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Religion – British Muslims are leading a new campaign condemning the recent attempted car bomb attacks in London and Glasgow.
Religion – Today the United States is being confronted with large numbers of scientifically ignorant, politically active Christians who are locked into ultra-religious, anti-scientific views and who want to force these views…
Religion – This week, as Wiccans and other pagans pressed their demand for a chaplain at a July 4 rally outside the White House, the bumper sticker reminded me of a question I face every time I write about their faith. Namely,…
Religion – "For the sake of our country, that life may return to Iraq and all its sons enjoy safety, peace and stability, amen." With this nervous prayer of hope, 59 Iraqi boys and girls became full members of Baghdad's…
Religion – Pope Benedict XVI courted fresh controversy today by formally sanctioning the celebration of a Latin prayer that calls for Jews to "be delivered from their darkness" and calls for their conversion to Christianity.
Religion – SACRAMENTO - Former Palo Alto engineer Keith Henson's decade-long battle with the Church of Scientology forced him into bankruptcy, sent him on the lam to Canada to seek political asylum, and recently landed him…
Religion – I was reading a transcript from a debate in the house of lords. Something that Baroness Andrews said prompted me to reply. I'm posting my reply here too.
Religion – For many American Catholics, Thanksgiving kicks off another season of "here we go again"-fending off the annual bombardment from advertisers and the temptation to measure Christmas in terms of presents. It's a month-long…
Religion – The leader of the students besieged inside a Pakistan mosque has said his followers are ready for "martyrdom", dashing hopes of an imminent solution to the stand-off.
Religion – Pope Benedict XVI on Saturday removed restrictions on celebrating the old Latin Mass. The decision, a victory for traditional, conservative Roman Catholics, came over the objections of liberal-minded Catholics and…
Religion – He is a moderate Muslim religious leader and a descendant of the Prophet Mohammed. He is also a twice-married jet-setter, and he owns hundreds of racehorses, valuable stud farms, an exclusive yacht club on Sardinia…
Religion – Islam is a religion of peace, says Banatwala
Religion – As a moral atheist you have a number of rights and responsibilities. These include (but are not limited to)
Religion – Predictions that increased urbanization around the world would lead to a more secularized society are unfounded -- in fact, the opposite may be true, according to a report from the U.N. Population Fund.
Religion – Pope Benedict XVI has issued his first major reform of the Catholic Church, relaxing restrictions on the use of the old Latin Mass that that was common before the Second Vatican Council 40 years ago
Religion – Christians in every country of the world disdained the Iraq invasion from the start. Why are the Christians of the USA really not Christians? How do we gain the forgiveness of the REAL Christians? How did we…
Religion – Religious diversity: Can we talk?
Religion – Pope Benedict XVI gave the go-ahead Saturday for greater use of the old Latin mass, signalling a bid to heal a decades-old split in the Roman Catholic Church.
Religion – 1001 Inventions: Discover the Muslim Heritage in Our World is a new exhibition which began a tour of the UK this week at the Science Museum in Manchester. Paul Vallely, Associate Editor at the Independent, nominates…
Religion – I recently had a conversation with a friend who identifies himself as an Atheist. He took a few stabs and guesses at the origin of the universe and the origin of life that were not too far off from pre-existing…
Religion – Everyone says forgiveness is a lovely idea until they have something to forgive, as we had during the war. And then to mention the subject at all is to be greeted with howls of anger. It is not that people think…
Religion – Bloomberg L.P. today announced that this weekend's edition of the BLOOMBERG TELEVISION(R) program Middle East Money Focus will be a special report on Islamic finance. With the world's Muslim population at more than…
Religion – A rebel cleric said he and his fighters hoped their deaths would spark an Islamic revolution in Pakistan, as commandos blew holes in the walls of their besieged mosque compound to help women and children inside…
Religion – The ACLU is fully engaged in defending a broad range of constitutional rights, including rights related to freedom of religion and belief. It is sometimes wrongly imagined that the ACLU does not vigorously protect…
Religion – Christian radio station WEXY (1520) in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, is known locally for its many syndicated or brokered Christian radio programs.
Religion – Conservative clergy all across the country are riding roughshod over the barrier between church and state that has served as a cornerstone of American democracy for over 200 years. DefCon has received hundreds…
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