Well guys its been almost a little over a month since we first announced our very first BIG IDEA Challenge to the community and WOW did you guys deliver! Last week I had to go through and print out a copy of all the entries for myself and Tony and I was surprised and just how many of you responded. Maybe it was the chance to be a part of what we hope is becoming one of the best blogger related social networking sites EVER. Then again, maybe it was the chance to win $2,500?
So we read, and we read, and we read… until we had a stack of our favorites. Seriously, there were some really great ideas in the bunch but at the end of the day there can be only ONE winner. So now, without any further ado, I present the winner of BlogCatalog’s first ever BIG IDEA Challenge, our very own NAREN!
Naren’s email entry was different from most in that it was almost 3 pages long! When we said that there was no limit to how many ideas you could send in, Naren took it to heart. Naren’s entry, with around 47 ideas covered almost everything. Actually, many of the ideas in his document were mentioned in other entries but no other entry match the combination of quantity and usefulness of Naren’s submission. We could really tell that this wasn’t a rushed email slapped together and sent out for the sake of just submitting something, Naren actually sat and thought about what he felt BlogCatalog needed and tried his best to cover everything.
To give you an idea of what we received here are a handful of ideas from his email submission to us:
• inviting friends
• polls in profile by user
• smilies in shout box n forums
• both messages & shout box facility
• Photo Editing in profiles n avatar
• Manage invitations and send out email updates to friends
• Sharing online videos & music among users.
• Making Communities by the users on there own.
• Creating Events by users and blogcatlog team.
• BlogCatalog Toolbar.
• RSS directory.
• Sending weekly updates about user blog stats
• Sending weekly updates about user profile views and members in his Communities.
• Sending weekly updates from blog(s) which the user favorite
• Polls
• local Communities like india, usa, uk & etc..
• A special page for each profile to show there talents(with hobbies, feeds, location, contacts, friends, talents which express himself)
• Saving the post(s) the user like which displays in his profile
• Voting the post on which the user liked
• Members & Visitors list page(IN AN ORDER)
• Providing stats for user blog.
• Voting and allowing comments for blogs in BlogCatalog
• Live stats(for premium user or if not to all) for the blogs with maps, country, language because a small blogger cannot know about his stats so if BlogCatalog provides it to them its much better.
• PageRank Checker
As you can see, its quite a list, and this isn’t even half of the ideas. The entire thing was organized and separated into categories such as BlogCatalog ideas, For users, For website, for blogs, and for making money. In the end we had no choice but to award the first place prize to Naren for really taking the time to think about what could help make BC even better and going above and beyond with his entry.
Second Place was even harder, there were many GREAT GREAT GREAT entries, it was hard to decide which were the most useful and who really put thought into their entries. Some were very simple suggestions, others were full blown concepts and all were ultimately deserving of recognition. After much debate we decided to award the Second Place prize to Borzack for his concept of the BlogCatalog BlogBar.
The concept is relatively simple, and one that others mentioned also, a toolbar download for your internet browser that is centered around BlogCatalog. Now many people wrote in and suggested a stumble-upon style toolbar but Borzak took the idea and evolved it further, giving other examples of what we could do. For example:
• Login/Register button
• Search tool – BC users/blogs/neighborhoods
• BC Blog feed – users will be updated the latest entry on BC Blog
• Messages – users messages/pm/shoutout
• Online user stats / Online friends stats
• Announcement / Latest news ticker
• Add as a friend
• Join the neighborhood
• Give ratings
• Report abuse
• Tell a friend
Basically a toolbar that keeps you connected and wired to BlogCatalog so you can search, share, and interact at all times when online!
Even now, as I look over this stack of entries on my desk I really cant help but tell you guys how thankful we are for each and every one of these entries. Sure, maybe the money helped but it’s nice to know either way that our users aren’t scared to speak up and let us know what they want from the site and how we can improve. I know many of you have seen us online in the discussions, hanging out in the groups or dropping by your websites and we take every opinion to heart. We may not always use EVERY idea we are given but we listen to everything we can and do our best everyday to make this place YOUR home; a place for bloggers to feel comfortable, share ideas and voice opinions… a place to interact.
Its only been a few months since we became a social network, and over that time I have watched things grow from a small handful of users to this really amazing community and resource for bloggers. I am constantly in awe of how open and friendly things are in the community on a day to day basis. Sure, we might have one or two users bump heads every now and then but that’s just the nature of these types of things. In the end I look towards our discussions, when a new member stumbles in and asks a question and is welcomed not just with an answer but with a sincere hello from other BC users.
So congratulations Naren and Borzack from the BlogCatalog community, you will be getting an email from me later today with some information regarding your prizes.
For those of you who didn’t win this time, no worries I am sure this won’t be our last contest. Many of you had ideas that you will definitely be seeing in the next few months, I hope you stick around and see how they come out as we are constantly adding and tweaking… You haven’t seen anything from BC yet!
Until next time… Blog on!