Fark Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- Quick Answers
- I want to create an account
- I lost my Farking password.
- I want to submit a link.
- I want to buy a Classified ad or a banner ad.
- I want to know what's OK to post and what isn't.
- I want to post images and links in my comments.
- I want to post a Photoshop.
- I want to post an AudioEdit.
- I want to post my Farktography entry.
- I want to sign up for TotalFark.
- I'm short on beer money and have to cancel my TotalFark subscription.
- I can't post a comment.
- I tried clicking on comments for a link and it said it was for TotalFarkers only.
- I can't log in to TotalFark.
- Does Fark have an RSS feed?
- How do I search for old Fark articles?
- I don't like my login anymore and want it changed/deleted.
- I want to submit a source icon for my website.
- Fark looks weird in my browser.
- Why is there a red horizontal line above certain posts, especially my own?
- I want to ask a question that's not on this list.
- TotalFark Only Questions
- What do the different colored headline on the TotalFark pages mean?
- Why don't I see some greenlit articles on the main Fark.com page?
- How do I use the Favorite Links feature?
- How do I highlight or hide posts from specific users?
- How does Link Voting work?
- How do I report a problem with a comment or a link?
- I can view the TotalFark main page fine, but I can't view any comment threads. Why?
- I can view comments fine, but I can't view the TotalFark main page. Why?
- Why did I get a cancellation notice when I didn't really cancel?
- I think someone bought a TotalFark subscription for me (sponsored me). How do I find out who?
- Can I transfer my TotalFark subscription to a different account?
- Tech Questions
- Fark looks weird on my computer.
- I don't want people posting pictures from my website in Fark threads. How do I stop it?
- I have pictures on my own website that I want to post on Fark threads, but don't want other sites posting them. How do I stop it?
- When I view the Fark main page, I get a password popup / "authentication required" page for TotalFark every time, even though I didn't click on TotalFark. What gives?
- How come the Google search thingie on the main page doesn't work?
- My firewall is registering hits from Fark. What's happening?
- What platform do you run all this on?
- Farkisms
- Tastes like chicken
- France Surrenders
- Study: after years of research scientists come up with obvious conclusion
- "First Post" time warp
- Ugly-ass baby animals
- Wheaton
- "Killing" kittens
- Hollywood is out of ideas
- Duke sucks
- Still no cure for cancer
- Asshat
- Your dog wants steak
- Here comes the science
- Sharp knees
- Ric Romero
- No, you can't have a ________. Not yours.
- Farked ™
- TLA'a and other stuff