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Although there can be a lot of similarities when it comes to each individual's experience with substance use issues, every person's journey is unique. Developing a problem with substances often involves a complex array of factors over the course of time. One well accepted definition of "addiction" supports this viewpoint: Addiction is a treatable, chronic medical disease involving complex interactions among brain circuits, genetics, the environment, and an individual's life experiences. People with addiction use substances or engage in behaviors that become compulsive and often continue despite harmful consequences.-American Society of Addiction Medicine (2019) This definition tells us that there are a variety of factors that contribute to the development of the disease of addiction. The same is true as well for most mental health disorders. For this group exercise, group members will identify some contributing factors related to their own substance use (and mental health conditions as well, if applicable). Please keep this important point in mind: Cause is extremely hard to determine. Since addiction can be complex and unique, it is not easy to simply say that one thing "caused" an addiction. This activity is for group members to discuss their own unique life's journey and perspective rather than focusing on blaming one or two life circumstances as the "cause" of a substance use or mental health disorder. For example, if someone came from a dysfunctional family situation it would not be appropriate to conclude "My family caused my addiction." Rather, for this activity, we will look at multiple types of life issues that may have been "contributing factors" rather than just one "cause". Directions: On a blank piece of paper, everyone in the group should make a "Contributing Factor Diagram." An example is provided on the next page. To make the diagram, think of some factors that may have contributed to substance use issues in your life. If you also have mental health issues as well, you can consider those factors too. Write down each factor in a circle and label the circle. Make larger circles for contributing factors that you believe had larger impact and make smaller circles for less significant issues. You may add explanations for your contributing factors on your diagram (See example.) When everyone is done making their Contributing Factors Diagram, discuss your diagrams and then answer the process questions.
Wstêp Z przyjemnooeci¹ oddajemy w Pañstwa rêce test kwalifikacyjny ( ), który pozwoli wybraae w³aoeciwy podrêcznik z serii stosownie do osi¹gniêtego przez uczniów poziomu znajomooeci jêzyka angielskiego. Test sprawdza znajomooeae zró¿nicowanych struktur leksykalno-gramatycznych, odpowiadaj¹cych poszczególnym poziomom znajomooeci jêzyka. Zawiera 80 zadañ wyboru wielokrotnego, u³o¿onych zgodnie z rosn¹cym stopniem trudnooeci. Test zosta³ opracowany w dwóch wersjach -A i B. Za ka¿d¹ prawid³ow¹ odpowiedŸ uczeñ otrzymuje 1 punkt, a za wykonanie ca³ego testu mo¿e uzyskaae 80 punktów. Klucz z poprawnymi odpowiedziami znajduje siê na stronie 11. Czas przewidziany na wykonanie wszystkich zadañ powinien wynosiae oko³o 40 minut. Warto, aby nauczyciel przed rozpoczêciem testu upewni³ siê, czy uczniowie rozumiej¹ polecenie i poprosi³ ich o zwrócenie uwagi na sposób rozwi¹zywania zadañ podany w zamieszczonym przyk³adzie. W tabeli poni¿ej podano przedzia³y punktów pozwalaj¹ce okreoeliae gotowooeae ucznia do pracy z podrêcznikiem na danym poziomie. W przypadku, gdy uczeñ uzyska³ wartooeci zbli¿one do granicznych (np. 45-47 pkt.) nale¿y z rozwag¹ podj¹ae decyzjê o zaklasyfikowaniu go do poziomu wy¿szego lub ni¿szego. Przedstawiony test kwalifikacyjny ma na celu dostarczenie Pañstwu narzêdzia, które pozwoli jednorazowo, szybko i skutecznie okreoeliae stopieñ znajomooeci jêzyka oraz podj¹ae trafn¹ decyzjê dotycz¹c¹ wyboru podrêcznika. placement test Access Opis testu i jego przeprowadzenie Interpretacja wyników maksymalnie 2 Liczba punktów 0-20 21-47 48-64 65-80
Le Coq héron, 2010
Distribution électronique pour Érès. Distribution électronique pour Érès. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions générales d'utilisation du site ou, le cas échéant, des conditions générales de la licence souscrite par votre établissement. Toute autre reproduction ou représentation, en tout ou partie, sous quelque forme et de quelque manière que ce soit, est interdite sauf accord préalable et écrit de l'éditeur, en dehors des cas prévus par la législation en vigueur en France. Il est précisé que son stockage dans une base de données est également interdit. Article disponible en ligne à l'adresse Article disponible en ligne à l'adresse Découvrir le sommaire de ce numéro, suivre la revue par email, s'abonner... Flashez ce QR Code pour accéder à la page de ce numéro sur
Historical Social Research, 2018
Since the 1970s, economics has emerged as a global profession, with economists becoming main characters of the intellectual and political life in many countries. Inspired by Bourdieu, several analyses faced the challenge of “theorizing fields beyond the nation-state” (Buchholz 2016). Some scholars emphasized that internationalization entailed a growing asymmetry between dominant and dominated participants: the former acting as “exporters” and the latter as “importers” of ideas (Dezalay and Garth 2002). Others pointed out the process of “creative destruction” that accompanied the globalization of local fields (Fourcade 2006). Finally, still others noted the emergence of a new field of globalized experts and think tanks (Medvetz 2012). Through a socio- historical depiction of economists in Argentina, we problematize the subordinated role of peripheral economists. Rather than a dominant-dominated logic, we identify a new international division of labor. Based on more than 60 inter- views with economists, archival research, and statistical analyses, this paper shows that while a dependent position in the global academic field reduced Argentinian economists’ theoretical autonomy, it gave them the scientific authority that in turn paved the road to access very well-paid work as consultants and high-level public servants.
MATEC web of conferences, 2024
Vol.6 (S) Jun. 2024, 2024
In this article, we provide an introductory exploration of the fundamental principles underpinning academic writing. We commence by defining academic writing and emphasizing its critical role in both research and thesis composition. Subsequently, we delve into the essential characteristics inherent in academic writing, focusing particularly on clarity and structural coherence. The article then proceeds to examine various forms of academic writing, encompassing essays and dissertations, offering practical guidance on how to approach each form effectively. Additionally, we delineate the sequential stages of the writing process, from initial planning to final editing, aiming to provide a comprehensive roadmap for aspiring scholars. Moreover, we underscore the significance of proper citation practices to maintain academic integrity and emphasize the importance of employing suitable language conventions. Ultimately, this article aims to empower novice scholars with the requisite skills to navigate the intricate landscape of academic writing proficiently.
Society & Sustainability
Events on the Boards of directors in Nigeria have exposed diverse cases of conflict of interest and non-disclosure. Activities of some directors reveal that they do not know the boundaries of their allegiance to the companies that appointed them. This paper examined the role of directors' viz-a-viz conflict of interest and how it affects the sustainability of the companies. The doctrinal method was used to analyze the principles of corporate governance as it is related to the conflict of interest of those who are involved in the management. With the use of primary and secondary sources, the authors discussed the legal provisions addressing issues on conflict of interest, and the impact and implication of conflict of interest related to the organizations, the economy, and corporate sustainability. The paper found that lack of adherence to the provision of corporate governance framework had led to the pervasive cases of non-disclosure, conflict of interest, criminal liability, and...
Mobilization: An International Quarterly, 2007
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2014
Curriculum is a key factor in defining programme outcomes. It typically consists of modules and courses, which should be linked together to produce the desired learning outcomes for students. This work aims to explore the practical and theoretical principles of curriculum-centred strategic planning and to inspect how curriculum planning and its implementation are visible in the corresponding teaching structures and student experiences. The research approach used in this paper includes a student survey, teacher interviews and core content analysis. The paper demonstrates that when addressing only a cluster of courses, a relatively simplified approach provides sufficient information for identifying existing strengths and good practices that can be built upon as well as key areas that need further improvement. In addition, the key observations and best practices can also be utilised within any engineering education context.
Research on World Agricultural Economy, 2024
International Journal of Arts and Social Science, 2018
Archivamos: Revista trimestral de actualidad de archivos y documentos, 2023
Frontiers in Psychology, 2023
Geography and Regional Development, 2021
Talanta, 2020
Diseases of the Colon & Rectum, 1997
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2001