A very interesting clip on the popular website Facebook. Includes who has money in it, its origins(including US government offices) and their privacy policies and terms of agreement which state they can use and profit from any of the information you post on the site. Check it out!
Internet Videos
Do you have Facebook?
Learn how Gmail’s spam-fighting technology saves you time.
Blog Action Day 2007
What would happen if every blog published on the same topic on the same day? Blog Action Day aims to find out. On October 15 2007, bloggers around the world unite for one day to change the conversation. To find out more and get involved visit blogactionday.org.
Internet People
An animated tribute to the internet people of the world, wherever you may be. Animated by Dan Meth, with music by Dan Meth and Micah Frank.
Anti-Piracy ad from the opening of The IT Crowd, series 2, episode 3.
A compilation of clips submitted by Gmail fans as part of our collaborative video project. Selected from over 1,100 clips from fans in more than 65 countries.
A cool new feature in Google Earth. Explore the sky in Google Earth 4.2.
Help us imagine how an email message travels around the world. Take a look at the collaborative video we started, and then film what happens next.
FOX has declared war on the blogosphere and it’s time to fight back!
3D Mailbox Trailer
3D Mailbox Trailer. The world coolest email program?
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