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Science – ST. CLAIR SHORES, Mich., Research biologists say a hideous fish pulled from Lake St. Clair in St. Clair Shores, Mich., is a pacu -- a piranha relative native to South America. Toby Davison said he initially…
Science – Earlier this month, members of the International Academy of Sex Research, gathering for their annual meeting in Vancouver, informally discussed one of the most contentious and personal social science controversies…
Science – 1993: NASA loses contact with the Mars Observer, a scientific probe sent to study the geology and climate of the red planet. Contact with the craft is never re-established, and the reasons for its disappearance…
Science – Researchers have found some of the changes that a flu virus needs to become a deadly pandemic strain, and said on Tuesday the H5N1 avian influenza virus has so far made only a few of them.
Science – Is your first craving in the morning for your computer mouse? Do you obsessively check email in the middle of the night?
Science – Previously unknown islands are appearing as Arctic summer sea ice shrinks to record lows, raising questions about whether global warming is outpacing U.N. projections, experts said. Polar bears and seals have…
Science – Researchers have found that there could be sound historical reasons why women have developed a heightened appreciation of reds and pinks, while men are drawn to blue.
Science – A new concept for a time machine could possibly enable distant future generations to travel into the past, research now suggests. Unlike past ideas for time machines, this new concept does not require exotic,…
Science – Scientists believe they have discovered a potential treatment for Alzheimer's disease, the devastating illness that affects almost 600,000 people in the UK.
Science – During a hospital stay after an overdose, she learned about a new Web-based program that blends social networking with expert advice on teens' mental-health issues. The program, says Sarah, who asked that her real…
Science – Scientists at the Beacon Institute are working with IBM engineers to weave a network of sensors, robots and simulations that will monitor 315 miles of New York's Hudson River on a "minute-to-minute" basis, creating…
Science – VICTORIA - Harmful pesticides, pollutants and other chemicals from Asia may be landing on Vancouver Island as they float to the Arctic, says a professor at Royal Roads University.
Science – John Bellinger, the State Department's top lawyer, said that the USA is not going to watch indifferently while other countries are dividing the Arctic shelf and its natural resources.What are possible ways to reach…
Science – BANGALORE: Infosys Technologies and Association for Computing Machinery have signed an agreement to create a new annual award that recognises young scientists and system developers whose contemporary innovations…
Science – The Brazilian government stands accused of selling off huge swaths of the Amazon rainforest - including its oldest protected national park - to unscrupulous logging companies, under the cover of a flawed sustainable…
Science – Much still remains to be mapped and Denmark is engaged in that work now, with a new polar expedition.
Science – A volcanic eruption that buried a Mayan village 1,400 years ago preserved a manioc field -- the first evidence that the nutritious crop was cultivated by the ancient people, researchers said on Monday.
Science – Mountain backpackers have discovered remains believed to be those of a missing World War II airman resting atop a glacier near where an aviation cadet's body was found two years ago, authorities said Monday.
Science – They would carry out their duties without prejudice and would not get stressed out at being under attack and unleash a torrent of fire against any passing civilians. They could not really take much pleasure in humiliating…
Science – A team at Louisiana's Pennington Center found that a common virus could cause stem cells to change into fat cells in lab experiments.
Science – U.S. space shuttle Endeavour returned to its Florida home port Tuesday, touching down safely at the Kennedy Space Center following a hectic but successful 13-day mission to the International Space Station.
Science – Scientists have found 2.7 billion-year-old archaea fossils in a Canadian mine that indicate the organism coexisted with bacteria and eukaryotes.
Science – Space shuttle Endeavour returned to Earth on Tuesday, ending a nearly two-week orbital drama that centered on a deep gouge in the shuttle's belly and an early homecoming prompted by a hurricane.
Science – Secretive as they are about specifics, the magicians were as eager as the scientists when it came to discussing the cognitive illusions that masquerade as magic: disguising one action as another, implying data that…
Science – A new report by The Nature Conservancy checks off the top 10 threats to marine conservation in South America. The No. 1 villain: Overfishing, but developmental pressures and myriad environmental challenges are no…
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