Call of Duty 4 VS. Halo 3: What Will YOU Be Playing?
This November Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare will be released. As one of the most hyped about and anticipated games of this year, will this game be able to break a few Halo 3 players away from their odd ball and slayer rumble pits?
I know for a fact that Call of Duty 4 will not shut down Halo 3 servers, but the game does look very interesting. You can't truly judge Call of Duty 4 based on the beta alone. Like Halo 3, I'm sure that the full game will be very different from what we see right now.
And that brings us to my initial question. What will YOU be playing in come November? Will you still be working on showing off your awesome, master shredder like armor in Halo 3? Or will you be creating world war 3 in Call of Duty 4?
Now that a majority of us have had the pleasure of beating Halo 3 what id your final thoughts? What Halo was the best out of the triliogy?
Halo 3's campaign is by far the best in my opinion. The first Halo did have some great moments that set the bar for the other two and Halo 2 was just bad I'd hate to say. At the time Halo 2's multiplayer was great but it can't touch Halo 3.
Always wonder what it would be like if you where in the show CSI? Dream of swabbing dried blood for DNA trace evidence? Or Asking the hard questions in the interagation room?
Well my friend, now is your chance by playing the CSI video game! This isn't the first CSI game to have been released, but it is the first for the nex-gen consoles. And how do they tap into the mighty power of the nex-gen version of this game? By making it a point and click adventure of course!
Yeah, the controls are weak. Sure they work but they work too well. Let me explain. You use the right stick to scroll around what is in front of you. If you find evidence your curser changes colors and a tool box pops up. So if you haven't caught on already this means you can just scan each screen and find all the evidence you need to find without really trying.
This control scheme didn't work well with the last few versions of the game, I wonder why thy thought it would work now?
Must look good on the 360 though, right? Wrong. The graphics are bland and look very much like an original Xbox game. The animations are very robotic and look like animatronics you would see at Disney World.
The graphics defiantly don't do the cast of the TV show CSI any justice. To put it simply, this game looks like it was beaten with an ugly stick, and they broke the stick.
The stories the game provides are interesting and leave you wanting to continue to find out the truth and deliver swift justice to those who violate the law. The game has lesbians, sex, gore, and for the first time able to swab lady juice (how come teamxbox wont let me say Vag**al?) and seaman from a used condom! God bless you CSI for the Xbox 360! God bless!
Once you beat a case however, you won’t feel obligated to go back to the job. That’s the games biggest problem. So if you're a die hard CSI fan, and where looking for a CSI game this one is for you! As long as you happen to own a PS2, Xbox 360, a Wii, or a PC.
For the average gamer don't bother quitting that Halo 3 slayer match just yet!! Unless you are a average gamer who loves to swab baby batter!
With the flood of new games that have been released over the past couple of weeks, it has been hard to keep up with writing my reviews for all of these games!
So to make it simple and to help anyone out there who is finding it hard to choose one game over another I decided to help by giving mini reviews on a few games. Hope you enjoy!
Blue Dragon:
A Japanese RPG that is geared towards fans of Dragon Ball Z and classic Final Fantasy. The art style is vivid and a visual feast for the eyes. Its played like a traditional turn based RPG. Wondering around the game world, completing quest and doing task, all in order to level up.
The biggest problem with the game is just how generic it feels to all the other JRPG's out there. Good for fans of RPGs, Dragon Ball z, or Final Fantasy BUT might not turn you into a fanboy or fangirl of this style of game.
Based on John Woo films, Stranglehold is an action packed game that allows you to pull of insane combos and maneuvers. It plays a lot like Tony Hawk but with guns.
In this easy to pick up and play game you simply walk up to an interactive object, and when it's highlighted hit the action button to use that object. Be it a railing, food cart, or a wall. Shooting at objects that can fall or explode can give you an edge since the game has level designed to be very destructible. The verdict, a good game to rent or purchase for a cheap price. It's not all that long and the multiplayer is not worth playing.
Dynasty Warriors Gundam:
One the most stale games I have ever played. I don't have many good things to say about it. If you buy this game you are a Gundam fan and where planning on purchasing this game no matter what people said about it. This game will appeal to fanboys only! I did like Koei trying to make Dynasty Warriors a bit different. Leave this game on the shelf.
Medal of Honor: Airborne:
Two things that make this game stand out. The graphics are pretty to look at. Also being able to control where you start a mission is very intreging. Choosing to either take the high ground and snipe or dive right in with a machine gun and go gun crazy was a fun feature. The problems with the game however take away from the whole experience. The A.I. is not too bright and is not much of a challenge.
The levels can be frustrating in some parts where there are snipers. They almost never miss! They also get a good 5 shots at you before you even hit the ground in some cases!
The game also has a lot of glitches that cause weird things to happen like enemy bullets passing through walls! Multiplayer is fun, esp. when you play in the game mode which allows you to drop in from the sky. But it's not enough to justify this purchase. Rent it if you are interested, if not continue playing Halo 3.
Juiced 2:
Another racing game for the Xbox 360 is like a 10 year old who owns a Pokemon game. They're million of them! Ok so maybe not a million but there are A LOT! This one really isn't much different than the rest other than the fact it's more geared to people who like 2 Fast 2 Furious.
Cars handle pretty well and the cars do look good graphically. Not too many complaints on this one other than how customizing what is under your hood is not as well done as other games such as Forza 2. Still a good game for street racing fans and drifting fans.
Blazing Angels 2:
I'll start off asking a question. Did you play the first Blazing Angels? If the answer was a NO, I wouldn't be surprised. If the answer is YES, then congrats you have already played Blazing Angels 2! Everything is exactly the same form the graphics to the music.
Literally the same game just new 3D models. The game is so similar to the first it SUCKS just as much as the first one. Do yourself a favor and play the Ace Combat 6 demo instead. That’s going to be a game for people who want a good flying game!
With the recent news of Halo 3's ending being leaked onto the internet, I starting thinking of what I wanted to see and what I'm fearing doesn't come true!
I swear if you end the game as the Arbiter again I'm going to march to Bungie and smack them in the face.
Keep Masterchief's face a secret! I don't care what he looks like! Masked characters are always better left unrevieled. They most likely ruine it and make him look like Van Diesel anyway...or the Dwayne ''Rock'' Johnson.
They say they ''are not going to make anymore games in the series,'' which I find hard to believe, but if thats true don't have an ending that leaves questions to answer or some stupid twist. Put it all to rest Bungie if you truly are going to end the series.
As for what I want to see.....lots of dead Covenant and Flood in a giant pile with Masterchief sitting on top of the pile on a thrown made of Elite's skulls, and sipping on a tasty a Martini...or a Long Island ice tea. Doing this while watching a looped replay of a Covenant security camera of himself kicking grunts in the junk and blasting Flood with a Shot Gun cause he knows as well as we do thats the only worth while weapon agaisnt them!
And as hes watching this I want them to play the theme song to Top Gun and have Pelicans flying over head spraying smoke spelling the word ''Pwnage'' in the sky.
Did I emention the Ewoks? No...No Ewoks. F*** them in there little teddy bear faces they ruined the Stars Wars ending leave them out of the Halo Ending! ending sounds good with me!
Stuntman: Ignition is a game that puts you in controls of a rookie stuntman in hopes of making a name for yourself by creating the best, action packed, thrilling movie scenes in cinematic history.
The game is broken down into separate movies. Starting off with a natural disaster feature called Aftershock. Other movies include a James Bond like movie, a Dukes of Hazard style, and Mad Max style movies as well.
In each movie you have to complete scenes in order to move onto the next movie. During each scene you are required to hit marks which are indicated with different icons. Jumping over cars in a fiery explosion or dodging a falling tree by speeding under it is just a few of many challenging different actions that you must complete to earn stars.
The better you perform in the scenes the more stars you earn. Stars are what you need to unlock more levels and other goodies. I found it very easy to earn stars on some levels but on the other hand there are a few scenes that took me a few tries before I got enough stars to proceed.
This is one of the quirks of the game that really started to make the game less fun and a bit more tedious. The game is really about trial and error. Before each scene the narrator gives you a few hints as to what to expect but basically has you doing each scene blind. Not knowing what to expect or what to do causes you most of the time to crash or go off course.
Be prepared to play each movie scene a few times so you can learn your route and where to hit the action icons.
Multiplayer in this game is a lot of fun. It’s a lot like Burnout. You have to race while performing stunts and you get a bonus for running into your opponents cars. Multiplayer is where you’ll mostly likely have the most fun playing this game. Single player can be fun and a spectacle for the eyes but having to play level after level based on memory gets old in a short a while.
All of you who want to let out your inner Eviel Knievel go ahead and get this game it's sure to sataisfy your inner dare devil. For everyone else this game would be a great RENT or a purchase down the road for a cheaper price tag than $60. The game is also on the PS2 but lacks all the great multiplayer features.
I can understand why people find Bioshock a bit over rated. None the less this is a fun game to play that you'll want to finish to find out the fate of Rapture.
I think for the most part people where waiting for a game like this to be released all summer. Now that it is finally here they're eating it up.
From the outside this is just another FPS. But a closer work reveals a game with a great story, outstanding graphics, sound so good it should be considered art, and full with some interesting concepts. Most importantly it's fun.
I think it's wrong to call it the game of the year but I do think it deserves all of the praise that this game is getting.
Or you can be saying to yourself F**K you dude this game isn't great at all and I respect that.
Two Worlds is an open world RPG for the Xbox 360 as well as the PC that is contently compared to the outstanding Eldar Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Even on the back of the box it has a quote from Hardcore Gamer saying “it’s Oblivion on steroids.”
Steroids also causes male genitals to shrink and people to go on murderous rampages. With that said the quote is very accurate because you’ll want to kill everyone who developed this uninspiring piece of fecal matter.
Right from the start you will notice that you just wasted your money. You first have to “create” a character. What was a revolutionary feature in Oblivion, is nothing more than picking one of three hairstyles, choosing blonde or brown hair and how long your limbs are. I found it funny that it said choose a Male Body when there is clearly no Female creation option.
You cannot even name your character! What makes it even worst is your character doesn’t have a name! He’s just known as the “mercenary.”
You are just forced to play as this human male character. In a sandbox RPG, what the F***K!
After you pick their pre-selected character you watch one of the worst cut scenes found in any game. Then you finally get to start playing. As soon as you take your first step the game’s frame rate just drops making your character all twitchy. It never stops no matter how far into the game you are.
God I hate this game.
When you attack the goblins, or orcs, or whatever the hell they are you learn every single move in the game. All of which are merely hitting the R trigger and many times as takes to kill your target.
It doesn’t even stop there. Sweet Jesus it gets worse. This game has more glitches than Lindsey Lohan has DWI’s. This game has more glitches than Paris Hilton has STDs. This game has more glitches than George W. Bush has brain cells. It glitches often, so much that it makes it almost unplayable.
Enemies will fall through the board, trees, and almost any other object in the game. If you drop an item then go to your inventory don’t be surprise if the item you just recently dropped disappears.
Did the developers even play this crap? It’s like they hit the “auto create game” button on their computers laughing knowing one day poor bastards like myself will buy this S**T and counting their money and using $100 bills to whip their ass’s.
To add insult to injury the game is very hard! You will get killed by packs of wolves, packs of boars, packs of bandits, packs of goblins, pack of ghost wolves, hell I‘m surprised the rabbits wondering around don‘t kill you as well. If you do manage to kill something a ghost form of that creature appears at the spot you killed that creature and it’s a lot harder to kill and will destroy you in about two hits.
It’s like the developers are punishing you for actually being able to kill something in the game world.
If you are saying “Does multiplayer redeem this game?” The answer would be a big NO. This game has a very useless and awful multiplayer function. There is no questing with your friends it’s merely deathmatch, monster hunting, horse riding, and horse stealing. What makes it extremely pointless is that you can’t even use your character from the single player game. You have to create another random character with limited options and no good weapons, armor or other RPG elements.
When you do play the game lags so bad you have to plan out each move you make five minutes in advance. By the time you get through one round you can drive to the game store and pick out a better game and back.
This game is absolute garbage. Don’t buy it or rent it.
I honestly wish I was robbed and had $60 bucks stolen from me at least that way I wouldn’t feel so guilty for wasting my money on this unfinished piece of tirades
Working at a game store I see numerous people daily spend hundreds of dollars on games only to then later come back to say how terriable it was or how their system sucks.
Does anyone else find it funny that video games are the only thing people just buy on a whim or without knowledge of what they‘re buying? It’s not like where talking a small amount of money either. People are buying games at 60 bucks a game because of the pictures on the box! Or even worst what it says on the front.
Just because you’re a 50 Cent fan, and the box features a picture of 50 Cent and it shows him shooting people doesn’t mean the game is worth your time or your hard earned money!
Is it that hard to educate yourself on what games you are going to purchase? There are millions of websites like this one that give you detailed descriptions of games. Read about the games you want before you go to bother me at work.
What’s even worst are the people who think just because they own a system that automatically makes them a certified tech support technician and able to fix their broken system! Let me share with you fine a people a true story…
I get a phone call at work and it’s a man who is calling claiming his Xbox 360 isn’t working and destroyed his newly purchased Forza Motorsport 2.
I asked him “Did you have your system sitting up right, vertically?” (generally being a problem with scratching games causing them to not work)
He answers “Yes, BUT then it was making this strange noise so I tipped my system onto its side.”
Rolling my eyes and shaking my head in disbelief I asked him “Did you turn over your system while the game was still running, or loading?”
With out hesitance he answers “yes.”
Now I’m sitting there trying hard not to laugh at this guy for breaking close to $500 worth of his own stuff.
I then proceed to ask him if there is a “RING” on the disc.
He tells me “there’s a big ring in the middle”
Now I’m explaining to him that’s called a radio burn and that he just damaged his game forever.
BUT! It gets better. For you see he adds one thing to his previous story.
I swear this is what he said! “ Well when I turned my 360 over onto its side it was still making that noise, I then SHOOKED MY SYSTEM to try to SHAKE the noise out. Could that have caused any problems?”
I turn to my manager shaking my head with the biggest grin. A grin that screamed Oh do I have a story for you!
I couldn’t say anything other than just “yes” to this guy. I didn’t want to waste my time trying to explaining why shaking your system while a game is running is a very bad idea. So I gave him the number for Xbox support and it was over.
Now some poor tech. support person in India has to listen to this yahoo, probably making the same faces I was during his confessions of being an idiot.
In conclusion I wish people could educate themselves on the games they want. Or at the very least I wish they wouldn’t shake there system and give it shakin’ baby syndrome!
This blog was nothing of importance I’m just venting my anger after dealing with these people who obviously are evolutionary one step behind!