* Spring'09, Theatre UAF main stage :
2005: The purpose of my online production books was to assist myself, cast and crew during pre-production and rehearsal periods. After the show is over I use webpages for my classes: directing, acting, drama.
Mary Poppins Tickets Wicked Tickets Tarzan Tickets Cirque du Soleil Tickets [ advertising space : webmaster ] Shrew poster Featured Pages : WWWilde Forum -- Don Juan 2003 new archives. Instead of being retroactive, I place my notes for the shows I plan to direct.... I am not sure that I will keep my online director's notes after Dangerous Liaisons. Too much work. The novelty of web is gone. Besides, nothing is finished, because I have to rush from production to another. Although I still like the idea, having process in the open and with cyber trace of the live show on the webpages. ... Hey, kids, no complains! It takes a lot work to make a good page -- and most important TIME, which I do not have. I work as a webmaster only when I am brain dead (looks like a permanent state of mind lately). Come back for updates. I think it is permanent... ... Not all features on my pages are fully functional; many of them work-in-progress ("under construction" as they used yo say in Communist Russia). Questions? If this is stupid question, I have an answer. Read FAQ pages! SummaryPS? It's another show ahead, the better one, the best!QuestionsThere is another (new) application for this directory: I began to rearrange my nonfiction, as web-drama! After all, writing is performance -- should the process be considered as "performance art"? WebDrama? Does such a thing exist? I don't know, I am working on it.NotesMeyerhold @ Work *This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Pygmalion 2005 * Shaw * online * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * THR331 Fundamentals of Directing 2005 * Wedding: class project -- finals * Directors Lab Lincoln Center Theatre Site: vheatre.net Site Description: theatre and film classes, shows Russian Pages -- antohins.vtheatre.net sellassie 2005: history, culture, art of Ethiopia. "One man, one century, one world!" -- sellassie.vtheatre.net Site Owner: Anatoly Antohin Address: 3282 Adams Dr. apt 204b
Theatre on the Web:
2006 - 2007 season: Blogs: bloglines.com/public/anatolant Blogger. profile
* anatolant @ google.com
Russian Diary * русский дневник *
Summer 2010 :
2009 : Caligari, last show in this directory? LUL Theatre, shows -- first season 2009-2010 ...
I try to integrate this directory into my online portfolio (no, just kidding, day dreaming).PS. [ 2002 drama project is in Russian, the hyperdrama, or "dramanovel" -- see plays.vtheatre.net, but you have to learn Russian first, of course ] * Now I know that I have to start webpages on the next show at least a year ahead.Also, to make it more useful for the classes (i.e. cyber-students), especially, in directing.
Of course, the "old" shows do not have much of digital record and it will take time to scan and put together the webpages for the past (never).
In fact, I want to expend this directory into the future -- the directing projects I did not direct yet (let me dream, let me have some hope).
Some hyper-drama I am thinking about. Like "Hamletmachine" or the the four books of the New Testament....
I try to stay with the texts in public domain. And I plan to try my own (hyper) drama (The Story of David Z. -- see Folding; Act II). I don't like to diorect myself (more about my problems is in Virtual Theatre)
This time I will do it with the Virtual Theatre in mind, while I write the new chapters for this drama-novel. (What that's supposed to mean?)
But still do not know where I can the time for "post-production" periods!
* I have no pages with my own reflections on the shows, no testimonials, not even the scanned reviews to post. The posters and programs. This is not an archive yet and I where is the time to think about it.
Use Theatre UAF or Tara's Costumer Site for more information about the shows.
[ go to Theatre UAF official website to see more (publicity, video clips, press and etc.)
2006Let me repeat myself (from Film600 and script.vtheatre.net):
Where teaching and studying (research) meet --
Theme-thought, according to different playwrights (Shakespeare, Ibsen, Strindberg, Chekhov and so on) and directors (Fillini, Kurosawa, Tarkovsky, Bergman pages).
Connections with other themes (list): family, gender and sex...
Finally, my own practical investigations: shows.vtheatre.net (only recently I began to make themes pages, Don Juan 2003, for example).
And the nonfiction (writing), of course: HIM, Father-Russia, PostAmeriKa, Self, POV, Tech (gatepages are in WRITE directory).
Yeah, yeah, there is more -- "philo" pages, metaphysics: in theatre theory directory, for instance (topics-bar: space, time and etc.)
Plus, Virtual Theatre and Book of Spectator!Web? Oh, this is just medium. Like stage, screen, writing...
2006. March 23 is the date of the University of Alaska Fairbanks Internet2 Day. This day-long event will feature demonstrations, presentations and performances which highlight new and innovative uses of the Internet that are transforming our culture.Points:The UAF Internet2 Day Steering Committee is seeking paper presentations that address the use of the Internet in research, education and social services. Areas of interest include video-conferencing, remote sensing, data transfers to distant sites, collaborative research efforts, and artistic enterprises.
While this event is being used to highlight the emergence of Internet2 as the next generation telecommunication medium, its use is not required in presentations. Rather, the day will highlight many uses of both the present Internet as well as Internet2.
*Public Presentation/Demonstration*
Powerpoint presentation, lecture, or demonstration, length between 15-30 minutes. Presentations will take place in the Charles W. Davis Concert Hall, the ARSC Discovery Lab, and in a lecture classroom in the UAF Fine Arts Complex.
* Impact of Internet on production process: Personal Experience
1. Becoming a dramaturgue
Public Research
Educational Attitude (Dramaturg, "script manager" is needed?) [The Possessed, example]
Forever? (Open Memory)
College Theatre redefined
2. "Public in Private"
Collective & Interactive (nature of theatre)
Spectator, Audience, Public (The Book of Spectator)
new in Stagematrix.4
using Godot (most recent)
3. Web or Internet
Future = Virtual Theatre
Theatre of One
"Show After the Show" (Postproduction without end)
Recent links:
http://www.greatnorthernaudio.com/audio_theater/radio_theater.html * list
http://www.stetson.edu/csata/thr_guid.html revised * Brief Guide to Internet Resources in Theatre and Performance Studies
The Process of Drama: Negotiating Art and Meaning by John O'Toole; Routledge, 1992
[ notes in Virtual Theatre ]
links shows directory
What did I learn since 1999 (3 Sisters)?
Focus on SCRIPT? Dramatic structure is the first basis for organization of the spectacle...
Directing College Show in XXI century
Pre-production period for a show extends itself to a year and longer. The webpages with notes and analysis for cast, crew and cyber theatre community, containing the concept and research for the play, serve as dramaturgical tools. In addition to redefined pre-production, there is a new component -- the post-production, which is open ended.
Using web and internet redefines college production, making it trully educational.
* see http://shows.vtheatre.net
What is different? New? Reinforcing the traditional basic forms and ideas...
[ Also, Research page @ Film-North ]
UAF links: http://www.uaf.edu/i2day/abstracts.html
see LINKS page.
Lijit Search
Film-North * Anatoly Antohin * eCitations * books.google.com + scholar.google.com
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* cite: anatoly antohin. URL + date [ my shows : 1. writer * 2. director * 3. dramaturg * 4. actor ]
anatoly.groups.live.com : another life for shows.vtheatre.net in Ethiopia?
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