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News – funny...the things people get worked up over
Science – KIRK:(Off camera.) Kirk's log, star date 9876543210... Spock, Bones, Scotty, Sulu and I are still playing the ancient game of golf at the Federation Retirement Home located on the planet Liverspot in the double…
Food – In the past few years protecting the environment has emerged as a religious issue. Now, something similar is taking place in the way people of faith view their daily bread.
Science – KIRK:(Off camera.) Kirk's log, star date 123456789... Much of the crew of the Enterprise, including myself have retired to the Federation Retirement Home located on the planet Liverspot, in the double star system…
Religion – What does the Lord mean in telling us to hate the world and to love God? This week's devotional offers some insight for those struggling with the idea of serving one Master.
Religion – Origen, in Against Celcus (24-25), relates the description of a diagram, drawn by Celcus, of ten separate circles joined by a single circle that represented the universal soul. The name of the universal soul was…
Religion – "Gnosticism" has been used as a pejorative term meant to label texts that "pervert" scripture and the "real" Christian faith. Why would any "real" biblical scholar want to waste time studying perverted Christianity?…
Religion – 7 silly reasons why snowmobiles are sinful, or a comic-serious example of foolish arguments often used to "prove" that certain things are "worldly"
Money – A church or other religious group can take some cues from the bootstrap approach. Suggestions on how a bootstrapping approach for starting your church or other religious group can not only cut costs but also establish…
Money – Money, they say, makes the world go round. But does it make the Gospel go round too? If you posed this question to most radio/TV preachers and presidents of Christian ministries the answer to this question would…
Religion – Islam: Religion or Ideology? By Imam Zaid Shakir
Religion – A brooklyn street is examined because of it's ethnic and religious diversity and lack of violence. Why can muslims, jews and others live in relative peace here when often deadly fighting occurs elsewhere?
Humor – The guys and gals who stand at the exit of highways don't have their own website ΓΆβ;¬Β¦ that I know of ΓΆβ;¬Β¦ and I simply cannot find anther that best represents sloth because if they created a website they would…
Religion – Philosophers once aimed to teach us serenity. Buddha smiled as he contemplated the void and Socrates drank his dose of hemlock in the same spirit of wise acceptance. Philosophy today has a different agenda: its…
Religion – WASHINGTON -- The stories seem strange but riveting. A heart attack victim recalls floating in the air, watching paramedics revive him. A surgical patient remembers hovering, watching the doctors operate. Such…
Religion – This is the essence of a speech written by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal, the founder of Bhutan..
News – There is big discussion on this: Juanita Bynum the evangelical preacher has been badly beaten by her husband Bishop Thomas Weeks while in a parking lot in an Atlanta hotel. The attack on Juanita Bynum was very brutal;…
Science – Perhaps there are occasions where public intellectuals must proclaim the teachings of Islam to be perfectly in harmony with scientific naturalism. But let us not do so, just yet, in the world's foremost scientific…
Religion – There is a new community driven site in which pastors can collaborate and share ideas in addition to being able to easily find material for services through the site's database.
Religion – The Abkhaz leader said at a meeting with the Muslim community of Abkhazia on August 23 that law enforcement agencies would spare no efforts in resolving the murder of Khamzat Gitsba, an imam at a mosque in Gudauta.
Religion – The Police Department warned in a new report that terrorist cells are gaining ground within the city's Muslim communities, but members of Queens Islamic groups took issue with the view that the radical element was…
Religion – "Its only because I am a Muslim!"
Religion – She's a talented musician and fashion designer, but even Gwen Stefani knows when to tone it down. For a concert in Malaysia yesterday, the Sweet Escape singer kept it modest.
Religion – SCOTLAND could face attacks by "home-grown" terrorists unless urgent action is taken, according to a prominent Muslim community leader.
Religion – The Conservative leadership last night denied there were any "no-go" areas for ethnic minority candidates after Sayeedi Warsi, one of the rising stars of David Cameron's shadow cabinet, admitted local Tory colleagues…
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