Documents Relating to American Foreign Policy

The Cold War

"Instances of Use of United States Forces Abroad, 1798 - 1993," by Ellen C. Collier, Specialist in U.S. Foreign Policy, Foreign Affairs and National Defense Division, Washington DC: Congressional Research Service -- Library of Congress -- October 7, 1993

The Cold War International History Project, Woodrow Wilson Center

The Harvard Project on Cold War Studies

Parallel History Project on NATO and the Warsaw Pact

Cold War Guide

The Cold War Museum

The National Archives Learning Curve: Cold War

US military (national defense) outlays, 1940-95

History Learning Site


National Counterintelligence Center, "Venona"

National Security Archive, Oral History, Professor George Kennan

Havana Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the American Republics, July 21-30, 1940

President Roosevelt, The Four Freedoms, Annual Message of the President to the Congress, January 6 1941 (Excerpt)

Report by Vyshinsky to Molotov Concerning Trade and Economic Cooperation Between the Soviet Union and the United States, August 1941

Atlantic Charter, August 14, 1941

Declaration by the United Nations, January 1, 1942

Rio De Janiero Meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the American Republics, January 15-28, 1942

Lend-Lease Agreement, Preliminary Agreement Between the United States and the United Kingdom, February 23, 1942

Casablanca Conference, Feb 12, 1943

The Quebec Conference, August 17-24, 1943, Joint Statement by Prime Minister Churchill and President Roosevelt, August 1943

Address by President Roosevelt Before the Canadian Parliament at Ottawa, August 25, 1943 (Excerpts)

Fulbright Resolution, House Concurrent Resolution 25-Seventy-eighth Congress, September 21,1943

The Moscow Conference; October 1943

Connally Resolution, Senate Resolution 192-Seventy-Eighth Congress, November 5, 1943

United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, November 9, 1943

Cairo Conference, November, 1943

The Tehran Conference, November 28-December 1, 1943

National Security Archive, Oral History Interview, Hugh Lunghi

The International Labor Organization Declaration Concerning Aims and Purposes, May 10, 1944

USSR, State Defense Committee Decree No. 5859ss - on the Crimean Tatars, 11 May 1944

USSR, Report from Mikoyan to Stalin and Molotov regarding Lend-Lease shipments from the United States from 1 October 1941 to 1 May 1944, May 21 1944

The Bretton Woods Agreements, 22 July 1944

James M. Boughton, "Why White, Not Keynes? Inventing the Postwar International Monetary System," IMF Working Paper, WP/02/52, March 2002

Bulgaria, Ministry of the Interior, Sofia, Military Intelligence report "PRONARD" – RO, November 19 1944

Convention on International Civil Aviation, December 7, 1944 (Excerpts)

Excerpt from J.H. Bamberg on Soviet Interest in Iranian Oil During World War II, The History of the British Petroleum Company, Volume 2, The Anglo-Iranian Years, 1928 (Cambriage: Cambridge University Press, 1994), pp. 250-257.


William R. Keylor, The Twentieth Century World: An International History, 2nd edition (New York: Oxford University Press, 1992), Chapter 8, "The Formation of the Bipolar World in the Truman-Stalin Era, (1945-1953)," pp. 261-95.

Larry A. Valero, "The American Joint Intelligence Committee and Estimates of the Soviet Union, 1945-1947," Studies in Intelligence, US, Central Intelligence Agency (Summer 2000)

The Yalta Conference February, 1945

"Notes on Meeting at Yalta Conference between the Big Three, 4-8 P.M., February 6" (February 6, 1945)

Letter from President Roosevelt to Stalin on an Acceptable Compromise Regarding the Composition of the Postwar Polish Government, 6 February 1945

Letter from Franklin Roosevelt to Josef Stalin, "Attachment to Notes, Fourth Formal Meeting of Crimean Conference, 4 P.M., February 7, 1945"

"Memorandum of Conversation -- Crimean Conference: Meeting of the President [Roosevelt] with Marshal Stalin" (February 8, 1945)

"Memorandum of Conversation -- Crimean Conference: Fifth Formal Meeting" (February 8, 1945)

James F. Byrnes, Speaking Frankly, (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1947), Chapter 2, "Yalta—High Tide of Big Three Unity," pp. 21-45

National Security Archive, Oral History, Interview with Sir Frank Roberts

Donald P. Steury, "On the Front Lines of the Cold War: The Intelligence War in Berlin," Studies in Intelligence, Bo. 9 (Summer 2000) US, Central Intelligence Agency

Inter-American Reciprocal Assistance and Solidarity (Act of Chapultepec); March 6, 1945

US, Public Broadcasting System, "The American Experience: Truman"

Department of State, Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern, South Asian and African Affairs Memorandum from Wallace Murray to Archibald MacLeish. "Letter from Colonel Harold B. Hoskins" [American Movie Propaganda], March 21, 1945.

Truman and the Bomb, a Documentary History, Chapter 14: Albert Einstein to President Roosevelt, March 25, 1945, and subsequent correspondence

Attitude of American Government Toward Palestine : Letter From President Roosevelt to King Ibn Saud, April 5, 1945

US, President Truman's Address Before a Joint Session of the Congress, April 16, 1945

Note from Henry Stimson to Harry S. Truman requesting a meeting to discuss the Manhattan Project, April 24, 1945

British Government Statement: Policy In Burma, May 1945

Notes of an Informal Meeting of the Interim Committee, Wednesday, 9 May 1945

Decree of the USSR State Defense Committee No 9168 SS Regarding Geological Prospecting Work for Oil in Northern Iran, June 21 1945

Interim Committee Log, 9 May 1945 through 1 July 1945

Memorandum for Major General L.R. Groves regarding the Summary of Target Committee Meetings on May 10th, 11th, 12th, 1945. (5 pages)

Memorandum from William Leahy to Secretary of State Stettinius regarding British officials' thoughts on Soviet claims in Poland and Eastern Europe (May 11, 1945)

Memorandum from William Leahy to Secretary of State Stettinius forwarding a statement from Stalin on the Provisional Polish Government, May 11, 1945

Notes of an Informal Meeting of the Interim Committee, Monday, 14 May 1945

Notes of an Informal Meeting of the Interim Committee, Friday, 18 May 1945

Notes of the Interim Committee Meeting, Thursday, 31 May 1945

Notes of the Interim Committee Meeting, Friday, 1 June 1945

Memorandum from Averell Harriman to Harry Truman (June 11, 1945)

The Decision to Drop the Atomic Bomb: Minutes of Meeting at White House June 18, 1945 ( Evaluation of current situation regarding the War in the Pacific against the Japanese)

Pages from President Truman's diary regarding June 18, 1945 meeting

Notes of the Interim Committee Meeting, Thursday, 21 June 1945

Decree of the USSR State Defense Committee No 9168 SS Regarding Geological Prospecting Work for Oil in Northern Iran, June 21 1945

Charter of the United Nations; June 26, 1945

Statute of the International Court of Justice, June 26, 1945

Notes of the Interim Committee Meeting, Friday, 6 July 1945

Decree of the CC CPSU Politburo to Mir Bagirov CC Secretary of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan, on “Measures to Organize a Separatist Movement in Southern Azerbaijan and Other Provinces of Northern Iran,” July 06 1945

Secret Soviet Instructions on Measures to Carry out Special Assignments throughout Southern Azerbaijan and the Northern Provinces of Iran in an attempt to set the basis for a separatist movement in Northern Iran, July 14 1945

Truman's Handwritten Notes on the Potsdam Conference from his Diary, 16 July 1945

Pages from President Truman's diary, July 17, 1945

Petition to the President of the United States from Scientists, July 17, 1945

Gen. L. R. Groves, memorandum for the Secretary of War, July 18, 1945

Notes of Meeting of the Interim Committee, July 19, 1945

Two photographs of a meeting of President Truman, Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and Premier Joseph Stalin at Potsdam, Germany, July 19, 1945, with notes by President Truman claiming that Stalin did not know about the bomb written on the reverse

Interim Committee Log, Memorandum for the Record, 20 July 1945

John Stone to General Arnold on the Groves Project, July 24, 1945

Cable, Secretary of War to President Truman, July 30, 1945, with a handwritten response by the President on the reverse

Henry L. Stimson prepared statement for the public regarding dropping the Atomic Bomb forwarded to President Truman, July 31, 1945

The Berlin (Potsdam) Conference, July 17-August 2, 1945

Go to the Page on Hiroshima

White House press release, "Statement by the President of the United States," ca. August 6, 1945

War Department press release, "Statement of the Secretary of War," ca. August 6, 1945

War Department, Washington, D.C., Statement of the Secretary of War, ca. 6 August 1945

Statement by the President of the United States discussing atomic capability, 6 August 1945

Truman and the Bomb, a Documentary History, Chapter 11: Leaflets Dropped On Japanese Cities, Edited by Robert H. Ferrell

Translations of two leaflets dropped on Japanese cities shortly after the first atomic bomb was dropped, ca. August 6, 1945

Truman and the Bomb, a Documentary History, Chapter 12: Senator Richard B. Russell to the President, August 7, and the President's Response, August 9,
Edited by Robert H. Ferrell

Gar Alperovitz and Kai Bird, "The Centrality of the Bomb, Foreign Policy, Washington, Spring 1994, No. 94, p. 3.

Cable, Senator Richard B. Russell to President Truman, August 7, 1945

President Truman to Senator Richard B. Russell, August 9, 1945

Truman and the Bomb, a Documentary History, Chapter 13: Samuel McCrea Cavert to the President, August 9, and the President's Response, August 11, Edited by Robert H. Ferrell

Samuel McCrea Cavert to President Truman, August 9, 1945

Kazutoshi Hando, The Pacific War Research Society, Japan's Longest Day (Tokyo: Kodansha International, Ltd., 1968), pp. 11-53.

President Truman to Samuel McCrea Cavert, August 11, 1945

Leo Szilard to Matthew J. Connelly, August 17, 1945

Harry S. Truman, Memoirs (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1955) Chapter 24, on the Potsdam Conference,  pp. 372-394

"Korea's Partition: Soviet-American Pursuit of Reunification, 1945-1948," JAMES I. MATRAY, Parameters, Spring 1998

"Portentous Sideshow: The Korean Occupation Decision," DONALD W. BOOSE, JR, Parameters, Winter 1995, pp. 112-129.

Robert A. Pollard, Economic Security and the Origins of the Cold War, 1945-1950 (New York: Columbia University Press, 1985), pp. 20-23 (on US demobilization after World War II)

U.S., Department of State, Office of the Historian, Foreign Relations of the United States, 1945-1950, Emergence of the Intelligence Establishment, Founding of the National Intelligence Structure, August 1945 through January 1946, Washington, DC

Matthew J. Connelly Memorandum for: James Byrnes representing Atomic scientist concerns about the political implication of atomic power, Sept 6, 1945

Truman and the Bomb, a Documentary History, Chapter 15: Secretary Stimson to the President, September 11, and enclosures, Edited by Robert H. Ferrell

Henry L. Stimson to President Truman, September 11, 1945

Henry L. Stimson, memorandum for the President, September 11, 1945

Letter to President Truman from Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson on Soviet views of the bomb, September 11, 1945

Interim Committee Log, Memorandum for the Record, 14 Sept. 1945 through 1 October 1945

Letter to the President from Senator Kenneth McKellar outlining 20 reasons why the United States should not release to any nation the formula for making an atomic bomb, September 27, 1945


Interim Committee Log, Memorandum for the Record, 3 October 1945 through 16 October 1945

Interim Committee Log, Memorandum for the Record, 17 October 1945 through 16 November 1945

Proclamation of United Nations Charter and Statute of the International Court of Justice by President Truman, OCTOBER 31, 1945

President Truman, Special Message to the Congress on U.S. Participation in the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, November 13, 1945

Constitution of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation, November 16, 1945

U.S., International Organizations Immunities Act, December 9, 1945

Letter from Loy W. Henderson to Secretary of State Connelly on the creation of the state of Israel, December 11, 1945


U.S., United Nations Participation Act, December 20, 1945

The Atomic Energy Act of 1946

Oral History Interview with JOHN D. HICKERSON, Director for European Affairs, U.S. Department of State, 1947-49; Assistant Secretary of State, 1949-53; member Permanent Joint Board on Defense, U.S. and Canada, 1940-46; and alternate representative, U.S. delegation 4th UN General Assembly, 1949. Later Ambassador to Finland, 1955-60, and to the Philippines, 1960-61.  Truman Library, Interviews in 1972 and 1973.  Covers a variety of early Cold War history issues.

Oral History Interviews with CLARK M. CLIFFORD, Assistant to White House Naval Aide, 1945-46; Special Counsel to the President, 1946-50.  Truman Library, Interviews in 1971-73.  Early Cold War History

Oral History Interview with W. AVERELL HARRIMAN, During the Truman administration served as U.S. Ambassador to Russia, 1943-46, to Great Britain, Apr.-Oct. 1946; Secretary of Commerce, Oct. 1946-Apr. 1948; U.S. representative in Europe under the Economic Cooperation Act of 1948, with rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, 1948-50; special assistant to the President, 1950-51; American representative on North Atlantic Treaty Organization Committee to study Western defense plans, 1951; and director of the Mutual Security Agency, 1951-53. Washington, D.C, Truman Library


Henry S. Lowenhaupt, "On the Soviet Nuclear Scent," Fall 1967, Studies in Intelligence, US. Central Intelligence Agency, Fall 2000

Notes on the discussion between I.V. Kurchatov, lead scientist for the Soviet nuclear effort, and Stalin, January 25 1946

Statement of Recommendations on Release of Atomic Bomb Project Information, February 4, 1946

Speech delivered by J.V. Stalin at a Meeting of Voters of the Stalin Electoral District, Moscow, February 9, 1946

Vladislav Zubok on Stalin's 1946 Speech, PBS

Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations, February 13, 1946

George Kennan, Excerpts from Telegraphic Message from Moscow of February 22, 1946

Fakiolas, Efstathios T., "Kennan's Long Telegram and NSC-68: A Comparative Analysis," East European Quarterly, Vol. 31, no. 4, January 1998

Winston Churchill, "Sinews of Peace," (the Iron Curtain Speech), Westminster College, 5 March 1946

Joseph Stalin: Reply to Churchill, 14 March 1946

"Letter between Mr. Cohen and Mr. Kindleberger identifying six major problems in Europe, April 5, 1946"

Excerpt from the last session of the League of Nations Assembly, Geneva, April 8-18, 1946. Taken from The League Hands Over. (League of Nations Publications, 1946)

Vice Admiral Blandy's Press Conference pertaining to Joint Army-Navy task force number one Operation Crossroads -- Release No. 46, May 13, 1946.

Speech by Mátyás Rákosi, General Secretary of the Hungarian Communist Party at the Meeting of the Central Committee, 17 May 1946

Memorandum from M. Litvinov to Stalin, 25 May 1946. Memorandum discusses comments on the American “Draft Treaties” and the provisions set up for Japan and Germany post-Potsdam.

Bozena Szaynok, "The Jewish Pogrom in Kielce, July 1946 - New Evidence," Intermarium, Volume 1, Number 3

Truman and the Bomb, a Documentary History, Chapter 16: U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey, "The Effects of the Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki," June 9, 1946, Edited by Robert H. Ferrell

Pages 27 and 28 of a report by the U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey, "The Effects of the Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki," June 9, 1946

The Baruch Plan

Franklin D'Olier to President Truman on the Strategic Bombing Survey, June 20, 1946

United States Strategic Bombing Survey: Summary Report (Pacific War), July 1, 1946

SECOND MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF FOREIGN MINISTERS, PARIS, (a) First Part, April 25 to May 16,1946, Report by Secretary Byrnes, May 20,1946

Douglas J. Macdonald, "Communist Bloc Expansion in the Early Cold War: Challenging Realism, Refuting Revisionism," International Security, Vol. 20, no. 3 (Winter 1995)

Dean Acheson's account of the crisis over Iran, 1946

A report on the investigation of a political conspiracy, said to be organized by Metodiy Chavdarov, a colonel at the Sliven garrison. The arrested colonel and his accomplices allegedly conspired to overthrow the Fatherland Front government, once the Soviet troops leave the country, July 04 1946

Letter from Clark Clifford to William Leahy requesting intelligence estimates on the Soviet Union (July 18, 1946)

Constitution of the World Health Organization, July 22, 1946

Central Intelligence Group, Office of Research and Evaluation, ORE 1, "Soviet Foreign and Military Policy" (July 23, 1946)

U.S. Participation in UNESCO, July 30, 1946

"Preliminary Report Following the Second Atomic Bomb Test", Report by the Joint Chiefs of Staff Evaluation Board for the Atomic Bomb Tests, 30 July 1946

Acceptance of Compulsory Jurisdiction of International Court of Justice, August 2, 1946 Senate Resolution 196-Seventy-ninth Congress

Memo from Acting secretary of State Dean Acheson to President Truman on the Greek Economic Mission, August 7, 1946

Berlin No. 1, Letter left behind of Loyd Steere, note Addendum, to John Kenneth Galbraith and Edward Mason on Berlin, August 13, 1946

Berlin No. 12, United States Political Adviser for Germany, Charles Kindleberger, August 14, 1946

Memorandum for the President from Hoyt Vandenberg regarding possible Soviet military action (August 24, 1946)

Nikolai Novikov, Soviet Ambassador in Washington, Telegram, September 1946

Telegram from N. Novikov, Soviet Ambassador to the US, to the Soviet Leadership. September 27 1946 - Soviet Ambassador to the US, Nikolai Novikov, describes the advent of a more assertive US foreign policy. Novikov cautions the Soviet leadership that the Truman administration is bent on imposing US political, military and economic domination around the world.

Letter from Igor V. Kurchatov to Lavrenti Beria requesting additional support for the project on buiding an atomic bomb, September 29 1946

Immigration into Palestine - Statement by President Truman, October 4, 1946

PARIS PEACE CONFERENCE, JULY 29 TO OCTOBER 15, 1946, Report by Secretary Byrnes, October 18, 1946

Correspondence between Charles Kindleberger and John Kenneth Galbraith regarding a recently written editorial, October 25, 1946

Letter between Charles Kindleberger and John Kenneth Galbraith regarding a recently written manuscript on Germany, October 30, 1946

Bulgaria, Report from RO-3 on the situation in Austria, Switzerland, Italy, and France, October 31 1946

Post-World War II Speeches of Winston Churchill in Audio Format


Anne McCormick, "American Responsibility in Germany," New York Times, 18 November 1946

President Harry S. Truman's letter to Mr. Bohnen's objection to the film because it made the decision to drop the bomb look like a snap judgment, December 12, 1946

Principles Governing the General Regulation and Reduction of Armaments, Resolution of the General Assembly, December 14, 1946

Constitution of the International Refugee Organization, December 15, 1946

Truman and the Bomb, a Documentary History, Chapter 17: Karl T. Compton article and the President to Compton, December 16, Edited by Robert H. Ferrell

Letter From President Truman to Dr. Compton plus an article written by Karl T. Compton "If the Atomic Bomb Had Not Been Used," 16 December 1946

President Truman to Karl T. Compton, December 16, 1946

U.S., Central Intelligence Agency, Memorandum on SMERSH Department of the Soviet Central Kommandatura, Berlin - Luisenstrasse, 19 December 1946

The Soviet Bloc and the Initial Stage of the Cold War: Archival Documents on Stalin's Meetings with Communist Leaders of Yugoslavia and Bulgaria, 1946-1948, by Leonid Gibianskii

General Findings and Recommendations Approved by the Atomic Energy Commission and Incorporated in its First Report to the Security Council, December 31, 1946


Center for the Study of Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency, "CIA's Analysis Of The Soviet Union, 1947-1991," 2001

US, Central Intelligence Agency, Conter for the Study of Intelligence, Watching the Bear: Essays on CIA's Analysis of the Soviet Union, edited by Gerald K. Haines and Robert E. Leggett.

Chapter I, Origins of CIA's Analysis of the Soviet Union by Donald P. Steury

Chapter II, CIA's Analysis of the Soviet Economy by James Noren

Chapter III, Analyzing Soviet Politics and Foreign Policy by Douglas F. Garthoff

Chapter IV, CIA's Analysis of Soviet Science and Technology by Clarence E. Smith

Chapter V, Estimating Soviet Military Intentions and Capabilities by Raymond L. Garthoff

Chapter VI, Western Analysis and the Soviet Policymaking Process by Vladimir G. Treml

Central Intelligence Group, Office of Reports and Estimate, ORE 1/1, "Revised Soviet Tactics in International Affairs" (January 6, 1947)

Statement by General Marshall on the situation in China, January 7, 1947

Herbert Hoover's letter to the President Truman regarding the food shortage in Europe, January 18, 1947

Herbert Hoover's letter to the President Truman asking for an inclusive report in regards to spending on Germany for Congress and taxpayers, January 19, 1947

Statement of The Central Committee of The Chinese Communist Party, February 1, 1947

U.S., Department of State, Office of the Historian, Foreign Relations of the United States, 1945-1950, Emergence of the Intelligence Establishment, The National Security Act of 1947, Washington, DC

Treaty of Peace with Bulgaria : February 10, 1947

Treaty of Peace with Romania : February 10, 1947

Joseph M. Jones, The Fifteen Weeks (February 11-June 5, 1947) (New York: The Viking Press, 1955) Chapter 1, "In Washington," pp. 3-13 (excerpts)

Implementation of General Assembly Resolutions on the Principles Governing the General Regulation and Reduction of Armaments and Information on Armed Forces, Resolution of the Security Council, February 13, 1947

Joseph M. Jones, The Fifteen Weeks (February 21-June 5, 1947) Part IV, Chapter 1, "A Week of Decision," (New York: The Viking Press, 1955), pp. 129-147

Summary of telegrams from Greece, Poland, and the USSR, February 25, 1947

Herbert Hoover's press release of The President's Economic Mission to Germany and Austria, Report no. 1: German Agriculture and Food Requirements, February 28, 1947

Annex A : General Outline of the Reconstruction Problem

Draft Notes explaining why the United States should grant financial aid to Greece and Turkey

Joseph M. Jones Notes on the Economics of Peace, March 1947

Draft of a White House meeting regarding the Greek situation (no date) discussing the British Note of 27 February 1947

Background memorandum on Greece, March 3, 1947

Letter from Paul Economou-Gouras to George C. Marshall, March 3, 1947

Draft of suggestions for the President's message to Congress in regard to the Greek situation, March 3, 1947

Summary of telegrams from Hungary, Greece, and Germany and relief needs, March 4, 1947

Draft of the President's Message to Congress on the Greek Situation, March 4, 1947

Summary of telegrams from Czechoslovakia, Hungary, France, Bulgaria, and Greece, March 5, 1947

Letter from George M. Elsey to Mr. Clifford, March 7, 1947

Suggested draft of the President's message to Congress on the Greek Situation, March 7, 1947

The Drafting of the President's Message to Congress on the Greek Situation

Rough draft of the President's message to Congress in regard to Greece, March 9, 1947

Speech by President Truman asking Congress to pass the Truman Doctrine (not used) (no date)

Memo from C. H. Humelsine to Commander George M. Elsey, March 10, 1947

Chronology of the drafting of the President's message of March 12, 1947

The Drafting of the President' Message to Congress on the Greek Situation, Delivered before a Joint Session of Congress, March 12, 1947

Dean Acheson's account of the decision to aid Greece and Turkey in 1947

Speech Announcing the "Truman Doctrine," 1947

Address of the President of the United States: Recommendation for Assistance to Greece and Turkey, March 12, 1947

Speech by President Truman asking Congress to pass the Truman Doctrine (no date)

Summary of President Truman's address to Congress (no date)

Joseph M. Jones, The Drafting of the President's Message to Congress on the Greek Situation, March 12, 1947

Telegram from French Ambassador Caffery to Secretary of State Dean Acheson, March 13, 1947

Telegram from Greek Ambassador MacVeagh to Secretary of State Dean Acheson, March 13, 1947

Telegram from British Ambassador Gallman to Secretary of State Dean Acheson, March 13, 1947

Telegram from Yugoslavian Ambassador Cabot to Secretary of State Dean Acheson, March 14, 1947

Telegram from Swiss Ambassador Harrison to Secretary of State Dean Acheson, March 14, 1947

Statement by President Truman, March 15, 1947

Telegram from French Ambassador Caffery to Secretary of State Dean Acheson, March 18, 1947

Editorial Reactions to the President's Address Before Congress on the Greek Situation, Part 1, March 19, 1947, and Part 2, March 22, 1947

Letter from Edward Mason to the Honorable Willard Thorp, Assistant Secretary Department of State, on the Moscow Meetings, March 20, 1947

State Department press notice regarding the general political situation in Greece, March 23, 1947

Herbert Hoover, The President's Economic Mission to Germany and Austria, Report no. 3: The necessary steps for promotion of German exports, so as to relieve American tax payers of the burdens of relief and for economic recovery of Europe.

Harry S. Truman's letter to Herbert Hoover regarding Report no. 3, March 24, 1947

Herbert Hoover's press release of The President's Economic Mission to Germany and Austria, Report no. 3, March 24, 1947

Charles Kindleberger, Delegation of the United States of America, Council of Foreign Ministers American Embassy Moscow, Letter on Postwar Conditions in Europe, March 24, 1947

Letter from Edwin W. Pauley to President Truman, March 24, 1947

Letter to the Honorable Willard Thorp, Assistant Secretary Department of State, from Moscow regarding Allied Control Council Report, March 26, 1947

Letter to John and Covey, The Basic Topics are coal, reparations, and the Ruhr, and as the background material the relations of Marshall, Cohen,and Clay, March 29,1947

Letter from Charles Kindleberger on Bizonal Trouble, Delegation of the United States of America, Council of Foreign Ministers American Embassy Moscow, April 18, 1947

Memorandum sent by Mr. John Leighton Stuart, United States Ambassador to China, to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, Chairman of the National Government of the Republic of China, informing him of the situation in Taiwan, "Memorandum on the Situation in Taiwan," April 18, 1947

Correspondence between President Truman and Eleanor Roosevelt, April/May 1947

Draft Outline Notes for Mr. Acheson's speech before Delta Council, May 8, Drafted April 23, 1947

FOURTH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF FOREIGN MINISTERS, MOSCOW, MARCH 10 TO APRIL 24, 1947, Report by Secretary Marshall, April 28, 1947

Initial Press and Radio Reaction to Under Secretary Acheson's Speech at Cleveland Mississippi on May 8, 1947, filed May 15, 1947

A letter from Joseph M. Jones to Mr. Acheson suggesting that foreign finanical aid should come in the form of grants, May 1, 1947

Memorandum from Mike Mansfield, Member of Congress, on Economic Conditions in Europe (n.d.)

A Group of Members of Parliament, "Keep Left", New Statesman (May 1947), pp. 30-47

"Aid to Greece and Turkey", from The Department of State Bulletin Supplement, May 4, 1947

The Greek-Turkish Aid Program (The Truman Doctrine) (no date)

State Department press notice regarding an address by Henry S. Villard, May 5, 1947

Joseph M. Jones letter to Mr. Lippmann regarding Acheson's speech outlining economic programs, May 7, 1947

Initial Press and Radio Reaction to Under Secretary Acheson's Speech at Cleveland Mississippi on May 8, 1947, filed May 15, 1947

"Administration Now Shifts Its Emphasis on Foreign Aid: Economic Reconstruction of Western Europe Now Held Best Bar to Soviet Expansion" by James Reston, New York Times, May 9, 1947

The Department of State Bulletin: "Requirements of Reconstruction" by Under Secretary Acheson, May 18, 1947

Announcement from President Truman about having just signed the Truman Doctrine, May 19, 1947; Rough draft of an announcement from President Truman about having just signed the Truman Doctrine; Another rough draft of an announcement from President Truman about having just signed the Truman Doctrine; Announcement from President Truman regarding a ceremony of his signing of the Truman Doctrine (no date)

"Design for Reconstruction" Proposed Address for Secretary Marshall June, 1947, drafted May 20, 1947

The act to provide for assistance to Greece and Turkey as stated by Congress, May 22, 1947

Draft of note from the Greek government to the United States Government, May 22, 1947

Letter to Clark Clifford regarding the Greek Aid Program, May 23, 1947; Comparison of Treasury and State drafts of agreement on assistance to Greece, May 22, 1947

Agreement on aid to Greece, May 22, 1947

Memo from Secretary of State Dean Acheson to President Truman on the proposed agreement on aid to Greece, May 23, 1947

Annex A : General Outline of the Reconstruction Problem

Work of the Military Staff Committee, Speech by Herschel V. Johnson, Deputy United States Representative, June 4, 1947 (Excerpt)

US, "Developments in the Azerbaijan Situation," Central Intelligence Group, Office of Reports and Estimates (ORE 19), secret, June 4, 1947

Memorandum of the press and radio news conference by Lincoln White, June 18, 1947

Paris Foreign Ministers' Meeting, PARIS, June 28, 1947

"The Evaluation of the Atomic Bomb as a Military Weapon", the Final Report of the Joints Chiefs of Staff Evaluation Board for Operation Crossroads, 30 June 1947

U.S. Participation in the International Refugee Organization, July 1, 1947

The X Article, "The Sources of Soviet Conduct," Foreign Affairs, July 1947

George F. Kennan, "X," "The Sources of Soviet Conduct," Foreign Affairs, July 1947

Walter Lippman, "The Cold War," Critique of the X Article, July 1947

U.N., Plan of Work Adopted by the Commission for Conventional Armaments, July 8, 1947

The Marshall Plan


Commencement Address, Harvard University, June 5, 1947, Speaker: George C. Marshall, U.S. Secretary of State in Real Audio Format

Memorandum of Conversation, "Summary of First Meeting of Under Secretary Clayton and Ambassador with British Cabinet Members" (June 24, 1947)

Memorandum of Conversation, "Substance of Second Meeting of Under Secretary Clayton and Ambassador with British Cabinet Members (June 25, 1947)

"Aide Memoire for the Foreign Secretary [Ernest Bevin]" (June 25, 1947)

Memorandum of Conversation, "Summary of Third Meeting of Under Secretary Clayton and Ambassador with British Cabinet Members" (June 26, 1947)

Letter from William Clayton to Robert Lovett regarding his talks with British officials and their reactions to U.S. views on aid and post-war Europe (June 30, 1947)

Department of State Policy Planning Staff, Draft of a paper regarding the U.S. and European reconstruction (c. July 1947)

Memorandum: Secretary of State's Harvard Speech of June, 1947, filed July 2, 1947

PBS, Newshour, "Remembering the Man and His Plan," 5 June 1997

The Department of State, Bulletin, "European Initiative Essential to Economic Recovery," Remarks by the Secretary of State, June 15, 1947

Memorandum of the press and radio news conference by Lincoln White, June 18, 1947

'The Marshall Plan -- Then and Now' By Ambassador Harlan Cleveland U.S. Permanent Representative to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 1967

Convention on Universal Postal Union, Revision of July 5, 1947 (Excerpts)

Joseph M. Jones's Memo to Mr. Russell regarding the need to clarify relationship between Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan, July 7, 1947

The Marshall Proposal of Assistance to Europe, July 10, 1947

Weekly Summary Excerpt, "Soviet Opposition to the Recovery Program; Effects of Non-Participation on the Satellites" (July 11, 1947)

Memo from General Marshall to President Truman on the Greek situation, including a map of the Greek situation, July 16, 1947

Department of State, "Certain Aspects of the European Recovery Problem From the United States Standpoint," July 23, 1947

Paris: "World Cereals Position for 1947/48" prepared by I.E.F.C. Secretariat, July 1947

The George C. Marshall Foundation Web Page

Cold War International History Project, Working Paper #9: New Evidence on the Soviet Rejection of the Marshall Plan, 1947: Two Reports, by Scott D. Parrish and Mikhail M. Narinsky

For European Recovery: The Fiftieth Anniversary of the Marshall Plan

U.S. Air Force in Europe, 50th Anniversary of the Berlin Airlift

Department of State, "Summary of the Department's Position of the Content of A European Recovery Plan," August 26, 1947

Preliminary Work of the Department of State setting forth the problems of European Recovery, August 29, 1947

Vyshinsky Speech to U.N. General Assembly, September 1947

Bradford De Long and Barry Eichengreen, "The Marshall Plan: History's Most Successful Structural Adjustment Program," October 1991

Rio De Janeiro Conference for the Maintenance of Continental Peace and Security, August 15-September 2, 1947

Second Report of the Atomic Energy Commission to the Security Council, September 11, 1947 (excerpt)

Department of State Outgoing Telegram to Moscow Embassy, Sept 12, 1947

United States Position on Regulation of Conventional Armaments, Address by Secretary Marshall, September 17, 1947

Analysis: The Politics of 1948, dated September 18, 1947, from James Rowe, Jr. to President Harry S. Truman

Letter from Dwight P. Griswold to President Truman on the Greek situation, September 20, 1947; Memo from President Truman to the Under Secretary of State along with a copy of the letter from Dwight P. Griswold to President Truman on 9-20-47, October 13, 1947

The Immediate need for Emergency Aid to Europe, September 29, 1947

Founding of the Cominform: Conference at Wiliza, Declaration of the founding of the Cominform at the Conference of the Communist Parties of Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, the U.S.S.R., France, Czechoslovakia and Italy," September

E. Reale, "The Founding of Cominform", in Drachkovitch & Lazitch, The Comintern: Historical Highlights (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1966).

Transcript of the speech of Australian Foreign Minister Evatt before the United Nations on the Greek question, October 6, 1947

Convention of the World Meteorological Organization, October 11, 1947

State Department press notice regarding the report on Greece, October 15, 1947

United Nations Flag Resolution of the General Assembly, October 20, 1947

American Studies, et al., The House on Un-American Activities Committee's Hearings and the People It Affected

Full transcript of the testimony by Ayn Rand before the United States House of Representatives' Committee on Un-American Activities (commonly known as the House Un-American Activities Committee, or HUAC) on October 20, 1947.

The Testimony of Walter E. Disney Before the House Committee on Un-American Activities, 24 October, 1947

United Nations Day Resolution of the General Assembly, October 24, 1947

Agreement Between the United Nations and the United States Regarding the Headquarters of the United Nations, Signed June 26, 1947, and Approved by the General Assembly October 31, 1947

"European Recovery Program" Basic Document No. 1, October 31, 1947

Text of Statement by Paul G. Hoffman, Economic Cooperation Administrator, before the OEEC, October 31,1949

'European Recovery and American Aid' A report by The President's Committee on Foreign Aid (Parts One and Two) November 1947

European Recovery and American Aid' A report by The President's Committee on Foreign Aid (Part Three) November 1947

Establishment of an Interim Committee of the General Assembly Resolution of the General Assembly, November 13, 1947

Memo, dated November 19, 1947, from Clark M. Clifford, Special Counsel to President Harry S. Truman, to President Harry S. Truman, "The Politics of 1948"

Ray F. Mosely's letter to the President regarding unnecessary spending in Northern Europe, November 26, 1947

Telegram from Greek Ambassador Keeley to Secretary of State Dean Acheson, November 29, 1947

President Truman's responds to Ray F. Mosely acknowledging fair condition in Northern Europe, but reminding him to look at all the European countries, December 1, 1947

Letter to the President Truman from the Department of Agriculture regarding low yielding grain crops in the states

Summary Report on Famine Emergency Committee

The United States Grain Export Program

Memorandum From the Executive Secretary (Souers) to the Members of the National Security Council, NSC 4, Washington, December 9, 1947.

Letter from Walter Wilds to John R. Steelman, January 22, 1948; letter from W. Averell Harriman to John R. Steelman, December 2, 1947; letter from W. Averell Harriman to John R. Steelman, December 24, 1947

FIFTH MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF FOREIGN MINISTERS, LONDON, NOVEMBER 25-DECEMBER 16, 1947 Report by Secretary Marshall, December 19, 1947

M. Carlyle, ed., "The Founding of the Cominform: Conference at Wiliza", Documents on International Affairs, 1947-1948 (London: Oxford University Press, 1952), pp. 122-137


E. Bevin, "Future Foreign Publicity Policy," PRO (Kew) CAB 129/23, 4 January 1948

Letter from Patrick J. McDonough to Matthew J. Connelly, February 18, 1948, an Application for Export License and Priority Assistance for Articles and Materials, January 12, 1948, letter from Thomas A. Pappas to Patrick J. McDonough, January 14, 1948, an Application for Export License and Priority Assistance for Articles and Materials, January 12, 1948, letter from Lawrence Dugan to Robert C. Turner, February 17, 1948

Letter from Walter Wilds to John R. Steelman, January 22, 1948, letter from W. Averell Harriman to John R. Steelman, December 2, 1947, letter from W. Averell Harriman to John R. Steelman, December 24, 1947

Memo from Eben A. Ayers to John Miles, January 27, 1948

Report of Milovan Djilas about a secret Soviet-Bulgarian-Yugoslav meeting, 10 February 1948, Cold War International History Project

"British Ambassador to Secretary of State", Foreign Relations of the United States, vol. 3 (Washington, Government Printing Office, Department of State, 1948), pp. 3-6

The Polish Contribution to the Victory of the "Prague Coup" in February 1948, Cold War International History Project

Memo from E. Wilder Spaulding to Eben A. Ayers, February 13, 1948

Report of the Special Action of the Polish Socialist Party in Prague, 21-25 February 1948, Cold War International History Project

US, Department of State, Policy Planning Staff, George Kennan, "Review of Current Trends: U.S. Foreign Policy," Policy Planning Study 23, February 24, 1948.

M. Carlyle, ed., "Treaty of Friendship, Co-operation and mutual assistance between the USSR and Rumania", Documents on International Affairs, 1947-1948 (London: Oxford University Press, 1952), pp. 298-9

"PPS/23 Defines U.S. Policies Towards the Philippines (February 1948)," By Jorge Emmanuel

Convention of the Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization, March 6, 1948

E. Bevin, "The Threat to Western Civilisation," Memorandum by the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs

E. Bevin, "The Situation in Europe"

Treaty of Brussels, 17 March 1948

Charter of International Trade Organization, March 24, 1948 (Excerpts)

"The Position of the United States with Respect to Soviet-Directed World Communism," NSC 7 March 30, 1948

Bogota Conference of American States, Charter of the Organization of American States; March 30-May 2, 1948

War Department Classified Message Center, Incoming Classified Message on Situation in Berlin, April 1948

CIA weekly summaries on Berlin, 1948-49, CNN Cold War Site

U.S., Central Intelligence Agency, ORE 22-48 "The Possibility of Direct Soviet Military Action During 1948," 2 April 1948

U.S. Central Intelligence Agency,  ORE 29-48, "Possible Program of Future Soviet Moves in Germany," 28 April 1948

Timo Vihavainen, "After the War: Finland's Relations with the Soviet Union, 1944-1991"

Records of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. 'Brief of Emergency Short-Range Emergency War Plan' (HALFMOON). 6th May 1948. CCS 381 USSR (3-2-46)s.13 JCS 1844/4, Box 73

Final draft of President Truman's third quarterly report on Greek-Turkish aid, May 12, 1948

Declaration of Israel's Independence, May 14, 1948

Richard Holbrooke, "Washington's Battle Over Israel's Birth," Washington Post, 7 May 2008

Letter from Eliahu Epstein, agent for the provisional government of Israel, to President Truman, May 14, 1948

Third Report of the Atomic Energy Commission to the Security Council, May 17, 1948

"Considerations affecting the Conclusion of a North Atlantic Security Pact", Foreign Relations of the United States, vol. 3 (Washington, Government Printing Office, Department of State, 1948), pp. 153-158


U.S., Central Intelligence Agency, Memorandum for the President on the Soviet Response to the merger of the British, French, and American zones of Occupation in Germany, 9 June 1948

Vandenberg Resolution, Senate Resolution 239, Eightieth Congress, 11 June 1948

U.S., Central Intelligence Agency, ORE 41-48, "Effect of Soviet Restrictions on the US Position in Berlin," 14 June 1948

Draft of classified CIA report, dated June 14, 1948, titled "Effect of Soviet Restrictions on the U.S. Position in Berlin." The document, from the President's Secretary's Files, concludes that the Soviet walkout from the Allied Control Council has hurt U.S. intelligence-gathering efforts.

U.S. Participation in the World Health Organization, June 14, 1948

A factual summary concerning the American Mission for aid to Greece, June 15, 1948

The Berlin Airlift, A Pictorial History

Douglas Botting, From the Ruins of the Reich: Germany 1945-1949 (New York: New American Library, 1985), "The Berlin Airlift"

Charles F. Pennacchio, "The East German Communists and the Origins of the Berlin Blockade Crisis," East European Quarterly, Vol. 29, no. 3 (Fall 1995)

CIA memorandum, dated June 24, 1948, for President Harry S. Truman from Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy, R.H. Hillenkoetter, Director of the CIA. The memo, from the President's Secretary's Files, concerns the potential for creation of an Eastern bloc and integration of East Germany into that bloc

Telegram, dated June 25, 1948, by Alfred M. Bingham, et. al. to President Harry S. Truman, urging Truman to declare that short of war the U.S. will remain in Berlin and maintain supplies for the German people

U.S., Central Intelligence Agency, Memorandum for the Secretary of Defense on the subject of Berlin, 28 June 1948

U.S. Department of State summaries of foreign diplomatic telegrams on the Berlin Crisis, dated June 28, 1948 through September 21, 1948.

Letter from Massachusetts governor Maurice J. Tobin to Matthew J. Connelly, June 29, 1948 (two pages), letter from James Kakridas to Massachusetts governor Maurice J. Tobin, June 25, 1948 (two pages)

Communiqué, MEETING OF INFORMATION BUREAU OF THE COMMUNIST PARTIES, 29 June 1948, Royal Institute of International Affairs, The Soviet-Yugoslav Dispute (London & New York: Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1948), pp. 61-79

U.S., Central Intelligence Agency, Memorandum for the Secretary of Defense on the subject of Berlin, 30 June 1948

U.S., Central Intelligence Agency, Memorandum to the President on the Russian Directive Indicating that the Soviets Intend to Incorporate Berlin into the Soviet Zone, 30 June 1948

CIA memorandum, dated June 30, 1948, for President Harry S. Truman from Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy, R.H. Hillenkoetter, Director of the CIA. The memo, from the President's Secretary's Files, concerns a Russian directive indicating that the Soviets intend to incorporate Berlin into the Soviet zone

US, CIA, ORE 58-48, July 1948, The Strategic Value to the USSR of the Conquest of Western Europe and the Near East (to Cairo) Prior to 1950

Letter from N. E. Nicolaides to President Truman, July 2, 1948 (page 1 and page 2), handwritten letter from N. E. Nicolaides to President Truman, July 2, 1948 (pages 3 through 6)

Notes from the Governments of the United Kingdom and the United States to the Government of the U.S.S.R., 6 July 1948

CIA memorandum, dated July 12, 1948, for President Harry S. Truman from Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy, R.H. Hillenkoetter, Director of the CIA. The memo transmits CIA intelligence summaries from Berlin on various aspects of the situation in the occupied city.

U.S., Central Intelligence Agency, Information Report on the Russian Unilateral Dismissal of Police Officials in Berlin, 14 July 1948

U.S., Central Intelligence Agency, 7-48, "Review of the World Situation," 14 July 1948

Translation of a letter, dated July 14, 1948, by Alexander S. Payushkin (Soviet Ambassador) to U.S. Secretary of State. The letter, from the President's Secretary's Files, counters a US charge that the USSR precipitated the Berlin Crisis, arguing that the US, Great Britain, and France violated four-power agreements by introducing a special currency into their sector of Berlin and by pursuing a policy of "dismemberment" of Germany.

Top Secret Memorandum, not dated, probably for the U.S. Secretary of State, concerning a possible diplomatic opening for negotiating a resolution of the Berlin Crisis. Attached is a draft of a U.S. State Department statement that, upon clearance by the British and French, would be read to Mr. Malik, the Soviet Representative on the United Nations Security Council. From the President's Secretary's Files

Democratic National Convention, Convention Hall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (original reading copy used by President Truman), dated July 15, 1948, from President Harry S. Truman to national audience

Memorandum for the President: summary of the discussion at the 15th meeting of the National Security Council on Berlin, July 16, 1948

Letters and memoranda to President Truman on the Berlin Crisis from July 21, 1948 through October 22, 1948

Summaries of press-conference comments on the Berlin Airlift by President Harry S. Truman. The document covers comments at press conferences from July 22, 1948-December 2, 1948

Memorandum for the President: summary of the discussion at the 16th meeting of the National Security Council on Berlin, July 23, 1948

Executive Order 9981, Desegregation of the Armed Forces, July 26, 1948

Summaries of meetings of President Harry S. Truman's Cabinet on the following dates in 1948: July 23, August 6, September 3, and September 10. The summaries touch on tension in Berlin, negotiations with the USSR and related international developments

Top Secret report, dated July 28, 1948, titled "U.S. Military Courses of Action with Respect to the Situation in Berlin," from the U.S. Secretary of Defense to the National Security Council. From the President's Secretary's Files.

"The Ambassador to the Soviet Union (Smith) to Secretary of State", Notes on discussions concerning Berlin, Moscow, Foreign Relations of the United States, vol. 2 (Washington, Government Printing Office, Department of State, 1948), pp. 999-1007, , August 3, 1948

CIA memorandum, dated August 6, 1948, for President Harry S. Truman from Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy, R.H. Hillenkoetter, Director of the CIA. The memo, from the President's Secretary's Files, theorizes that the USSR agreed to negotiate over Germany in order to ease international tension and gain strategic advantages over Western powers. The analysis includes a discussion of possible outcomes of the negotiations

U.N., Formulation of Proposals for Regulation and Reduction of Armaments and Armed Forces, Resolution of the Commission for Conventional Armaments, August 12, 1948

U.N., Definition of Armaments, Resolution of the Commission for Conventional Armaments, August 12, 1948

Telegram, dated August 18, 1948, by A K Wright to President Harry S. Truman, blaming George C. Marshall for the state of US/USSR relations and recommending that France, Britain, the US and the USSR negotiate a solution to the Berlin Crisis. The telegram, from the Official File, also suggests that the US should maintain a presence in Berlin until an agreement can be negotiated

Letter of Transmittal to the U. S. Congress (no date) (page 1), letter from John Miles to William J. Hopkins, August 26, 1948 (page 2), memo from William J. Hopkins to John Miles, August 31, 1948 (page 3)

Memorandum, dated August 30, 1948, from Charles E. Bohlen to the U.S. Secretary of State, summarizing developments in negotiations on the occupation of Berlin between the three Western powers and the Soviet Union. The memo includes the text of a communique and a directive issued by the governments of France, the UK, the US and the USSR

Top secret communications, from General Clay to Omar Bradley, concerning the downing of British passenger airplane, which crashed with a fighter airplane driven by fight happy Soviet pilot. The communications, from the President's Secretary's Files, are not dated and discuss circumstances surrounding the crash, the fact that two American lives were lost, and how to handle the situation politically and in terms of future passenger flights.

Rear Platform Remarks of the President at Toledo, Ohio (original reading copy used by President Truman), dated September 6, 1948, from President Harry S. Truman to audience at Toledo, Ohio

Letter, dated September 11, 1948, by Socialist Party presidential candidate Norman Thomas to President Harry S. Truman, notifying Truman of a pending speech, in which Thomas says that he will propose that the US government put before the United Nations General Assembly the actions, in Berlin and elsewhere, by which the USSR menaces peace in the world.

Letter, dated September 12, 1948, by Philip Johnston to President Harry S. Truman, charging that the Berlin Crisis is, "an outgrowth of your own incredible stupidity." The letter, from the Official File, has an attached Lost Angeles Times article, dated September 12, 1948, and titled "West Can Pull Out of Berlin Proudly."

U.S., Central Intelligence Agency, ORE 22-48 (Addendum), "Possibility of Direct Soviet Military Action During 1948-49," 16 September 1948

Bulgaria, Bi-Monthly Report from RO (Section "Greece") on Civil war in Greece, September 17 1948

Speech at Dexter, Iowa, dated September 18, 1948, from President Harry S. Truman to audience at Dexter, Iowa, "Speech at Dexter, Iowa," dated September 18, 1948, from President Harry S. Truman to audience at Dexter, Iowa

U.S. Department of State press release, dated September 26, 1948, containing the text of a September 26, 1948 note by the US, France, and United Kingdom to the Soviet Government. The note accuses the Soviet Government of reneging on negotiated agreements aimed at resolving the Berlin Crisis and pledges to refer the actions of the Soviet Government to the United Nations Security Council.

Rough draft of a top-secret historical analysis of the Berlin Crisis titled, The Berlin Crisis, Research Project No. 171 by the Foreign Policy Studies Branch, Division of Historical Policy Research, U.S. Department of State, (no date)

Telegram, dated September 27, 1948, by U.S. Department of State, to President Harry S. Truman, aboard the Presidential Special. The telegram, from the Papers of Clark M. Clifford, contains the text of the US, France, and Germany's reply to a Soviet note. The reply concludes that a negotiated settlement with the USSR over Berlin is not possible and pledges to refer the matter to the United Nations Security Council

Telegram, dated September 27, 1948, by Richard Minasian to President Harry S. Truman, asking Truman to clarify the magnitude of the crisis in Berlin.

Copy No. 1 of CIA report for President Harry S. Truman, dated September 28, 1948, titled Consequences of a Breakdown in Four-Power Negotiations on Germany. The document, from the President's Secretary's Files, predicts that if talks break down the USSR will try to force a US withdrawal from Berlin and extend its dominance over the occupied city

Letter, dated September 28, 1948, by U.S. Air Force Colonel R.B. Landry to Presidential secretary Matthew J. Connelly. In the letter, from the Official File, Landry writes that he saw nothing on his trip to Berlin worth immediately reporting to President Harry S. Truman.

"WE MUST MATCH OUR FAITH WITH OUR WORKS" By Thomas E. Dewey, Governor of New York and Republican Candidate for President of the United States, Delivered at Salt Lake City, Utah, September 30, 1948

Official U.S. State Department report, dated September 1948, titled "The Berlin Crisis: A Report on the Moscow Discussions, 1948." The document is U.S. State Department publication 3298, European and British Commonwealth Series 1.

U.S. Department of State summaries of foreign diplomatic telegrams on the Berlin Crisis, dated October 1, 1948 through October 19, 1948.

Memorandum for the National Security Council, dated October 6, 1948, regarding possible Soviet interruption to the Berlin Airlift

Major Harry R. Borowski, "A Narrow Victory: The Berlin blockade and the American Military Response," 6 August 2001

President Harry Truman, in a whistle-stop campaign speech, blasts a know-nothing, do-nothing Congress, Elizabeth, New Jersey, October 7, 1948

Statement, dated October 9, 1948, by President Harry S. Truman following General Marshall's return from Paris. The statement relates in general terms the tenor of Marshall's report to him on progress in the United Nations concerning the Berlin Crisis

Three memoranda, dated October 13, 1948, October 21, 1948, and November 4, 1948, and a letter dated November 10, 1948. The first memorandum mentions that President Harry S. Truman was notified in writing of a Washington Daily News article critical of Truman for not sending Chief Justice Fred Vinson to Russia to help resolve the Berlin Crisis. The second memorandum recaps a number of events related to the situation in Berlin, including authorization for additional "C-54 type" aircraft to be used as part of the Berlin Airlift. The third memorandum relates to a congratulatory telegram from M.L. Dahanukar, Sheriff of Bombay, India, to President Harry S. Truman on his election victory. The final document, a letter from Joseph C. Lewis to Truman, suggests that Truman name General Douglas MacArthur as his on-the-ground representative in Germany to handle the Berlin Crisis

Speech in Indianapolis, Indiana, dated October 15, 1948, from President Harry S. Truman to audience at Indianapolis, Indiana

Letter from George Xanthaky to President Truman, October 22, 1948

Speech in Scranton, Pennsylvania, dated October 23, 1948, from President Harry S. Truman to audience at Scranton, Pennsylvania

Speech in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, dated October 23, 1948, from President Harry S. Truman to audience at Johnstown, Pennsylvania

Letter (attached are President Harry S. Truman's notes for a stop at Mr. Dubinsky's reviewing stand), dated October 23, 1948, from Samuel I. Rosenman to President Harry S. Truman

Telegram, dated October 27, 1948, by Congressman Preston E. Peden to President Harry S. Truman, urging Truman to act in removing the Berlin blockade and sending supplies into occupied Berlin.

U.S. State Department report, not dated, titled "The Berlin Crisis: A Report on the Moscow Discussions, 1948." The document, from the President's Secretary's Files, covers in chronological order Soviet interference with access to Berlin and discussions with Moscow on resolving the Berlin crisis.

U.S. Department of State summaries of foreign diplomatic telegrams on the Berlin Crisis, dated October 28, 1948 through December 6, 1948.

Speech in St. Louis, Mo., dated October 30, 1948, from President Harry S. Truman to audience at St. Louis, Mo.

Handwritten notes (with introductory memo) for an election-eve radio speech, dated November 1, 1948, from President Harry S. Truman to national audience

Reports of Atomic Energy Commission, Resolution of the General Assembly, November 4, 1948

Telegram, dated November 13, 1948, by U.N. General Assembly President Herbert V. Evatt to President Harry S. Truman. The telegram, from the Official File, notifies Truman that that Evatt and the United Nations Secretary General are giving the chairman of the U.S. delegation a communication for Truman. The communication urges the President to implement a U.N. General Assembly resolution appealing to France, Britain, the US, and USSR to renew their efforts to resolve the Berlin Crisis

Telegram, dated November 14, 1948, by U.S. Department of State, to President Harry S. Truman, forwarding text of a letter from United Nations officials noting that the on November 3, 1948, the United Nations General Assembly adopted an appeal to the USSR, France, Britain, and the US, to renew efforts to settle their differences and establish a lasting peace. The letter warns that the conflict over Berlin threatens the peace and security of all nations.

Telegram, dated November 17, 1948, by J. Frank, et. al to President Harry S. Truman

U.N., Arms Census, Resolution of the General Assembly, November 19, 1948

U.S., National Security Council, "U.S. Objectives with Respect to the USSR to Counter Soviet Threats to U.S. Security," NSC 20/4, November 23, 1948

US, Department of State, Policy Planning Staff, "Considerations Affecting the Conclusion of a North Atlantic Security Pact," PPS 43 November 23, 1948

Memo from George C. McGhee to William J. Hopkins, December 1, 1948

"The Long-Term Program Report to Rober Marjolin, Secretary-General, Organization for European Economic Co-operation by John H. Williams, November 23, 1948, with attached letter to Mr. Hoffman, December 2, 1948"

Letter, dated December 4, 1948, by Arthur B. Baer to President Harry S. Truman, suggesting that the Berlin situation be reconciled under the auspices of the United Nations. Baer suggests that the U.N. withdraw the US and USSR from Germany and bring in several smaller nations to govern it. The letter, from the Official File, has an attached December 17, 1948 thank you note from Presidential Secretary William D. Hassett to Baer

Memo from President Truman to Congress regarding the fifth quarterly report, December 6, 1948

Fifth Report to Congress on Assistance to Greece and Turkey, December 10, 1948


U.S., Central Intelligence Agency, Memorandum for the President on the Situation in Berlin, 10 December 1948

U.S. Department of State summaries of foreign diplomatic telegrams on the Berlin Crisis, dated December 13, 1948

U.S. Department of State summaries of foreign diplomatic telegrams on the Berlin Crisis, dated December 17, 1948 through March 9, 1949.

Memo on Turkey from the Central Intelligence Agency to President Truman, December 22, 1948

U.S., Intelligence Report on Soviet Measures to Further Tighten the Sector Blockade in Berlin, 30 December 1948


U.S. Department of State Office of Public Affairs background memorandum briefing press officers on the historical background of the Berlin Crisis. The document, dated January 7, 1949, is not for public release but rather for use by press officers in answering questions concerning the Berlin situation.

Cover letter and message from Dr. Chaim Weisman, President of the State Council of the Provisional Government of Israel, to President Truman, January 11, 1949

Bryan Houston, Director of Information, Economic Cooperation Administration, P.D. Fahnestock, Consultant "Review of Operations of Information Service", January 14, 1949

Harry Truman's Inaugural Address, 20 January 1949

Reading copy of Dean Acheson's speech on the proposed North Atlantic Treaty. March 18, 1949

"Ambassador of Soviet Union to Sectretary of State" protesting the formation of NATO, Foreign Relations of the United States, vol. 4 (Washington, Government Printing Office, Department of State, 1949), pp. 261-265

U.S. Department of State summaries of foreign diplomatic telegrams on the Berlin Crisis, dated March 22, 1949.

U.S. Department of State summaries of foreign diplomatic telegrams on the Berlin Crisis, dated March 28, 1949


U.S. Department of State summaries of foreign diplomatic telegrams on the Berlin Crisis, dated April 5, 1949 and June 7, 1949

Press Release on NATO, dated April 12, 1949, by President Harry S. Truman to The Press

"Inter-Allied Naval Relations and the Birth of NATO," Colloquium on Contemporary History, June 14, 1993, No. 8, Naval Historical Center, Department of the Navy
Washington, D.C.

U.S. State Department transcript, dated April 13, 1949, of a press and radio news conference at which Secretary of State Dean Acheson attempts to clarify the nature of an agreement among foreign ministers regarding fusion of the three zones in Germany and how that agreement fits in with formation of a German government

U.S., Central Intelligence Agency, ORE 46-49 "The Possibility of Direct Soviet Military Action During 1949," 3 May 1949

Statement, dated May 3, 1949, by President Harry S. Truman upon acceding to General Lucius Clay's request to be discharged from service in the U.S. Military Government in Germany, following the agreement to lift the Berlin blockade. Truman thanks Clay and praises his character and abilities

Airbridge to Berlin --- The Berlin Crisis of 1948, its Origins and Aftermath, By D.M. Giangreco and Robert E. Griffin, 1988

Translation of a document, dated May 14, 1949, by Argentine Foreign Affairs Minister Juan Atilio Bramuglia to President Harry S. Truman, thanking Truman for crediting Bramuglia for his actions at the United Nations Security Council and congratuling Truman for resolution of the Berlin Crisis. The document, from the Official File, includes the original, untranslated version of the letter


Benjamin O. Fordham, "Economic Interests, Party, and Ideology in Early Cold War Era U.S. Foreign Policy," International Organization, Vol. 52, no. 2 (Spring 1998)

U.S. Department of State summaries of foreign diplomatic telegrams on the Berlin Crisis, dated June 22, 1949.

Seventh Report to Congress on Assistance to Greece and Turkey, June 29, 1949

Memorandum on signing the NATO Treaty, dated July 22, 1949, by Secretary of State Dean Acheson to President Harry S. Truman

Memorandum on Ratification of NATO, dated July 25, 1949, by Charles I. Bevans, Deputy Assistant for Treaty Affairs, U.S. Department of State

Dean Acheson:   United States Position on China, August 1949

U.S. Dept. of State, Policy Planning Staff PPS/58, "Political implications of Detonation of Atomic Bomb by the U.S.S.R.," August 16, 1949

Memorandum on the ceremony for signing the NATO Treaty, dated August 23, 1949, by C.H. Humelsine to Matthew J. Connelly

Memorandum by the Chief of Staff, U. S. Air Force to the Secretary of Defense on Long-Range Detection of Atomic Explosions, 21 September 1949

Extract from the indictment of Mr. Laszlo Rajk, former Hungarian Minister for Foreign Affairs, September 1949, in M. Carlyle, ed., "Satellite Party Politics", Documents on International Affairs, 1949-1950 (London: Oxford University Press, 1952), pp. 390-396

"Greece and the United Nations, 1946-49", from the Department of State Bulletin, September 19, 1949

Waging Peace in the Americas : Address by Secretary Acheson; September 19, 1949

Memorandum by the Chief of Staff, U. S. Air Force to the Secretary of Defense on Long-Range Detection of Atomic Explosions, 21 September 1949

Part I, Collection and Identification of Fission Products of Foreign Origin, prepared by Peter King and N. Friedman, ca. September 1949

Atomic Explosion in the U. S. S. R., Statement by President Truman, September 23, 1949

"Letter from Paul Hoffman to Senator Arthur H. Vandenberg, September 26, 1949"

The Common Program of The Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, 1949, Adopted by the First Plenary Session of the Chinese People's PCC on September 29th, 1949 in Peking

Gromyko's diary entry of 1 October 1949 detailing his individual meetings with American Ambassador Kirk, British Ambassador Kelly, and French Charge d'Affaires Frankfort.

US, CIA, Intelligence Memorandum No. 237, October 1949, Capabilities of the USSR in Air-to-Air Guided Missiles and Related Proximity Fuses

U.S. Amendment of United Nations Participation Act, October 10, 1949

U.S. Department of State summaries of foreign diplomatic telegrams on the Berlin Crisis, dated October 20, 1949

International Control of Atomic Energy, Statement by the Representatives of Canada, China, France, the United Kingdom, and the United States, October 25, 1949

USAEC General Advisory Committee Minutes, October 28-30, 1949

USAEC General Advisory Committee Report on the "Super," October 30, 1949

Text of Statement by Paul G. Hoffman, Economic Cooperation Administrator, on European recovery., October 31,1949

Soviet Misinterpretaton of U. S. Position on the Baruch Plan, Statement by John D. Hickerson, Assistant Secretary for United Nations Affairs, November 11, 1949

Continuing Effort to Reach Agreement on Atomic Energy Control, Resolution of the General Assembly, November 23, 1949

Lewis Strauss to Harry S. Truman supporting the development of the thermonuclear bomb, November 25, 1949 (Excerpt)

Economic Cooperation Administration Office of the Special Representatives in Europe, Paris, France "Review of European Press Reaction to Mr. Hoffman's Paris Visit and OEEC Negotiations, 25 October thru November 1949" Prepared by the Press Intelligence Unit Editorial Reasearch and Analysis Section Information Division, December 1, 1949

Mao's Moscow Visit, December 1949-February 1950


Oral History, U.S. Senate, Oral History Program, Pat M. Holt, Chief of Staff, Foreign Relations Committee, "Tom Connally and the Foreign Relations Committee," (Thursday, September 18, 1980) Interviewed by Donald A. Ritchie

Memorandum on negotiations concerning NATO, dated January 14, 1950, by Clark M. Clifford, to President Harry S. Truman

The Alger Hiss Story

Klaus Fuchs

Statement by President Harry S. Truman on the Hydrogen Bomb, January 31, 1950

"Soviet Intentions and Capabilities", 20 February 1950

US, National Security Council, NSCID 9, "Communications Intelligence," March 10, 1950.

President Truman's letter to James S. Lay, Executive Secretary of the National Security Council, April 12, 1950

NSC-68, 1950

Fakiolas, Efstathios T., "Kennan's Long Telegram and NSC-68: A Comparative Analysis," East European Quarterly, Vol. 31, no. 4, January 1998

"Soviet Intentions and Capabilities", 20 February 1950

Paul Y. Hammond, "NSC-68: PROLOGUE TO REARMAMENT," 1962

United States Embassy, Iraq Cable from Edward S. Crocker II to the Department of State. "Recent Developments in Connection with the Kurdish-Language News Bulletin," April 10, 1950.

Department of State Airgram from Dean Acheson. [Anti-Americanism in the Arab World], May 1, 1950.

United States Embassy, Iran Cable from Edward C. Wells to the Department of State. "Motion Pictures--The Film Two Cities," May 16, 1950.

United States Embassy, Iran Cable from Edward C. Wells to the Department of State. "Priority Aims and Objectives of the USIE Program in Iran Calls for Enhancing U.S. Prestige and Demonstrating Communist Fallacies," June 5, 1950.

"Letter to Paul Hoffman on the Marshall Plan from Oliver Franks at the British Embassy in Washington, June 21, 1950"

United States Embassy, Iran Cable from Henry F. Grady to the Department of State. "Proposed New Program for USIE, Iran," July 6, 1950.

Letter on implementing the NATO Pact, dated July 14, 1950, by Secretary of Defense, Louis Johnson, to President Harry S. Truman

United States Embassy, Soviet Union Cable from Alan G. Kirk to the Department of State. [Voice of America and Radio Tehran], August 19, 1950.

Memorandum on status of NATO, dated August 30, 1950, by Secretary of Defense, Louis Johnson, to President Harry S. Truman

Statement on the stationing of American troops in Europe, dated September 9, 1950, by President Harry S. Truman to The Press

USSR, Resolution of the Central Committee, September 16, 1950, to revise a diplomatic note on the question of general elections in Germany and Gromyko's note to Stalin on this matter

United States Embassy, Iran Cable from Henry F. Grady to the Department of State. [Voice of America Transmitters in Bahrain and Iran], September 19, 1950.

Resignation of Paul Hoffman as Chief of the Marshall Plan administration, September 25, 1950

United States Embassy, Egypt Despatch from A.F. Lager to the Department of State. "Transmitting Copy of Notes re 'Certain Aspects of the Political Situation at Kuwait--The Company's Local Relations and Other Non-technical Matters Connected with These Operations'" [Internal Memorandum Found at Trans World Airlines Plane Crash Site], September 25, 1950.

"The Discrepancy between the Russian and Chinese Versions of Mao's 2 October 1950 Message to Stalin on Chinese Entry into the Korean War: A Chinese Scholar's Reply," by Shen Zhihua, Cold War International History Project

Michael M. Sheng. "Mao, Tibet, and the Korean War". Journal of Cold War Studies 83 (Summer 2006): 15-32

United States Embassy, Iran Cable from Henry F. Grady to the Department of State. [U.S.-Iranian Joint Propaganda Efforts], October 19, 1950.

United States Embassy, Iran Cable to the Department of State. [Iran's Propaganda Director and the Voice of America], December 8, 1950.

Novelist William Faulkner accepts the Nobel Prize speaking of the difficulties of being an artist in the nuclear age, Stockholm, Sweden, Dec. 10, 1950

National Intelligence Estimate, NIE-15, "Probable Soviet Moves to Exploit the Present Situation," 11 December 1950

United States Embassy, Iran Cable from Edward C. Wells to the Department of State. "Motion Pictures--Pro-Soviet Feature Film North Star," December 28, 1950.

Go to Page on the Korean War


Memorandum on the NATO Production Board, dated January 3, 1951, by Secretary of Defense, to President Harry S. Truman

Memorandum on implementing NATO, dated January 5, 1951, by Office of the Secretary, U.S. Department of State, to President Harry S. Truman

United States Embassy, Saudi Arabia Cable from William D. Brewer to the Department of State. "Egyptian Newspaper Article on American Military Aid to Saudi Arabia," January 5, 1951.

United States Embassy, Iran Cable from Henry F. Grady to the Department of State. [Iranian Propaganda Director Dismissed], January 6, 1951.

Memorandum, dated January 8, 1951, by Donald S. Dawson, Administrative Assistant to President Harry S. Truman, to Secretary of Defense George C. Marshall accepting the nominations for the NATO Production Board

Report on the Conference of the leaders of the People's Democracies and the Soviet Union, 9 to 12 January 1951, Moscow

United States Embassy, Iran Cable from Henry F. Grady to the Department of State. [Appointment of New Iranian Propaganda Director], January 10, 1951.

US, NSC 100, "Recommended Policies and Actions in Light of the Grave World Situation ," 11 January 1951

United States Embassy, Iran Cable from Edward C. Wells to the Department of State. "Notes on Expanded Program for Iran" [Includes Memorandum], January 12, 1951.

Memorandum by John Paton Davies, Jr., "Spring and Summer Prospects," Washington, DC, 23 January 1951

Department of State, Under Secretary Report from James E. Webb to James S. Lay, Jr. "Progress Report by the Under Secretary of State on the Implementation of United States Policy toward Israel and the Arab States (NSC 47/2)," January 26, 1951

Memorandum by Eben A. Ayers, "The Atomic Bomb," ca. 1951

Memorandum by Eben A. Ayers, beginning "In outlining the history..." in which he continues the discussion on the development of the bomb, ca. 1951

Memorandum on the secret meeting with General Eisenhower on the state of European defense, dated February 6, 1951, by George M. Elsey to President Harry S. Truman

Department of State, Division of International Broadcasting Memorandum from W.J. Porter to Frederick Awalt. [Voice of America in Kuwait], February 19, 1951.

United States Consulate General. Dhahran (Saudi Arabia) Cable to the Department of State. [Trip to Oman regarding Voice of America], February 20, 1951.

Department of State Report. "Conference of Middle East Chiefs of Mission (Istanbul, February 14-21, 1951): Agreed Conclusions and Recommendations," c. February 21, 1951.

Letter, dated February 24, 1951, by Dwight D. Eisenhower to President Harry S. Truman

Memorandum, March 9, 1951, by William D. Hassett, Secretary to President Harry S. Truman, to Col. Beichline

United States Embassy, Iraq Cable from Edward S. Crocker II to the Department of State. "Anti-communist Poster Material Prepared by USIS Baghdad," March 10, 1951.

Memorandum from C.P. Cabell to B.A. Schriever, "Research and Development on Proposed Rand Satellite Reconnaissance Vehicle" (March 17, 1951)

United States Embassy, Iraq Cable from Edward S. Crocker II to the Department of State. "Foreign Leader Grants for Iraqis," March 26, 1951.

Memorandum, dated March 29, 1951, by W.A. Harriman to Rose A. Conway

Department of State, Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs Memorandum of Conversation. "Anglo-American Cooperation in the Psychological Field in the Arab States and Iran" [Attached to Cover Memorandum Dated April 2, 1951], March 30, 1951.

Press Release on the anniversary of the founding of NATO, dated April 3, 1951, by President Harry S. Truman to The Press

George F. Kennan, "America and the Russian Future," Foreign Affairs (April 1951)

Sino-Tibetan Agreement, Agreement on Measures for the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet, 17-Point Agreement of May 23, 1951

Michael Meeropol Statement on Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, July 1995

Stephen Pizzo, The Rosenberg Communiques

Morton Sobell, "Venona and the Rosenbergs," 1997

The Rosenbergs: Victims of Cold War Hysteria

Michael Reese, University of Washington, Department of History, "The Cold War and Red Scare in Washington State," A curriculum project for Washington schools developed by The Center for the Study of the Pacific Northwest

Recall of General Douglas Macarthur (1951)

General Douglas MacArthur Defends His Conduct of the War in Korea, April 19, 1951

General Douglas MacArthur condemns the "blackmail" of appeasement and bids the nation farewell, Washington , D.C., April 20, 1951.

PBS, MacArthur

Walter LaFeber, Historian, on MacArthur and Nuclear Weapons in Korea

Analysis from Stephen Penrose to the Department of State. "Comment on "The Soviet Challenge in the Near East"--Princeton, June 2, 1951," June 2, 1951.

United States Embassy, Saudi Arabia Cable from Raymond Hare to the Department of State. [Communist Propaganda], June 5, 1951.

United States Consulate General. Dhahran (Saudi Arabia) Letter from William A. Eddy to Dorothy Thompson. [Christian-Muslim Anticommunist Propaganda Theme], June 7, 1951.

General Ridgway's Broadcast Message to the Commanders of the Communist Forces in Korea, 30 June 1951

General Ridgway's Message to General Kim Il Sung and General Peng Teh-Huai, 13 Jul 1951

United States Embassy, Iran Cable from Henry F. Grady to the Department of State. [Kurdish Voice of America Broadcasts], August 6, 1951.

Department of State, Secretary Memorandum from Dean Acheson to Dwight D. Eisenhower. "Urgent Request to You from King Ibn Saud for the Services of General Graham," August 9, 1951.

Department of State, Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern, South Asian and African Affairs. Office of Near Eastern Affairs Memorandum to Burton Berry. "Mr. Nolting's Misgivings re Visit by Prince Misha'al," August 22, 1951.

Department of State Airgram from Dean Acheson to the United States Embassy, Iraq. [Opposition to Book Publication], August 29, 1951

Mutual Defense Treaty Between the United States and the Republic of the Philippines; August 30, 1951

Security Treaty Between the United States, Australia, and New Zealand (ANZUS); September 1, 1951

United States Embassy, Turkey Cable from George Wadsworth to the Department of State. [Broadcasts to Turkey's Kurds], September 4, 1951.

Security Treaty Between the United States and Japan; September 8, 1951

U.S. Department of State, Memorandum from Under Secretary for Political Affairs to Secretary of State, "Summary of Discussion Between Sir Oliver Franks, Air Marshall Sir William Elliott, General Bradley, Messrs. Nitze and Matthews," 13 September 1951

Department of State, Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs Memorandum from Burton Berry to the Department of State, Assistant Secretary for Near Eastern, South Asian and African Affairs. "VOA Broadcasts in Kurdish," September 14, 1951.

US, CIA, SE-16, October 1951, The Strength and Capabilities of Soviet Bloc Forces to Conduct Military Operations Against NATO

United States Embassy, Saudi Arabia Memorandum from Glenn A. Abbey to the Department of State. [Anticommunist Propaganda], October 2, 1951.

Department of State, Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs Letter from Edward W. Barrett to George Cameron. [Propaganda Advice], October 4, 1951.

University of Michigan. Department of Near Eastern Studies Letter from George Cameron to Edward W. Barrett. [Propaganda Activities in Iraq; Attached to Cover Memorandum], October 24, 1951.

New American Library of World Literature, Inc. Letter from Victor Weybright to Edward W. Barrett. [Support for Publisher's Tour of Middle East], November 6, 1951.

United States. Department of the Air Force Memorandum from Robert H. Jones. "Visit of His Royal Highness Prince Misha'al Abdul Aziz al Saud, Minister of Defense, Saudi Arabia," November 6, 1951

United States Embassy, Iran Despatch from Edward C. Wells to the Department of State. "Motion Pictures: Cooperation of American Newsreels," November 10, 1951.

Department of State, Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs Letter from Edward W. Barrett to George Cameron. [Propaganda Campaign], November 19, 1951.

United States Embassy, Iran Cable from Loy Henderson to the Department of State. [Filming of Iranian Army Celebration], November 20, 1951

United States Embassy, Iran Cable from Loy Henderson to the Department of State. [Iranian Oil Policy], November 21, 1951.

"Estimate of the Relative Strength and Capabilities of NATO and Soviet Bloc Forces at Present and in the Immediate Future," November 23, 1951, C8-D/4 (M.C. 33), International Staff, NATO Archives, Brussels

United States Embassy, Saudi Arabia Letter from Raymond Hare to Frederick Awalt. [Incident at Dhahran Air Field], November 25, 1951.

Department of State, Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs Memorandum from George C. McGhee to H. Freeman Matthews. "Visits of Chiefs of States," November 28, 1951.

Department of State, Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs Letter from Edward W. Barrett to Victor Weybright. [State Department Involvement with Private Publisher], November 30, 1951.

Department of State Airgram from James E. Webb to the United States Embassy, Iran. [Newsreel Use in Iran], December 11, 1951.

PBS, Race for the Superbomb

Interview with Sir George Middleton on the Crisis in Iran, 1951-53, Iranian Oral History Project, Harvard University, Center for Middle Eastern Studies


Truman and the Bomb, a Documentary History, Chapter 18: Selected White House Memoranda, 1952- 1953, Edited by Robert H. Ferrell

United States Embassy, Saudi Arabia Despatch from Raymond Hare to the Department of State. [Proposed Saudi Pamphlet Program], January 8, 1952.

Memorandum From the Chief of the Western Hemisphere Division, Central Intelligence Agency (King) to the Deputy Director for Plans, Central Intelligence Agency (Wisner), Subject: Estimate of Situation in Guatemala, Washington, January 11, 1952

United States Embassy, Iran Despatch from Edward C. Wells to the Department of State. "IE: Local Newspaper Item on USIE Radio Scripts," January 14, 1952.

United States Embassy, Iran Despatch from Edward C. Wells to the Department of State. "I.E.: Local Newspaper Items of USIE Radio Scripts," January 21, 1952.

United States Embassy, Iran Cable from Loy Henderson to the Department of State. [Closure of Provincial Foreign Cultural Centers], January 30, 1952.

United States Consulate. Mashhad (Iran) Cable to the Department of State. [Closure of Foreign Information and Cultural Centers], January 30, 1952.

United States Embassy, Iran Cable from Loy Henderson to the Department of State. [Closure of Foreign Information and Cultural Centers], February 3, 1952.

United States Embassy, Iraq Cable from Edward S. Crocker II to the Department of State. [Opinion Survey], February 6, 1952.

Department of State Cable from Dean Acheson to the United States Embassy, Egypt. [Religious Programming for Radio Jidda], February 11, 1952.

Telegram from Mao Zedong to I.V. Stalin (Filippov) about the Use by the Americans of Bacteriological Weapons in North Korea, 21 February 1952 (Excerpt), Cold War International History Project

United States Legation. Lebanon Memorandum from John H. Bruins [Influencing Public Opinion], February 26, 1952.

Press Release: ECA Mission to Greece, March 1, 1952

Press Release: ECA Mission to Greece, March 8, 1952

Department of State, Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs. Office of Near Eastern Affairs Memorandum from Frederick Awalt to Samuel K.C. Kopper. "Conversation with Prince Saud," March 10, 1952.

National Intelligence Estimate-62, Present Political Situation in Guatemala and Possible Developments During 1952," Washington, March 11, 1952

Press Release--Mutual Security Agency: Special Mission to Greece for Economic Cooperation, March 15, 1952

Memorandum From the Acting Chief of the Western Hemisphere Division, Central Intelligence Agency ([name not declassified]) to the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence (Dulles), Subject: Guatemalan Situation, Washington, March 17, 1952

Press Release--Mutual Security Agency: Special Mission to Greece for Economic Cooperation, March 22, 1952

Franklin (Michigan). Chamber of Commerce Letter from S.B. Vaughan to the Department of State. [Concern in Michigan; Includes Letter of Reply], March 22, 1952.

Department of State, Policy Planning Staff Memorandum of Conversation. "Functions of the Psychological Planning Board," March 26, 1952.

Press Release--Mutual Security Agency: Special Mission to Greece for Economic Cooperation, March 29, 1952

Department of State Transcript. "Working Group on Special Materials for Arab and Other Moslem Countries" [Attached to Cover Memorandum Dated April 2, 1952; Includes Attachment], April 1, 1952.

United States. National Security Council. Executive Secretary Report to the United States. National Security Council. "United States Objectives and Policies with Respect to the Arab States and Israel" [Annex to NSC 129], April 7, 1952.

Press Release--Mutual Security Agency: Special Mission to Greece for Economic Cooperation, April 12, 1952

Stalin as Editor: The Soviet Dictator's Secret Changes to the Polish Constitution of 1952, Cold War International History Project

"Foreward in the Form of a Letter to my Children,"  from Witness by Whittaker Chambers

Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., "The New Isolationism," Atlantic Monthly, May 1952

Telegram From the CIA Station in [place not declassified] to the Central Intelligence Agency on plans for a coup in Guatemala, June 25, 1952

"Isolation and Expansion" by Walter Lippmann, 1952

Memorandum From [name not declassified] of the Western Hemisphere Division, Central Intelligence Agency to the Deputy Director for Plans of the Central Intelligence Agency (Wisner) Subject: Guatemalan Situation, Washington, July 9, 1952

US, Central Intelligence Agency, Memorandum for the Record, Discussion on paying for armed action in Guatemala, Washington, July 15, 1952

Department of State Cable from Dean Acheson to the United States Embassy, Iran. [State Department Recommends Neutral Tone], July 18, 1952.

US, Central Intelligence Agency, Memorandum of Conference on preparations for coup in Guatemala, Washington, July 21, 1952

United States Consulate General. Dhahran (Saudi Arabia) Letter from Max Bishop to Parker T. Hart. [Military Show of Strength], July 28, 1952.

Department of State Cable from Dean Acheson to the United States Embassy, Iran. [Media Guidance for Iran], July 28, 1952.

Interview with Harold Stein on the ECA, others present: Harvey Mansfield, Rowland Egger, and Arnold Miles, August 7, 1952

Notes on Interview with Glenn Craig on the Marshall Plan. Also present: Harvey Mansfield, August 20, 1952

US, Central Intelligence Agency, Intermediate Report on Military Plans for Guatemala, Washington, September 1, 1952

Department of State, Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern, South Asian and African Affairs. Office of Near Eastern Affairs Letter from Parker T. Hart to Max Bishop. [Display of Force], c. September 5, 1952

United States Embassy, Iran Cable from Loy Henderson to the Department of State. [U.S. Propaganda Program in Iran], September 6, 1952.

United States Embassy, Saudi Arabia Cable to the Department of State. [Saudi Arabia and U.S. Objectives], September 7, 1952.


Notes on Interview with Richard M. Bissell, Jr. on the ECA, others present : Sam Van Hyning, Harvey Mansfield, Guy Horsley, and HBP, September 19, 1952

Correspondence between Paul G. Hoffman and Philadelphia Inquirer Editorial Staff on the effectiveness ofthe Marshall Plan, beginning September 30, 1952

Dinner and Evening Discussion with Averell Harriman others present Edward Litchfield, Harvey Mansfield, Kenneth Galbraith, James Fesler, Donald Stone, George Elsey, and Mr. Harriman's secretary, October 1, 1952

Department of State, Executive Secretariat Letter from W.J. McWilliams to William H. Draper, Jr. [Forwards Minutes from Chiefs of Mission Meeting], October 2, 1952.

Draft page, "Sixth Draft" of Eisenhower speech given on October 3, 1952 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on "Communism and Freedom." The deleted paragraph refers to General George C. Marshall.

Memorandum From [name not declassified] of the Central Intelligence Agency to the Chief of the Western Hemisphere Division, Subject: State Department Reaction to a Change of Government in Guatemala, Central Intelligence Agency (King), Washington, October 8, 1952

Memorandum for the Record, Meeting between Representatives of the CIA and the State Department, Subject: Reservations on the Plan to Overthrow the guatemalan Government, Washington, October 8, 1952, 4 p.m.

Memorandum for the Record on Cancelling the Coup in Guatemala, Washington, October 8, 1952, 10 p.m.

United States Embassy, Iraq Despatch from Burton Berry to the Department of State. "Partisans of Peace Object to Atomic Display" [Includes Article], October 18, 1952.

Memorandum from President Harry S. Truman to the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense, Subject: Communications Intelligence Activities, October 24, 1952.

Presidential candidate Dwight D. Eisenhower makes 1952 campaign pledge, “I shall go to Korea.

Interview with General George C. Marshall on the Marshall Plan.

 Others present: Harry B. Price and Roy E. Foulke, October 30, 1952

Department of State, Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern, South Asian and African Affairs. Office of Near Eastern Affairs Memorandum from Richard E. Funkhouser to Parker T. Hart. "Additional Notes on Possible Iraq, Syria, Lebanese Reactions to MEDO," November 5, 1952.

Memo from Greek Ambassador Athanase G. Politis to Secretary of State Dean Acheson, November 4, 1952; Memo from John F. Simmons to Matthew J. Connelly, November 7, 1952;  Reply from President Truman to Greek Ambassador Athanase G. Politis, November 14, 1952;  Memo from William J. Hopkins to John F. Simmons, November 21, 1952

Department of State, Division of Public Studies Report. "U.S. Public Opinion on Iran," November 10, 1952.

CIA Clandestine Service History, "Overthrow of Premier Mossadeq of Iran, November 1952-August 1953," March 1954, by Dr. Donald Wilber

The New York Times, "Secrets of History: The CIA in Iran" 2000

United States Embassy, Iraq Cable from Burton Berry to the Department of State. [Attack on United States Information Service Building], November 23, 1952.

United States Embassy, Iraq Cable from Burton Berry to the Department of State. [Occupation of United States Information Service Building], November 24, 1952.

United States Embassy, Iraq Cable from Burton Berry to the Department of State. [Possible Disclosure of Classified Material], November 24, 1952.

Correspondence between Paul G. Hoffman and Philadelphia Inquirer Editorial Staff on the effectiveness of the Marshall Plan, beginning December 2, 1952

United States Embassy, Iraq Cable from Burton Berry to the Department of State. [Ambassador Berry Speaks with Prime Minister], December 13, 1952.

National Security Council Intelligence Directive No. 9, Communications Intelligence, December 29, 1952.


US, Department of State, Intelligence Report Prepared in the Office of Intelligence Research, "Communism in the Free World: Capabilities of the Communist Party, Guatemala," Washington, January 1, 1953

United States Embassy, Iran Despatch from Edward C. Wells to the Department of State. "IIA: Motion Pictures: Iranian Governmental Document Proposing Mobile Unit Operation Changes," January 7, 1953.

United States Embassy, Lebanon Memorandum from Nestor C. Ortiz to the Department of State. "Middle East Reaction to Federal Trade Commission 'Report on the International Petroleum Cartel' and the U.S. Department of Justice Suit against Designated International Petroleum Companies" [Includes Embassy Memorandum and Trans-Arabian Pipeline Company (TAPLINE) Report], January 13, 1953.

Department of State Memorandum from Wilson S. Compton to David K.E. Bruce. "Colloquium on Islamic Culture to Be Held in September, 1953, under the Joint Sponsorship of the Library of Congress and Princeton University" [Attached to Cover Note Dated January 16, 1953; Includes Enclosure], January 13, 1953.

Letter to President Truman from Atomic Energy Commissioner Thomas E. Murray, and President Truman's response, January 18 & 19, 1953

US, President Dwight Eisenhower, Inaugural Speech, 20 January 1953

Oral History, U.S. Senate, Oral History Program, Pat M. Holt, Chief of Staff, Foreign Relations Committee, "George, Dulles, and Eisenhower," (Monday, September 29, 1980) Interviewed by Donald A. Ritchie

Interview with Mr. Paul Hoffman on the Marshall Plan, January 28, 1953

Princeton University Letter from Bayard Dodge to Richard H. Sanger. [Colloquium on Islamic Culture], February 2, 1953.

Letter, Senator Joseph McCarthy to President Eisenhower re James B. Conant as High Commissioner in Germany, February 3, 1953 Page 2 Page 3

Department of State, Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs. Office of Near Eastern Affairs Memorandum. "Arab Public Relations in the U.S.," February 13, 1953.

Letter From the Ambassador to Guatemala (Schoenfeld) to the Secretary of State's Special Assistant for Intelligence (Armstrong), Subject: Communist Party Strength in Guatemala, Guatemala City, February 13, 1953

Cable from James B. Conant to the Secretary of State regarding U.S. public affairs and information program in West Berlin and West Germany (February 20, 1953).

Korean Armistice Agreement

US, CIA Intelligence Report, March 1953, Intelligence on the Soviet Bloc

US, Department of State, Intelligence Report Prepared in the Office of Intelligence Research, "Agrarian Reform in Guatemala," Washington, March 5, 1953

United States Embassy, Iraq Despatch from Philip W. Ireland to the Department of State. "Opportunities for Anti-communist Activities among Students [Includes Memorandum of Conversation], March 30, 1953.


Explanatory Note from Glukhov, Deputy Chief of the Department of Counterespionage of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Urals Military District and Former Adviser to the Ministry of Public Security of the DPRK [Democratic People's Republic of Korea], to L.P. Beria, Deputy Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers, On the false accusations of biological warfare against the United States, 13 April 1953, Cold War International History Project

Address by President Dwight D. Eisenhower "The Chance for Peace" delivered before the American Society of Newspaper Editors, April 16,1953

Explanatory Note from Lt. Gen. V.N. Razuvaev, Ambassador of the USSR to the DPRK and Chief Military Adviser to the KPA, to L.P. Beria, 18 April 1953, Cold War International History Project

Memorandum from L.P. Beria to G.M. Malenkov and to the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU [Communist Party of the Soviet Union], 21 April 1953, Cold War International History Project

State Department, "First Progress Report on Paragraph 5-a of NSC 136/1, 'U.S. policy regarding the present situation in Iran'," Top Secret Memorandum, March 20, 1953

State Department, "Measures which the United States Government Might Take in Support of a Successor Government to Mosadeq," Top Secret Memorandum, March 1953

Gerhard Wettig, "Intra-Kremlin Power Struggle and the German Problem (May-June 1953)," Comments on Mark Kramer's three-part article, "The Early Post-Stalin Succession Struggle and Upheavals in East-Central Europe: Internal-External Linkages in Soviet Policy making." Journal of Cold War Studies, Volume 1, Numbers 1-3

Resolution of the Presidium of the USSR Council of Ministers about Letters to the Ambassador of the USSR in the PRC, V.V. Kuznetsov, and to the Charge d'Affaires of the USSR in the DPRK, S.P. Suzdalev, Resolution acknowledging that charges that the United States had used bacteriological weapons in Korea were false, 2 May 1953, Cold War International history Project

Telegram to V.M. Molotov from Beijing from the Ambassador of the USSR to the PRC, V.V. Kuznetsov, about the Results of a Conversation with Mao Zedong on 11 May 1953 [not dated], Cold War International History Project

Letter, President Eisenhower to his friend, Harry Bullis about Senator McCarthy, May 18, 1953 Page 2

United States Embassy, Iraq Despatch from Burton Berry to the Department of State. "Anti-communist 'Brain Washing' Program to Be Instituted at Summer ROTC Camps for Students," May 26, 1953.

United States Embassy, Iran Despatch from Loy Henderson to the Department of State. "Attaching Memorandum Entitled 'Report on the Use of Anti-Soviet Material within Iran during Period Covered by Last Two Years'," May 29, 1953.

Telegram from the USSR Charge d'Affaires in the DPRK, S.P. Suzdalev, to V.M. Molotov 1 June 1953, Cold War International History Project

Public opinion on the Korean War, 1953, Memorandum on recent polls, June 2, 1953.

New Russian Evidence on the Korean War Biological Warfare Allegations: Background and Analysis, by Milton Leitenberg, Cold War International History Project

Dr. Kathryn Weathersby, Deceiving the Deceivers: Moscow, Beijing, Pyongyang, and the Allegations of Bacteriological Weapons Use in Korea, Cold War International History Project

Radio Telegram from Vladimir Semyonov Providing Situation Reports in East Germany to Vyacheslav Molotov and Nikolai Bulganin, 17 June 1953

Alison Smale, "60 Years Later, Germany Recalls Its Anti-Soviet Revolt," New York Times, 17 June 2013

US, Psychological Strategy Board, Memorandum from John M. Anspacher to George A. Morgan on the situation in East Germany, 17 June 1953

Department of State Airgram from John Foster Dulles to the United States Embassy, Iran. [Placement of Stories in U.S. Media], June 26, 1953.

Report to the National Security Council, "United States Objectives and Actions to Exploit the Unrest in the Satellite States" (June 29, 1953).

Report, National Security Council. Psychological Strategy Board, "Interim U.S. Psychological Strategy Plan for Exploitation of Unrest in Satellite Europe" (June 29, 1953).

Letter from Lavrentii Beria to Georgii Malenkov Reflecting on the Events of Spring 1953 in East Germany, 1 July 1953

United States Embassy, Iraq Despatch from Burton Berry to the Department of State. "Results of Evaluation Survey of 'Where Are They Now?'," July 6, 1953.

Department of State Airgram from John Foster Dulles. "Information Plan for the Arab Area," July 6, 1953.

United States. Central Intelligence Agency. Directorate of Plans Memorandum. [Radio Report on Coup Plotting in Iran], July 7, 1953.

US, Central Intelligence Agency, Clandestine Service History, "Overthrow of Premier Mossaddeq, November 1952- August 1953," Date Written: March 1954, Date Published: October 1969

Roger Cohen, "A Crass and Consequential Error," New York Review of Books, 16 August 2012 (Review of Patriot of Persia: Muhammad Mossadegh and a Tragic Anglo-American Coup)

Ray Takeyh, "The Myth of an American Coup: What Really Happened in Iran in 1953," The Weekly Standard, 10 June 2013

Malcolm Byrne, "CIA Admits It Was Behind Iran's Coup," Foreign Policy, 18 August 2013

Malcolm Bryne, "CIA Confirms Role in 1953 Iran Coup," National Security Archive, 19 August 2013

Donald Wilber, US Central Intelligence Agency, Clandestine Service History, "Overthrow of Premier Mossadeq of Iran," Cover, November 1952-August 1953," Date Written: March 1953, Date Published: October 1969

Otto Grotewohl's Handwritten Notes of a SED CC Politburo Meeting, 8 July 1953

Despatch, U.S. High Commissioner for Germany, Berlin, "Conversation with West Berlin Labor Official on Demonstration of June 17 in Soviet Sector of Berlin" (July 9, 1953).

United States Embassy, Iraq Despatch from Philip W. Ireland to the Department of State. "Evaluation of 'Hoja' Films," July 18, 1953.

Edward Teller to Sterling Cole (Chairman, Joint Atmoic Energy Committee) on Peaceful Nuclear Energy, July 23,1953

Department of State, Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern, South Asian and African Affairs. Office of Near Eastern Affairs Memorandum from Burton Berry to Henry Byroade. [Secretary of State's Understanding of Middle Eastern Problems; Attached to Cover Sheet Dated July 23, 1953], July 23, 1953.

President Eisenhower's hand-edited draft of his public statement on the occasion of the Armistice, July 26, 1953, Papers of James C. Hagerty.

United States Embassy, Egypt Despatch from Jefferson Caffery to the Department of State. "Colloquium on Islamic Culture and Saeed Ramadhan," July 27, 1953.

President Eisenhower’s thoughts on the eve of the Korean Armistice signing, Staff note, August 6, 1953. Records of the White House Staff Secretary.

State Department, "Proposed Course of Action with Respect to Iran," Top Secret Draft Memorandum, August 10, 1953

United States Embassy, Iraq Despatch from Burton Berry to the Department of State. "Visit to the Barzani Area" [Includes Memorandum], August 11, 1953.

United States Embassy, Iraq. Office of the Air Attaché Memorandum to the United States. Air Force. Chief of Staff. "Joint Weeka Nr.34--Section I" [Iraqi Assistance for the Shah], August 22, 1953.

AFP, "Obama admits US involvement in 1953 Iran coup," June 4, 2009

Saeed Kamali Dehghan and Richard Norton-Taylor, “CIA admits role in 1953 Iranian coup,” The Guardian, 19 August 2013


President Eisenhower on his administration's post-Armistice policy toward Korea, Staff note, January 5, 1954. Records of the White House Staff Secretary.

US, Central Intelligence Agency, (no author), "Selection of individuals for disposal by Junta Group", Referring to events in Guatemala, March 31, 1954.

US, Central Intelligence Agency, (no author), "Guatemalan Communist Personnel to be disposed of during Military Operations of Calligeris", Origin deleted, Undated.

Nicholas Cullather, "Operation PBSUCCESS: The United States and Guatemala, 1952- 1954", CIA History Staff document, 1994.

Gerald K. Haines, "CIA and Guatemala Assassination Proposals, 1952-1954", CIA History Staff Analysis, June 1995.

David M. Barrett, "Sterilizing a 'Red Infection': Congress, the CIA, and Guatemala, 1954," Central Intelligence Agency, May 10, 2007

Memorandum authorizing special project (design and production of the U-2 airplane), November 24, 1954 [DDE's Papers as President, Ann Whitman Diary Series, Box 3, ACW Diary November 1954


US, NASA, "Korolev and Freedom of Space: February 14, 1955–October 4, 1957"

US, National Security Council, NSC 5520 "Draft Statement of Policy on U.S. Scientific Satellite Program," May 20, 1955

US, National Security Council, NSC 5520 "Draft Statement of Policy on U.S. Scientific Satellite Program," May 20, 1955, more complete version

Senate Resolution (S. Res. 116) introduced by Senator Joseph McCarthy, June 20, 1955, White House Office of the Staff Secretary, L. Arthur Minnich Series, Box 1, Miscellaneous Mc

William J. Broad, "Soviets Stole Bomb Idea From U.S., Book Says," New York Times, December 29, 2008

Central Committee Plenum of the CPSU Ninth Session, Concluding Word by Com. N. S. Krushchev, 12 July 1955, July 12 1955


Study Prepared for U.S. Army Intelligence, "Hungary: Resistance Activities and Potentials," January 1956

Nikita Khrushchev, "The Cult of the Individual," (The Secret Speech), Speech delivered to the 20th congress of the Communist party of the USSR in Moscow on February 25 1956.

Speech by Comrade Khrushchev at the 6th PUWP CC Plenum (Excerpt), 20 March 1956, Warsaw, March 20 1956

Memoranda for the Record re reconnaissance projects and possible tracking by Soviets, July 5, 1956 and July 10, 1956, Office of the Staff Secretary, Subject Series, Alphabetical Subseries, Box 14, Intelligence Matters

Working Notes from the Session of the CPSU CC Presidium on 9 and 12 July 1956, Situation in Hungary, July 09 1956

Csaba Békés, "New findings on the 1956 Hungarian Revolution," Bulletin, Cold War International History Project, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington D.C., Fall 1992, pp.1-3.

Csaba Békés, "The International background of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution and that of the Prague Spring in 1968: A comparative analysis," The Institute for the History of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution

Minutes of 290th NSC meeting on a new draft policy toward Eastern Europe, July 12, 1956

Report from Anastas Mikoyan on the Situation in the Hungarian Workers' Party, July 14, 1956

National Security Council Report NSC 5608/1, "U.S. Policy toward the Soviet Satellites in Eastern Europe," July 18, 1956

Memorandum for the Record re possible repercussions of reconnaissance project (U-2), October 3, 1956, Office of the Staff Secretary, Subject Series, Alphabetical Subseries, Box 14, Intelligence Matters

Note from N. Krushchev to the CPSU CC Presidium regarding conversations with Yugoslav leaders in Belgrade, October 06 1956

Note from N. Khrushchev to the CPSU CC Presidium regarding conversations with Yugoslav leaders in Yugoslavia, October 08 1956

Note from N. Khrushchev to the CPSU CC Presidium regarding conversations with Yugoslav leaders in the Crimea, October 08 1956

National Security Archive Collection - Declassified Intelligence Documents on 1956, CIA Weekly summaries, 18 October 1956

Working Notes from the Session of the CPSU CC Presidium on 20 October 1956, Situation in East Germany and Hungary, October 20 1956

Working Notes from the Session of the CPSU CC Presidium on 23 October 1956, Situation in Hungary, October 23 1956

Writers' Demands, Proclamation of the Hungarian Writers' Union, 23 October 1956

Radio Broadcasts from Hungary, 23 October-4 November 1956

Account of a Meeting at the CPSU CC, on the Situation in Poland and Hungary, October 24 1956

Jan Svoboda's Notes on the CPSU CC Presidium Meeting with Satellite Leaders, October 24, 1956

Csaba Békés, "The Hungarian Question on the UN Agenda: Secret Negotiations by the Western Great Powers October 26th-November 4th 1956," British Foreign Office Documents, The Institute for the History of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution

János M. Rainer, "The Yeltsin Dossier: Soviet documents on Hungary, 1956," Cold War International History Project, Bulletin, Issue 5, Spring 1995. pp. 22-27.

János M. Rainer, "The Road to Budapest, 1956: New Documentation on the Kremlin's Decision to Intervene," Hungarian Quarterly, Summer 1996

National Security Archive Collection - Declassified Intelligence Documents on 1956, CIA Current Intelligence Bulletins, 23 October 1956

The New York Times reports on the Hungarian Uprising, 24 October-3 November 1956

Report from Soviet Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Perevertkin on moving Soviet troops into Hungary, October 24 1956

Account of a Meeting at the CPSU CC, on the Situation in Poland and Hungary, October 24 1956

National Security Archive Collection - Declassified Intelligence Documents on 1956, CIA Current Intelligence Bulletins, 24 October 1956

National Security Archive Collection - Declassified Intelligence Documents on 1956, CIA Current Intelligence Bulletins, 25 October 1956

National Security Archive Collection - Declassified Intelligence Documents on 1956, CIA Weekly summaries, 25 October 1956

Working Notes from the Session of the CPSU CC Presidium on 26 October 1956, Situation in Hungary, October 26 1956

Protocol 55 of the Meeting of the Political Bureau of the CC of the RWP, on the Situation in Hungary and Measures to be Taken in Romania, October 26 1956

National Security Archive Collection - Declassified Intelligence Documents on 1956, CIA Current Intelligence Bulletins, 26 October 1956

Telegram from Soviet Politburo members Mikoyan and Suslov reporting on the situation in Hungary, October 27 1956

National Security Archive Collection - Declassified Intelligence Documents on 1956, CIA Current Intelligence Bulletins, 27 October 1956

Andropov Report, Forwarding a letter from Hungarian Prime Minister Andras Hegedus requesting Soviet troops, 28 October 1956

Working Notes from the Session of the CPSU CC Presidium on 28 October 1956, October 28 1956

Telegram from the Budapest KGB Station concerning the latest developments in the city following the popular uprising, October 28 1956

National Security Archive Collection - Declassified Intelligence Documents on 1956, CIA Current Intelligence Bulletins, 28 October 1956

KGB Chief Serov, Report on the Uprising in Hungary, October 29 1956

Mikoyan-Suslov Report on the situation in Hungary, October 30 1956

Working Notes from the Session of the CPSU CC Presidium on the situation in Hungary, 30 October 1956

Mikoyan-Suslov Report on the situation in Hungary, October 30 1956

Cable from Italian Communist leader Togliatti on Imre Nagy's Hungary, October 30 1956

Soviet Statement: Friendship and Co-operation Between the Soviet Union and Other Socialist States, October 30, 1956

The Times, "Insurgents marching in Budapest," 30 October 1956

Protocol No. 58 of the Meeting of the Political Bureau of the CC of the RWP Which Adopted Some Measures to Ensure Order in Romania Given the Events Taking Place in Hungary, October 30 1956

Draft telegram to Italian Communist Leader Palmiro Togliatti on the question of the situation in Hungary, October 31 1956

National Security Archive Collection - Declassified Intelligence Documents on 1956, CIA Current Intelligence Bulletins, 31 October 1956

Working Notes and Attached Extract from the Minutes of the CPSU CC Presidium Meeting, October 31, 1956

“Resolution of the Presidium of the Central Committee About the Situation in Hungary” (Protocol 49), October 31 1956

Working Notes from the Session of the CPSU CC Presidium on the situation in Hungary, October 31 1956

Manchester Guardian, "Hungarian exiles answer student's questions," 31 October 1956

US, National Security Council, "U.S. Policy toward Developments in Poland and Hungary," NSC-5616, 31 October 1956

Working Notes from the Session of the CPSU CC Presidium on 1 November 1956, November 01 1956

National Security Archive Collection - Declassified Intelligence Documents on 1956, 1 November 1956

Minutes of the Nagy Government's Fourth Cabinet Meeting, November 1, 1956

National Security Archive Collection - Declassified Intelligence Documents on 1956, CIA Current Intelligence Bulletins, 1 November 1956

Andropov Report on Hungary, November 01 1956

New York Times Magazine, "Mindszenty sees a better future," 1 November 1956

Working Notes from the Session of the CPSU CC Presidium on 1 November 1956

Bulgarian Military Intelligence Information on the Situation in Hungary and Poland, November 01 1956

Working Notes from the Session of the CPSU CC Presidium on 2 November 1956

National Security Archive Collection - Declassified Intelligence Documents on 1956, CIA Current Intelligence Bulletins, 2 November 1956

Notes of a Secure Phone Call from the USSR Ambassador in Romania, A. A. Epishev, November 03 1956

Imre Horvath’s Notes of Khrushchev’s Speech at the 3 November Session, November 03 1956

National Security Archive Collection - Declassified Intelligence Documents on 1956, CIA Current Intelligence Bulletins, 3 November 1956

Notes of a Secure Phone Call from the USSR Ambassador in Romania, A. A. Epishev, November 03 1956

Working Notes from the Session of the CPSU CC Presidium on 3 November 1956, with Participation by J. Kadar, F. Munnich, and I. Horvath, November 03 1956

Zhukov report on the situation in Hungary as of 12 noon, November 04 1956

Working Notes from the Session of the CPSU CC Presidium on 4 November 1956, November 04 1956

Mikoyan and Suslov describe their trip to Hungary, November 04 1956

Cable, N. Firiubin to Soviet Foreign Ministry on location of Imre Nagy, November 04 1956

National Security Archive Collection - Declassified Intelligence Documents on 1956, CIA Current Intelligence Bulletins, 4 November 1956

Last Message from Imre Nagy, 4 November 1957

Working Notes from the Session of the CPSU CC Presidium on the situation in Hungary on 5 November 1956

Working Notes from the Session of the CPSU CC Presidium on 6 November 1956

National Security Archive Collection - Declassified Intelligence Documents on 1956, CIA Current Intelligence Bulletins, 6 November 1956

Shepilov pledges to investigate the circumstances surrounding tank fire near the Yugoslav embassy in Budapest, November 07 1956

National Security Archive Collection - Declassified Intelligence Documents on 1956, CIA Current Intelligence Bulletins, 7 November 1956

Letter of the CC UCY to the CC CPSU with an exposition of the views of the leadership of the UCY on the events in Hungary, November 08 1956

National Security Archive Collection - Declassified Intelligence Documents on 1956, CIA Weekly summaries, 8 November 1956

National Security Archive Collection - Declassified Intelligence Documents on 1956, CIA Current Intelligence Bulletins, 8 November 1956

National Security Archive Collection - Declassified Intelligence Documents on 1956, CIA Current Intelligence Bulletins, 10 November 1956

New York Herald Tribune, "An appeal to Americans in Europe for Hungary's Martyrs," 12 November 1956

National Security Archive Collection - Declassified Intelligence Documents on 1956, CIA Current Intelligence Bulletins, 13 November 1956

National Security Archive Collection - Declassified Intelligence Documents on 1956, CIA Current Intelligence Bulletins, 14 November 1956

Report by Soviet Deputy Interior Minister M. N. Holodkov to Interior Minister N. P. Dudorov, November 15, 1956

National Security Archive Collection - Declassified Intelligence Documents on 1956, CIA Weekly summaries, 15 November 1956

Situation Report from Malenkov-Suslov-Aristov, November 22, 1956

Working Notes from the Session of the CPSU CC Presidium on 27 November 1956 (Re: Protocol No. 60)

"Policy Review of Voice for Free Hungary Programming, October 23-November 23, 1956," December 5, 1956

National Security Archive Collection - Declassified Intelligence Documents on 1956, CIA Weekly summaries, 6 December 1956

New York Times Magazine, "Hungary counters strike and fighting with threat," 24 December 1956

Walter Lippmann, "New Phase," Today and Tomorrow, New York Herald Tribune, 24 December 1956

Third World Reaction to Hungary and Suez, 1956: A Soviet Foreign Ministry Analysis, December 28 1956

Csaba Békés, "The 1956 Hungarian Revolution and World Politics," The Hungarian Quarterly, Vol. 36, 1995 Summer, pp.109-121.

Attila Szakolczai, "Revolution Sweeps the Country, Lecture at Rutgers University to the organization of the Hungarian Alumni Association, 23 October 1998

Donald and Vera Blinken Collection - Hungarian Refugee Interviews from 1957-1958


Romanian and Czech Minutes on the Meeting of Five East European States' Leaders in Budapest (with Attached Final Communiqué), January 1-4, 1957

Minutes of the Meeting between the Hungarian and Chinese Delegations in Budapest, January 16, 1957

Memorandum of 1/17/57 special meeting in the President's office re organizing the U.S. intelligence program for efficient and effective operations, January 18, 1957

"The Operational Side of Air Offense: Remarks by General Curtis LeMay to USAF Scientific Advisory Board at Patrick AFB," 21 May 1957

János Tischler, "Poland’s October and the 1956 Hungarian Revolution: Gomulka's Intercession with Khrushchev on behalf of Imre Nagy," Excerpt from the records of the discussions conducted between The Party and Government Delegation of the Polish People's Republic and The Party and Government Delegation of the Soviet Union, 24-25 May, 1957.

United Nations Report of the Special Committee on the Problem of Hungary, Official Records: Eleventh Session, Supplement No. 18 (A/3592), New York. 1957

Minutes of the Meeting of the CPSU CC Plenum on the State of Soviet Foreign Policy, June 24 1957

Statement by the National Science Board in response to Russian satellite, October 1957, DDE's Records as President, Official File, Box 744, 146-F-1 Soviet Satellites

William. J. Jorden, "Soviet Fires Earth Satellite Into Space; It Is Circling the Globe at 18,000 M.P.H.; Sphere Tracked in 4 Crossings Over U.S.," New York Times, 5 October 1957

New York Times, :Device Is 8 Times Heavier Than One Planned by U.S.," 5 October 1957

New York Times, "Soviet Claiming Lead In Science," 5 October 1957

Richard Witkin, "U.S. Delay Draws Scientists' Fire: Satellite Lag Laid to the Withholding of Money and Waste of Time," New York Times, 5 October 1957

Harry Schwartz, "A Propaganda Triumph: A View That Soviets Will Stress Satellite to Buttress Claims of Military Power," New York Times, 6 October 1957

New York Times, "Senators Attack Missile Fund Cut: Satellite Delay Is Attributed to Administration -- White House Disclaims 'Race'," October 6, 1957

James Reston, "Khrushchev Asks World Rule of the Satellite and Missiles If Part of Wide U.S.-Soviet Pact: Leader Says Control Depends on Accord for Coexistence," New York Times, 8 October 1957

US, Office of the President, Reaction to the Soviet Satellite - A Preliminary Evaluation, n.d., White House Office of the Staff Research Group, Box 35, Special Projects: Sputnik, Missiles and Related Matter

Memo for the President regarding U.S. scientific satellite program budget, October 8, 1957, DDE's Records as President, Official File, Box 744, 146-F-2 Earth-Circling Satellites

Memo from C.D. Jackson regarding Soviet satellite, October 8, 1957, C.D. Jackson Papers, Box 69, Log-1957

Memorandum of Conference with the President on October 8, 1957, 8:30 a.m. (dated October 9), DDE's Papers as President, DDE Diary Series, Box 27, October '57 Staff Notes

Memorandum of Conference with the President on October 8, 1957, 5:00 p.m. (dated October 9), DDE's Papers as President, DDE Diary Series, Box 27, October '57 Staff Notes

Official White House transcript of President Eisenhower's Press and Radio Conference #123 concerning the development by the U.S. of an earth satellite, October 9, 1957 (pages 1-9 only), DDE's Papers as President, Press Conference Series, Box 6, Press Conference Oct. 9, 1957

Summary of Discussion, 339th Meeting of the National Security Council October 10, 1957 concerning "Implications of the Soviet Earth Satellite For U.S. Security" and "Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) and Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile (IRBM) Programs," dated October 11, 1957, DDE's Papers as President, NSC Series, Box 9, 339th Meeting of the NSC

Memorandum of Conference with the President on American science education and Sputnik, October 15, 1957 (dated October 16), DDE's Papers as President, DDE Diary Series, Box 27, October '57 Staff Notes

Secretary Dulles' news conference of October 16, 1957

Memo to President Eisenhower from Secretary of State John Foster Dulles regarding possible effects to economic aid, October 31, 1957, John Foster Dulles Papers, JFD Chronological Series, Box 15, JFD Chronological October 1957

New York Times, "Soviet Fires New Satellite, Carrying Dog; Half-Ton Sphere Is Reported 900 Miles Up," 3 November 1957

Text of address by the President delivered from the Oval Office in the White House on "Science in National Security," November 7, 1957

Text of address on "Our Future Security" delivered by the President in Oklahoma City. Subjects include military programs and satellite projects, November 13, 1957

Minutes of the Cabinet Meeting concerning improvements in science and mathematics education, December 2, 1957 (pages 1-3 only), DDE's Papers as President, Cabinet Series, Box 10, Cabinet Meeting of 12/2/57

Milton Bracker, "Vanguard Rocket Burns on Beach; Failure to Launch Test Satellite Assailed as Blow to U.S. Prestige," New York Times, 7 December 1957

Vladimir Isachenkov, "Secrets of 1957 Sputnik Launch Revealed," FOXNews, September 30, 2007


Legislative Leadership Meeting of January 7, 1958 regarding earth satellites, DDE's Papers as President, DDE Diary Series, Box 30, Staff Notes January 1958

Telegram From the Department of State to the Mission to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and European Regional Organizations, Subject: Department Views on Rapacki Plan, Washington, January 21, 1958

Memorandum between Killian and Land discussing reconnaissance satellite with President Eisenhower, February 10, 1958, Office of the Staff Secretary, Subject Series, Alphabetical Subseries, Box 14, Intelligence Matters

Memorandum of Conversation, Presentation of Credentials to President Eisenhower by the Soviet Ambassador Menshikov, Washington, February 11, 1958

Memorandum of Conversation, Discussion between President Eisenhower and Ambassador Menshikov, Washington, March 3, 1958

Summary of Discussion, 357th Meeting of the National Security Council concerning "U.S. Objectives in Space Exploration and Science," March 6, 1958 (pages 7-9 only), DDE's Papers as President, NSC Series, Box 9, 357th Meeting of the NSC

Public Opinion Index Questions on Sputnik, April 14, 1958, DDE's Records as President, Official Files, Box 744, 146-F-2 Earth-Circling Satellites

Letter addressed by N.S. Khruschev, First Secretary of the CC of the CPSU to the CC of the RWP concerning the withdrawal of Soviet troops from the Romanian territory, April 17 1958

Memorandum and attachment re Soviet note discussing violation of Soviet state border, April 22, 1958. Office of the Staff Secretary, Subject Series, Alphabetical Subseries, Box 14, Intelligence Matters

National Science Youth Month termed "Answer to Sputnik," October 5, 1958, U.S. President's Committee on Scientists and Engineers, Box 37, Washington D.C. 10/5/58

M.H. Halperin, "The 1958 Taiwan Straits Crisis: A Documentary History," RAND Corporation, RM-4900-ISA, December 1966

US, Central Intelligence Agency, Memorandum and attachments re security of Project Corona, cover plan summary and proposed press release, November 5, 1958, Office of the Staff Secretary, Subject Series, Alphabetical Subseries, Box 14, Intelligence Matters

Political Archive of the Foreign Ministry, Files of: the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the German Democratic Republic, Comments on the Preparation of the Steps of the Soviet Government Concerning a Change in the Status of West Berlin, December 04 1958

Time, "The Rise of Rapacki Fever," December 15, 1958

Memorandum in which President Eisenhower questions PFIAB about risks and benefits of continued U-2 intelligence collection over the Soviet Union, December 22, 1958, Office of the Staff Secretary, Subject Series, Alphabetical Subseries, Box 15, Intelligence Matters


Historical Division, Office of Information, Headquarters Strategic Air Command, History of the Strategic Air Command; History Study 73A: SAC Targeting Concepts, n.d. [circa 1959]

Telegram From the Department of State to the Mission to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and European Regional Organizations on Soviet Plan to reduce the size of its armed forces, Washington, January 9, 1958, 8:14 p.m.

Memorandum for Record regarding cancellation of Baltic area overflights, January 19, 1959, Office of the Staff Secretary, Subject Series, Alphabetical Subseries, Box 15, Intelligence Matters

Memorandum in which President questions his civilian and uniformed defense chiefs on risks and benefits of current and future aerial intelligence operations over the Soviet Union, February 12, 1959, Office of the Staff Secretary, Subject Series, Alphabetical Subseries, Box 15, Intelligence Matters

Memorandum in which President questions his science advisors on new, less-risky aerial intelligence technology soon to come on-line, discusses risks and benefits of continued U-2 operations, strength of U.S. missile deterrent, February 13, 1959, Office of the Staff Secretary, Subject Series, Alphabetical Subseries, Box 15, Intelligence Matters

Memorandum for Record regarding discontinuation of overflights, March 4, 1959, Office of the Staff Secretary, Subject Series, Alphabetical Subseries, Box 15, Intelligence Matters

US, Central Intelligence Agency, Paper on Project CORONA (satellite-based overhead surveillance) program progress, March 11, 1959, Office of the Staff Secretary, Subject Series, Alphabetical Subseries, Box 15, Intelligence Matters

Report on Project Corona, March 17, 1959, Office of the Staff Secretary, Subject Series, Alphabetical Subseries, Box 15, Intelligence Matters

US, Congress, U.S. Public Law 86-3, An Act to Provide for the admission of the State of Hawai'i into the Union, March 18, 1959

Case file re vulnerability of U-2 to Soviet interception, production and deployment of Soviet ICBMs, risks of intelligence operations, and information gained from intelligence operations, March 31, 1959 [Office of the Staff Secretary, Subject Series, Alphabetical Subseries, Box 15, Intelligence Matters

Memorandum re lack of intelligence on progress of Soviet ICBM program, military and political risks of overflights of the Soviet Union versus potential benefits, April 3, 1959. Office of the Staff Secretary, Subject Series, Alphabetical Subseries, Box 15, Intelligence Matters

Memorandum re President's concerns about grave risks posed by U-2 overflights; questions whether intelligence gained is worth the potential damage to negotiations with Soviets, April 11, 1959, Office of the Staff Secretary, Subject Series, Alphabetical Subseries, Box 15, Intelligence Matters

Case file re CIA reports to Department of Defense on progress of, and plans for, CORONA intelligence project, May 4 and 5, 1959, Office of the Staff Secretary, Subject Series, Alphabetical Subseries, Box 15, Intelligence Matters

Short Summary of Soviet Talks with the GDR Party-Governmental Delegation, Subject: German reunification, 9 June 1959

"Summary of the Talks with the GDR Party-Governmental Delegation on 18 June 1959. On the Soviet side, the same people took part as in the previous meeting, and also A.N. Kosygin and N.S Patolichev," 4 July 1959

Memorandum in which President discusses with his advisors the risks and benefits of additional U-2 flights over the Soviet Union given fluid political situation within the Soviet Union, need for negotiation with the Soviets, July 8, 1959, Office of the Staff Secretary, Subject Series, Alphabetical Subseries, Box 15, Intelligence Matters

Memorandum re proposals for development of new spy plane to replace the U-2, July 20, 1959, Office of the Staff Secretary, Subject Series, Alphabetical Subseries, Box 15, Intelligence Matters

Khrushchev-Nixon "kitchen" debate, July 24, 1959


Memorandum re President's meeting with his Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board on authorization of further U-2 flights, extended debate about risks versus benefits, February 8, 1960, Office of the Staff Secretary, Subject Series, Alphabetical Subseries, Box 15, Intelligence Matters

CIA report on U-2 Vulnerability Tests, April 1960, Office of the Staff Secretary, Subject Series, Alphabetical Subseries, Box 15, Intelligence Matters

Memorandum with Presidential authorization of one more flight prior to May 1, April 25, 1960, Office of the Staff Secretary, Subject Series, Alphabetical Subseries, Box 15, Intelligence Matters

Giles Whittell, "CIA documents show US never believed Gary Powers was shot down," The Times Online, 1 May 2010

Cover story that the missing U-2 was on a scientific weather mission over Turkey, May 2, 1960, Office of the Staff Secretary, Subject Series, Alphabetical Subseries, Box 15, Intelligence Matters

National Aeronautics and Space Administration press release concerning missing U-2 airplane, May 5, 1960

United States Note to the U.S.S.R. on the U-2, May 6, 1960.

State Department press release #249 concerning U-2 incident, May 6, 1960, Christian Herter Papers, Box 20, U-2

U.S. Embassy cable to State Department on the U-2 Incident, Moscow, May 7, 1960

Statement by Secretary of State Herter on the U-2 incident, May 9, 1960.

State Department press release #254 concerning U-2 incident, May 9, 1960, Christian Herter Papers, Box 20, U-2

Memorandum of Discussion on the U-2 incident at the 444th Meeting of the National Security Council, 9 May 2008

Telegram From the Embassy in the Soviet Union to the Department of State on the U-2 incident, Moscow, May 9, 1960

Telegram From the Soviet Union to the Department of State on the U-2 incident, Moscow, May 9, 1960, 7 p.m.

Soviet note to the United States about the shooting down of a U-2, May 10, 1960

State Department telegram from American Embassy in Moscow to Secretary of State transmitting translation of Soviet note concerning U-2 plane, May 10, 1960, Christian Herter Papers, Box 20, U-2

News Conference Statement by President Eisenhower on the U-2 incident, May 11, 1960.

Statement by the President regarding U-2 incident, May 11, 1960, Christian Herter Papers, Box 20, U-2

United States Note to the U.S.S.R.on the U-2 incident, May 11, 1960.

CIA Comments on "True" magazine article on the U-2 Incident, May 1960, Office of the Staff Secretary, Subject Series, Alphabetical Subseries, Box 15, Intelligence Matters

Memorandum for Ann Whitman, discusses Khrushchev and Summit Conference, May 11, 1960, DDE's Papers as President, DDE Diary Series, Box 50, Staff Notes May 1960

Washington Post article, "U.S. Heard Russians Chasing U-2," May 12, 1960, Office of the Staff Secretary, Subject Series, Alphabetical Subseries, Box 15, Intelligence Matters

Memorandum of Conference with the President on 5/15/60, dated May 16, 1960 regarding U-2 and summit conference, DDE's Papers as President, DDE Diary Series, Box 50, Staff Notes May 1960

Memorandum of Discussion on the U-2 incident at the 445th Meeting of the National Security Council, Washington, May 24, 1960

Memorandum of Conversation between President Eisenhower and Congressional leadership on the U-2 incident, Washington, May 26, 1960, 8:45 a.m.

Background Paper on Soviet overflights, May 1960, Paris, France, Christian Herter Papers, Box 20, U-2

Memorandum for the Record ending U-2 flights, Washington, June 1, 1960.

Memorandum From the Secretary of State's Special Assistant (Bohlen) to Secretary of State Herter on the conversation with Ambassador Menshikov on the U-2 incident, Washington, July 8, 1960

Memorandum of Telephone Conversation Between President Eisenhower and Secretary of State Herter on the RB-47 Airplane Incident, July 11, 1960

Memorandum of Telephone Conversation Between President Eisenhower and Secretary of State Herter on the RB-47 Airplane Incident, 12 July 1960

Memorandum of Discussion on the RB-47 Airplane Incident at the 451st Meeting of the National Security Council, Washington, July 15, 1960

Memorandum of Conference With President Eisenhower on the RB-47 Airplane Incident, Newport, Rhode Island, July 19, 1960

State Department telegram regarding coordination with British on U.S. reconnaissance flights, July 28, 1960, Office of the Staff Secretary, Subject Series, Alphabetical Subseries, Box 15, Intelligence Matters

Memorandum of discussion on all forms of aircraft intelligence reconnaissance operations, including U-2s, RB-47s, other aircraft, and types of intelligence derived from these operations, undated (summer 1960), White House Office of the Staff Secretary, Subject Series, Alphabetical Subseries, Box 15, Intelligence Matters

Memorandum in which President discusses the military and diplomatic risks of all forms of overhead and peripheral aerial reconnaissance, but authorizes continued operations, August 10, 1960, Office of the Staff Secretary, Subject Series, Alphabetical Subseries, Box 15, Intelligence Matters

Memorandum listing all U-2 overflights of Soviet bloc from 1956-1960, August 18, 1960, Office of the Staff Secretary, Subject Series, Alphabetical Subseries, Box 15, Intelligence Matters

Radio interview with Drew Pearson of Washington Post, August 23, 1960, Office of the Staff Secretary, Subject Series, Alphabetical Subseries, Box 15, Intelligence Matters

Memorandum re security system to control intelligence from aerial intelligence operations, August 26, 1960, White House Office of the Staff Secretary, Subject Series, Alphabetical Subseries, Box 15, Intelligence Matters

Memorandum with Presidential authorization of continued peripheral reconnaissance operations seeking electronic information (ELINT), September 6, 1960, White House Office of the Staff Secretary, Subject Series, Alphabetical Subseries, Box 15, Intelligence Matters

Memorandum of Conference with the President regarding Soviet fighter capability, September 6, 1960, Office of the Staff Secretary, Subject Series, Alphabetical Subseries, Box 15, Intelligence Matters

Telegram From the Embassy in the Soviet Union (Thompson) to the Department of State on the RB-47 Airplane Incident , Moscow, September 8, 1960

Telegram From the Embassy in the Soviet Union to the Department of State on the RB-47 Airplane Incident, Moscow, September 8, 1960, 5 p.m.

Telegram From the Embassy in the Soviet Union to the Department of State on the RB-47 Airplane Incident, Moscow, September 8, 1960, 5 p.m.

Telegram From the Embassy in the Soviet Union to the Department of State on the RB-47 Incident, Moscow, September 9, 1960, 9 p.m.

Memorandum of discussion with British officials about critical diplomatic issues and need for U.S. to coordinate closely with U.K. on aerial reconnaissance of Soviet Bloc, President regrets how the U-2 incident cover story was handled, September 28, 1960

Record of meeting between N.S. Khrushchev and W. Ulbricht on the situation in East Germany, November 30, 1960

UN, Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, Adopted by General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960


President Eisenhower's "Military-Industrial Complex" Speech, January 1961

Sam Roberts, "In Archive, New Light on Evolution of Eisenhower Speech," New York Times, 10 December 2010

Telegram From the Mission at Berlin to the Department of State, Berlin, January 9, 1961, 5 p.m

President John F. Kennedy Inaugural Address, January 20, 1961

Letter From Secretary of State Rusk to President Kennedy on the situation in Berlin, Washington, January 28, 1961

Memorandum from Lt. General John K. Gerhart, Deputy Chief of Staff, Plans & Programs, U.S. Air Force, to Air Force Chief of Staff Thomas White, "Long-Range Threat of Communist China," 8 February 1961

Memorandum from John M. Steeves, Bureau of Far Eastern Affairs, to Roger Hilsman, Director, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, "National Intelligence Estimate on Implications of Chinese Communist Nuclear Capability," 12 April 1961

US, Department of Defense, NATO-U.S. Targeting, 26 April 1961

Speech by Marshal Malinovskii Describing the Need for Warsaw Pact Offensive Operations, May 1961

Nathan Thrall and Jesse James Wilkins, "Kennedy Talked, Khrushchev Triumphed," New York Times, May 22, 2008

President Kennedy's Berlin Speech, July 25, 1961

Khrushchev speech on the Berlin crisis, August 4, 1961

Carl Kaysen to General Maxwell Taylor, Military Representative to the President, "Strategic Air Planning and Berlin," 5 September 1961, Top Secret, excised copy, with cover memoranda to Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Lyman Lemnitzer

Bulgarian Ministry of the Interior Bulletin re: Anti-Bulgarian activity of Greece and Turkey, September 05 1961

Major William Y. Smith to General Maxwell Taylor, "Strategic Air Planning and Berlin," 7 September 1961, Top Secret, excised copy

Memorandum from General Maxwell Taylor to General Lemnitzer, 19 September 1961, enclosing memorandum on "Strategic Air Planning," Top Secret

Rough Notes from a Conversation (Gromyko, Khrushchev, and Gomulka) on the International Situation with Kennedy, Rusk, and Macmillan, n.d. [October 1961], October 01 1961


Note on the Discussion between Khrushchev and Ulbricht in Moscow, 26 February 1962 (Excerpts)

Note on the Discussion between Khrushchev and Ulbricht in Moscow on 27 February 1962 (Excerpts)

Information from a CC Bulgarian CP Secretariat Commision on the results of the investigation regarding the regime at the Lovech’ Labor Camp, April 05 1962

National Intelligence Estimate 13-2-62, "Chinese Communist Advanced Weapons Capabilities," 25 April 1962

US, Department of Defense, Remarks by Secretary McNamara NATO Ministerial Meeting, 5 May 1962

US Secretary of Defense, Robert McNamara, Commencement Address, University of Michigan ("No-Cities Speech), June 1962

Memorandum of Conversation between Soviet Ambassador to North Korea Vasily Moskovsky and Kim Il Sung, August 14 1962

Memorandum of Conversation between Soviet Ambassador to North Korea Vasily Moskovsky and North Korean Foreign Minister Pak Song Ch’ol, August 26 1962

Memorandum of Conversation between Soviet Ambassador to North Korea Vasily Moskovsky and acting Soviet Military Attaché Ustinov, September 01 1962

Conversation between Soviet Ambassador in North Korea Vasily Moskovsky and German Ambassador Schneidewind, September 20 1962

Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs George McGhee to Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs Robert Manning, "Program to Influence World Opinion With Respect to a Chicom Nuclear Detonation," 24 September 1962; decision memorandum by Secretary of State Rusk attached, dated 20 September 1962

Report to CPSU Central Committee From Defense Minister Rodion Malinovskii and A. Epishev about the aggressive actions of the US toward Cuba, October 24 1962

Memorandum of Conversation between Soviet Ambassador to North Korea Vasily Moskovsky and Kim Il Sung, November 01 1962

Notes of Conversation between A.I. Mikoyan and Fidel Castro in which Castro expresses his displeasure over the withdrawal of Soviet missiles from Cuba, November 03 1962

Memorandum of Conversation between Soviet Ambassador to North Korea Vasily Moskovsky and Kim Il Sung, November 10 1962

Organizational Principles of the Czechoslovak Army, November 22, 1962

Memorandum of Conversation between Soviet Ambassador to North Korea Vasily Moskovsky and North Korean Foreign Minister Pak Song Ch’ol, December 29 1962


Record of Conversation between Soviet Ambassador to North Korea Vasily Moskovsky and North Korean Foreign Minister Pak Song Ch’ol, January 03 1963

Letter, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs W. Averell Harriman to President John F. Kennedy on Chinese nuclear capabilities, 23 January 1963, Secret, enclosed with letter from Harriman to Evelyn Lincoln, 23 January 1963

Memorandum of Conversation between Soviet Ambassador to North Korea Vasily Moskovsky and North Korean Foreign Ministry Official Pak Yong-guk, April 01 1963

From the Diary of Soviet Ambassador to North Korea Vasily Moskovsky on North Korea's attitude toward the Sino-Soviet split, April 06 1963

General Curtis E. LeMay, Acting Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, to Secretary of Defense, "Study of Chinese Communist Vulnerability," 29 April 1963, with report on "Chinese Communist Vulnerability" attached, Top Secret

McGeorge Bundy, Memorandum of Conversation with Ambassador Dobrynin on US-Soviet cooperation vis-a-vis China, at lunch May 17, 1963

President Kennedy's Civil Rights Speech, June 11, 1963

Memorandum of Understanding Between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Regarding the Establishment of a Direct Communications Link, June 20, 1963

US, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, "Summary and Appraisal of Latest Evidence on Chinese Communist Advanced Weapon Capabilities," 10 July 1963

US, Central Intelligence Agency, Special National Intelligence Estimate, "Communist China's Advanced Weapons Program," July 24, 1963.

Conversation between Soviet Ambassador in North Korea Vasily Moskovsky and the German Ambassador on the possibility of receiving nuclear assistance, August 26 1963

Memorandum to McGeorge Bundy, Special Assistant to the President, from William E. Colby, for Deputy Director of Plans, Central Intelligence Agency, "Visit of General Chiang Ching-kuo," 19 September 1963, enclosing, "Meeting Between Mr. McGeorge Bundy and General Chiang Ching-kuo, 10 September 1963", Secret

Robert H. Johnson, State Department Policy Planning Council, " A Chinese Communist Nuclear Detonation and Nuclear Capability: Major Conclusions and Key Issues," 15 October 1963, Secret

Memorandum from William Y. Smith to Maxwell Taylor on shifting from massive retaliation to flexible response, 7 November 1963

U.S. National Security Council, Net Evaluation Subcommittee, "The Management and Termination of War With the Soviet Union," 15 November 1963

Memorandum, General Maxwell D. Taylor, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, to General LeMay, General Wheeler, Admiral McDonald, General Shoup, "Chinese Nuclear Development," 18 November 1963, Top Secret

Charles Cogan, "The Assassination of Kennedy Fifty Years Later: The Cuban Question Mark," H-Diplo, 21 November 2013

US, National Security Council, National Security Action Memoranda, NSAM 274: Cuba-Economic Denial Program, December 20, 1963


Report by the Bulgarian Foreign Minister on the Ministerial Meeting in Warsaw regarding the situation in the Middle East, 19-21 December 1967, January 04 1968

US, National Security Council, National Security Action Memoranda, NSAM 277: Review of our Procedures for Anticipating Foreign Crises, 20 January 1964

"Implications of a Chinese Communist Nuclear Capability", by Robert H. Johnson, State Department Policy Planning Staff, with forwarding memorandum to President Johnson by Policy Planning Council director Walt W. Rostow, 17 April 1964.

Memorandum from Secretary of State Rusk to President Johnson, "Items for Evening Reading," 1 May 1964, enclosing W.W. Rostow, Chairman, Policy Planning Council to the President, "The Implications of a Chinese Communist Nuclear Capability," 30 April 1964, Secret

Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society Speech, May 1964

"USAFE", 26 May 1964, on the problem of first-use of nuclear weapons, possibly prepared by Seymour Weiss, Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs, Department of State

Memorandum on the use of nuclear weapons in Europe for the Secretary from Deputy Under Secretary U. Alexis Johnson, "Meetings in Paris with Bohlen, Finletter, Lemnitzer, and McConnell," 27 May 1964, with cover memo and detailed report attached

Memorandum, Robert H. Johnson, Department of State Policy Planning Council, "The Chinese Communist Nuclear Capability and Some `Unorthodox' Approaches to the Problem of Nuclear Proliferation," 1 June 1964

Department of State Circular Airgram CA-43 to U.S. Embassy in Thailand et al., "Status of Program to Influence World Opinion with Respect to a Chinese Communist Nuclear Detonation," 20 July 1964, Confidential

US, Central Intelligence Agency, Special National Intelligence Estimate, "The Chances of an Imminent Communist Chinese Nuclear Explosion" 26 August 1964.

Ronald Reagan, "A Time for Choosing," Address on behalf of Senator Barry Goldwater, Rendezvous with Destiny, October 27, 1964

Memorandum, Robert H. Johnson, Policy Planning Council, to Henry Owen, "Thursday Planning Group Discussion of `Communist China and Nuclear Proliferation,'" 2 September 1964, Secret

Memorandum for the Record, McGeorge Bundy on Chinese nuclear capabilities, 15 September 1964

Department of State, Transcript of Daily Press Conference on Chinese nuclear test, Thursday, September 29, 1964

US, Department of Defense, Office of International Security Affairs, "China As a Nuclear Power (Some Thoughts Prior to the Chinese Test)", 7 October 1964

State Department Telegram No. 2025 to U.S. Embassy Paris on Chinese nuclear capabilities, 9 October 1964

Glenn T. Seaborg, Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission, Diary Entry for 17 October 1964 on Chinese nuclear test

Glenn T. Seaborg, Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission, Diary Entry for 20 and 21 October 1964 on Chinese nuclear test

U.S. Embassy, Taipei, cable number 347 to Department of State on briefing of Taiwanese officials, 24 October 1964, Secret, excised copy

Excerpts, “Stenographic Protocol of the II Plenary Session of the Central Committee of the Polish United Workers’ Party,” on the reasons for Krushchev's removal, November 20 1964

"Destruction of Chinese Nuclear Weapons Capabilities", by G.W. Rathjens, U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, 14 December 1964.

Department of State Airgram enclosing "Secretary McNamara's Remarks to NATO Ministerial Meeting, December 15-17, 1964," 23 December 1964

Ambassador-at-Large Llewellyn Thompson to Seymour Weiss, Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs, "Implications of a Major Soviet Conventional Attack in Central Europe," 29 December 1964


"As Explosive as a Nuclear Weapon": The Gilpatric Report on Nuclear Proliferation, January 1965

Global, "Operation Powerpack," US Intervention in the Dominican Republic, April 1965

Conversation between Soviet Ambassador to the PRC, S. V. Chervonenko and Chinese Prime Minister, Zhou Enlai (fragment) comparing the Algerian war for independence and the Vietnam War, April 20 1965

Memorandum, Rear Admiral Richard G. Colbert and W. E. Gathright, Policy Planning Council, to Walt W. Rostow, Director, Policy Planning Council, "The ChiCom `G' Class (Missile-Launching Submarine), 4 May 1965, enclosing U.S. Naval Intelligence Paper, "Chicom `G' Class," 11 April 1965, Top Secret


CC BCP Politburo Resolution on Bulgarian Intelligence actions against China and Albania, January 11 1966

US, Defense Intelligence Agency, Kwame Nkrumah, President of Ghana, 12 January 1966

U.S. Department of State Policy Planning Council, "The Further Spread of Nuclear Weapons: Problems for the West," 14 February 1966

Ronald Reagan, "The Creative Society," University of Southern California, April 19, 1966


State Department cable 121338 to U.S. Embassy, Bonn, "Non-Proliferation Treaty," 18 January 1967

State Department cable 127754 to U.S. Embassies in Canada, United Kingdom, Italy, et al., "Non-Proliferation Treaty Safeguards Article," 30 January 1967

KDS Chairman Angel Solakov’s Report at a CC Bulgarian CP Plenum on the changing strategy between East and West, March 23 1967

Memorandum from Herman Pollack, Deputy Director,Office of International Scientific Affairs, to Secretary of State Dean Rusk, "IAEA Preparations for NPT Safeguards Responsibilities," 12 May 1967

US, State Department, Memorandum of Conversation, "Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty,".23 August 1967

Draft Treaty: State Department Instructions CA-1545 to Diplomatic Posts, "Aide-Memoire on the Draft Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)," 24 August 1967

Telegram From the Department of State to the Mission to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization on Anti-Ballistic Missiles, Washington, September 14, 1967

US Secretary of Defense, Robert McNamara, Speech on Mutual Deterrence, September 18, 1967

U.S. Mission Geneva Cable 1503 to U.S. Department of State, "NPT Safeguards Article," 3 November 1967

U.S. Embassy New Delhi Airgram A-540 to Department of State, "Canadians Warn GOI on NPT," 12 December 1967

NATO, The Harmel Report, "The Future Tasks of the Alliance," Ministerial Communique, 13-14 December 1967

U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, Memorandum of Conversation, "NPT," 16 December 1967


U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, Memorandum of Conversation,"Soviet Views on NPT," 3 January 1968

Report by the Bulgarian Foreign Minister on the Ministerial Meeting in Warsaw regarding the situation in the Middle East, 19-21 December 1967, January 04 1968

US, Department of Defense, NATO Strategy and Force Structure, January 16, 1968

U.S. Mission to Geneva Cable 2290 to State Department, "Draft NPT Text," 17 January 1968

U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, Memorandum of Conversation, "Non-Proliferation Treaty," 18 January 1968

U.S. Mission NATO cable 1393 to State Department, "NAC January 18 – Draft NPT," 18 January 1968

U.S. Embassy Bonn cable 7557 to Department of State, "FRG Defense Council Meeting on NPT," 23 January 1968

State Department cable 107235 to U.S. Embassy Bonn, "Soviet Motivation on NPT," 30 January 1968

U.S. Embassy Bonn cable 7812 to Department of State, "NPT: Hesitations over FRG Tactics," 31 January 1968

U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Intelligence Note-88, "Does DeGaulle Want to Torpedo the NPT?" 1 February 1968

Department of State cable 113607 to U.S. Embassy Bonn on NPT, 10 February 1968

U.S. State Department, Memorandum of Conversation, "NPT," 15 February 1968

Treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons (1968), Entered into force March 5, 1970

Informal remarks by Czechoslovak Chief of General Staff, Gen. Otakar Rytír, at a Confidential Meeting of General Staff Officials, Prague, 13 March 1968

U.S. Mission to Geneva Cable 3048 to State Department on the Indian position toward the NPT, 3 April 1968

U.S. Department of State Cable 142418 to U.S.Mission United Nations, "NPT and Resumed GA [General Assembly]", 5 April 1968

U.S. Embassy Canberra cable 4842 to Department of State on Australia and the NPT, 6 April 1968

U.S. Embassy Rawalpindi cable 4412 to Department of State on Pakistan's position, "Non-Proliferation Treaty," 8 April 1968

U.S. Embassy Canberra cable 4923 to Department of State, "NPT," 10 April 1969

Letter from Undersecretary of State Nicholas deB. Katzenbach to Secretary of Defense Clark Clifford, 10 April 1968, with attached questions and answers, memorandum of conversation, West German "non-paper," and proposed declaration

U.S. Embassy Bonn Cable 10869 to State Department, "Schnippenkoetter Comments on German Signature," NPT, 10 April 1968

State Department Cable 144920 to Embassy Canberra, "Australian Concerns regarding NPT," 11 April 1968

U.S. State Department, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, "Intelligence Note-290, "Brazilian Opposition to NPT Draft Likely to Continue," 19 April 1968

Secretary of State Dean Rusk, Memorandum to the President, "Letter to Prime Minister Eshkol on NPT," on Israeli nuclear program, 19 April 1968

Benjamin Read, Executive Secretary, U.S. Department of State, to the Secretary, "Your Luncheon Meeting with the President Today," 23 April 1968, with State Department and Joint Chiefs of Staff memoranda attached on opposition to the "non-use" precedent

Arms Control and Disarmament Agency Memorandum of Conversation, "Consultations with Australians on NPT and Status of Interpretations on Articles I and II," 24 April 1968

Csaba Békés, "The International background of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution and that of the Prague Spring in 1968: A comparative analysis," The Institute for the History of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution

The KGB's 1967 Annual Report, Committee of State Security [KGB] of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, 6 May 1968

U.S. Department of State, Memorandum of Conversation, "Brazil's Attitude on NPT," 6 May 1968

U.S. State Department cable 161473 to U.S. Mission, United Nations, New York, "NPT: Mexican Amendments," 10 May 1968

U.S. State Department cable 162528 to U.S. Mission, United Nation, New York, "Mexican Amendments to NPT," 11 May 1968

U.S. Department of State, Memorandum of Conversation, "Nonproliferation Treaty," 17 May 1968

Report on Statements by Ukrainian Journalists in the Czechoslovakian SSR, May 30 1968

Memorandum of the Academic Staff of the Czechoslovak Military Academies on Czechoslovakia's Defense Doctrine, June 4, 1968

U.S. Department of State cable 17706 to Embassy Tel Aviv on Israeli position on the NPT, 6 June 1968

U.S. Department of State, Memorandum of Conversation on the Japanese position, "NPT," 6 June 1968

Memo from Henry Owen, Director, Policy Planning Council, to Secretary Rusk, "After NPT, What," 10 June 1968, enclosing Policy Planning Council study of the same title, 28 May 1968

Secretary of State Rusk, Memorandum for the President, "Reaffirmation of NATO at the Time of Nonproliferation Treaty Signing," 11 June 1968

Israeli Foreign Minister Eban to Secretary of State Rusk on the NPT, 30 June 1968

State Department Cable 194569 to All Diplomatic Posts on the signing of the NPT, 1 July 1968

London Embassy Airgram A-3985 to Department of State, "Signature of NPT," 2 July 1968

"The Warsaw Treaty and Czechoslovakia," July 1968, MNO-1968, sekr. min. 2/1-9, Military Historical Archives, Prague; translated by Vojtech Mastny

U.S. Embassy Moscow Airgram A-1579 to Department of State, "NPT Signatories," 9 July 1968

U.S. Department of State Memorandum of Conversation, "Non-Proliferation (Part IV of V)," 23 July 1968

U.S. Department of State, Memorandum of Conversation, "Strauss and the NPT," 23 July 1968

White House Memorandum for the Record on the NPT, "The President's Meeting with German Defense Minister Schroeder, Wednesday, July 24, 1968, 5:30 p.m.," 25 July 1968

U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Intelligence Note-605, "Italian Parliament Gives Overwhelming Backing to NPT," 31 July 1968

Brezhnev's conversation with Dubcek, August 13, 1968

Letter from five Communist Party officials to Soviet leader, Brezhnev, requesting Soviet intervention, August 1968

U.S. Department of State, Secretary's Delegation to the Twenty-Third Session of the United Nations General Assembly, Memorandum of Conversation, "NPT (Part V of VIII)," 6 October 1968

U.S. Embassy Tokyo cable 12829 to Department of State on Soviet pressure on Japan to sign the NPT, 10 October 1968

Speech by Leonid Brezhnev articulating the "Brezhnev Doctrine," November 13, 1968

William C. Foster, Director, U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, to Executive Secretary Benjamin H. Read, "Basic Issues Regarding NPT and Timing of Ratification,'' 22 November 1968


US, Department of Defense, NATO Strategy and Force Structure, January 7, 1969

NSSM 2, Middle East Policy, January 21, 1969

NSSM 3, U.S. Military Posture And Balance of Power, January 21, 1969

Meeting Between Presidential Assistant Kissinger and Ambassador Dobrynin, February 21, 1969

Report by Ceausescu to the Romanian Politburo on the PCC Meeting in Budapest, March 18, 1969

Memorandum of Conversation between President Nixon, Kissinger and Ambassador Dobynin (in which Kissinger asks for a "reasonable
interval" between an agreement and the establishment of any government in South Vietnam), Washington, May 14, 1969

National Security Decision Memorandum 16, Criteria for Strategic Sufficiency, June 24, 1969

Memo from Kissinger to Nixon, Subject: Israeli Nuclear Program, July 19, 1969

John Noble Wilford, "On Hand for Space History, as Superpowers Spar," New York Times, July 13, 2009

Memo from Kissinger to Nixon, Subject: The Next Step in the Middle East, 10 September 1969

Memo from Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird to Nixon, Subject: Air and Naval Operations Against North Vietnam, 8 October 1969

Dobrynin and Kissinger records of meeting with Nixon, 20 October 1969

President Nixon's 'Silent Majority' speech, November 3, 1969

(Excerpt) Transcript of a meeting between the delegations of the PZPR and the SED in Moscow, 2 December 1969


US, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Monograph: The Fedayeen Terrorist, June, 1970

Cable from CIA Deputy Director of Plans Thomas Karamessines to Henry Hecksher, the CIA station chief in Santiago, October 16, 1970

State Department Telegram, Subject: Situation Following Syrian Invasion, September 21, 1970

Kissinger and Dobrynin records of meetings on Soviet submarine base in Cienfuegos, Cuba, 25 September 1970

White House, SECRET/SENSITIVE Memorandum for the President, "Subject: NSC Meeting, November 6-Chile," November 5, 1970

Kissinger and Dobrynin records of meeting, 22 December 1970

Kissinger and Dobrynin records of telephone conversation on visit by Senator Muskie to Moscow, 24 December 1970


Kissinger and Dobrynin records of meeting in which Berlin, SALT, and Vietnam are discussed, 9 January 1971

Telegram from Dobrynin to Soviet Foreign Ministry on US decision-making, 14 February 1971

US, National Security Council, National Security Study Memorandum 124, "Next Steps Towards the People's Republic of China, "April 19, 1971.

Memorandum for the Chairman, NSC Senior Review Group, "NSSM 124: Next Steps Toward the People's Republic of China (PRC)" n.d.

US, Central Intelligence Agency, Directorate of Intelligence, Intelligence Report, "The Polish Question: East Germany," July 1971

Dobrynin cable on U.S.-China rapprochement and Kissinger and Dobrynin records of meeting, 19 July 1971

Agreement Between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on Measures to Improve the USA-USSR Direct Communications Link, September 30, 1971

Agreement on Measures to Reduce the Risk of Outbreak of Nuclear War Between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialists Republics, September 30, 1971

State Department Telegram, Subject: Soviet Jewish Emigration to Israel, November 4, 1971

Kissinger and Vorontsov records of meeting in which the Indian-Pakistan war is discussed, 5 December 1971


Dobrynin record of meeting with Kissinger in which Kissinger informs Dobrynin about what the US Secretary of State Rogers does not know about US policy, 4 February 1972

US, Central Intelligence Agency, Special National Intelligence Estimate, "Security Conditions in China", February 10, 1972.

The White House, Memorandum of Conversation, [Participants include Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Richard Nixon, and Henry Kissinger], February 21, 1972.

Memorandum of Conversation, Henry Kissinger and Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai, Beijing, Monday, February 21, 1972 - 5:58 p.m.-6:55 p.m.

Memorandum of Conversation, Henry Kissinger and Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai, Beijing, Tuesday, February 22, 1972 - 2:10 p.m.-6:00 p.m.

Memorandum of Conversation, President Nixon and Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai, Beijing, Wednesday, February 23, 1972 - 2:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.

Memorandum of Conversation, President Nixon and Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai, Beijing, Thursday, February 24, 1972 - 5:15 p.m.-8:05 p.m.

Memorandum of Conversation, President Nixon and Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai, Beijing, Friday, February 25, 1972 - 5:45 p.m.-6:45 p.m.

Memorandum of Conversation, President Nixon and Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai, Beijing, Saturday, February 26, 1972 - 9:20 p.m.-10:05 p.m.

Joint U.S.-China Communique at Shanghai, February 27, 1972

Memorandum of Conversation, President Nixon and Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai, Shanghai, Monday, February 28, 1972 - 8:30-9:30 a.m.

Dobrynin record of meeting with Kissinger in which the North Vietnamese offensive is discussed, 3 April 1972

Dobrynin record of meeting with Kissinger discussing the relationship between events in Vietnam and the upcoming summit, 5 May 1972

Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Prevention of Incidents On and Over the High Seas, May 25, 1972

Treaty Between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Limitation of Anti-Ballistic Missle Systems, May 26, 1972

Memo from Saunders to Kissinger, Subject: Message from Shah on Kurds, June 7, 1972


Message from Acting Director FBI to Situation Room White House, Subject: Middle East (Fedayeen) Black September Group, March 8, 1973

State Department Telegram, Subject: Discussion with King Faisal re Support for BSO-Fatah, March 14, 1973

State Department Telegram, Subject: Campaign against Terrorism: Saudi Role, March 27, 1973

President Nixon's Speech on Watergate, 30 April 1973

Memo for the President, Subject: Sale of F-4s to Saudi Arabia, May 18, 1973

Memo from Saunders to Kissinger, Subject: Countering Israeli Reaction to F-4 Sales to Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, June 1, 1973

US, Department of Defense, Remarks by Secretary of Defense-Designate, James R. Schlesinger at NATO Defense Planning Committee Ministerial Meeting, Brussel, 7 June 1973

US, Briefing on NATO and Warsaw Pact Convention, August 1973

Chris Dietrich, “Allende, the Third World, and Neoliberal Imperialism,” Imperial and Global Forum, 18 June 2014

Department of State, SECRET/NODIS, "Secretary's Staff Meeting," on the coup in Chile, October 1, 1973

Department of State, SECRET/NODIS, "Secretary's Staff Meeting," on the coup in Chile, October 2, 1973

US, Congress, Senate, Staff Report of the Select Committee To Study Governmental Operations With Respect to Intelligence Activities, 94th Congress 1st Session, Committee Print, "Covert Action in Chile, 1963-1973," December 18, 1975

US, Department of State, Hinchey Report, SUBJECT: CIA Activities in Chile, September 18, 2000

State Department Telegram, Subject: Saudi Warning to European Community, October 16, 1973


State Department Telegram, Subject: Letter from Egyptian President Sadat to King Faisal on oil boycott and possibility of Syrian-Israeli hostilities, January 2, 1974

DECREE of the Secretariat of the CC CPSU - An Appeal to the Leaders of the PDPA Groups “Parcham” and “Khalq” in Afghanistan, 08 January 1974

US, Dept of State Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Research-Study, PRC Leaders Chou’s Relationship with the Reascendant Teng Hsiao P’ing, February 14. 1974

Peter Sargent and Jack Harris, "Chinese Assessment of the Superpower Relationship, 1972-1974," BDM Corporation, 30 June 1975

Discussion between Henry Kissinger and Leonid Brezhnev, 25 March 1974

Decree of the CPSU CC - Request of the leader of the group “Parcham” in Afghanistan, 23 May 1974

USSR, Top Secret Attachment, by KGB cipher Kabul, 2 June 1974

CC CPSU Information for the Leaders of the Progressive Afghan Political Organizations “Parcham” and “Khalq” Concerning the Results of the Visit of Mohammed Daud to the USSR, June 21 1974

Decree of the CPSU CC - Information for the Leaders of the Progressive Afghan Political Organizations “Parcham” and “Khalq” Concerning the Results of the Visit of Mohammed Daud to the USSR, 26 June 1974

Message reassuring the Chinese that President Ford would follow President Nixon's China policy, White House to U.S. Liaison Office, Peking, August 9, 1974

Department of State, SECRET, "The Secretary's 8:00 a.m. Regional Staff Meeting," on US support for Pinochet in Chile, December 3, 1974

Department of State, SECRET, "The Secretary's Principals and Regionals Staff Meeting," on US support for Pinochet in Chile, December 20, 1974


Letter from Agostinho Neto (Angola) to Cuban leadership, Dar es Salaam, January 26, 1975

US, Department of Defense, Rationalizing NATO's Defense Posture, March 1975

US, Command History Branch, Office of the Joint Secretary, Headquarters CINCPAC, Command History, "Appendix VI - The SS MAYAGUEZ Incident," (12 May 1975), FPO San Francisco

Conversation between Chinese leader Mao Zedong and Cambodian leader Pol Pot, June 21 1975

Department of State, Memorandum of Conversation, Secretary's Meeting with Chilean Foreign Minister Carvajal on human rights in Chile, September 29, 1975

Minutes of conversation between Deng Xiaoping and Le Duan on Chinese-Vietnamese relations, September 29 1975


Minutes of the meeting between Politburo of the Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party and Comrade Fidel Castro – First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Cuban Communist Party and Prime Minister of the Revolutionary Government of Republic of Cuba discussing mutual foreign policy interests, Sofia, March 11 1976

Memorandum for the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, "U.S. Security Assistance to the Republic of China: NSSM 212," April 12,1976.

Secret Bulgarian Communist Party Politburo Resolution for Military Aid supply to Certain National-Liberation Movements and Communist Parties (Yemen, Laos, Mozambique, Angola, and Lebanon), Sofia, July 16 1976

Department of State, Cable, "Operation Condor", drafted August 18, 1976 and sent August 23, 1976

Remarks of the Honorable Ronald Reagan at the 31st Republican National Convention, August 19, 1976

Department of State, Action Memorandum, Ambassador Harry Schlaudeman to Secretary Kissinger, "Operation Condor," August 30, 1976

Department of State, Cable, "Actions Taken," (Operation Condor), September 16, 1976

New York Times, "Cable Ties Kissinger to Chile Controversy," 10 April 2010

Department of State, Cable, "Operation Condor," September 20, 1976

Bulgaria-Angola Bilateral Relations, October 01 1976

Briefing Memorandum, Ambassador Harry Schlaudeman to Secretary Kissinger, "Operation Condor," October 8, 1976

Minutes of Conversation between Todor Zhivkov and Muammar al-Qaddafi on military aid and nuclear assistance, December 25 1976


Manifesto of Charter 77, Letter from 230 Czech intellectuals, 1 January 1977

President Carter's letter to Brezhnev on US-USSR relations, January 26, 1977

“For New Creative Deeds in the Name of Socialism and Peace,” Czechoslovak Anti-Charter 1977, 29 January 1977

Brezhnev's letter to Carter, February 4, 1977

US, Briefing material for President Carter (USE London urges he see MT because she may be PM very shortly), 21 March 1977

Castro's 1977 southern Africa tour: A report to Honecker, Excerpt from transcript of Castro-Honecker meeting, April 3, 1977

Marshal Ogarkov Analysis of the “Zapad” Exercise, May 30–June 9, 1977

Note from Margaret Thatcher to President Carter (praises his conviction), 15 September 1977


US, Central Intelligence Agency, "Statute on the Combined Armed Forces and Combined Command of the Warsaw Pact Member States," 21 March 1978

US, Central Intelligence Agency, "Official Report of the Tenth Session of the Warsaw Pact Committee of Defense Ministers," 28 March 1978

The Delivery of Special Equipment to the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan, CC CPSU Politburo meeting, April 21, 1978

Political Letter from USSR Ambassador to Afghanistan A. Puzanov to Soviet Foreign Ministry, "About the Domestic Political Situation in the DRA," (notes), May 31 1978

Soviet Statement at the Chiefs of General Staff Meeting in Sofia, June 12-14, 1978

Record of Conversation, Soviet Ambassador A.M. Puzanov and Taraki in Kabul, June 18, 1978

US, Central Intelligence Agency, "Statute on the Combined Fleet of the Combined Armed Forces of the Warsaw Pact Member States in a Naval Theater," 27 June 1978

Record of Conversation between Soviet Ambassador to Afghanistan A.M. Puzanov and Taraki, July 18, 1978

US, Central Intelligence Agency, "Draft Statute on the Warsaw Pact Combined Armed Forces and Combined Command for Wartime," 6 September 1978

Minutes from Conversation between Babrak Karmal and the Head of the Diplomatic Protocol Tucek regarding Karmal's request for political asylum in Czechoslovakia, September 12, 1978

Information from CC CPSU to GDR leader Erich Honecker regarding widespread repressions in Afghanistan, October 13, 1978

Soviet communication to the Hungarian leadership on the situation in Afghanistan, October 17, 1978

CC CPSU Concerning the appeal to the Czechoslovak Communist Party about K. Babrak's request for asylum, November 09 1978

Decree of the CC CPSU Secretariat Concerning an appeal to the Czechoslovak Communist Party about K. Babrak, November 15 1978


CPSU CC Politburo Decision on Draft Telegram to the Soviet Embassy in Afghanistan, 07 January 1979

AFP, "Britain, US late to predict Iran's Islamic revolution: documents," 31 December 2008

Telex from the Secretary of State, Washington DC to various agencies, SUBJECT: Visit to the US of Chinese dignitaries, 27 January 1979

Transcript of Telephone Conversation Between Soviet Premier Aleksei Kosygin and Afghan Prime Minister Nur Mohammed Taraki, March 1979

Transcript of CPSU CC Politburo Discussions on Afghanistan, March 17 1979

Transcript of Telephone Conversation Between Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin and Afghan Prime Minister Nur Mohammed Taraki, March 17, 1979

Exerpt from Politburo meeting on the invasion of Afghanistan, March 18, 1979

CPSU CC Politburo Decisions on Afghanistan, March 18, 1979

The complete Kosygin-Taraki telephone conversation on the difficulties of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, March 18, 1979

Record of Conversation between L.I. Brezhnev and N.M. Taraki, 20 March 1979

Meeting of Kosygin, Gromyko, Ustinov, and Ponomarev with Taraki in Moscow, 20 March 1979

Record of Conversation between L.I. Brezhnev and N.M. Taraki, 20 March 1979

Meeting of Kosygin, Gromyko, Ustinov, and Ponomarev with Taraki in Moscow, 20 March 1979

Record of Conversation between Soviet Ambassador to Afghanistan A.M. Puzanov and Taraki, March 22, 1979

Transcript of CPSU CC Politburo Session on Afghanistan, March 22, 1979

Soviet communication to the Hungarian leadership on the situation in Afghanistan, March 28, 1979

Memo on Protocol #149 of the Politburo on Soviet ties with Afghanistan, 12 April 1979

Report of the chief of the Soviet military advisory group in Afghanistan, Lt. Gen. L.N. Gorelov, with H. Amin (excerpt), April 14, 1979

Protocol #150 of the CC CPSU Politburo Session on military deliveries to Afghanistan, 21 April 1979

USSR Embassy in Cuba, "Informational Letter on Contemporary Cuban-American Relations," April 26, 1979

US, NSC memo for Carter (congratulatory call to MT to end talk of rift), President Carter to Brzezinski, 4 May 1979

US, Central Intelligence Agency, "On Warsaw Pact Military Cooperation by the Commander-in-Chief of the Combined Armed Forces to the Political Consultative Committee and Decision of the Committee," 11 May 1979

US, Brzezinski memo for President Carter (Thatcher no longer "the dogmatic lady" who visited in 1977), 12 May 1979

US, Vance-Brown memo to Carter (urging TNF modernization), 18 May 1979

US, Brzezinski memo for President Carter on Euromissile issues, 18 May 1979

CPSU CC Protocol #152/159 on military assistance to Afghanistan, 24 May 1979

US, President Carter letter to Helmut Schmidt (Cruise & Pershing Missiles), 1 June 1979

US President Carter letter to Margaret Thatcher (Trident missile), 8 June 1979

Record of Conversation Between Soviet Ambassador A.M. Puzanov and Taraki, June 09, 1979

Notes from a Conversation with the General Secretary of the Central Committee [CC] of the NDPA [National Democratic Party of Afghanistan], Chairman of the Revolutionary Council of the DRA [Democratic Republic of Afghanistan] - N. M. Taraki, June 13, 1979

Gromyko-Andropov-Ustinov-Ponomarev Report to CPSU CC on the Situation in Afghanistan, June 28, 1979

Gromyko-Andropov-Ustinov-Ponomarev Report to CPSU CC on the Situation in Afghanistan, June 28, 1979

Excerpt from Minutes Nº 156 of the CC CPSU Politburo meeting, June 29, 1979

Record of Conversation Between Soviet Ambassador A.M. Puzanov and Taraki, July 10, 1979

US, Central Intelligence Agency, "Letter from the Warsaw Pact Commander-in-Chief to Defense Ministers on Drafting a Wartime Statute to Govern the Combined Armed Forces," 18 July 1979

Boris Ponomarev, Reports from Kabul (excerpts), July 19, 1979

Record of Conversation between Soviet Ambassador to Afghanistan A.M. Puzanov and H. Amin, July 21, 1979

Conversation of the chief of the Soviet military advisory group in Afghanistan, Lt. Gen. Gorelov, with H. Amin, August 11, 1979

Report from Soviet Deputy Defense Minister Army Gen. Ivan Pavlovskii, during visit to Afghanistan, August 25, 1979

CPSU CC Politburo Decisions on Afghanistan (excerpts), September 13, 1979

Cable from Soviet Foreign Minister Gromyko to Soviet Representatives in Kabul, September 15, 1979

CPSU CC Politburo Decision with report by Gromyko, Ustinov, and Tsvigun, September 15, 1979

Information from CC CPSU to GDR leader E. Honecker on the situation in Afghanistan, September 16, 1979

Excerpt from transcript, CPSU CC Politburo meeting, September 20, 1979

Meeting of Soviet Foreign Minister Gromyko and Afghan Foreign Minister Shah-Valih, New York, September 27, 1979

Information from the CC CPSU to GDR leader Honecker on the situation in Afghanistan, October 01, 1979

Transcript of Brezhnev Honecker summit in East Berlin (excerpt on Iran and Afghanistan), October 04, 1979

Information of KGB USSR to CC CPSU International Department about the relationship between Iran and Afghanistan, October 10, 1979

CIA assessment of US relations with Western Allies (US “losing its leadership position”), 22 October 1979

Gromyko-Andropov-Ustinov-Ponomarev note to the CC CPSU on the situation in Afghanistan, October 29, 1979

Record of Conversation Between Soviet Ambassador Puzanov and Amin, November 03, 1979

Soviet Defense Minister Ustinov, Report to CPSU CC on Mission to Afghanistan of Deputy Defense Minister Army-Gen. I. G. Pavlovskii, November 05 1979

Ronald Reagan, Official Announcement of his Intention to Run for President, New York Hilton, New York, NY, November 13, 1979

US, Central Intelligence Agency, "Wartime Statute of the Combined Armed Forces," (Warsaw Pact), 28 November 1979

Personal memorandum Andropov to Brezhnev on the coup in Afghanistan, December 01, 1979

Extract from CPSU CC Politburo Decision to send a special Soviet division to Afghanistan, December 06, 1979

Record of Conversation between Soviet Ambassador to Afghanistan F.A. Tabeev and H. Amin, December 06, 1979

Summary of a meeting between CC CPSU officials demonstrating the disagreement over Soviet involvement in Afghanistan, December 10, 1979

CC CPSU Politburo Resolution # 176/125 on the situation in Afghanistan, 12 December 1979

NATO, Special meeting of Foreign and Defence Ministers in Brussels, Final Communique on Long Range Theatre Nuclear Forces, 12th December 1979

Sir Nicholas Henderson diary entry on Margaret Thatcher's first visit to Washington, 23 December 1979

Directive Nº 312/12/001 of 24 December 1979 signed by Ustinov and Ogarkov dispatching Soviet forces to Afghanistan, December 24, 1979

Memo to President from Zbigniew Brzezinski, Reflections on Soviet intervention in Afghanistan, December 26, 1979

Summary of a CC CPSU Meeting on the invasion of Afghanistan, December 26, 1979

Politburo Decree P177/151 on dispatching Soviet troops to Afghanistan, December 27, 1979

Cable, "Our Steps in Connection with the Development of the Situation Around Afghanistan," December 27, 1979

Circular Cable to Soviet Amassadors in non-fraternal countries with official Soviet position regarding developments of the Situation Around Afghanistan, December 27, 1979

Cable to the Soviet Representative at the UN Re: the Development of the Situation Around Afghanistan, December 27, 1979

Cable, "Our Steps in Connection with the Development of the Situation Around Afghanistan," December 27, 1979

Politburo Decree P177/151 on the dispatch of Soviet troops to Afghanistan, December 27, 1979

CPSU CC Memo with attachments, 27 December 1979, on Politburo Protocol #177, December 27, 1979

Hungarian Socalist Workers' Party Central Commitee on the situation in Afghanistan, December 28, 1979

US, President Carter phone call to Thatcher (Soviet invasion of Afghanistan), 28 December 1979

US, President Carter phone call to Giscard (Soviet invasion of Afghanistan), 28 December 1979

US, President Carter phone call to Schmidt (Soviet invasion of Afghanistan), 28 December 1979

US, Carter letter to Brezhnev (denouncing invasion of Afghanistan), 28 Decemebr 1979

Memo for the President from Zbigniew Brzezinski, Our response to Soviet intervention in Afghanistan, December 29, 1979

Brezhnev reply to Carter, 29 December 1979

CPSU CC Memo with Excerpt from Protocol #177/220 responding to President Carter's speech on Afghanistan, 29 December 1979

Report to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union by Yuri Andropov and Andrei Gromyko, Report on Events in Afghanistan on 27-28 December 1979, December 31, 1979

"The CIA's Intervention in Afghanistan," Interview with Zbigniew Brzezinski, Le Nouvel Observateur, Paris, 15-21 January 1998

Co-Chairs: Doug MacEachin and Janne E. Nolan, "The Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan in 1979: Failure of Intelligence or of the Policy Process?," Working Group Report, No. 111, Georgetown University, September 26, 2005


US, Carter note (British & European reaction to Afghanistan invasion “very weak”), 29 January 1980

US, Central Intelligence Agency, "Wartime Statute, Combat Readiness, Mobilization, Front Command, etc," (Warsaw Pact), 7 February 1980

US, Central Intelligence Agency, "Statute on the Combined Armed Forces of the Warsaw Pact Member States and Their Command Organs for Wartime," 8 February 1980

US, NSC note on timing of Trident decision, 13 February 1980

US, Central Intelligence Agency, "Twelfth Session of the Committee of Defense Ministers of the Warsaw Pact Member States," 20 February 1980

US, Central Intelligence Agency, "Draft Statute of Warsaw Pact Combined Armed Forces and Their Control Organs in Wartime, 25 February 1980

US, Memo from Brzezinski to President Carter on US divisions over renewing dialogue with Soviet Union, 29 February 1980

US, State Department brief on Olympic boycott, 8 March 1980

US, Central Intelligence Agnecy, "Official Record and Other Documents of the Twelfth Session of the Warsaw Pact Committee of Defense Ministers," 19 March 1980

US, Lloyd Cutler memo on state of boycott (may lose the British), 20 March 1980

US, Central Intelligence Agency, "From the 12th Session of the Warsaw Pact Committee of Defense Ministers: Documents Pertaining to the Second Item of the Agenda Concerning the "Statute" Governing the Wartime Organization and Activities of the Warsaw Pact's Combined Armed Forces," 11 April 1980

US, Central Intelligence Agency, "Romania's Proposed Revisions to the Draft 'Statute on the Combined Armed Forces of the Warsaw Pact Member States and Their Command Organs for Wartime'," 22 May 1980

US, NSC staffwork on nuclear cooperation with Britain & France, 29 May 1980

Carter-Schmidt memcon (bitter argument at Venice G7 on Theater nuclear weapons), 21 June 1980

US, President Carter letter to Schmidt & Giscard (selling Trident to UK), 11 July 1980

Ronald Reagan, "Time to Recapture our Destiny," Speech delivered at the Republican National Convention, Detroit, Michigan, July 17, 1980

US, Central Intelligence Agency, "Ratification of the Wartime Statute on the Warsaw Pact Armed Forces and Appointment of Brezhnev as Supreme Coranander," 25 July 1980

CPSU CC Politburo Decision Setting Up Suslov Commission on events in Poland, August 25 1980

CPSU Politburo Special Dossier on the Polish Crisis of 1980, August 28 1980

CPSU Politburo Special Dossier on the Polish Crisis of 1980 and mobilization of Soviet troops, August 28 1980

US, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Historical Division, Joint Secretariat, "The Worldwide Military Command and Control System: A Historical Perspective (1960-1977), Washington, DC, September 1980

CPSU CC Politburo Report "On Theses for the discussion with representatives of the Polish leadership" September 03 1980

US, Central Intelligence Agency, "GIEREK Discussions with Marshal KULIKOV," 22 September 1980

US, Central Intelligence Agency, "Miscellaneous: Soviet Military Organization; MBFR Talks; Polish Operational Training," 8 October 1980

US, NSC planning for Soviet intervention in Poland, 21 October 1980

US, NSC, Special Coordination Committee meeting on “Polish Contingencies," 23 October 1980

Session of the CPSU CC Politboro on "Materials for a Friendly Working Visit to the USSR by Polish Leaders," 29 October 1980

Session of the CPSU CC Politburo, "On the Results of a Visit to the USSR by the First Secretary of the Polish United Workers' Party, Cde. S. Kania, and the Chairman of the PPR Council of Ministers, Cde. J. Pinkowski," 31 October 1980

Letter from Leonid Brezhnev to Erich Honecker, November 04 1980

Record of a Meeting between CPCz CC General Secretary Gustáv Husák and HSWP CC First Secretary János Kádár in Bratislava, (excerpt from Kádár)
November 12 1980

Directive from the CPSU Secretariat, 14 November 1980, Reducing Tourist Exchanges with Poland, November 14 1980

Record of a Meeting between Gustáv Husák and János Kádár in Bratislava, 12 November 1980 (excerpt from Kádár), November 25 1980

Letter from Honecker to Brezhnev on the Polish crisis, November 26 1980

Report Warning of Soviet intervention, December 01 1980

Report of the Chief of the General Staff of the Czechoslovak Army, Colonel General Miroslav Blahník, to Minister of National Defense Army General Martin Dzúr
December 03 1980

Werner Krolikowski, "Comment on the Report of the PB to the 13th Plenum of the SED CC, which was prepared and submitted by Günther Mittag," handwritten, [excerpt], December 05 1980

Stenographic Minutes of the Meeting of Leading Representatives of the Warsaw Pact Countries in Moscow, December 05 1980

Report to the Politburo by the Department of International relations of the Central Committee of the Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party, December 08 1980

Transcript of the CPSU Politburo Session approving the Warsaw Pact decision, 11 December 1980

US, Brzezinski memo for Carter (Soviets ready to invade Poland), 12 December 1980

US, Brzezinski memo for Carter (Soviet invasion of Poland indefinitely postponed), 19 December 1980


Directive from the CPSU Secretariat, 14 January 1981, with Supporting Cables on visit by Walesa to Italy, January 14 1981

President Ronald Reagan, Inaugural Address, West Front of the U.S. Capitol, January 20, 1981

Transcript of the CPSU Politburo Session on the situation in Poland, 22 January 1981 (excerpt)

President Ronald Reagan, Remarks at the Welcoming Ceremony for the Freed American Hostages from Iran, January 27, 1981

Session of the CPSU CC Politburo on the situation in Poland, 12 March 1981 (excerpt)

Information regarding the meeting between Karel Hoffmann, President of the Central Unions' Council and Member of the CPCz CC Presidium, and Stanislaw Kania, PUWP CC First Secretary, Warsaw, (excerpt), March 17 1981

Session of the CPSU CC Politburo on the situation in Poland, 26 March 1981 (excerpt)

Session of the CPSU CC Politburo on the situation in Poland, 02 April 1981 (excerpt)

Session of the CPSU CC Politburo on the situation in Poland, 09 April 1981 (excerpt)

Speech of CPSU General Secretary Leonid Iliyich Brezhnev before the CPCz CC Presidium in Prague, (excerpt), April 09 1981

Session of the CPSU CC Politburo on the situation in Poland, 16 April 1981 (excerpt), April 16 1981

US, Report by the J-5 to the Joint Chiefs of Staff on U.S.-China Security Relationship, 17 April 1981

CPSU CC Politburo Protocol (extract); CPSU CC Politburo Commission Report, "On the Development of the Situation in Poland and Certain Steps on Our Part," 16 April 1981; and CPSU CC-Approved Plan of "Measures to Assist the PZPR [Polish United Workers' Party] in the Organization and Ideological Strengthening of the Party" April 23 1981

Letter from Kuklinski to his CIA contact indicating that the situation in Poland is militarily hopeless, April 26 1981

Session of the CPSU CC Politburoon the situation in Poland, 30 April 1981 (excerpt)

Memorandum Regarding the Meeting Between Comrade Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, Erich Honecker, and Gustav Husak in the Kremlin, May 16 1981

Session of the CPSU CC Politburo on the situation in Poland, 18 June 1981 (excerpt), June 18 1981

Report to the Central Committee of the Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party Politburo containing verbatim transcript of 21 July 1981 telephone conversation between Stanislaw Kania and Leonid Brezhnev, July 22 1981

Transcript of the Meeting Between Comrade L.I. Brezhnev and Comrade E. Honecker at the Crimea on 3 August 1981 (excerpt)

Session of the CPSU CC Politburo on the situation in Poland, 10 September 1981 (excerpt)

Transcript of Brezhnev's Phone Conversation with Kania, 15 September 1981

Report on the imposition of martial law in Poland, September 15 1981

Session of the CPSU CC Politburoon the situation in Poland, 17 September 1981 (excerpt)

Letter from the HSWP CC [signed by Janos Kadar] to the PUWP CC, attention Stanislaw Kania, September 17 1981

Information on the Position of the CPSU Regarding the Polish Situation, October 01 1981

Memorandum of Conversation between Bulgarian foreign Minister P. Mladenov and Polish ambassador Vl. Naperaj, October 06 1981

Record of a Meeting between Representatives of the CPCz CC and SED CC International Relations Department in East Germany (excerpt), October 08 1981

Brezhnev-Jaruzelski telephone conversation on the situation in Poland, October 19, 1981

Session of the CPSU CC Politburo on the situation in Poland, 29 October 1981 (excerpt)

Text of Oral Message from Brezhnev to Jaruzelski, November 21, 1981

Supplement No. 2 Planned Activity of the Interior Ministry, November 25 1981

The Anoshkin Notebook on the Polish Crisis, December 01 1981

Session of the CPSU CC Politburo on the situation in Poland, 10 December 1981

CPSU CC Politburo transcript, December 10 1981

CPSU CC Politburo Protocol (extract), "On Information about the Polish question for the leaders of the fraternal countries" December 13 1981

Shorthand Record of the Meeting of the Executive Political Committee of the CC of the Romanian CP, December 13 1981

Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Bureau [Politburo] of the Central Committee of the Romanian Communist Party, December 17 1981

"Report to the [HSWP CC] Politburo," from János Berecz, Gyorgy Aczel, Jeno Fock, December 30 1981


US, Central Intelligence Agency, "The Unified Wartime Command System for the Combined Armed Forces of the Warsaw Pact," 1 January 1982

CPSU CC Politburo transcript on the situation in Poland, 14 January 1982 (excerpt)

KGB Annual Report for 1981 (Excerpts), April 13 1982

CPSU CC Report on Economic Aid to Poland (1980-81), September 23 1982


Speech by Andropov, 4 January 1983, VA-01/40473, Bundesarchiv-Militärarchiv, Freiburg; translated by Svetlana Savranskaya

President Reagan, Address to the Nation on Defense and National Security, (The "Star Wars" Speech), March 23, 1983

US, Central Intelligence Agency, "Background Information on the Development of the Unified Wartime Command System for the Combined Armed Forces of the Warsaw Pact, 10 June 1983

US, Central Intelligence Agency, "Military Reliability of the Soviet.Union's Warsaw Pact Allies," 28 June 1983

US, Central Intelligence Agency, "The Soviet Union's Control of the Warsaw Pact Forces," October 1983

NATO Exercise 1983, “Able Archer,” President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, “The Soviet ‘War Scare’”, 15 February 1990


US, National Security Decision Directive 140, "The President's Visit to the People's Republic of China," April 21, 1984.

US, Defense Intelligence Agency, Defensive Estimative Brief, "Nuclear Weapons Systems in China, "April 24, 1984.

President Ronald Reagan, Remarks at Memorial Day Ceremonies Honoring an Unknown Serviceman of the Vietnam Conflict, Arlington, Virginia, May 28, 1984

President Ronald Reagan, Remarks at the Normandy Invasion Ceremony, Omaha Beach Memorial at Omaha Beach, France, June 6, 1984

Agreement Between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to Expand the USA-USSR Direct Communications Link, July 17, 1984


Correspondence between KDS and STASI re: "The Bulgarian Connection" in the Assassination Attempt against John Paul II, January 01 1985

President Ronald Reagan, Second Inaugural Address, Rotunda of the Capitol, Washington D.C., January 21, 1985

UN, Declaration on the Human Rights of Individuals Who are not Nationals of the Country in which They Live, Adopted by General Assembly resolution 40/144 of 13 December 1985

East German Intelligence Assessment of NATO's Intelligence on the Warsaw Pact, December 16, 1985


President Ronald Reagan, Address to the nation on the Challenger disaster, Oval Office, January 28, 1986

Minutes of the Political Consultative Committee Party Secretaries' Meeting in Budapest, June 11, 1986

US, Central Intelligence Agency, "Armaments Planning Within the Framework of the Warsaw Pact," 2 July 1986

Excerpts of Gorbachev-Reagan Reykjavik Talks, 11 October 1986

UN, Declaration on the Right to Development, Adopted by General Assembly resolution 41/128 of 4 December 1986


Record of Conversation of Chief of General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces Marshal of the Soviet Union, S.F. Akhromeev, and H. Brown, C. Vance, H. Kissinger, and D. Jones, February 4, 1987

Alexander Yakovlev, Memorandum for Gorbachev, “Toward an Analysis of the Fact of the Visit of Prominent American Political Leaders to the USSR (Kissinger, Vance, Kirkpatrick, Brown, and others), February 25, 1987

USSR, Politburo, "On Soviet-American Relations and Negotiations on Nuclear and Space Armaments," February 26, 1987

Rejected Draft of Letter from President Reagan to General Secretary Gorbachev, April 9, 1987

Letter from President Reagan to General Secretary Gorbachev, April 10, 1987

Memorandum of Conversation between M. S. Gorbachev and U.S. Secretary of State George Shultz, April 14, 1987

USSR, Politburo, About the Conversation with Shultz, April 16, 1987

Michael T. Kaufman, "Polish Chief Offers Plan for Arms Disengagement," New York Times, May 9, 1987

Plan of Conversation, Between M.S. Gorbachev and the President of the United States R. Reagan before the first trip to Washington. (A draft dictated by Gorbachev to his adviser Anatoly Chernyaev), May 1987

National Security Decision Directive Number 271: Instructions for the Eighth NST (Nuclear and Space Talks) Negotiating Round, May 7, 1987

President Ronald Reagan, Remarks at the Brandenburg Gate ("Tear Down this Wall"), West Berlin, Germany, June 12, 1987

National Security Decision Directive Number 278: Establishing a U.S. Negotiating Position on SRINF Missiles, June 13, 1987

USSR, Politburo, About negotiations with Americans on middle-range missiles, July 9, 1987 [Excerpt]

Department of State Briefing Papers: Nuclear and Space Talks, START, Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces, Defense and Space, Nuclear Testing, Compliance Issues, ABM Treaty Interpretation, Nuclear Risk Reduction Centers, Nuclear Non-Proliferation, August 11, 1987, "Nuclear and Space Talks"

Department of State Briefing Papers: Nuclear and Space Talks, START, Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces, Defense and Space, Nuclear Testing, Compliance Issues, ABM Treaty Interpretation, Nuclear Risk Reduction Centers, Nuclear Non-Proliferation, August 11, 1987, "Compliance Issues"

Department of State Briefing Papers: Nuclear and Space Talks, START, Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces, Defense and Space, Nuclear Testing, Compliance Issues, ABM Treaty Interpretation, Nuclear Risk Reduction Centers, Nuclear Non-Proliferation, August 11, 1987, "ABM Treaty Interpretation"

Department of State Briefing Papers: Nuclear and Space Talks, START, Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces, Defense and Space, Nuclear Testing, Compliance Issues, ABM Treaty Interpretation, Nuclear Risk Reduction Centers, Nuclear Non-Proliferation, August 11, 1987, "Nuclear Risk Reduction Centers"

Department of State Briefing Papers: Nuclear and Space Talks, START, Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces, Defense and Space, Nuclear Testing, Compliance Issues, ABM Treaty Interpretation, Nuclear Risk Reduction Centers, Nuclear Non-Proliferation, August 11, 1987, "Nuclear Non-Proliferation"

US, Central Intelligence Agency, Directorate of Intelligence, "Current Soviet Strategy on Afghanistan," Washington, 2 September 1987

US, National Security Council, GRIP 27D, “Should the U.S. change its current stance on U.S. warheads on FRG Pershing IA missiles?” September 5, 1987

Meeting with the National Security Planning Group, Briefing Memorandum for President Reagan from National Security Adviser Frank Carlucci, September 8, 1987

Letter from General Secretary Gorbachev to President Reagan, September 10, 1987

US, Central Intelligence Agency, Directorate of Intelligence, "Moscow's Afghan Quagmire: No End in Sight After Eight Years," Washington, 20 September 1987

Memorandum of conversation between M. S. Gorbachev and U.S. Secretary of State G. Shultz. Excerpt. October 23, 1987

Gorbachev Letter to Reagan, October 28, 1987

Memorandum For The President from George P. Shultz [Secretary of State], Subject: Gorbachev’s Letter, October 30, 1987

Letter from the Director of the United States Information Agency Charles Z. Wick to the Secretary of State George P. Shultz and the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs Frank Carlucci, November 4, 1987

National Security Decision Directive Number 288: My Objectives at the Summit, President Ronald Reagan, November 10, 1987

Memorandum Subject: Gorbachev’s Gameplan: The Long View by Robert M. Gates, Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, November 24, 1987

Information Memorandum TO: The Secretary, From: INR- Morton I. Abramowitz, Subject: Gorbachev’s Private Summit Agenda, November 28, 1987

Memo: National Security Decision Directive (NSDD-290) on Arms Control Position for the US-USSR Summit, December 7, 1987

Memo of Conversation between President Reagan and General Secretary Gorbachev, 10:45 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., December 8, 1987

Memo of Conversation between President Reagan and General Secretary Gorbachev, 2:30 p.m. – 3:15 p.m., December 8, 1987

Record of Conversation, Between S.F. Akhromeev and P. Nitze at the U.S. State Department, December 8, 1987 (16.00-17.30)

Memo of Conversation between President Reagan and General Secretary Gorbachev, 10:35 a.m. – 10:45 a.m., December 9, 1987

Draft Memo of Conversation between President Reagan and General Secretary Gorbachev, 10:55 a.m. – 12:35 p.m., December 9, 1987

Record of Conversations between Sergey Fyodorovich Akhromeev and Paul Nitze at the U.S. State Department. Excerpt. December 9, 1987

Record of Conversation Between S.F. Akhromeev and F. Carlucci at the Pentagon, December 9, 1987

Draft Memo of Conversation between President Reagan and General Secretary Gorbachev, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m., December 10, 1987

Memo of Conversation between President Reagan and General Secretary Gorbachev at a Working Luncheon, 12:40 p.m. – 2:10 p.m, December 10, 1987

Record of Conversation Between Chief of USSR General Staff Marshal Sergey Fyodorovich Akhromeev and William J. Crowe with members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the Pentagon, December 10, 1987

Telegram: Secretary’s 12/11 North Atlantic Council Briefing on Washington Summit, December 12, 1987

Politburo Session on the INF Talks, December 17, 1987

National Security Decision Directive Number 292: Organizing for the INF Ratification Effort, December 29, 1987


Agreement between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on Notifications of Launches of Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles and Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missiles, May 31, 1988

Summary of Discussion among Defense Ministers at the Political Consultative Committee Meeting in Warsaw, July 15, 1988

Cable, Department of State to U.S. Embassy Bonn, "Background on Chinese Missile Sales," September 29, 1988.

Excerpts of Address by Mikhail Gorbachev, 43rd U.N. General Assembly Session, December 7, 1988


President Ronald Reagan, Farewell Address to the Nation, Oval Office, January 11, 1989

Minutes of the meeting of the HSWP CC Political Committee on the Historical Subcommittee of the Central Committee’s description of the events of 1956 as a people’s uprising rather than a counterrevolution, January 31 1989

Czechoslovak Description of "Vltava-89" Exercise, May 23, 1989

KGB Chief Kryuchkov’s Report, Research into Soviet repression in the 1930’s through 1950’s reveals that Imre Nagy willingly worked for the NKVD as an informant, 16 June 1989

US, Central Intelligence Agency, Directorate of Intelligence, "Soviet Strategy on Afghanistan: Playing for Time," Washington, 15 October 1989

News Conference with President George Herbert Walker Bush on the collapse of the Berlin Wall, November 9, 1989

The Malta Summit, Excerpted transcripts of conversations between Bush and Gorbachev on December 2-3, 1989


BBC News, "Thatcher's fight against German unity," 11 September 2009

Memo by UK Prime Minister Thatcher adviser Charles Powell on lunch with Francois Mitterrand on German Unification, 20/01/90

Charles Krauthammer, "The Unipolar Moment," Foreign Affairs, 70, no. 1 (1990/1991): pp. 23-33


US, Department of State Briefing Paper, "Chinese Prisons and Forced Labor," April 25, 1991

Boris Yeltsin's address to the Russian people after an attempted coup, August 19, 1991

Gorbachev's Address to the Russian people when he returns to Moscow, August 22, 1991


Mark Mazower, "Only Don't Call Me Comrade," The National Interest, March-April 2011 Issue










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