Download Redoable 1.2 Now!
Downloaded 13755 times
Redoable 1.2 is now available and is compatible with both Wordpress 2.0.x and Wordpress 2.1
Redoable is built upon the popular K2 code, with some things changed, a couple of things removed and a whole bunch of things added.
The sidebar is module/widget ready, with over 20 different modules available to use. By deafult the sidebar will work without the need to add any modules, and will display the calendar, categories, tags, blogroll and listen and watch modules depending, of course, on whether you have the relevant plugins set up.
Two of the modules, ‘Listen’ and ‘Watch’, make use of categories in Links, you can set which category and how many links to display in the Redoable options panel. The idea of these is to provde links to music, movies etc that you might be enjoying at the time. This was based on a method described by Matt Brett.
Sidenotes will be shown on the homepage. The category and number of sidenotes can be set in the Redoable options panel. They are displayed using Matt’s Asides technique just as they are in K2.
As with K2 the Extended Live Archives can be setup from the Redoable options panel, and you can also enable the Archives page. I also added support for Alex King’s Articles plugin, and once the plugin is activated the Articles page can be turned on or off from within the Redoable options panel.
On top of all this there are countless tweaks here and there to just about everything, too many to list here and many are probably barely noticeable.
Note: Redoable is not a style for K2, it is an independant theme. You can have both K2 and Redoable installed on your blog at the same time as they do not share any config options and can be configured seperately.
Supported plugins
The following plugins are supported by Redoable ‘out-of-the-box’, and all are highly recommended. All you need to do is download them, add them to your plugins floder and activate them. If you know of any great plugins you would like to see in future releases leave a comment or send me an email.
- Alex King’s Articles v1.1
- Brian’s Latest Comments v1.5.10
- Extended Live Archives v0.10beta-r18
- Semiologic’s Google Analytics Plugin v1.9
- Gregarious v1.5.2 and v2 beta
- Noteworthy v1.0
- Random Quotes v1.3
- Rechuked Buttons v1.0 (Based on Sawchuck Buttons plugin) - Not WP2.1 compatible…yet
- Related Posts v2.04
- Share This v1.4
- Ultimate Tag Warrior v3.1415926
- Ultimate Category Cloud v2.0 (Based on Weighted Categories plugin)
- Word Count v0.01
- WP-PostRatings v1.04
- WP-PostViews v1.1
- Wordpress Download Monitor v1.5
- Quoter v1.1
- Subscribe to Comments v2.0.8
- Spam Karma 2
- wp-recent-links v2.0
- Twitt-Twoo v1.1
- Download the Redoable package.
- Unpack, and upload to the wp-content/themes/ directory on your server.
- Login to your admin area and set Redoable as the current theme.
- Install and activate any of the above listed plugins.
- Enjoy.
Style Examples
Examples of how to use these styles is shown below. You can do this by clicking the ‘html mode’ button on the WYSIWYG toolbar. Alternately you can download the Rechuked Buttons Plugin which will add buttons to this same toolbar to allow you to use these styles.
Download class. <p class=’download’>Text here</p>
Alert class. <p class=’alert’>Text here</p>
Code class. <p class=’code’>Text here</p>
Construction class. <p class=’construction’>Text here</p>
New class. <p class=’new’>Text here</p>
Information class. <p class=’information’>Text here</p>
Note class. <p class=’note’>Text here</p>
Callout class. <p class=’callout’>Text here</p>
Blockquote class. <blockquote>Text here</blockquote>
Michael, Chris, Zeo, Steve, Ben and anyone else who has contributed to K2. Without K2 there would have been no starting point for my theme.
Tyler Longren for his Unwakeable theme which was also based on K2, and served as a good base to build Redoable from.
FamFamFam for the fantastic Silk icon set. There’s an icon for just about everything.
The authors of all the plugins listed above, they help make Redoable what I want to be.
Help make it better
Nothing is ever perfect, so if you have any feature requests, or find any bugs please submit them here:
Support Forum
Download Redoable 1.2 Now!
Downloaded 13755 times
- 25/04/2007
- Version 1.2 released.
- See changelog.txt for full details.
- Countless bugs fixed, thanks to all users who reported them.
- Further development of the dynamic css feature, there are now 16 colour combinations available.
- Several new options in the admin panel, including disabling the ‘Get Firefox’ banner, and options for configuring the badge farm.
- Added support for my Twitt-Twoo plugin.
- And heaps more, check out the changelog.txt included in the download.
- 29/01/2007
- Version 1.1 released.
- Numerous bug fixes from Redoable 1.0
- Support for several new plugins
- Several new features, including the dynamic style sheet.
- For complete changelog please refer to changelog.txt included with the Redoable download
- 01/01/2007
- Added code to page.php and page-comments.php to stop error when Gregarious plugin is not active.
- Fixed pingback style.
Known Issues
There were a couple of things that I have been unable to completely fix so far, these are listed below. If you have any suggestions your help is always welcome. If you find any bugs please leave details of them in the support forum.
Some people are experiencing a problem where the comments and permalinks are all referring to the incorrect posts. As yet I have been unable to replicate this problem, and it doesn’t seem to happen on everyones blog. It could be related to the use of different permalink structures, but as yet I don’t have a solution for it.- Fixed in v1.2- Sidebar overlap issue. This hasn’t been completely fixed but the sidebar will now overlap on top of the footer instead of disappearing behind it when there is only a small amount of page contents.
- LiveSearch doesn’t seem to work with custom permalinks. This has also been reported by other users of K2 (which Redoable is based on), but as yet no-one has had a good answer.