Keep Campaigning
Many organisations have campaigns that continue to focus on making poverty history.
To find out how to join them – click here.
Take Action Now
The biggest ever anti-poverty movement came together under the banner of Make Poverty History in 2005. In 2007, the fight against poverty continues. Take action now to pressure politicians and decision makers to help make poverty history.
Trade Justice
Prime Minister Gordon Brown has stated that the UK's international trade policy must move to address world poverty. One of the first challenges for his new Government is to address concerns with Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs).
Together with other European countries, the UK has been part of a push to have some of the poorest nations on the planet sign up to grossly unfair trade deals by the end of the year.
The Trade Justice Movement is calling on the UK Government to use its full influence to stop unfair deals going ahead, to listen to the serious concerns of poor countries and work with those countries to develop new deals that will help deliver trade justice.
Email Douglas Alexander, the new Secretary of State for International Development as his department has been given increased responsibility for trade. Ask him to ensure that the UK Government takes urgent steps to stop Europe pushing unfair trade deals on 76 African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries. click here
Drop the Debt
Poor countries are still repaying unaffordable loans which the UK and the rest of the rich world gave irresponsibly. Some of these were to oppressive regimes, often for arms sales. Others were for useless projects from which only Western companies benefited. Still others were on unfair terms. Tell the UK government it's time to Lift the Lid.
Email Douglas Alexander, the new Secretary of State for International Development click here
14-21 October 2007 is the Week of Global Action against Debt: for more information click here
Vulture Funds
Vulture funds are private companies that buy up cheap poor country debts, and then sue for huge profits. Earlier this year Donegal International sued Zambia for $55 million from a debt it bought for $3 million. It was awarded over $15 million - money which Zambia needed to invest in teachers, doctors and clean water supplies.
Take action to stop vulture funds profiteering from debt cancellation click here
More Actions
For more actions you can take on trade and debt click here.
2005 was a year for campaigners to remember. The unprecedented level of global campaigning on poverty was fantastic.
2005 saw Nelson Mandela address over 20,000 people in Trafalgar Square, 25,000 people take part in the Trade Justice vigil and a phenomenal 250,000 people take to the streets of Edinburgh and demand world leaders made poverty history.