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Humor – Very funny banner-commercial from "Axe".
Science – f the Great Storm of 1900 had hit Galveston two years ago, it would have inflicted $72 billion in damage, nearly as much as Hurricane Katrina, researchers say. That's significant in an era when some blame global…
Gay & Lesbian – By year end, the 60-year-old nonprofit Ad Council will launch its first ever public service announcement with a gay message by teaming with GLSEN, the Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network, to combat anti-gay language…
Humor – If the bill becomes law, citizens named Gary will have until December 31 to change to a new first name or be re-assigned the name Butch.
Politics – The sad truth is that many Republican leaders remain in a massive state of denial about the party's four-decade-long addiction to race-baiting. They won't make any headway with blacks by bashing Lott if they persist…
Video Games – Alert readers will notice that Microsoft's E3 announcements didn't include an Xbox 360 price cut, which had been a subject of speculation since Sony dropped the price of the 60 GB PlayStation 3 by $100 earlier this…
Health & Fitness – The European Union has criticised a Libyan Supreme Court decision to uphold death sentences against six foreign medical workers for infecting children with HIV. Five Bulgarian nurses and a Palestinian doctor are…
Politics – It is hardly news that top officials in the current Justice Department flout the law and make false statements to Congress, but the latest instance may be the most egregious.
Money – Technical action by S&P; 500 stocks was bearish yesterday. Four S&P; 500 stocks broke resistance and thirteen stocks broke support. Notable on the list of stocks breaking support were financial service stocks.
Books – Michel Chossudovsky's book, America's War on Terrorism, highlights policies of the CIA, Homeland Security and what the author calls "America's War Machine." Since 1999, the aim has been: "to achieve (an unchallengeable)…
Do No Evil – College students hit by higher birth control prices
Politics – Legislation that would have required longer troop rests between combat deployments fell today to a Republican filibuster, but GOP fissures over President Bush's war policies continued to widen, with two more Republican…
Money – What do you do if you already own a stake in Craigslist, but yearn for a bigger slice of the online-classified pie? If you're eBay, you launch a U.S. version of Kijiji, with the hope of rivaling the San Francisco-based…
Money – In our June 22 commentary, we talked about a very high bearishness level among the "gold bugs". This, we pointed out, indicated that a lot of bad news has already been factored into the gold price, that downside…
Television – PBS show about Les Paul, whose insatiable curiosity and experiments gave us the musical instrument of the modern era - the solid-body electric guitar - and the predominant studio recording technique - multi-tracking.
Do No Evil – Mr President, five years ago I wrote that you "skedaddled" on 9/11. The word was coined during the Civil War to describe those who ran away from battle, which is what you did when you flew to faraway hidey-holes…
News – President Bush recycled the false claim he has made many times prior to and since the Iraq war began, inciting fear that Iraq has some connection to 9/11.
Gay & Lesbian – A new organization made up mainly of people who are not gay has amassed more than $1 million to battle a proposed amendment to the state constitution to ban same-sex marriage.
Movies – Its a bird, it's a plane! Its Superman.
Politics – During last excavations Islamic custodians destroyed truckloads of artifacts tying Judaism to its holiest site. Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has quietly granted the Waqf ΓΆβ;¬" the Muslim custodians of the Temple…
Science – Without the impact of solar radiation, the temperature on the earth would be about the same as the temperature of space, which is about -454 F. The amount of radiation reaching the earth is about 1,368 watts per…
Food – The US could approve cloned animals for use as food in two to three years, according to experts.
News – Congressman Sam Farr (D., Calif.) is the latest member of Congress to respond to intense pressure from his constituents and co-sponsor H Res 333, articles of impeachment against Vice President Dick Cheney.
Politics – The latest polls show 54 percent of Americans want Vice President Dick Cheney impeached, and 46 percent would like to see the same thing happen to George Bush. There was never such a groundswell of opinion in favor…
Politics – But the agony of David Vitter a self-proclaimed social conservative exposed Monday night as a satisfied customer of an escort service is one more float in a long and flamboyant parade of sexual follies and scandals…
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