Migration Issues
Hi all! We are aware of the issue with the tasks manager and are working hard to address it as quickly as possible. Please stay tuned for any updates. Also, if you have any other bugs to report, please remember to do so in our forum. We are closely monitoring bug reports and will address each and every problem reported, so if you notice something, make sure to let us know! Read More...
Site Migration Completed and SVN Information
The site migration has been successfully completed! The only changes that should be noticed by users is regarding repositories. Instead of logging into http://www.modcenter.com/svn/repos/repo_name, you will have to log into http://svn.modcenter.com/svn/repos/repo_name (svn instead of www). However, as always with updates, small bugs may appear, so if you notice anything please report it in our feedback forum located here: http://www.forumplanet.com/modcenter/forum.asp?fid=29897 Read More...
Site downtime tomorrow (10/4/2007) starting at 10:30 AM PST
Tomorrow morning we will be transferring the website to new server architecture and thus will have an hour or so of downtime starting at 10:30 AM PST. We will have the site back up as soon as possible. Read More...
Project Top Secret Contest Announcement!
Dave Perry, director of the new community-driven title "Project Top Secret" to be published by Acclaim, announced the partnership between Acclaim and ModCenter at the Austin Game Developer's Conference this morning. ModCenter will be providing all of the development tools to this enormous community for their development contest! This contest is open to any and all developers, and all users of our site are encouraged to check the project out! With a current total of over 50,000 members, Project Top Secret is bound to be a defining landmark in the history of game development. Be sure not to miss this opportunity to have your own place in this historic event! Check out http://www.modcenter.com/pts/project_top_secret.html for more details! Read More...
Help Wanted Improvements Rolled Out!
Development teams on ModCenter with help wanted ads may notice that there is now an "Apply Now" form on each help wanted thread. The form allows applicants to enter their name, email address, phone number and qualifications, and then mails it to the thread poster. Anyone visiting the site may respond to help wanted ads as well, whether they are already part of the site or not! Read More...