Gay & Lesbian – Whether it be in the bars, baths, on-line chat rooms or personal ads, today more than ever before, gay men are portraying themselves as near-perfect specimens of manliness. So, are gay men suddenly healthier than…
Gay & Lesbian – Domestic partners in California won the right to the same property tax breaks as husbands and wives under state law Thursday when the state Supreme Court turned down an appeal by county assessors.
Gay & Lesbian – A law firm that represents conservative Christians is preparing to appeal a federal court ruling that bars a Neuqua Valley High School sophomore from wearing a t-shirt at school that reads "Be Happy, Not Gay."
Gay & Lesbian – If the LGBT community doesn't stand for marriage equality and supports a candidate without an established record of supporting it early and consistently, then how can you ever hope to win? If you don't vote your…
Gay & Lesbian – If you followed the Amy Fisher - Joey Buttafuoco fiasco back in the 90's I doubt this news will shock you. Amy Fisher is the latest celebrity (and I use that word in the loosest possible sense) to have a sex tape:
Gay & Lesbian – Print Manager PlusÃ;® Release Station 2008 is a new web-based tool that provides the physical security of Protected Health Information (PHI) within the Health Care Industry at a fraction of the cost of similar…
Gay & Lesbian – Older adults who are lesbian, gay or bisexual have a "history of caregiving," creating networks who support each other when sick or aging, a U.S. survey found.
Gay & Lesbian – he New Jersey Senate on Thursday unanimously approved sweeping legislation to strengthen New Jersey's hate crimes and anti-school bullying laws. Measure still needs a vote in the Assembly before heading to Gov.…
Gay & Lesbian – Integrating Interfaith Families Interfaith marriages may need a plan for dealing with all those pesky religious holidays. If you are having trouble, try the following: * Decide which Traditions are Keepers:…
Gay & Lesbian – Called "Coming out with Cher and Chastity" !
Gay & Lesbian – We keep hearing the Conservatives talk about the "pork barrel spending" by the Democrats in the recently approved "U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans' Health, and Iraq Accountability Act, 2007" bill. What we're not…
Gay & Lesbian – Offers assistance with Medicaid, vaccinations, medical licensing, disability support, child protection, and communicable diseases.
Gay & Lesbian – L'equipe Sandbach Rugby Team en a trop montre sur la chaine britannique ITV2 : les joueurs se sont amuses comme si la camera n'etaient pas le, des vestiaires a la douche et au pub, et ils auraient du faire plus…
Gay & Lesbian – InFocusGirls offers High Quality Original Content and a First Class user friendly Members Area
Gay & Lesbian – Once home I jumped into the shower and just stood in the steaming hot water that fell from the faucet onto my head. I loved the way I became a human waterfall.
Gay & Lesbian – The next US president is going to be responsible for getting the US health insurance industry back on track.
Gay & Lesbian – A Guide to Disability Statistics from National Health Interview Survey ââ;¬" Disability Supplement. Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Disability ..
Gay & Lesbian – A Guide to Disability Statistics from National Health Interview Survey ââ;¬" Disability Supplement. Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Disability ...
Gay & Lesbian – Hasan, a 21-year-old Arab man, sitting at a table in the club's quieter adjoining cafe, declined to give his last name, saying: "They would kill me. My brothers would kill me." Asked if he meant this figuratively,…
Gay & Lesbian – The Iraq government is considering the release of some 5,000 prisoners but a spokesperson said it would not include terrorists or homosexuals. The Iraqi government has about 20,000 people in custody, while the U.S.…
Gay & Lesbian – Australia will celebrate its first civil unions June the Australian Capital Territory's Attorney General said Wednesday. The Act government will vote on the Civil Partnerships bill in the next 60 days after the…
Gay & Lesbian – The Gay Men's Chorus sang the national anthem to start the 2008 session of the Maine legislature on Wednesday. It is the first time, one lawmaker said, that a gay group has sung the anthem at the start of any legislature…
Gay & Lesbian – "Look, he wants to know people to know he values gay people as people, okay? But he doesn't want the militant gays to be able to change the cultural institutions of the country."
Gay & Lesbian – The number of new H.I.V. infections in men under 30 who have sex with men has increased sharply in New York City in the last five years, particularly among blacks and Hispanics, even as AIDS deaths and overall H.I.V.…
Gay & Lesbian – Traditional Values Coalition Lou Sheldon joins Mitt Romney in Iowa. But are his values for sale?
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