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Sex Crimes and Vatican
The documentary of the BBC transmitted in England in 2006 on the scandals of Preti & Pedofilia. The “Crimen Sollicitationis� is recalled and… a document of Ratzinger who renews the prohibition to testify in civil courts (pain the scomunica) for crimes of sexual abuses that they had been involved religious. In Italy never it has not gone in wave, neither the newspapers neither the other means of information have made you I point out. (Automatically translated text from Italian to English)
Nuke detonated by the Russians for testing.
Gerard Butler, star of the epic “300″, pitches the film at its Hollywood premiere.
The Organic Rebellion has “conventional” agriculture on the run in this intergalactic parody set “not long ago in a supermarket not so far away”. Starring an all edible cast of Cuke Skywalker, Obi Wan Cannoli, and Chewbrocolli fight DarthTata and The Dark Side of the Farm for control of the supermarket.
Channel 7, the Denver Channel, caught on tape this video of a strange meteor shower over the Denver Metro area. It appears to be space junk falling from the sky or something like that.
Human Skate
Hilarious Self Defence Video
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