Hellgate London Beta
Begins early next week for folks who pre-order the game
Mass Effect Trailer
Takin' a look at the characters in BioWare's upcoming UE3 RPG
Halo 3: Believe Trailer
Not bad for an ad
And yes, these are FPS betas for the most part, as mmog betas tend to drag out for years...
On the off-chance you missed anything, here are last week's tasty links:
Quake Wars - At long last, Splash Damage has released a non-beta demo for Quake Wars
Stranglehold - While the demo lacks any sort of reasonable level of customization PC players are accustomed to (low level graphics only, locked screen resolution, etc), the gameplay is pretty fun
BioShock BioSells 1.5M Copies so Far - BioShock bioShips a lot of copies
BioShock: Best Selling PC Game of August - BioShock bioSells a lot of copies
Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts Goes Gold - In stores soon
Crysis Multiplayer Beta Launched! - It's a lot better than we expected!
Crysis Multiplayer Beta News - When can you play too?
Crysis DX9 vs DX10 In Multiplayer - WTF? You mean DX10 actually DOES something?!
$150 Hellgate: London Lifetime Subscriptions - Offer good until the end of Nov.
Hellgate London Beta Next Week - For folks who pre-order the game
Intel Buys Havok - Blow-up Ragdolls for everyone!
Pre-Order Team Fortress 2, Play On Monday - Pre-order the Orange Box; play TF2
Join VE's Steam Community - Play TF2 with us on Monday!
Project Gotham Racing 4 Goes Gold - Vroom, vroom
Shadowrun Dev Goes Bye Bye - Shocking, I know
Why Gears of War PC Content is Exclusive - Long story short -- it no worky on 360
Team Fortress 2: Meet The Engineer
Screen shots:
This is my plea to the development community - stop with the fucking bee guns. Or at least let me use them to squeeze some honey out to get extra health or something; let me zap my foes to put them in a bee suit looking like an extra from a Telemundo talk show.Thanks, Beyond Unreal, who mentioned Epic has named a winner to the Name that UT3 CTF map.Now, telekenesis - this is some awesome stuff right here. Bioshock has, hands down, the best implementation of telekenesis I've seen in a game - Half Life 2 and Psi Ops have been beaten. Offhandedly switching between weapon and mind control = pure rock.
Granted, that doesn't mean that I was always able to utilize it perfectly.
There were many a time when I found myself cornered by a Big Daddy and I'd use my amazing mental skillz to suck up and prepare what I thought was a nearby explosive barrel when suddenly I'd launch a fucking MILK CARTON right at his big stinky dive helmet.
Drinking is not only a fun way to get to know your friends and pick up wenches (or man-wenches, if that's your thing), it also is a key component in the Drunken Brawling PvP minigame. Those who don the Drinking Cape before strutting into the tavern get free drinks for life, meaning they can brawl to their drunken heart's content in all the taverns of Hyboria without losing any money. It's all the benefits of drinking with none of the side effects, truly a wonderous thing to the barbarian's heart.
The Drinking Cape features a leopard skin lining to keep you warm once you're thrown out into the cold night, while its stylish insignia lets everyone know that they're about to take on a world-class drinker, fighter, and all around awesome person, be it in the tavern brawl, stumbling home afterwards, or on the battlefield.
Not long ago (in geologic time), we announced the sequel to Team Fortress. We’re thrilled to finally be just days away from unveiling Team Fortress 2. Starting this Monday, September 17, those who pre-purchase the Orange Box on Steam or swing by a licensed Valve Cyber Cafe can play the beta version of Team Fortress 2.Many of you have asked for a way to track your stats while playing TF2. Rest assured that no gib will be forgotten: starting Monday, your Steam Community profile will include a detailed breakdown of your TF2 player statistics.
“As PC Gamer’s Executive Editor, Kristen has done a magnificent job in building relations with game developers, following games from previews and first-looks to final reviews, and being a goodwill ambassador to readers and industry folks alike,” explains Phillips. “She’s never shy about calling bad games inferior, but she bears a pure enthusiasm for PC gaming that many old-timers in the industry have lost. Moving forward, she’ll not only express that enthusiasm in the pages of the magazine and website, but also help us grow the entire PC Gamer brand. The next 12 months will be very exciting for PC Gamer, and Kristen has an ambitious plan to make things happen.”
Our friends over at OCW seem to be talking to the right people here in Taiwan and have a bunch of information regarding the most expensive GeForce 8950GX2 that will be sold for $599 USD. It is rumored to be a dual GPU solution much like the 7950GX2 and will come with a total of 512MB GDDR-4 memory per GPU.The second on the list is the GeForce 8900GTX which will replace the current high-end 8800GTX. It will ship at a retail price of $549 USD and sees total pipelines increased to 128 which is an increase of 32 or 25% as suggested by Fudo over at the INQ recently. It will also see the inclusion of GDDR4 memory which allows nVidia to increase the clock speed to a huge 2200MHz DDR. It also seems like the manufacturing process is being reduced to 80nm from 90nm in the latest batch of G80 chips.
Is combat playable in the zoomed out third person ("almost iso") perspective and how will VATS work from it, meaning - will it zoom into FP or something else? [kaos]I’d have to say “no”. Combat’s not really playable when you zoom the camera all the way back and point it down. You can try, but it’s not meant to be played that way, because you still have to aim at the center of the screen, and at that point, the center is the ground. It’s playable from 1st and 3rd person, but closer-in over-the-shoulder 3rd person. Regarding VATS., it does zoom in on your target, from your eyes, so I guess you’d say it is a “1st person” view. So if you’re playing in 3rd person and enter VATS, you zoom in on the target, and when you’re done, it flips back to your 3rd person view. It happens pretty fast and it’s smooth. I kind of see VATS as its own view.
Today's question:
Can you think of any games that had really bad demos, but still turned out okay?
P.S. - Get well Bub! Andrew (not our Andy) just had a Quadruple Bypass operation. Ouchies.
“We’re excited to get our most passionate players into the early Beta test, and to reward them with a special look once the game goes live on Halloween,” said Bill Roper, CEO of Flagship Studios. “The Founder’s offer is designed for those die-hard fans that will have had time to really get to know the game during the Beta phase and plan on spending a lot of time with us online.”
Here's what you get when you pre-order, and/or decide to take the $149 plunge:
In other HGL news, check out a new developer diary at Krawall.
Intel will buy Havok, a provider of software and services used by videogame creators and movie special-effects teams, the company said Friday.Havok will become a wholly owned subsidiary of Intel but keep operating its business as usual, according to an Intel press release. It will add to Intel's visual computing and graphics efforts, while continuing to develop products for all computing platforms, the company said. The acquisition will help Havok grow into new market segments, Havok CEO David O'Meara said in a prepared statement. Terms of the deal were not disclosed.
I was here in Kirkland running the West Coast review events, with a couple of dozen video game press luminaries and the odd newspaper filling up our lab. Our main role was simply to provide support – explain controls and deliver snacks. We mostly left the journalists to themselves and let them play through at their own pace, undisturbed.We started at 9am and went through to 2am for four days straight. Our PR guys from MS and Edelman were true heroes, sticking through the entire event and helping arrange food for the starving journos. It’s obviously vital that we can’t interfere with them while they play and it was kind of eerie. In our lab they were playing on 1080p Sharp Aquos sets, with surround headphones on brand new Elite consoles, running the finished retail game.
Visit the John-117 Monument and get a hands-on look at the amazing detail that went into crafting this stunning tribute. The exhibit is filled with first-person accounts from the soldiers who were there, fighting for our very survival. From billows of smoke erupting from a cannon to the sweat dripping from a Marine's brow, you can explore this painstaking recreation of our greatest fight, and Earth's greatest Hero.
If you're ready for more check out the Believe Flash Site where you can whizz about the model, click on interactive links to learn about enemies, friendlies, and other such things and also take screenshots to use as wallpaper. If you return to the page on the 25th of September and 10th of October you'll be able to view a further two videos. Believe.
Update: Added a HD version of 'Believe' - well worth checking out to see the amazing detail in the diorama.
Included is a single level of action from the full game, plus a hidden bonus not present in the Xbox 360 demo.
Sgt. Black can telekinetically move an object ranging in size from a stationary tank to a moving bullet so long as she has line of sight to her target. As a result, she can steer her shots mid-flight, even striking multiple targets with a single projectile. This makes her an extraordinarily powerful asset. However, the greater the force she exerts, the weaker she becomes. The ability physically drains her health causing bleeding from the ears, nose and mouth in extreme cases.Black is the top rated sniper in the US army, thanks in great part to her telekinetic ability to steer multiple rounds in flight. She carries a highly modified and personally customized sniper weapon. To enhance her control it plugs directly into her nervous system via an NDI (Neurological Data Interface). Black’s rifle has been further modified to include an underbarrel grenade launcher.
Another unfortunate incident was the demise of the first VE Community Group that was established during the beta when you could toggle an invite-only group to a public group, and yes, Valve changed that at some point so the original group is perma-locked. Sigh. Oh and another issue worth mentioning is that the Community Overlay that pops up in supported games is causing FPS issues, crashes, and general calls to murder Valve via the Steam message boards. You can, however, disable that feature entirely through the Steam Settings Menu.
Once again, if you want to join our gang and party like it's 1999, click here.
Here's to hoping it's as much fun as Max Payne was on the PC.
Power Supply
1) Half-Life 2 Orange Box
2) Project Gotham Racing 4
3) ET: Quake Wars
4) World in Conflict
5) Halo 3
6) Stranglehold (PC)
7) Tabula Rasa
8) Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts
Today's question:
Which of the above games coming out within the next 30 days most interests you?