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Books – Editor of The Progressive magazine, Matthew Rothschild talks about his new book "You Have No Rights" at Book Soup in Los Angeles, CA.
Books – Chalmers Johnson, in his book "Nemesis: The Last Days of the American Republic," explains that we can continue the same way as imperial Rome and lose our democracy, or chose the British model of keeping it at the…
Books – [Americanism: The Fourth Great Western Religion. By David Gelernter.] David Gelernter starts with an undoubted fact and uses it to construct a bizarre fantasy. The origins of America have been profoundly religious;…
Books – Price for the heavily illustrated and comprehensive 95-page PDF will be $495. Due to the sensitive nature of this document buyers will be asked to submit a request and then be approved for sale.
Books – Jack Kerouac once said of the many foreign editions of his novels: "When I'm old, you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to study languages reading these."
Books – The author's book tour "for God Is Not Great" takes a few miraculous turns, including the P.R. boost from Jerry Falwell's demise, a chance encounter with the Archbishop of Canterbury, and surprising support for…
Books – The most common question I'm asked at a trade gathering (whether out of politeness or genuine interest) is something to the tune of "So, how did you get into publishing?", to which I'm almost always unable to formulate…
Books – In the town where I lived, I could never find my true love, my princess, my mermaid-my soul mate. There were no women who even remotely resembled the perfection of Snow White, Cinderella, or Sleeping Beauty.
Books – If you're a new or struggling Internet marketer looking for the truth about Affiliate Rockstar Status, please keep reading--your quickly shrinking bank account will thank you.
Books – The astonishing success of Google was a black swan; so was 9/11. For Nassim Nicholas Taleb, black swans underlie almost everything about our world, from the rise of religions to events in our own personal lives.
Books – Make money using these free resell rights ebooks
Books – O que significa apostar? Segundo o dicionario apostar significa: Sugerir que pode prever um resultado. Existem varias formas de apostar, as mais conhecidas sao as apostas a dinheiro e as apostas de diversao. Apostar…
Books – Is there life after Harry Potter for J.K. Rowling? It seems there is. J. K. Rowling has been spotted in coffices
Books – A novel promising more boobs than your favorite porn site, more hamster molestation than your grandmother's ticker can handle, less respect for religion than a Danish cartoonist, and a proper explanation of the…
Books – Margaret Lazarus Dean's debut, a coming-of-age tale set against NASA's space program in the '80s, is a finely written, carefully plotted and well-executed effort. Dolores Gray, a thoughtful math prodigy on the tail…
Books – Common Errors in English
Books – After a long gap of about 4 months, I will start posting free Flare and Octane magazines every month. These Magazines are legal to Download for free according to the source.
Books – The blizzard hit awfully hard, but Evan Darling enjoys the spirit and Ã;´routinesÃ;¶ of Christmas celebration so he plans to go out and get the tree. He asks his two children, nine year old Daniel and five year…
Books – How Tim Ferris' book, the 4-Hour Work Week can help tomato growers grow a better tomato.
Books – Six years ago, I finally broke down and bought my first personal computer. When Wal-Mart finally had them in stock, I knew it was time. I opened the box and pulled out what looked like a TV set. I looked for the…
Books – you'll like have trouble finding a copy, it's been out of print for at least five years, but you need to know about it ... Dave Michaels' Red Moon...
Books – you want the girl who ignored you in 7th grade to see the errors of her ways when she walks into a bookstore, years later...
Books – If you're looking to read some banned literary classics, this is a great place to start. The list includes 1984, Catch 22, Slaughterhouse 5, The Crucible, and The Bible.
Books – The Sunday Times newspaper quoted Ian Rankin, a fellow author and neighbor of Rowling's, as saying the creator of the "Harry Potter" books is turning to crime fiction.
Books – For decades, a mysterious figure dressed in black, his features cloaked by a wide-brimmed hat and scarf, crept into a churchyard to lay three roses and a bottle of cognac at the grave of Edgar Allan Poe. Now, a…
Vote cast on The 3 hardest-hit funds as real estate sector circles drain
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Vote cast on Family Research Council: Same-sex marriage = marrying a corpse
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