Pavit Tansakul
Culinary Instructor at Professional Culinary Arts Program and Senior Lecturer, Tourism and Hospitality Management Program, School of Management, at Walailak University, THAILAND
Supervisors: Dr. Jan Mosedale, Professor Dr. Kevin Hannam, and Dr. Teresa Leopold
Phone: +66810827273
Address: School of Management, Walailak University
222, Thaiburi, Thasala, Nakhon Si Thammarat, 80160
Supervisors: Dr. Jan Mosedale, Professor Dr. Kevin Hannam, and Dr. Teresa Leopold
Phone: +66810827273
Address: School of Management, Walailak University
222, Thaiburi, Thasala, Nakhon Si Thammarat, 80160
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Papers by Pavit Tansakul
crabs, and (2) suggest the way to promote bluecrabs for gastronomic tourism inaccordance
withtheconceptof creativeeconomyunder casestudyof NaiTungVillage,Thasala District,
Nakhon Si Thammarat Province using qualitative research. Participatory observation, indepth interviews, Focus group discussion and research on related documents. The data
were collected from by from Nai Tung Villagers, community leaders, restaurant operators
and government organizations which comes from choosing Snowball sampling a total of 16
people and the researcher used Content Analysis to analyze the data
The results showed that Nai Tung Village is a coastal community in the Gulf of Thailand. MostVillagers as local fishermen, with blue crabs as animportant animal for the community economy. Lifestyle and local food wisdom related to blue crabs of Nai Tung Village
are not complicated. Villagers prefer cooking blue crabs with local ingredients. There are
cooking method inherited from ancestors suchas bluecrabs curry withsea biteleaves, blue
crabs and santol in coconut cream and blue crabs in sour soup. In this research, the researcher suggested the way to promote blue crabs for gastronomic tourism in accordance
with the concept of creative economy consisting of 1) tourism activities such as cooking
from bluecrabs and local sourceingredients 2) Adding valueof bluecrabs suchas developing food recipeusing creativities and 3) advertising and promoting strategiesof tourism using
digital media.
restaurant business in area of Walailak University. The purpose is to give sugguestion on
strategies and development of restaurant business operations in area of Walailak University. By using qualitative data analysis data collection by unstructured interview participatory, observation using the observation assessment form from using the service with sound
recording, document analysis and related research. Adnalyze data by means of interpretation and interpretation of the main data provider. Which the sample population used in
this study was Entrepreneurs who operate a typical restaurant business in front of Walailak
University There is a restaurant business with 2 to 3 years of operation period. Collect data
by interview 7 restaurant operators.
The study indicated that restaurant business operators in area of Walailak University There are forms and guidelines for doing business. By studying the opportunity or possibility to open a business Set the main target group of the business to be clear, consistent
with the location and create many religious yards. The variety of food menus to match the
modern era and the values of modern consumers in order to provide more choices for
customers in many ways. Focus on creating a unique, different, and unique look for customers. Which entrepreneurs have used the attitude of not expecting high in profits focus
on providing good service and being a clear standard for customers impression. Including
the study of external factors in terms of economy, environment and marketing strategies
to make the restaurant business successful be able to run the restaurant business for a
long time.
In this study, in terms of strategic guidance and management of restaurant business
operations, Walailak University, most entrepreneurs are local people. Making understanding of economic conditions and the environment of the society, the well-being of the
consumers who are students of Walailak University. Therefore, if there are new entrepreneurs interested in investing in the restaurant business in front of Walailak University Need
to study the economic and social well-being of consumers who are interested to be a guideline for restaurant business operations in the future
Walailak University Nakhon Si Thammarat Province. The purpose of this study is to investigate the beverage containing sugar consumption behavior of students at Walailak University Nakhon Si Thammarat province and to ecommended for approach how to change
beverage consumption behavior of students at Walailak University. Population and sample of 100 partcipants from 13 major faculty of Walailak university. The data were analyzed
using descriptive statistic including frequency, percentage and standard deviation.
The results of this study showed that the type of behavior which the most popular
students like drink for brew. Popular places to use the service of students is convenience
store such as 7-eleven. Satisfaction for decision product students give the most importance is taste of beverage. The most students have knowledge about the bad effects in
sugar-containing beverages at a level that has a lot of knowledge. Guidelines for changing
beverage consumption behavior for 3 way is using alternative sweeteners, Nutritious drinks
and Dissemination of drink knowledge.
tourism of the Kiriwong community Nakhon Si Thammarat province. This study is quantitative research. Main methologies were to searching seconary data and 345 sample of Thai
tourists who travelling to Kiriwong villege using the constructed questionair. The interpretation was based on quantitative.
The study revealed and proposed a guideline for the management of gastronomy
tourism in the community of Khiri Wong, Nakhon Si Thammarat province. The results
shows that most tourists have their demand for gastronomy tourism at Kiriwong community
which appeals in a high level. In order to have a complete gastronomy tourism experience,
it is imperative to take into consideration other needs. Whether it is a unique taste, Nutritious, and value for money. The study of these issues is the first priority that tourists need
in gastronomy tourism. Which include a variety of foods and the food on different religions.
Kiriwong is a popular tourist destination which attracted tourists from various religions to
visit. It is necessary to consider this issue to accommodate all groups of tourist.
Food tourism not only consumes food in tourist attractions but also includes food
that can be used as souvenirs. Most tourists prefer food or local products. The food menus
that tourists want is a menu that can easily find raw ingredients in the area. Apart from this,
gastronomy tourism also needs the cooperation of people in the community to develop as
a tourist destinations. The tourism destination management are also important to promote
the sustainable gastronomy tourism.
The questionnaire was used as a research instrument to collect the data from 100 sample
who using the university sport and health center. The data analysis using the descriptive
statistics, frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation.
The study founded that majority of respondents were female age between 19 to
21 years old, study in second year, income around 1,001 to 1,500 baht per week, study in
school of Allied health sciences. Majority of the respondents know about healthy food from
the suggestion of other people. Majority were self-purchase of healthy food which cost
around 51 to 150 baht per meal and tend to purchased freshly cook foods.
The need for healthy food was found that most students wanted to consume
healthy food at 92 percent which in moderate level (mean 3.18). At the same time, it was
found that in hen eggs and duck eggs were in high level in term of protein category (mean
3.80). In the carbohydrate category, whole wheat bread was in moderate level (mean 2.96).
In the vegetables category, it found that cauliflower, cabbage, Chinese cabbage and broccoli in moderate level (mean 3.41) and watermelon, papaya, orange were in high level in
fruit category (mean 3.80). In fat category, good fat from avocado, olive oil, almond were in
moderate level (mean 2.64). In communing behaviors founded that most students behaved
in healthy food choices on a regular basis (mean 2.98). Therefore, the business of health
food for students should take into account about the price because students have a limited
income. And the most of not chosen healthy foods because they are expensive. Include
the variety of food should be familiar and well-known students with complete nutrition.
The study found that Khanap Nak Community has potential of local food identity and is ready to promote for tourism in the area. By using creative economy concepts to create a tourism which called gastronomic tourism. Due to unique local wisdom and food culture that inherited into a uniqueness. Also the processed products derived from Nipa palm plants such Nipa palm sugar and Nipa plam veinegar with a variety from the ecosystems making it an outstanding raw ingredients for cooking, aside from many other sourses. According to the study, the researcher has propose the guidelines for promoting gastronomic tourism by proposing the concept for conservative, rehabilitation, dissemination and creation of added value. The approches including establishing new activities for tourists in Khanab Nak community to be used to promote tourism in the form of gastronomic tourism
Thailand’s tourism has began to pay attention to the promotion of sustainable ecotourism, which can contribute to meet the twin objectives of environmental conservation and socioeconomic development, since 2001. Moreover, recently approaches to “green initiatives” which aim to maintain the delicate balance between tourism promotion and environmental protection to ensure long-term sustainability were developed by the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) in 2009 as a crucial tool to promote the tourism industry. Furthermore, for the MICE industry, the Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau (Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau (TCEB), 2007) announced a “Green Meeting” initiative in 2007. This campaign aims to promote environmental responsibility within the country’s rapidly growing Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions, or MICE industry. In addition, within the recent year TCEB continues to encourage Thai MICE operators to do more, and to bolster their capability to comply with the ISO 50001 standard and will also contribute to the sustainability and competitiveness of the nation's MICE industry in the long run (Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau (TCEB), 2011).
This paper will critically analyse stakeholders’ perceptions of the environmental sustainability of MICE industry in Thailand. Comparing current best practice models of sustainable MICE development and exploring the perception of industry’s stakeholders will be utilize for the investigation. Thus, this study will contribute the current issues of MICE industry and possible solution for future development of sustainable MICE industry in Thailand.
Keywords: stakeholders’ perceptions, environmental sustainability, MICE industry
Crouch, G. I. & Brent Ritchie, J. R. (1997) Convention Site Selection Research. Journal of Convention & Exhibition Management. [Online] 1 (1), 49–69.
Lee, M. J. & Back, K.-J. (2005) A review of economic value drivers in convention and meeting management research. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. [Online] 17 (5), 409–420.
Sangpikul, A. & Kim, S. (Samuel) (2009) An Overview and Identification of Barriers Affecting the Meeting and Convention Industry in Thailand. Journal of Convention & Event Tourism. [Online] 10 (3), 185–210.
Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau (TCEB) (2007) MICE GOES GREEN [online]. Available from: http://www.tceb.or.th/about-us/e-community/news/721-mice-goes-green.html (Accessed 15 January 2012).
Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau (TCEB) (2011) Thailand: Destination of ‘CHOICES’! TCEB Debuts new Green Meetings Program at IMEX AMERICA 2011 [online]. Available from: http://www.tceb.or.th/about-us/e-community/news/1408-thailand-destination-of-choices-tceb-debuts-new-green-meetings-program-at-imex-america-2011.html (Accessed 15 January 2012).
Weber, K. & Ladkin, A. (2005) Trends Affecting the Convention Industry in the 21st Century. Journal of Convention & Event Tourism. [Online] 6 (4), 47–63.
This study aimed to assess the potential of convention and exhibition centers along with their facilities in the context of the international convention industry in Thailand. Satisfaction measurements were conducted especially in Bangkok areas in order to measure the potential and competitiveness of the
industry. Satisfaction factors were used as a tool to evaluate the potential and satisfaction of the participants and organizers using the convention and exhibition centers.
Regarding the findings, it was found that convention and exhibition centers in Bangkok, Thailand had a potential that satisfied international participants and organizers. Physical attributions of each venue were the major factor to distinguish the level of satisfaction. Apart from the characteristics of the meeting facilities which were particularly important, it was found that the cooperation between the public and private sectors was a crucial tool to the increase of the level of competitiveness of the industry.
Key Words: convention and exhibition stakeholders, satisfaction on convention and exhibition center,
convention and exhibition centers in Bangkok.
This study aimed to assess the potential of convention and exhibition centers along with their facilities in the context of the international convention industry in Thailand. Satisfaction measurements were conducted especially in Bangkok areas in order to measure the potential and competitiveness of the
industry. Satisfaction factors were used as a tool to evaluate the potential and satisfaction of the participants and organizers using the convention and exhibition centers.
Regarding the findings, it was found that convention and exhibition centers in Bangkok, Thailand had a potential that satisfied international participants and organizers. Physical attributions of each venue were the major factor to distinguish the level of satisfaction. Apart from the characteristics of the meeting facilities which were particularly important, it was found that the cooperation between the public and private sectors was a crucial tool to the increase of the level of competitiveness of the industry.
Key Words: convention and exhibition stakeholders, satisfaction on convention and exhibition center,
convention and exhibition centers in Bangkok.
crabs, and (2) suggest the way to promote bluecrabs for gastronomic tourism inaccordance
withtheconceptof creativeeconomyunder casestudyof NaiTungVillage,Thasala District,
Nakhon Si Thammarat Province using qualitative research. Participatory observation, indepth interviews, Focus group discussion and research on related documents. The data
were collected from by from Nai Tung Villagers, community leaders, restaurant operators
and government organizations which comes from choosing Snowball sampling a total of 16
people and the researcher used Content Analysis to analyze the data
The results showed that Nai Tung Village is a coastal community in the Gulf of Thailand. MostVillagers as local fishermen, with blue crabs as animportant animal for the community economy. Lifestyle and local food wisdom related to blue crabs of Nai Tung Village
are not complicated. Villagers prefer cooking blue crabs with local ingredients. There are
cooking method inherited from ancestors suchas bluecrabs curry withsea biteleaves, blue
crabs and santol in coconut cream and blue crabs in sour soup. In this research, the researcher suggested the way to promote blue crabs for gastronomic tourism in accordance
with the concept of creative economy consisting of 1) tourism activities such as cooking
from bluecrabs and local sourceingredients 2) Adding valueof bluecrabs suchas developing food recipeusing creativities and 3) advertising and promoting strategiesof tourism using
digital media.
restaurant business in area of Walailak University. The purpose is to give sugguestion on
strategies and development of restaurant business operations in area of Walailak University. By using qualitative data analysis data collection by unstructured interview participatory, observation using the observation assessment form from using the service with sound
recording, document analysis and related research. Adnalyze data by means of interpretation and interpretation of the main data provider. Which the sample population used in
this study was Entrepreneurs who operate a typical restaurant business in front of Walailak
University There is a restaurant business with 2 to 3 years of operation period. Collect data
by interview 7 restaurant operators.
The study indicated that restaurant business operators in area of Walailak University There are forms and guidelines for doing business. By studying the opportunity or possibility to open a business Set the main target group of the business to be clear, consistent
with the location and create many religious yards. The variety of food menus to match the
modern era and the values of modern consumers in order to provide more choices for
customers in many ways. Focus on creating a unique, different, and unique look for customers. Which entrepreneurs have used the attitude of not expecting high in profits focus
on providing good service and being a clear standard for customers impression. Including
the study of external factors in terms of economy, environment and marketing strategies
to make the restaurant business successful be able to run the restaurant business for a
long time.
In this study, in terms of strategic guidance and management of restaurant business
operations, Walailak University, most entrepreneurs are local people. Making understanding of economic conditions and the environment of the society, the well-being of the
consumers who are students of Walailak University. Therefore, if there are new entrepreneurs interested in investing in the restaurant business in front of Walailak University Need
to study the economic and social well-being of consumers who are interested to be a guideline for restaurant business operations in the future
Walailak University Nakhon Si Thammarat Province. The purpose of this study is to investigate the beverage containing sugar consumption behavior of students at Walailak University Nakhon Si Thammarat province and to ecommended for approach how to change
beverage consumption behavior of students at Walailak University. Population and sample of 100 partcipants from 13 major faculty of Walailak university. The data were analyzed
using descriptive statistic including frequency, percentage and standard deviation.
The results of this study showed that the type of behavior which the most popular
students like drink for brew. Popular places to use the service of students is convenience
store such as 7-eleven. Satisfaction for decision product students give the most importance is taste of beverage. The most students have knowledge about the bad effects in
sugar-containing beverages at a level that has a lot of knowledge. Guidelines for changing
beverage consumption behavior for 3 way is using alternative sweeteners, Nutritious drinks
and Dissemination of drink knowledge.
tourism of the Kiriwong community Nakhon Si Thammarat province. This study is quantitative research. Main methologies were to searching seconary data and 345 sample of Thai
tourists who travelling to Kiriwong villege using the constructed questionair. The interpretation was based on quantitative.
The study revealed and proposed a guideline for the management of gastronomy
tourism in the community of Khiri Wong, Nakhon Si Thammarat province. The results
shows that most tourists have their demand for gastronomy tourism at Kiriwong community
which appeals in a high level. In order to have a complete gastronomy tourism experience,
it is imperative to take into consideration other needs. Whether it is a unique taste, Nutritious, and value for money. The study of these issues is the first priority that tourists need
in gastronomy tourism. Which include a variety of foods and the food on different religions.
Kiriwong is a popular tourist destination which attracted tourists from various religions to
visit. It is necessary to consider this issue to accommodate all groups of tourist.
Food tourism not only consumes food in tourist attractions but also includes food
that can be used as souvenirs. Most tourists prefer food or local products. The food menus
that tourists want is a menu that can easily find raw ingredients in the area. Apart from this,
gastronomy tourism also needs the cooperation of people in the community to develop as
a tourist destinations. The tourism destination management are also important to promote
the sustainable gastronomy tourism.
The questionnaire was used as a research instrument to collect the data from 100 sample
who using the university sport and health center. The data analysis using the descriptive
statistics, frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation.
The study founded that majority of respondents were female age between 19 to
21 years old, study in second year, income around 1,001 to 1,500 baht per week, study in
school of Allied health sciences. Majority of the respondents know about healthy food from
the suggestion of other people. Majority were self-purchase of healthy food which cost
around 51 to 150 baht per meal and tend to purchased freshly cook foods.
The need for healthy food was found that most students wanted to consume
healthy food at 92 percent which in moderate level (mean 3.18). At the same time, it was
found that in hen eggs and duck eggs were in high level in term of protein category (mean
3.80). In the carbohydrate category, whole wheat bread was in moderate level (mean 2.96).
In the vegetables category, it found that cauliflower, cabbage, Chinese cabbage and broccoli in moderate level (mean 3.41) and watermelon, papaya, orange were in high level in
fruit category (mean 3.80). In fat category, good fat from avocado, olive oil, almond were in
moderate level (mean 2.64). In communing behaviors founded that most students behaved
in healthy food choices on a regular basis (mean 2.98). Therefore, the business of health
food for students should take into account about the price because students have a limited
income. And the most of not chosen healthy foods because they are expensive. Include
the variety of food should be familiar and well-known students with complete nutrition.
The study found that Khanap Nak Community has potential of local food identity and is ready to promote for tourism in the area. By using creative economy concepts to create a tourism which called gastronomic tourism. Due to unique local wisdom and food culture that inherited into a uniqueness. Also the processed products derived from Nipa palm plants such Nipa palm sugar and Nipa plam veinegar with a variety from the ecosystems making it an outstanding raw ingredients for cooking, aside from many other sourses. According to the study, the researcher has propose the guidelines for promoting gastronomic tourism by proposing the concept for conservative, rehabilitation, dissemination and creation of added value. The approches including establishing new activities for tourists in Khanab Nak community to be used to promote tourism in the form of gastronomic tourism
Thailand’s tourism has began to pay attention to the promotion of sustainable ecotourism, which can contribute to meet the twin objectives of environmental conservation and socioeconomic development, since 2001. Moreover, recently approaches to “green initiatives” which aim to maintain the delicate balance between tourism promotion and environmental protection to ensure long-term sustainability were developed by the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) in 2009 as a crucial tool to promote the tourism industry. Furthermore, for the MICE industry, the Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau (Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau (TCEB), 2007) announced a “Green Meeting” initiative in 2007. This campaign aims to promote environmental responsibility within the country’s rapidly growing Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions, or MICE industry. In addition, within the recent year TCEB continues to encourage Thai MICE operators to do more, and to bolster their capability to comply with the ISO 50001 standard and will also contribute to the sustainability and competitiveness of the nation's MICE industry in the long run (Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau (TCEB), 2011).
This paper will critically analyse stakeholders’ perceptions of the environmental sustainability of MICE industry in Thailand. Comparing current best practice models of sustainable MICE development and exploring the perception of industry’s stakeholders will be utilize for the investigation. Thus, this study will contribute the current issues of MICE industry and possible solution for future development of sustainable MICE industry in Thailand.
Keywords: stakeholders’ perceptions, environmental sustainability, MICE industry
Crouch, G. I. & Brent Ritchie, J. R. (1997) Convention Site Selection Research. Journal of Convention & Exhibition Management. [Online] 1 (1), 49–69.
Lee, M. J. & Back, K.-J. (2005) A review of economic value drivers in convention and meeting management research. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. [Online] 17 (5), 409–420.
Sangpikul, A. & Kim, S. (Samuel) (2009) An Overview and Identification of Barriers Affecting the Meeting and Convention Industry in Thailand. Journal of Convention & Event Tourism. [Online] 10 (3), 185–210.
Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau (TCEB) (2007) MICE GOES GREEN [online]. Available from: http://www.tceb.or.th/about-us/e-community/news/721-mice-goes-green.html (Accessed 15 January 2012).
Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau (TCEB) (2011) Thailand: Destination of ‘CHOICES’! TCEB Debuts new Green Meetings Program at IMEX AMERICA 2011 [online]. Available from: http://www.tceb.or.th/about-us/e-community/news/1408-thailand-destination-of-choices-tceb-debuts-new-green-meetings-program-at-imex-america-2011.html (Accessed 15 January 2012).
Weber, K. & Ladkin, A. (2005) Trends Affecting the Convention Industry in the 21st Century. Journal of Convention & Event Tourism. [Online] 6 (4), 47–63.
This study aimed to assess the potential of convention and exhibition centers along with their facilities in the context of the international convention industry in Thailand. Satisfaction measurements were conducted especially in Bangkok areas in order to measure the potential and competitiveness of the
industry. Satisfaction factors were used as a tool to evaluate the potential and satisfaction of the participants and organizers using the convention and exhibition centers.
Regarding the findings, it was found that convention and exhibition centers in Bangkok, Thailand had a potential that satisfied international participants and organizers. Physical attributions of each venue were the major factor to distinguish the level of satisfaction. Apart from the characteristics of the meeting facilities which were particularly important, it was found that the cooperation between the public and private sectors was a crucial tool to the increase of the level of competitiveness of the industry.
Key Words: convention and exhibition stakeholders, satisfaction on convention and exhibition center,
convention and exhibition centers in Bangkok.
This study aimed to assess the potential of convention and exhibition centers along with their facilities in the context of the international convention industry in Thailand. Satisfaction measurements were conducted especially in Bangkok areas in order to measure the potential and competitiveness of the
industry. Satisfaction factors were used as a tool to evaluate the potential and satisfaction of the participants and organizers using the convention and exhibition centers.
Regarding the findings, it was found that convention and exhibition centers in Bangkok, Thailand had a potential that satisfied international participants and organizers. Physical attributions of each venue were the major factor to distinguish the level of satisfaction. Apart from the characteristics of the meeting facilities which were particularly important, it was found that the cooperation between the public and private sectors was a crucial tool to the increase of the level of competitiveness of the industry.
Key Words: convention and exhibition stakeholders, satisfaction on convention and exhibition center,
convention and exhibition centers in Bangkok.