Resources to educate students, teachers, and the general public about meteorology, space science, earth-observing satellites, weather phenomena and benefits GOES-R will provide to society.
Information and resources to ensure that the user community is prepared for the new types of satellite imagery and data that will be available from the GOES-R satellite series.
The key functions of the Ground Segment are as follows:
The Mission Management (MM) encompasses all functions of the spacecraft and instruments operations and health and safety. This includes space/ground communications (both uplink and downlink), GOES-R Rebroadcast GRB) relay and raw data processing. MM also monitors the spacecraft health and safety and commands the spacecraft and instruments. It determines the mission scheduling and planning as well as satellite orbit maintenance and control. MM will be in charge of instrument calibration and performance measurements. MM will be able to support up to four GOES-R series satellites.
The Product Generation (PG) creates Level 1b and Level 2+ products from L0 data provided by MM. Product Generation operates on a continuous basis, meeting latency and availability requirements. PG also creates the GRB data set for transmission to GOES-West and GOES-East for rebroadcast to the NOAA Satellite Operations Facility (NSOF) for the generation of the L2+ data products.
The Product Distribution (PD) distributes the GOES-R Level 1b, and Level 2+ products created by the PG function through a variety of means. Users of GOES-R data, including NOAA weather forecasters, research scientists and the general public will have different means of accessing GOES-R data. PD sends data to the National Weather Service (NWS) Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System (AWIPS) for immediate use by the NWS forecast offices and to PDA for distribution to and search and retrieval by users. Additional information regarding GOES-R data access can be found in the User Readiness section of this site.
The Enterprise Management/Infrastructure (EM/IS) supports all of the above by monitoring, assessing and controlling the configuration of the operational systems, networks and communications for the GOES-R ground system, as well as providing common infrastructure and services. EM serves as the “glue” that links the MM, PG and PD functions and provides for a degree of automated control for routine system operations and failure recovery.