First of all, let me start off by thanking you for all of your articles. Since I've begun reading your fine works of art, my life with the ladies has changed like I never thought possible.
There was a time in my life when I would dread the mere thought of approaching women, and I was lucky if I had a date once every few months, but ever since I've been reading your articles, I now date several women per month.
I especially liked your Set The Mood With Seductive Music article. I never had any idea how powerful music could be, and how much more passionate the right kind of music can make a lovemaking experience.
Anyhow, it's been quite a while that I've been listening to the same music selection you recommended, and I find that playing the same songs over and over again is becoming a bit stale. Are there any more albums you could recommend?
Robert Knowles, Chicago, IL
stop the music
Listening to the right music can easily make any partner a better lover because it encourages creativity, increases stamina and enhances both the emotional and physical senses.Player's Proverb: "Listening to music while making love is best enjoyed with a glass or two of fine wine."
As I've revealed in the past, Music; it can make you laugh and cry. It can make you feel angry, satisfied, sad, and happy. Under the right conditions and with the right beats, music has the power to heighten whatever emotion you're currently experiencing. So imagine what music can do for you whilst making love?
And that's the truth, unless of course, you keep listening to the same album over and over again. The problem with listening to the same tunes is that your senses will no longer respond as well as when your ears initially heard the lovely melodies.
That's why it is so important to constantly update your music selection with fresh songs, and avoid listening to your "favorite" albums too many times. Remember, even great music can become boring and predictable.
On that note, here is an updated list of my favorite albums, which help me please my women and seduce their ears (among other things):