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2009, Reforming the Philippine Political Party System
24 pages
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This paper is an initial assessment of the current efforts at institutionalizing political party reforms. Specifically, it will provide an overview of current debates, within and initiatives of, two political parties in the area of party reforms. Looking at the experience fo the Liberal Party and Akbayan, the paper will argue for an institutional-competitive approach to political party reform that strengthens citizen-party linkage.
Building Inclusive Democracies in ASEAN, 2015
Despite a century of party politics, a history of four party systems, and a multitude of parties, the Philippines still suffers from a seeming lack of institutionalized parties. The dimension of party institutionalization is largely overlooked by the current literature on Philippine politics. This chapter will briefly assess recent attempts at political party institutionalization in the Philippines through the proposed “Political Party Development Act (PPDA)” pending in Congress.
The book accounts for the rationale and efforts to develop and reform the political party system in the Philippines.
Political Parties and the Crisis of Democracy Organization, Resilience, and Reform, 2024
Despite a long and rich history of democratic practices, party politics, and elections, the Philippines has institutionalized a clientelistic and patronage-based democracy within an underdeveloped economy. In 1986, a fluid multi-party system emerged following the restoration of formal democracy. While the country reverted to the pre-authoritarian presidential form of government, a multi-party system emerged during the democratic transition. The shift to a multi-party system with a plurality-based electoral system runs counter to the classic tenet of Duverger’s Law that argues that plurality-based elections tend to produce two-party systems. However, the post-authoritarian period saw the rise of ‘an anarchy of parties’ in which inter-party competition became more fluid and fragmented, especially under Rodrigo Duterte’s populist presidency. This chapter will delineate the pitfalls of the post-authoritarian presidential-based party system in the Philippines.
Social Transformations: Journal of the Global South, 2019
Philippine Journal of Public Policy, 2019
Design matters. Looking at the results and the conduct of the 2019 elections, the Philippines needs to seriously consider how common and recurring challenges of elections are to be addressed. Among other things, issues of campaign finance, high cost of running for public office, and vote buying continue to persist. Campaigns and preelection conversations revolve around personalities rather than programs and policies. Less-than-ideal candidates with cases in graft courts continue to win-these range from plunder cases to violations of the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees. And lastly, the promising party list system has not improved the representation of marginalized and minority groups. Instead, it has become an alternative way for traditional politicians to stay in or reenter the halls of Congress. With 51 party list groups winning 61 seats in Congress, the once-promising party list system does not promote party institutionalization or proportional representation. Strong Patronage, Weak Parties, edited by Paul Hutchcroft, provides substantive information and insights on how redesigning the electoral system can lead to better electoral outcomes. The book focuses on effective ways to translate votes into seats. It provides a comparative look at how electoral system redesign can be effective with less unintended consequences. The volume examines the text and context of the pressing need for meaningful political reform in the Philippines, with the aim of presenting electoral system redesign as another option to change the way politics is done in the Philippines.
Political Parties and Civil Society: The Need for Stronger Linkages to Defend and Promote Democracy, 2022
This paper asserts that Philippine politics have historically functioned as a dual platform for elite party politics and popular participation through civil society organizations (CSOs). This assertion is based on a state-in-society perspective. In this view, societies affect states asmuch as, or possibly more than, states affect societies.
This investigative report discusses how Timpuyog, a political group in the Philippine Cordillera specifically in the City of Baguio, is perceived by its constituents and how this perception affects the political landscape of the city.
Clientelism and Electoral Competition in Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines, 2012
What accounts for the persistence of clientelism in Philippine party politics? Following recent developments in the theory and practice of clientelistic politics, this chapter will present an institutional view of clientelism and delineate current mechanisms for clientelistic practices by political parties in the Philippines. Specifically, it seeks to provide an overview of how clientelism shapes party organization and how party organization may determine the kind of clientelistic strategies a party would pursue.
A possible vehicle for strengthening political parties and fostering organizational development would be political party institutes and party “think tanks”. Most of the major political parties in the Philippines have attempted to establish their party institutes or think tanks. This paper seeks to identify the role of political institutes and think tanks in the development of the political party system in the Philippines.
Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, 2018
ODÜ Sosyal Bilimler Araştırmaları Dergisi (ODÜSOBİAD), 2021
A Sense of Fear and Anxiety in Digital Games: An Analysis of Cognitive Stimuli in Slender -- The Eight Pages, 2021
Novitas-ROYAL (Research on Youth and …, 2011
Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Informatika, 2024
Africa Policy Information Center, 1996
Addaiyan Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences , 2021
International Journal of Engineering Research and, 2015
Scripta Theologica, 2017
Science (New York, N.Y.), 2014
Vision Research, 2007
ELA 3, Experiencing the Landscape in Antiquity 3, III CONVEGNO INTERNAZIONALE DI ANTICHISTICA Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata", BAR S3178 edited by A. Cristilli et al., BAR Publishing Oxford, pp. 313-318, 2024
World Journal of Forest Research, 2025
RevistaArgentina de Antropología Biológica, 2024
Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, 2021