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Do No Evil – Aid workers are struggling to find safer ways to deliver aid to displaced and vulnerable families in Baghdad. The city, which is now effectively divided along religious lines, is increasingly under the control of…
Do No Evil – Media outlets including CNN, NBC, The New York Times, and the Los Angeles Times reported on a recent advertisement buy in support of the war in Iraq but ignored that two of the four advertisements link the Iraq…
Do No Evil – Charges have been filed against Army Capt. Austin Key for accepting a $50,000 bribe to steer military contracts in Iraq. Key, 27, of Watertown, N.Y., was arrested late yesterday. According to the complaint, in August…
Do No Evil – When Sgt. Joshua Cope trundles into Tanner Hall in Winter Garden tonight in his wheelchair, West Orange Habitat for Humanity will start helping the 24-year-old veteran rebuild his life. Cope, an Army infantryman…
News – Hope emerges as God, viewers and people across the world move in a powerful way to help Youssif, the 5 year old Iraqi boy who was set on fire by masked thugs.
News – Iraqi terrorists caught along Mexico border American intelligence chief confirms 'people are alive' as a result of capture.
Popular Videos – Iraqi driver tries to cross a deep rut in a bongo
Travel – Crazy large sand storm in Iraq.
Politics – An influential Republican senator has called for the withdrawal of some 5,000 US troops from Iraq by the year's end.
Politics – So Bush has decided to turn conventional wisdom on its head by invoking Vietnam when talking about Iraq.
News – This week, President Bush said a free Iraq is within reach, a National Intelligence Estimate report suggests that there is still a lot of work to do in Iraq. America has an obligation to the Iraqi people and to…
Politics – When Gen. David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker report next month on the results of our "surge" in Iraq, the most important category, political progress, should receive an F. Even if our military forces have…
Politics – WASHINGTON - The Iraqi government will become more precarious over the next six to 12 months and its security forces have not improved enough to operate without outside help, U.S. spy agencies conclude in a new…
Politics – Above all, we have learned that Vietnam and SE Asia were never really central fronts in the cold war. America triumphed in the cold war because it had the right kind of economy - an open one - compared to Moscow…
Politics – Now Sen. David Vitter (R-LA), the fourth member of the delegation, is taking his turn at making sweeping pronouncements of success in Iraq while downplaying the superficial nature of his trip.
Men – -- NO END IN SIGHT (Mature video)
Popular Videos – The propaganda that is hitting our airwaves over the Iraq war with creatures like Ari is sickening. This warmonger brought up WWII and the tired and wrong "we shouldn't have gone into Germany" routine in his defense…
Politics – Many who oppose the war now see progress in Iraq after the "surge" of new troops. Sens. Carl Levin and Hillary Clinton have lent their voices to that chorus, and this poses difficult questions for their friends…
Politics – Yesterday Fleischer was on MSNBC's Hardball, promoting his new organization, Freedom's Watch, which has started a multi-million dollar pro-Iraq war ad campaign. During the interview, which you can watch here, they…
News – One of the Senate's top Republicans has called on President Bush to start bringing U.S. troops home from Iraq by Christmas, telling reporters Thursday that a pullout was needed to spur Iraqi leaders to action.
Money – Norway based oil company DNO has announced that Tawke # 8 has confirmed oil in the central/down flank position of the field. An extensive test and formation evaluation program is ongoing.
Politics – Why is George Bush suddenly making parallels between Iraq and Vietnam? Because he's preparing to shift the blame for another disaster.
Do No Evil – Imagine how this sounds to the average Iraqi. "America is fighting this war for your freedom and safety. Also, we're drawing all the world's worst terrorists into your backyard so they blow up your markets and police…
News – At least 66 Iraqis were killed and 48 were injured during the latest attacks, which include a major battle between Iraqi militants near Baquba. Also, a IED killed an American soldier in Baghdad on Tuesday.
Politics – President Bush's analogy between a withdrawal from Iraq and what happened in Vietnam more than 30 years ago isn't finding many sympathetic ears among local veterans.
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