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Illustrating four hierarchical types.
Artistic Epiphanies and Arts for Health Epiphanies Experiencing Epiphanies in Literature and Cinema explores artistic epiphanies in the service of sustainable well-being. By spending time with artistic epiphanies, we not only get a chance to be with these extraordinary moments in art, we also cultivate the conditions through which we may bring epiphanies into our daily lives.
First chapter of the forthcoming book, as it looks today, May 4 2018.
Ch.1 of the book in its current draft. Comments welcomed.
Subtitle: James Joyce, Hermeneutic Philosophy, and “The Dead”
If you have wondered what it might be like to be privy to the workings of a think tank, then reading Insight in Psychotherapy may capture that experience. This sizeable volume explores the multifaceted psychological construct of insight in 21 chapters authored by many of the most renowned modern-day psychotherapy researchers and theorists. The topic of insight has fascinated scholars, historians, and scientists for centuries. There are apocryphal stories of the Greek mathematician Archimedes, who was said to have discovered the buoyancy principle while taking a bath and then run through the streets shouting "Eureka!" (Perkins, 2001), and scientist Kekulé von Stradonitz, who ostensibly figured out the ring structure of benzene while dreaming of a snake (Benzene, 2006). Research has ranged from ethological psychologists studying the "Aha" experience in animals to scientists, psychologists, and philosophers studying human behavior. Across the 21 chapters of Insight in Psychotherapy, authors frequently refer to variations on the "Eureka" or "Aha" experience. For example, Caspar and Berger recount the classic (1927) study by Kohler in which a food-deprived ape sits in a cage with two wooden poles and a banana, "out of reach of either pole" (p. 375). When the ape, without apparent use of trial and error, had the sudden, insightful idea of putting the two poles together in order to gain access to the food, Kohler called the apparently sudden solution an "Aha experience," a term that has stuck in the literature on insight. According to editors Louis G. Castonguay and Clara E. Hill, the more than four dozen authors who contributed chapters to Insight in Psychotherapy wanted to explore the topic in a format different from a typical conference that features prepared papers, panels, and posters. Instead, they sought a forum for a freewheeling discussion of insight, particularly as it relates to psychotherapy. The group met on three separate occasions over a period of four years at Pennsylvania State University, following the October 2000 conference of the Mid-Atlantic Society for Psychotherapy Research at which this novel format was conceived. The volume begins with an engaging introduction that includes a series of quotes on insight, including Socrates' famous aphorism, "The unexamined life is not worth living" (p. 3) and the Franks' description of insight in psychotherapy as "healing through self-understanding" (p. 4). The editors tell us that the group chose insight as a focus for their meetings, and ultimately for this book, because the construct is pantheoretical, widely referenced, and likely affects psychotherapy process and outcome. From the structure of most chapters, one may deduce that each author was given a basic outline that included a definition of insight, extant research, clinical illustrations, suggestions for future research, and summary remarks. Specific topics appear to have been selected on the basis of authors' particular expertise, as for example Hill's chapter on dream analysis and insight and Ladany's writing on supervision in relation to insight. The book is divided into five sections: theoretical perspectives, empirical psychotherapy research literature, clinical issues, perspectives from basic research in psychology and philosophy, and a final chapter summarizing progress and
Ch.1 of the book in its current draft. Comments welcomed.
"If one takes three individuals and interviews them with respect to life changing experiences and how they relate to education what would one expect to find? Certainly these people would speak about moments of educational challenge and inspiration, or times where their goals have been unachievable or misdirected. Perhaps they would suggest ways in which learning has been an escape route from the perception that circumstances are pre-determined. This paper represents a search for these pedagogic epiphanies. They are located in the narratives of three people - and they are loaded with subjective principles in terms of the relationships that these narratives may build with pedagogic experience (Clough, 2002) and skills, and the definition of a subject area about epiphanies and teaching and learning. It is critical that this paper relates the three narrative strands to a theoretical stratum that embeds and grounds them without diminishing their singularity. The theory and narrative evidence of this paper are part of the processes that not only comprehend and represent pedagogic epiphanies, but also show how they may infuse readers with transformative forces through words."
chapter 1 of the new book, in its present draft.
Northern Illinois University, 2020
This exhibit is dedicated to those family members who have passed through the threshold of life during the course of my NIU art studies.
Intermediate Macroeconomics - Theory, Policy and Competing Perspectives
Relieve, 2022
New Zealand Veterinary Journal, 2011
Journal of Molecular Structure, 2010
Engenharia Agrícola, 2013
Intuitio, 2019
Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan (Program Studi Magister Ilmu Lingkungan, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Diponegoro), 2022
Theriogenology, 2006
JMIR Research Protocols
Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de Sao Paulo, 2017
Open Journal of Psychiatry, 2011
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016
EPPO Bulletin, 2011
Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering), 2015
Ambitos Feministas, volume 10, 2023
The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 1983
Surgical Technique of the Abdominal Organ Procurement, 2009