AILR: Current Issue
Current Issue - Vol. 35, No. 2 - 2010-2011
Special Feature
- Indigenous and Tribal Peoples' Rights Over Their Ancestral Lands and Natural Resources: Norms and Jurisprudence of the Inter-American Human Rights System - Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
- Creating Bright-Line Rules for Tribal Court Jurisdiction Over Non-Indians: The Case of Trespass to Real Property - Grant Christensen
- A Reason to Revisit Maine's Settlement Acts With Its Indian Tribes: The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples - Nicole Friederichs
- This Land is Your Land, This Land is My Land? Why the Cobell Settlement Will Not Resolve Indian Land Fractionation - Jered T. Davidson
- Defending the "Indefensible": Replacing Ethnocentrism with a Native American Cultural Defense - Megan H. Dearth
- Yours, Mine, Ours? Renovating the Antiquated Apartheid in the Law of Property Division in Native American Divorce - Vickie L. Enis
- Time to Bury the Tomahawk Chop: An Attempt to Reconcile the Differing Viewpoints of Native Americans and Sports Fans - Justin P. Grose
- Self-Interested: Protecting the Cultural and Religious Privacy of Native Americans through the Promotion of Property Rights in Biological Materials - Kimberly M. Self
- Enough Rope: Why U.S. v. White Plume Was Wrong on Hemp and Treaty Rights, and What it Could Cost the Federal Government - Lori A. Murphy