NOAA SatellitesCompte certifié


NOAA National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service (NESDIS) manages NOAA's constellation of environmental satellites and their subsequent data.

Silver Spring, MD
Inscrit en avril 2009

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  1. a Retweeté

    May 26: Drought is affecting over 53.5 million people in the West

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    May 26 : moderate to exceptional drought covers 26.4% of contig US

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  3. Severe weather possible across parts of the Plains and New England today.

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  4. NOAA's 2015 hurricane season outlook includes effects of El Niño conditions like SST departure

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  5. As we prep for season, we take a look back at the costliest hurricanes for the US.

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  6. a Retweeté
    27 mai

    It’s Weather-Ready Wednesday! Our new page has info on what to do before/during/after a hurricane

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  7. As we head into season, a look back at the top ten costliest hurricanes to hit the U.S. since 1980.

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  8. a Retweeté
    27 mai

    Also: NOAA predicts 70% chance of above-normal 2015 Eastern season:

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  9. a Retweeté
    27 mai

    JUST IN: Below-normal Season is likely this year

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  10. Severe weather threat continues across portions of the central and southern Plains.

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  11. a Retweeté

    Over 250 years ago, kites were used to collect upper-air data

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  12. a Retweeté

    Day 3 of Hurricane Preparedness Week focuses on the wind. Learn how to prepare:

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  13. Volcán Wolf in the Galapagos Islands erupted on May 25. Satellites are monitoring the region.

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  14. It's National Hurricane Preparedness Week. Get more info from here: .

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  15. Science Sunday: Rescue a word before it gets sucked into the eye of the hurricane: .

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  16. This week, NOAA hosted --international meeting to coordinate weather satellites and enable sharing.

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  17. a Retweeté
    22 mai

    EUMETSAT was at the in Boulder today discussing the coordination of meteorological satellite observations

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