Oklahoma Law Review
Since 1948, the Oklahoma Law Review has been published quarterly under the auspices of the University of Oklahoma College of Law to give expression to legal scholarship and to serve the profession and the public with timely discussion of legal problems. The Review is published by the student members of the Law Review staff, with the advice of members of the faculty. It contains leading articles written by members of the bar and bench as well as law professors. Students notes and comments, recent case developments, and book reviews are also published in the Review.
Membership can be achieved through academic standing, a writing competition, or writing a paper accepted for publication in the Review. The criteria for each method are explained to first-year students in the Legal Writing and Research class. The members develop invaluable skills in analyzing legal problems, marshaling authorities, and expressing themselves accurately and precisely. Academic credit is earned by the Review members.
American Indian Law Review
The American Indian Law Review serves as a nationwide scholarly forum for the presentation and analysis of developments in the Indian law and Indian affairs. Adhering to the traditional law review format, the American Indian Law Review offers in depth articles written by legal scholars, attorneys and other expert observers. In addition, law students write on a wide variety of issues in the rapidly expanding field of Indian law. Each issue also includes a comprehensive summary of recent developments, including federal legislation as well as reviews of current books and literature.
Each year the American Indian Law Review sponsors the American Indian Law Writing Competition. This competition is open to law students throughout the United States and Canada. The top three entries are rewarded money prizes and the first place entry is published in the Review.
Oklahoma Journal of Law and Technology
Oklahoma Journal of Law and Technology (OKJOLT) is Oklahoma's first electronic legal publication dedicated to the study of critical issues at the intersection of law and technology. With OKJOLT, OU Law joins such top ranking schools as Harvard, Stanford, and Duke in setting new standards for multidisciplinary scholarship. OKJOLT publishes exclusively in electronic format providing for rapid turn-around from article submissions to publication. As such, the OKJOLT website operates with a rolling publication format, and continuously updates the site with new and useful research materials. Because of this rolling publication format, authors may submit works at anytime during the year.