.
Three elderly yachtsmen were rescued this morning when their boat started sinking after a large wave landed inside the boat. Left to right: Malcolm Anderson, Robert Lane and Bill Owen.
The BBC has apologised to the Queen for wrongly implying that she had stormed out of a photo shoot with American celebrity photographer Annie Leibovitz.
More |
Video: BBC apology
Mishka the doberman has survived a savage beating by her cruel owner. She is being cared for by Lisa Weston at the RSPCA and is looking for a new home. Picture: Cameron Tandy Cruel owner gets pet ban
These boys felt on top of the world when they visited Melbourne's Rialto, which passed six million visitors yesterday. But the Eureka Skydeck is stealing Rialto's thunder. Picture Cameron Tandy
Sky's the limit
AS the Beckhams arrive in Los Angeles to begin their new state-side life, Victoria admits that people will soon realise they're quite boring.
BRISBANE Lions are considering wearing the old Fitzroy jumpers for all away matches in Melbourne.
PRIME Minister John Howard has rejected claims taxpayer dollars were wasted on renovations of his business jet, which he says has very basic facilities.
A SECOND international cricketer has been linked to the mess surrounding the collapse of property investment group Bridgecorp.
AFTER only three months in the top job, Rio Tinto boss Tom Albanese has launched a $44 billion bid to create the world's biggest aluminium group.
THE official story goes like this: On the last night of Jim Morrison's life, the rocker went to a movie in Paris, listened to records, fell ill, and died of heart failure in his bathtub.
CAN'T remember life before mobiles? Chances are you'll also struggle to recall your home phone number and family birthdays.
WE ask four opinion makers if it is time to bring Australian troops home from Iraq, starting with Herald Sun defence reporter Ian McPhedran.
HARRY Potter has lost none of his magic, with the fifth film in the series grossing more than $4 million in Australia on its first day.
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Premier Steve Bracks talks about his son's car crash
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Date: July 13, 2007 03:41pm