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Vanguard Vault: Saga of Heroes Boards: October Monthly Short Story Contest!!!
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Tuesday, 9 Oct, 2007 - Vanguard Vault News

  Sticky: New Community News!  [ Comment ]
Print News
You can always count on Vanguardvault to bring you news as soon as possible! Fresh and Hot off the keyboards!

Or, you can always visit Here!

-- -Avalon- @ 3:55PM Tue 09 Oct 2007

Getting to Know the Vanguard Team: Myka Kairs  [ 1 Comment ]
Print News | Category: Vanguard
It's Tuesday and you know what time it is... it's Getting to Know the Vanguard Team time! This time SOE interviews Myka Kairs, Vanguard's Game Designer. As always, it's a good read, check it out here.

Good afternoon, Myka! We'll get the routine questions out of the way first:

Are you originally from the San Diego area?
Nope, I had only visited San Diego a couple times before I started working on Vanguard.

Where are you from, and do you like it so far?
I am a native of Southern California . It's nice to get away from the smog and traffic of LA, not that San Diego has great traffic, but it's better than LA. And being near the ocean is always nice.

What's your official title and how long have you been working on Vanguard?
Game Designer is my title, and I've been working on the game for a little over a year now.

-- FFXIPlaya @ 3:55PM Tue 09 Oct 2007


Monday, 8 Oct, 2007

  About Vanguard Comic: 'Things you can do in VG but you can't do in RL #34: /flush  [ 5 Comments ]
Print News | Category: Vanguard - Community
I want to thank Arch_Magi for the initial idea. Some times we get spoiled by things in game and think we can use them out of the game, "/flush" is one of those things....


Check out the rest of "Things you can do in VG but you can't do in RL #34"

And don't forget to read all of the past comics in case you've missed any!

If you enjoy this comic, please vote!

(maximum 1 vote per day)

(P.S. You may also view the "About Vanguard" Comic List and check out all past comics @ www.aboutvanguard.com

-- Lumio @ 5:47PM Mon 08 Oct 2007

New Quests for Ksaravi Gulch!  [ 1 Comment ]
Print News | Category: Vanguard
The upcoming Game Update #3 features some new content for lower levels, be sure to check out Ksaravi Gulch! You can read the full post here.

Everyone is really excited about the arrival of raiding in Vanguard via the Ancient Port Warehouse, but level 50's aren't the only ones getting to have all the fun. There's a lot more in store for Game Update 3, including the beefing up of some areas in Telon that many of you may already be familiar with! Game Update 3 - Phase 1 is bringing a few new and exciting quest lines to the game!

New creatures lurk within Ksaravi Gulch, carrying rare treasures that would make any young hero's mouth water. Adventurers as low as level 11 will be able to access these quests, though they are intended for players who have reached their 16 th level.

-- FFXIPlaya @ 9:27AM Mon 08 Oct 2007


Friday, 5 Oct, 2007

  New Desktop Calendar for October!  [ Comment ]
Print News | Category: Vanguard
The Vanguard Vault presents October's desktop calendar! Stay tuned each month for a new desktop calendar made by our talented art team.

Get this calendar for yourself!

-- -Avalon- @ 12:12PM Fri 05 Oct 2007


Thursday, 4 Oct, 2007

  Game Update #3 Info: First patch next week!  
Print News | Category: Vanguard
Hot off the press, Ellrya posted on SOE's official forum here to let us know the overall schedule for how they'll be releasing Game Update #3. More will be coming tomorrow, so stay tuned, we'll keep you updated!

Hey everybody,

It's time for some Game Update 3 news!

GU3 has been on test server for some time now with Ancient Port Warehouse (APW) being in closed testing. We are still fine tuning the game play experience, as well as polishing some performance issues. The good news is many of the performance fixes are ready to go live now and we want you to reap the benefit of those as soon as possible! For this reason, we're going to launch our Game Update #3 a little different this time by delivering it to you in 3 phases, the first of which we're planning to release next week.

GU3 - Phase 1 will include more than 2 months of bug fixes, performance fixes, and new content.

GU3 - Phase 2 will contain two new overland Raid creatures and the Raid functionality to drive it.

GU3 - Phase 3 will contain the Ancient Port Warehouse dungeon.

Thanks for your patience as we come to the final stages of Game Update 3.


We'll post details about what exactly is going into GU3 Phase 1 tomorrow. (Be on the lookout for the words trophies, amenities, fungus, and dust!)

You can discuss this post as well as keep updated on the latest events here on our Vanguard Vault forum.

-- FFXIPlaya @ 7:03PM Thu 04 Oct 2007

InfoMap Advanced UI Map Mod: New Release  [ 9 Comments ]
Print News | Category: Vanguard
Soresha on the official Vanguard forum brings us an awesome UI map mod, you can check out the post here. It's a very informative and clean looking map mod, highly recommended!

InfoMap Advanced
Vanguard UI Map Mod - by Cobal, Nadger, Soresha and Xndyr

Project pages at: http://www.soresha.net/infomap/

InfoMap Advanced v0.2

- The Advanced version of the InfoMap UI mod includes significantly more functionality than the Basic version.
- Higher resolution maps of the cities.
- Rift maps in a separate window.
- Separate layers of data for services, cloth, metal, stone and wood, which can be toggled on and off.
- The key to the PoI markers is given in a separate window.
- Resizable minimap, with functionality to zoom in/out by left/right clicking over the map plus a button to open key window.
- Optional toolbar with buttons to toggle the data layers, can be re-positioned in layout mode.
- Initial selection of resource types according to character's harvesting skills, triggered by moving the mouse over the minimap after logging in.
- Smaller icons for ingame and CustomPoIName.txt file PoI markers.

-- FFXIPlaya @ 6:34PM Thu 04 Oct 2007

The September Monthly Short Story Contest Winner!!!  [ 6 Comments ]
Print News | Category: Community
This month's short story contest winner was Sonodake titled "How Finch Stole the Luck of the East Wind". The full harrowing adventure follows below and is well worth the read.

Also at this time I would like to give honorable mention to Inkjet Printer on Sartok who found us via the official boards. You will find their submissions below "How Finch Stole the Luck of the East Wind" at the bottom of this post. Poetry and art combined!

So without further adieu I give you Sonodake's "How Finch Stole the Luck of the East Wind":

How Finch Stole The Luck of The East Wind Gather round, people! Come, hear the tale!

Yes, I am a Bard, do not look askance at me. There was a time when Bards of Telon were held in high esteem, when every King and Queen's court treasured those who plied the Silver Tongue & Golden Fingers. There was a time when a good song or tale was met and answered with food, drink, and benevolence. Unlike now, when we are shunned, scorned, and laughed at! Yet come, you be the judge. Is my tale worth a slap on the back and a plate of roasted chicken, as in the days of old? If ye pitch me nothing but the traditional crust of bread that is the 'Bard's Meal' nowadays, I will dip it into stank water and consider it a feast. And I'll be glad that the stomach is blind! I will tell no tale of the problems of the day. There is news of dire and woe, such that you will resent those who bring it. I am Bard enough to know when a crowd is weary of war and doom. Instead I will tell you a tale of when The Gods were young, and The World was young, and all young things had a small chance of becoming whatever they wanted to become! Tonight I will tell you the tale of young Finch, and how he tricked the Nym of the Eastern Wind and stole the spirit's only daughter to have for his own.

The Nym of the East Wind is Ocka-Nistra, and he is a powerful spirit of the air. He rules his part of the sky from a great, golden ship that sails upon the eastern oceans in a tempest of storm. Every summer he sets sail westward from Valakeness with the storms of Sihari at his bow. In his half-year voyage Nistra will grip the waters with fists of ice and heat until the very seas do his bidding. It is Nistra's breath that blows hot over the sands of Qalia, it is his spittle that drives the monsoons in Kojan, and it is his frigid stare that feeds the blizzards in Thestra. There are few who do not feel the vex of The Nym of The East Wind when he is upon the seas!

But we are talking a young Nistra, here. In the days of which I speak, the Kojani did not know what a monsoon was. The winds of Qalia were warm and life-giving, and the snows of Thestra were merely a light mantle that the world wore in the winter months. For, in those days, Nistra was content, and more than happy to meet his obligations to The Gods with compliance and favour. So it was until Finch came along;
'young Finch'. As any who have prayed to Finch would know well, Finch will get what he wants from you, whether he answers your prayer or not. He is not a 'just' god, he is an equal god. By that I mean that there is no good or evil with Finch, and to him, you don't equal squat! Compound that attitude about a thousand times, and you would have a 'young' Finch.

He knew of the four Nyms of The Winds, but they were well beneath his notice. Finch's sphere of influence held strictly to the souls of Telon. Nature was what he was imbibed with, not what he bestowed. And so Nistra's name came seldom to the lips of the God of Trickery. That is until the day The Nym of The East Wind gave unto the world of Telon his only daughter, for her mother was a woman born of the Kojani. On that day the lovely Kelani turned her sixteenth year, and Nistra came to her and said, "Go forth my child, and be happy. Because the Ban of Sihari bades not a place for thee in Valakeness, I cannot keep thee at my side. But know too, my gaze will ever be upon thee. And though my arms cannot hold thee safe, I give thee a thing to protect thee and save thee the hurt from the world. It is this much that I love thee, my Kelani."

The Nym of The East Wind gave to his daughter all of the luck that a demi-god of the air could possess. As a sea-lord and air spirit of Telon, Nistra's obligations were many, and his freedoms were few. He knew he could not be there to protect his precious daughter from the evils of Telon, and so he gave her his luck so that all of her adventures would end to her advantage. Little did Nistra know that all of his daughter's adventures would end with Finch.

Finch felt the luck as soon as it entered the soul of the half human/half demon girl known as Kelani. A human with the power that the girl now possessed could rule the world, his world. That luck could be exercised for him or against him, and Finch cared only that such luck flowed from his cards and no other's. From the moment the Nymph received her father's blessing it became Finch's aim to possess the fair Kelani. Finch could think of plenty of Gods and demi-gods who could use that kind of luck, but he could only think of one who benefited from Nistra's new lack of fortune. The demon Woecaller was aptly called 'The Lord of The Jinx' because he was the demi-god who opposed Luck in all it's forms. Woecaller was the spiritual embodiment of the wrong side of a coin flip, and his fortunes upon the eastern seas had suddenly risen with Nistra's blessing to his daughter. In the hierarchy among the Gods, Woecaller was an agent of Finch's.

The Prince of Thieves began to smile a wicked smile. And upon the eastern seas Nistra suffered such bouts of foul luck, a kind never seen by Man, Elf, nor Halfling. From scurvy among his loyal crew, to rot inside the great, golden ship, the bad luck deepened. No knot stayed tied, no sail stayed taut. Even his grip upon the tiller failed until the mighty Nym of the East Wind visited that most shameful of all sailor's luck, he ran aground. While the Sea-Lord mired in his humiliation, a cloaked and mysterious figure in a boat rowed to the rocks that Nistra's ship had impaled upon and he held a hand out to the Spirit of the Air. "I have thine hope, O mighty Sealord. Take my hand so that the stars above you may read true, again."

Nistra scowled, "If I leave this ship thou shalt have power over me, to do what thou will with the East Wind. I dare not go with thee, stranger."

"You have summoned Woecaller down upon yourself." the stranger said, "The East Wind blows fitfully, or not at all. Crops fail upon the fields, floods and drought beckon across the lands. You must set the stars aright, or risk losing control of the seas, themselves. Take my hand that I may set you apart from all that Woecaller does, and bless you to bring the East Winds as the Gods command."

Nistra could not free his ship, and bad luck assailed him by every word he uttered and through every deed he put his hand to. For a fortnight Nistra ignored the stranger and worked to loose the golden ship, to no avail. Finally Nistra turned to the cloaked figure and tiredly stretched out his hand. Finch seized the Nym and flew with him to Calaboss, his ancient fortress and seat of power. The God of Mischief threw Nistra into the deepest pit and there he made a darkness that Nistra could see no way out of. And so The Prince of Thieves left The Nym of The East Wind, because his entrapment of Nistra had brought about the scrutiny of Valus.

On high Valus, The Godess of The Just, called to Finch and bade him to appear before her. When her calls went unanswered, Valus grew wroth, and so she smote upon all the gold in Telon. Trinkets, coins, and all the works of gold that the souls of Telon had dug and smelted and built suddenly vibrated and echoed with the words of Valus, "STAND BEFORE ME, THIEF! OR ALL THE GOLD THAT THEE LOVES SO WELL SHALL BURN THEE FOREVERMORE!" And all across the world merchants emptied pockets of coins that suddenly became hot. Beautiful women clawed at necks and earlobes to release jewelry that burned their flesh. All that was gold was cast to the feet of the people of Telon, and all the people prayed to the gods to plead that this curse was not meant for them.

Finch heard the gold of the earth speak. The anger of Valus was the cue he had been waiting for. In a flash The God of Concealments appeared before his jurismark. "Release my element, Righteous One. I am here as you so command." With a smile and a flourish, Finch bowed before The Judge of The Gods. Valus cloaked herself in a stare of such contempt and coldness that all gods and godlings felt a chill. Slowly she let that stare rest upon The Prince of Thieves.

"You have imprisoned Nistra. If you do this to wrest control of the eastern winds, well, you are more a fool than I ever took you for, Finch."

"I seek not the Ring of The Eastern Stars, Valus. Rather - I would that Nistra give me a boon for my help in chasing Woecaller from his heels. And, for the record, the Nym came into my custody willingly"

Finch bowed again, yet the smirk in his eyes was not lost on Valus. The Judge of The Gods narrowed her own beautiful eyes
to a slit, "Woecaller is one of your minions, is he not?"

"Aye", Finch agreed with a wink and a nod, "But you know as well as I, Woecaller is ultimately governed by Luck. Luck is the third nature of life, and it is something we may not control. I cannot compell Woecaller to do anything that quarrels with his nature. Nistra brought The Jinx down upon his own head by his own actions, my minion did nothing unnatural in this matter." Finch tried to look indignant at the unspoken accusation, but smug was the best his face could manage.

Valus pounced. "And you, Finch? Did you do anything 'unnatural' in this matter?"

Like a schoolboy Finch stared lazily into the sky and roted. "Again, Nistra accepted my protection willingly. I have every right to beg a boon from the Nym, I have no intention of taking the Ring of The East from him. There is no cheat on the balance this time. So, may I just get on with it?" Finch finished innocently, but Valus trusted him less than hens trust a jackel.

"As you say, I cannot intercede. But mark my words, thief! If you move to take the Ring, I will make the gold that you prize hotter than the eyes of Haelufir!" With an angry wave of her hand, Finch was dismissed.

By now Nistra knew that Finch was his keeper. And he knew, without a shadow of a doubt, what Finch was after - The Ring of The Eastern Stars. It was the token of all his authority, and all of his power. The Ring is what made him a named spirit of the wind. So when Finch spoke to him in the darkness and told him that he must give up his most prized possession to secure his freedom from both Finch and Woecaller, Nistra agreed readily. The Nym knew that the rest of The Gods would not stand for it, would never allow Finch to hold The Ring of The Eastern Stars. They would make war upon the thief, and restore Nistra to his office.

Finch told the Nym that he would take his prize once Nistra had put safely to sea. It wasn't until he was back aboard his golden ship and halfway to Valakeness before the terrifying truth dawned on The Nym of The East Wind. They say that the hurricane that Nistra blew up with his anger that day is the same ancient storm that sank the legendary Qalian city of Tamoria. But that is another story for another time.

Finch took Kelani to his stronghold in Calaboss, and there he put her in a tall tower made of ice upon the far reaches of The Rock of The Sky. She is still there today, guarded by the goblin Woecaller, Lord of the Jinx. There are still warriors today, of all stripes, that try to brave the terrors of Calaboss and assualt the ice tower, in hopes that the Nymph imprisoned there will bless their swords and bows with the luck of The East Wind. And Nistra blows hot across the deserts of Qalia, and he stares cold over Thestra, and he spits upon the Kojani. All because of Finch and the luck Nistra gave to his daughter.

-the end by M. von Lindern
AKA. Sonodake

And our runner up, "Leth Nurae is Love":

Leth Nurae is love. As I enter the city, I can feel the Elven air caress my
flesh. It touches me like no other air and, for that, I offer myself to the
city. The winds call out to me to be its protector and I shall not let it down.

What is that, Leth Nurae? You wish me to seek and slay?
Slay whom, dear city?

The Kaon.

Faithful servant to Leth Nurae, I travel to the wretched Kaon fields. I seek
them. I slay them. I raise my weapon on high and taunt the evil ones. They
tremble as my warcries pierce the air, carried on the strong and virile Elven

"Kaon with your bad self," I say, "Kaon is not love! Kaon is not love!" And
I bring my dagger down into the wretched mist time and again. It knows not to
run away. It knows its fate is sealed. The Kaon shall die at my hand, by my
blade, cutting through the Elven winds. The winds that guide my swing.
The winds that call my name. The winds that provide my calling and direction.
The strong and virile Elven winds.

My mother would be proud. My father would be proud. If only they could be in
this field right now, standing beside me and watching how their son vanquishes
the foes of Leth Nurae. The beautiful city of Leth Nurae, with I as its
protector. Each Kaon Wretch drops to its death, wishing that the winds would carry
their spiritless and lifeless corpse off, but the Elven winds are not the
servant of the wretched. They are the chariot of the stalwart. They are the force
behind the brave. They are the guiding force to my dagger, my thoughts, and my

Leth Nurae, fear nothing. Leth Nurae, I am your protector. Leth Nurae is my

Leth Nurae is love.

-Inkjet Printer on Sartok

Braavo to the winner, the runner up, and everyone who submitted an entry! And of course, stay tuned for next months Vanguard Vault's "Monthly Short Story Contest"!

-- DunesVlad @ 10:26AM Thu 04 Oct 2007

Vault Network News: Tabula Rasa Vault Launches!  
Print News | Category: Community
The Vault Network is once again very excited to announce the launching of our latest site, Tabula Rasa Vault. Please take a moment and drop by to see what is going on with this highly anticipated game crafted by MMO legend Richard Garriott.

Tabula Rasa Vault

-- -1313-Evil_Homer @ 9:43AM Thu 04 Oct 2007


Wednesday, 3 Oct, 2007

  APW Update: 18 man raids and lockout timers!  
Print News | Category: Vanguard
SOE's Game Devleoper gave us an update on the new changes to APW design. It will be released for 18-player raids instead of the old 12, and there will be lockout timers to allow everybody a shot at the content. Very exciting news! You can visit the thread here on the official vanguard forum.

Hey all,

We've been testing some pretty big changes to APW on the test server for the last few weeks. We're finally satisfied that with these solutions and are certain that they will be going live, so I wanted to update our community with regards to the direction we're taking things so that this doesn't come as a surprise when we get APW out the door.

First of all, APW has been changed over from a 12 man dungeon to an 18 man dungeon. We felt that gameplay with 18 was more compelling and that the performance improvements did enough for us that we could comfortably increase the max raid size. In addition this allows us a base raid size, as all raid encounters in the near future (overland, apw, etc) will have a max raid size of 18.

You can also discuss this post here on Vanguard Vault forum.

-- FFXIPlaya @ 1:15PM Wed 03 Oct 2007


Tuesday, 2 Oct, 2007

  John Smedley Interviewed at Warcry  [ 17 Comments ]
Print News | Category: Vanguard
Warcry.com interviews John Smedly, SOE's President and CEO. It's an interesting read, you can check out the article here.

John Smedley Interviewed at Warcry.com!

President and CEO of Sony Online Entertainment John Smedly recently sat down with Dana Massey from Warcry.com to chat about online gaming as well as SOE and it's practices. How does he feel about the future? What would he change if he could do it all again? What's going on with console online gaming? You can get these answers and more at Warcry.com!

-- FFXIPlaya @ 4:04PM Tue 02 Oct 2007

Come Meet the SOE Community Team at E for All!  [ Comment ]
Print News | Category: Vanguard
SOE will be attending the E for All Expo, be sure to check it out if you are interested! You can find the post here.

Come Meet the SOE Community Team at E for All!

If you are planning to attend the E for All Expo, or if you are going to be in the Los Angeles area on October 18, join the SOE Community Team at the Standard Hotel in downtown LA for a Meet and Greet! We will be partying it up on the pool deck of the Standard during the E for All Expo. The party starts at 7 PM and ends at 11 PM on Thursday, October 18, 2007. The food and drink are free, and conversation will be plentiful. 21 and older only please.

Address: 550 South Flower St. @ Sixth St. Los Angeles, CA 90071
Phone: 213-892-8080
E-mail: downtownla@standardhotel.com
Web Site: Click to visit their web site - http://www.standardhotel.com/

-- FFXIPlaya @ 4:01PM Tue 02 Oct 2007

Getting to Know the Vanguard Team: Steve Williams  [ 1 Comment ]
Print News | Category: Vanguard
It's "Getting to Know the Vanguard Team" Tuesday, this time around SOE interviews Steve "Aruspex" Williams, Vanguard's Diplomacy Lead. It's always a good read, check it out! You can find the article here.

Hi there Steve! How the heck are you?
Pretty good!

What's your official title and how long have you worked on Vanguard?
I've been on Vanguard since September 1, 2005. Officially I'm a Game Designer, and am the Diplomacy Lead.

What did you do before you started working on Vanguard?
Right before then I was one of the Live Events Team on the Matrix Online when it was with Monolith. Before that I was a school teacher.

-- FFXIPlaya @ 3:59PM Tue 02 Oct 2007


Monday, 1 Oct, 2007

  Content Improvements: Thestra  [ 12 Comments ]
Print News | Category: Vanguard
SOE is looking for feedback from players regarding specific content areas on Thestra! Please visit this thread to post with a response, and help them improve the current content ingame.

We're currently working on improving Adventuring content for several regions in game.

Our goal with this content pass is to make quests and storyline more accessible, make more sense, and of course be more fun. Specifically, we want to ensure that both solo and group players are intuitively directed to level-appropriate content that includes the lore of the region.

For this thread, please respond about Bordinar's Cleft, Rindol Field, Tursh, Themnwar's Shield, and Three Rivers.

If you've gotten confused or lost in any of these areas, or if you've been sent to content too high or low for your level, or run out of quests - that's the kind of thing we're looking to fix. Please explain the details of your experience in this thread. If you can, include specific quest names and names of NPCs that didn't seem to fit.


-- FFXIPlaya @ 3:16PM Mon 01 Oct 2007

Vanguard Voices #6: Interview with Lifebane  [ 1 Comment ]
Print News | Category: Vanguard
Vanguard Voices #6: Interview with Lifebane!

Thought VV was over didn't ya? Actually, Vanguard Voices will be switching to interviews only. After all they are the voices of vanguard. (plus I really enjoy doing them)

This week I interview THE Necro LIFEBANE! from www.vgnecro.com


Listen here!!

View all other shows here.

-- Lumio @ 9:59AM Mon 01 Oct 2007

Comic Contest Winners Comic  [ 4 Comments ]
Print News | Category: Vanguard
Comic Contest Winners Comic! (Say that 10x fast) This is a comic featuring the two winners of the contest. Congratulations to Monnie101 for winning the poster and to Loktofeit for a very close second. Don't worry I will be posting a bonus comic or two this week to make up for contest downtime.


Check out the rest of "The Comic Contest Winners"

And don't forget to read all of the past comics in case you've missed any!

If you enjoy this comic, please vote!

(maximum 1 vote per day)

(P.S. You may also view the "About Vanguard" Comic List and check out all past comics @ www.aboutvanguard.com

-- Lumio @ 9:53AM Mon 01 Oct 2007


Friday, 28 Sep, 2007

  Call for Raid Test Guilds: Flash Testing  [ 5 Comments ]
Print News | Category: Vanguard
SOE's Game Designer, Andrew "Avarem" Krausnick, posted a call to get raid guilds to help finish testing APW, the upcoming raid dungeon. You can find the full post here.

In order to complete our testing on APW we need a handful of guilds who are available for merely a day or two of testing, who can mobilize quickly, and who have more than 18 members over level 50. Heavy raiding experience is necessary, in fact this is a test of the early portions of the dungeon, so we are interested in all experience levels - however, it is requested that all testers have at least leveled up one character to level 50.

I wanted to give first shot at this to the test server, then if the response isn't sufficient, we will open it up to all comers.

If you're interested, this is what I need from you...

E-mail the account vgraidtesting@gmail.com with the following information:

-- FFXIPlaya @ 10:02AM Fri 28 Sep 2007


Thursday, 27 Sep, 2007

  Comic Contest Winners Announced! Vote NOW!  [ 2 Comments ]
Print News | Category: Community
As I only received two entries there are only two winners. So I have awarded both monnie101 and Loktofeit as the winners! However, only one of them can receive the poster as I am not rich enough to buy them both posters. So head on over to the poll and vote for the comic you like best.

Again, thanks to both Monnie101 and Loktofeit for their entries!

If you enjoy this comic, please vote!

(maximum 1 vote per day)

(P.S. You may also view the "About Vanguard" Comic List and check out all past comics @ www.aboutvanguard.com

-- Lumio @ 11:16AM Thu 27 Sep 2007


Tuesday, 25 Sep, 2007

  Screenshot of the Day Submitted by xanderby titled 'ToT portal'  [ 2 Comments ]
Print News | Category: Community
Thank you to everyone in the community who continues to submit beautiful screenshots. You can view everything submitted in our player submitted screenshot database. We will be highlighting one recently submitted image submitted by our readers every day. SUBMIT YOUR SCREENSHOTS HERE.

Today's image comes to us from xanderby and is titled "ToT portal"

Click here to view full size image.

Thank you to xanderby. If you have an image you want to share with the world, please submit it to us and your image may be highlighted right here.

-- Lumio @ 7:31PM Tue 25 Sep 2007

Getting to Know the Vanguard Team: Andrew K  [ 1 Comment ]
Print News | Category: Vanguard
It's Tuesday again, so it's time for another around of "Getting to Know the Vanguard Team". Today's feature is an interview with Andrew K, Vanguard's Game Designer. You can read the full article here.

It's Tuesday, the servers are back up and ready to play! For those of you still stuck at work, we sympathize. In an effort to cure your cubical-induced boredum, we bring to you an exclusive interview with Vanguard Game Designer, Andrew K! Andrew's enthusiasm is quite infectious when he talks about his passion for the game, and the upcoming Ancient Port Warehouse. Take a moment to read a bit about the person who helps raids wipe in raid testing!

What's your official title here at SOE?

My official title is 'Game Designer', which actually says almost nothing about the specifics of what I do (for example, the last time I mentioned this to a 'normal' I was subsequently asked if I had any samples of my artwork).

-- FFXIPlaya @ 4:57PM Tue 25 Sep 2007





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