Nevertheless, over a half-million American men put this fear aside and undergo a vasectomy each year -- a safe, simple and highly effective means of contraception. About 50 million men in the US have undergone this procedure; roughly 5% of all married couples of reproductive age.
Although a vasectomy is one of the most popular forms of contraception worldwide, it remains a subject of real and imagined fears for many men. The best medicine for apprehension can be in simply knowing the facts.
what you need to know
If you and your partner are considering a vasectomy, clear answers and quality information can help ease concerns. Consult your personal physician, speak with a urologist (who is a specialist in this field), and get answers as you make an informed decision.The following are some of the basics. Additional information about vasectomy, vasectomy reversal and related topics can be found at, which provides a candid, authoritative, unbiased resource for men and women seeking information to help them decide with their physician if a vasectomy is the best option for them.
vasectomy 101
A vasectomy is a minor surgical procedure often performed in the doctor's office, under local anesthetic, and is usually completed within 30 minutes. The urologist clips the vas deferens, the small tube that carries sperm from the man's testicles to become part of his semen. Although the man continues to have sexual intercourse and climax as before, his semen does not contain sperm.The No-Scalpel Vasectomy (NSV) method -- one of several techniques used by surgeons -- has grown in popularity with both doctors and patients. The no-scalpel approach is an appealing option for some men who are otherwise uncomfortable with the idea of having their genitals "cut." During the past few decades, over 15 million no-scalpel vasectomies have been performed with this technique now being used worldwide.
it's not for everyone
Because a vasectomy should be considered permanent, it is best suited for men and their partners who enjoy a long-term relationship, and are committed to not having more children now, or in the future.Common sense suggests, "Older is wiser." Men under the age of 25 can come to regret the decision made too early in their lives. And regardless of the man's age, if the female partner is under the age of 25, couples may later become dissatisfied with the choice.
first fear
Just about every man would rather not have anything to do with a procedure on or near his genital region. Nevertheless, many men decide that having a vasectomy is the best solution for their personal or family situation. They find that their short-term fear is offset by a long-term benefit for themselves and their spouse.It can be a measure of comfort to the man that the vasectomy is far easier for him than other surgical options would be for his wife. By contrast, sterilization for a woman (tubal ligation) is more invasive, usually performed under general anesthesia, can result in greater discomfort, and has potentially higher risks than a vasectomy procedure.
In addition, vasectomy is also the less expensive option. Typically, the cost of a vasectomy is between $500 and $1,000 (USD), a cost that is included under most health insurance plans. The equivalent surgery for a woman typically ranges between $1,000 and $2,500 (USD).
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