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Popular Videos – Seeing someone falling is a great moment for evil minds like us. That moments are funny as hell. Here is 20 videos celebrity and non-celebrity stage fall off moments.
Humor – Here, I share with you some interesting and strange facts I've recently run accross.
Family – Last night, I was eating dinner in the living room & Sister Tang was in my room watching tv. After awhile, I heard her calling 'Papa! Papa!' & chatting away. I thought that she was using my phone and pretending…
Humor – Here are a couple reasons why God made pets. It includes a handful of funny and (mostly) cute pictures. Enjoy :)
Popular Videos – I don't even know who these guys are, i would guess they are Turkish. This video just makes you laugh hard. the crazy thing is that it stick to your brain and won't go.
Humor – More stats diligently collected by The Onion.
Travel – Singapore is having a mini-baby boom. This year Singapore has seen more babies born there during the first half of the year than were born there during the same period last year. The number of babies born during…
Celebrities – Nip slips? Braless catastrophes? We've all seen them. SheFinds finds the solutions to all of your fashion nightmares. Check out their finds and never suffer a style slip-up again.
Humor – A funny video with a song all about the big giant eBay!
Humor – AutoCAD How do I Love Thee? Let me count the ways. A short poem about an AutoCADer's love for his program. Pretty funny if your an AutoCAD fan or even funnier if your not.
Humor – Funny Heinz commercial with animation on Youtube.
Humor – Dear Wife, During the past year I have tried to make love to you 365 times. I have succeeded 36 times, which is an average of once every ten days. The following is a list of why I did not succeed more often:
Humor – In a party a lady wanted to go to toilet so she inquired with a sardar papaji susu karne ki jagah dikhao, sardarji replied u naughty pehle tum dikhao.
Sports – For most people, being a professional athlete would be a thoroughly satisfying accomplishment. But for a lot of professional athletes, it's just not enough. Over the years, several athletes have ventured into the…
Humor – A short tale of how a prostitute and some culinary artistry taught a family of cannibals an important life-lesson.
Humor – meet with a submarine and a boat at have been canning run on the desert.Besides in restricted lane unbelievables that will still have a submarine floats can enter.
Art & Design – Collection of commercials performed by animals. Some are funny, some are crazy but they are all interesting.
Gadgets & Tech – When I worked for a Norwegian ISP I got my hands on a really funny email from an angry customer who doesn't know too much about computers.
Humor – An uplifting collection of funny t shirts for your morning delight.
Family – Bella bhowing off her new trick.
Humor – I just found this video containing speech an uncle gives to kid about masturbation. If you are younger please do not watch it, first go ask your parents. Anyway it is really funny... the kid goes right to his room…
Humor – Lots of Simpsons Videos
Humor – Very funny, you have to see this :D
Humor – pic says it !!!
Video Games – Friday afternoon should have been a lucky day for thirty-two year old house roofer Frank Murphy. After finding out he was the winner of a drawing for a new Sony PS3 video Game console he got a little liquored up…
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