Received: 13 July 2022
Revised: 2 September 2022
Accepted: 4 September 2022
DOI: 10.1002/appl.202200062
Infiltration of aluminum in 3D‐printed metallic inserts
Helder Nunes1
| Omid Emadinia1
| José Costa2
Rui Soares1 | José Silva1 | Inês Frada3
Manuel Vieira1,2 | Ana Reis1,4
Advanced Manufacturing Processes, Institute
of Science and Innovation in Mechanical and
Industrial Engineering (LAETA/INEGI), Porto,
Department of Metallurgical and Materials
Engineering, University of Porto, Porto,
Centre for Innovation and Technology N.
Mahalingam, Águeda, Portugal
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
Helder Nunes, Institute of Science and
Innovation in Mechanical and Industrial
Engineering (LAETA/INEGI), 4200‐465 Porto,
Rui Madureira1 |
| Vitor Anjos3 |
Filomena Viana1,2
Aluminum structural composites through the infiltration process can be performed
by vacuum, centrifugal, or squeeze casting, involving the infiltration of molten Al into
fibers, particles, foams, or even porous preforms. This methodology creates hybrid
structures of two distinct metal alloys that can be used to locally strengthen
components or even to improve the properties of bulk materials, such as ultimate
tensile strength and thermal conductivity. New approaches involve the infiltration of
liquid Al into a three‐dimensional (3D)‐printed structure of the more rigid metal, such
as steel, that the Al matrix. In the current study, stainless steel and copper inserts
were produced by fused filament fabrication techniques with various geometries.
Moreover, some 3D inserts were electrochemically coated with pure copper to
enhance the wettability of the steel insert by Al. Then, the infiltration of these inserts
was evaluated by gravity casting, centrifugal casting, and low‐pressure sand casting
Funding information
(LPSC). Evaluations involved microstructural characterization using optical micros-
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
copy and SEM for interface analysis. It is revealed that centrifugal casting is highly
reliable to infiltrate the inserts with Al, filling detailed cavities in depth. The copper
coating aided in the creation of intimate interfaces. The infiltration at the insert's
surfaces, curved‐like topography, is obtained through LPSC though it is affected by
the direction in respect of material flow.
3D‐printed inserts, aluminum, casting, infiltration
rigid structure [1, 2], for example, aluminum (Al) foams obtained from
a polyurethane sponge template, a plaster‐foam precursor, and then
Aluminum metal matrix composites (Al‐MMCs) belong to the class of
centrifugal casting [3]. However, the Al sponge can be obtained by
advanced materials that have been continually researched and
the counter‐gravity infiltration of a packed bed of expanded perlite
developed to meet the needs of technological advancements for
particles [4]. Singh et al. [5] performed the infiltration of aluminum by
higher mechanical performance, considered lightweight, and cost‐
investment casting methodology into a mold loaded with Al‐Al2O3
effective. These composites are categorized depending on the
particles, producing a function‐graded material for mechanical
reinforcement type and shape, such as particles, whiskers, and fiber
resistance applications.
reinforced. Different methods can be used to produce these
Shaga et al. [6] developed an Al‐MMC reinforced with a porous
composites, varying from solid‐state to liquid‐metal‐infiltration
laminated SiC scaffold, the Al matrix (Al—12 wt% Si—10 wt% Mg
processes. The latter methodology involves the molten metal/alloy
alloy) was infiltrated in the SiC structure by a pressureless technique,
penetrating a preform, either being a packed bed or a porous and
that is, placing an aluminum block on the top of the SiC scaffold in an
Appl. Res. 2022;e202200062.
© 2022 Wiley‐VCH GmbH.
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alumina crucible, applying a vacuum of ~100 Pa followed by
binder material, followed debinding to remove the binder and then
introducing a high‐purity N2 gas flux at 950°C for 2 h. The authors
sintering for densification [13–15].
attributed the success of infiltration to the presence of N2. These
The casting process can be performed through different
authors mentioned that the fracture under the tensile test occurred
methodologies such as gravity or under external forces applied by
in the Al matrix and not at the interface of Al–SiC. Another study
centrifuge or high/low pressure. Low‐pressure sand casting (LPSC)
presented the production of Al‐Ti bimetallic composite by casting in a
seems to be a promising process since it can ensure a good filling and
vacuum and squeeze infiltration to fill Ti preform. The first process
decrease defects. The application of gas pressure to the melt surface
included casting the A356 alloy on a Ti preform through a vacuum
gently forces the molten material, such as Al, through a riser tube into
chamber at a pressure of 10−5 Pa. Regarding squeeze casting, the Ti
the mold cavity placed above the furnace [16, 17]. Choi et al. [18]
preform and aluminum strips were stacked heating the material to
employed low‐pressure casting to infiltrate pure Al into a preform of
730°C under 4.5 Pa pressure; thus, the molten Al seeped into the
carbon–alumina short fibers. The authors used a melting temperature
gaps between the Ti strips [7]. Concerning the success of infiltration,
of 800°C and a pressure of 0.4 MPa to produce a highly dense
some authors mentioned that the chemical composition of the Al cast
composite with a 73% higher hardness (HV) than the Al matrix which
is important, for example, Aghajanian et al. [8] demonstrated that Mg
was ~19 HV.
concentration should be between 0.5 and 1 wt.% for successful
This study aims to primarily evaluate the Al infiltration behavior
infiltration. Other elements, such as Si, can also improve infiltration.
into steel/copper AM structures by applying three different casting
This effect can be attributed to the reduction of viscosity by the
methods. Then, this study proceeded with the interface characteri-
addition of Mg or Si.
zation, evaluating the influence of copper coating applied on steel
Recent approaches involve additive manufacturing (AM) and
inserts. Thus, it is intended to establish parameter and process
casting, that is, first creating a complex lattice structure through
limitations to develop robust Al structural composites in future
AM process and then casting another material on the printed
structure. The steel‐Al hybrid structure has been experienced
through the infiltration of molten Al into the steel insert [9]. This
combination may cause phase evolution at the insert‐cast
interface or nonintimate interfaces. If the latter condition occurs,
Metal insert production
the load transfer strengthening mechanism cannot be effective,
lowering the mechanical response of the composite [10].
Regarding the formation of an intimate interface, in the case of
The inserts used in this study were produced through the FFF
dissimilar materials, such as Al and Fe, the formation of
process. This AM methodology involves the design of the geometry
intermetallic phases can occur at the interface (e.g., η‐Al 5Fe).
of interest by CAD software, then it is exported as an STL file
The chemical composition, the morphology (whether it is smooth
transmitted to the printing machine, which in this study it is a
or rough), and the thickness of the intermetallic layer effects the
Markforged Metal X equipment. The chemical composition of inserts
bonding strength [11, 12].
is represented in Table 1.
Metallic inserts can be fabricated through AM processes since it
Several 3D shapes were printed, as shown in Figure 1, to
facilitates the production of complex and interconnected structures
determine the optimal geometry for aluminum infiltration. The shapes
such as lattices used for load‐transferring applications. Liquid/sinter‐
were developed considering the rules of design for AM, and
based methodologies can be involved. The former ones can be laser
recommendations from Markforged for the FFF, once 3D printing
or electron beam techniques providing molten pool followed by
is a geometry‐dependent process. Since FFF for metallic materials
solidification whereas fused filament fabrication (FFF) process
involves fabrication, debinding, and sintering, the rules mentioned
involves densification of metal powders through sintering, that is, a
before were used to optimize components to resist the different
three‐dimensional (3D) structure is printed layer by layer using a
production phases. They were also fabricated in the best orientation
filament composed of a homogeneous mixture of powder and a
to avoid the build of supports, considering overhangs reduction, by
17‐4 PH stainless steel
Abbreviation: PH, precipitation‐hardening.
T A B L E 1 Chemical composition
(wt.%) of the stainless steel and copper
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F I G U R E 1 Three‐dimensional printed
metal inserts were used in the current study
with: (a) body‐centered cubic with Z strut
(BCCZ) geometry, (b) pyramid‐like geometry;
and (c) columnar geometry.
maintaining the structural integrity at the end of the process. The
the design of the cavity required for casting. The ceramic cast dried
body‐centered cubic with Z strut (BCCZ) geometry, shown in
and sintered at 1000°C. Then, the insert selected was placed in the
Figure 1a, was chosen as the first insert geometry because it exhibits
mold cavity, Figure 2b, the mold was covered with a lid of similar
good stiffness [19]. The two other geometries, however, were
ceramic material and sealed with ceramic glue. This mold assembly
adapted from the BCCZ while considering the constraints of the mold
was dried at 200°C/1 h to remove moisture. The centrifugal casting
design and infiltration process. As a result, the pyramid‐like
process was performed by a Neutrodyn Easyti centrifugal casting
geometry, Figure 1b, presented a higher free interspace, and similarly,
equipment loading the A356 charge in an appropriate crucible and
the geometry presented in Figure 1c was selected for producing long
the mold assembly, Figure 2c. The fusion temperature was selected
inserts. One type of insert was selected for electrochemical coating
at 810°C, the lower possible temperature by that equipment, and the
with pure copper (Figure 1b) to assess the effect of this coating on
casting process were carried out in a low vacuum atmosphere. The
the wettability and interfaces. The electrodeposition bath consisted
centrifugal process began at a medium speed once the Al melted and
of copper sulfate (220 g/L CuSO4.5H2O), sulfuric acid (63 g/L
then, the melt was projected into the ceramic mold.
H2SO4), hydrochloric acid (50 mg/L HCl), Cuflex 500 base (0.8 ml/
L), and a brightness agent (1.6 ml/L). A current of 12 A, a cylindrical
copper electrode, and a deposition duration of 15 min were also used.
Low‐pressure casting
Figure 3a shows the LPSC configuration used in this study. The Al
Aluminum infiltration
alloy charge and the graphite crucible were dried at 200°C/1 h and
then placed in a resistance furnace heated up to 720°C for melt
Gravity casting
preparation. Heating was performed under argon (Ar) gas atmosphere
The Al alloy A356 was melted by a goldsmith furnace, in a graphite
sand mold was prepared to place the inserts in the cavity of the mold
crucible, at 700°C and then poured directly on the top of the insert
(Figure 3b) and close the mold.
to decrease melt oxidation and hydrogen pick‐up. Meanwhile, the
placed in another crucible. Some inserts were preheated to 700°C to
The slag was removed once the material had completely melted,
assess the impact of the temperature on infiltration behavior.
and the feeder tube and sand mold were installed on the top of the
Besides, other experiments were performed by placing a piece of
furnace. The casting process began with the molten metal rising
the Al alloy on the top of the insert and heating it in a vacuum
through the tube into the mold cavity applying an approximately
atmosphere, using a furnace with a horizontal alumina tube, to
125 mbar Ar gas pressure on the liquid metal surface.
evaluate whether the absence of air‐oxygen can increase infiltration.
Three sets of processing conditions were used: low vacuum at
620°C/9 Pa/5 min and 700°C/9 Pa/5 min, and high vacuum at
700°C/6 × 10
Interface characterization
Pa/5 min.
Cross sections were cut from casts followed by performing
conventional metallographic preparation techniques, including the
Centrifugal casting
steps of grinding up to 1000 mesh and polishing with 6 and 1 µm
diamond paste. Microscopic characterization for interfaces was
This process requires a ceramic mold with a cavity, Figure 2a,
carried out using a Digital Microscope, Leica, DVM6 A, and a
produced by pouring the ceramic paste into a silicon mold to replicate
scanning electron microscope (SEM), FEI Quanta 400 FEG (ESEM)
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F I G U R E 2 (a) Plaster mold scheme; (b)
ceramic mold with the insert placed; and (c)
centrifugal casting setup.
F I G U R E 3 (a) Low‐pressure sand casting
process scheme and (b) sand mold with inserts
placed in the cavities.
equipment. The chemical composition distribution and localized
had significant porosity caused by inadequate Al penetration; the
analysis were determined by backscattered electron (BSE) mode
interfaces between the cast Al and the insert were not intimate,
and energy‐dispersive X‐ray spectroscopy (EDS), and EDAX Genesis
which was attributed to the Al shrinkage during solidification not
X4M (Oxford Instrument).
allowing metallurgical bonding at the interface, as can be seen in
Figure 4.
Thus, the study proceeded by performing a set of casting to
determine the critical diameter for the Al infiltration in similar steel.
Three steel cups with holes, in the base part, ranging in diameters
Gravity casting
from 1 to 4 mm were produced by machining. The casting was
performed on the cups at room temperature, preheated to almost
In the current study, the efficiency of gravity casting for infiltration
350°C and 700°C though the real temperatures were 190°C and
was evaluated by applying different strategies such as casting on an
370°C, respectively, in the initial moment of casting. This was caused
insert at room temperature and preheating to 350°C and 700°C.
by the insert cooling after it was taken out of the electric furnace and
Moreover, the inserts were positioned in different orientations to
before the molten aluminum was poured. As seen in Figure 5, the
determine the infiltration optimal conditions. However, these
best scenario was obtained in the insert at room temperature,
experiments revealed that the gravity casting technology had
showing that the critical diameter is roughly 2 mm since not all the
numerous restrictions for Al infiltration. The produced composites
1.5 mm holes were infiltrated. The worst‐case scenario was obtained
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by the cup preheating at 700°C. This change can be attributed to the
observations, Figure 7b, confirmed metallurgical bonding at the
expansion of steel.
interface, and the formation of intermetallic phases as seen in
Figure 7c. The predominant intermetallic compounds generated are
γ‐Al4Cu9 and θ‐Al2Cu, according to EDS analysis (Table 2). However,
Centrifugal casting
the Al melt did not fill all the topography details of the Cu insert
produced by FFF.
The cross‐section observation reveals that the infiltration was
In the current study, infiltration was evaluated for another
complete; however, microscopic observations on the polished
geometry, Figure 1c. The centrifugal casting was performed
surfaces, Figure 6c, revealed that interfaces were not completely
successfully for that length. Cross sections were cut along the height
intimate being influenced by the curved‐like geometries. The micro
of the cast, and some differences were observed specifically in the
porosities observed in the cross‐section of these inserts are caused
types of interfaces. Figure 8b,c represents, respectively, sections I
by inefficient sintering during the FFF process.
and II indicated in Figure 8a, which correspond to zones filled in the
Since the copper is well‐known for having good wettability with
earliest (section I) and latest (section II) steps of casting. These
Al, the infiltration by centrifugal casting proceeded in a copper insert.
microscopic observations reveal that cross sections closer to the
The polished cross‐section of the Al–Cu structure composite,
insert base (such as section I) have the majority of intimate interfaces
Figure 7a, shows that infiltration is good and the SEM/BSE
(Figure 8d) though some nonintimate interfaces (Figure 8f) are
Figure 8c,e,g, by reaching the top region of the cast (such as section
II). This difference can be attributed to the temperature reduction of
the last molten Al filled the top region. Moreover, the influence of
increased centrifugal force on infiltration in the earliest steps of
casting, due to the higher mass of the molten material, can be
Low‐pressure casting
Regarding infiltration through LPSC, this methodology is highly
influenced by the size of internal cavities. The Al did not
Gravity infiltration composite with significant voids.
penetrate in small interspaces of the insert with complex
F I G U R E 5 Tests of the influence of insert preheating temperature on infiltration: (a) insert at room temperature; (b) insert preheated to
~350°C; and (c) insert preheated to ~700°C.
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F I G U R E 6 (a) Composites resulting from centrifugal infiltration; (b) cross‐section of the insert with complete infiltration; and (c) the same
section in (b) but at higher magnification.
F I G U R E 7 (a) Al–Cu structure cross‐section; (b) scanning electron microscope image of the same cross‐section; and (c) a higher
magnification of one region.
Elemental composition of the zones identified in
Figure 7c
Al (at.%)
Si (at.%)
Cu (at.%)
Possible phase
Al as well. In the meantime, the effect of the position of the
inserts in the mold cavity was evaluated as shown in Figure 3b.
Placement number 2 presented the largest penetration as seen in
Figure 10a. This filling behavior might be related to changes in
velocity and temperature during cavity filling. Nevertheless, the
interface of the insert‐Al is not continuously intimate. As seen in
Figure 10b,c, the presence of an intimate interface seems to vary
from side to side. This change can be attributed to the direction
of melt flow during filling. Chelladurai et al. [20] applied Cu
coating to create a barrier between the steel and the molten Al to
prevent any formation of iron aluminides, in the meantime,
geometry, Figure 9a. This penetration partially increased in the
creating a better interface bonding achieved through squeeze
insert embedding a larger interspacing; however, it was not
Regarding the effect of Cu coating at the Al–steel interface,
This study proceeded by applying a Cu coating on the
microscopic observations and chemical composition profiles are
produced inserts to enhance the wettability and penetration of
illustrated in Figure 11. As seen, the Cu coating is still detected at the
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F I G U R E 8 (a) The printed insert designed for tensile test specimens; Al–steel cast produced by centrifugal casting: (b, c) different sections
observed along the height; (d, e) intimate interfaces; and (f, g) nonintimate interfaces.
interface whereas this coating seems to be diffused slightly in the
steel and dissolved in the adjacent Al matrix. Intermetallic compounds
were not found in any of the types of interfaces, suggesting that the
copper coating may prevent the formation of these compounds
though some micro cracks are observed.
This study covered the infiltration of Al AA356 alloy into steel inserts
produced by the FFF technique as an AM approach. Three casting
techniques were applied: gravity, centrifugal, and LPSC. The
following conclusions can be drawn:
F I G U R E 9 Cross section of the inserts placed in the mold cavity
for infiltration by low‐pressure sand casting.
• Gravity casting is not reliable for infiltration of semi to complex
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F I G U R E 10 Cross sections of the composite structure of the copper coated steel insert filled with Al by low‐pressure sand casting: (a) as cut
surface; (b, c) as polished surfaces observed by optical microscopy.
F I G U R E 11 Interfaces of the insert 2 after casting: optical microscope images from the (a) steel–Cu–Al interface; (b) steel–Al interface; and
(c, d) energy‐dispersive X‐ray spectroscopy analysis profiles of the corresponding interfaces.
• Centrifuge casting can be a promising method to infiltrate Al melt
into small details and complex geometries; however, the production of intimate interfaces varies along the insert height.
• LPSC is limited for infiltration of Al melt into complex geometries.
• The copper coating can enhance the formation of locally intimate
interfaces without intermetallics formation.
• The topography of 3D‐printed inserts produced by FFF affects the
infiltration at the surface details.
• The geometry of the inserts greatly influences the infiltration
• The application of Cu inserts can cause the formation of copper
aluminides at the interface.
To achieve the main objectives of producing aluminum structural
components locally reinforced with a steel insert the authors
proposes future works to accomplish, including:
• Optimization of the mold design or using a close‐up sand mold to
avoid heat and pressure losses during the LPSC process.
• Production of composites through centrifugal casting suitable for
machining tensile test specimens to evaluate the mechanical
The authors would like to acknowledge AAPICO S.A., and Fundação
para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), I.P., through UIDB/50022/2020
and UIDP/50022/2020 project. They would also like to acknowledge
the Centro de Materiais da Universidade do Porto for microscopy
assistance. This study was funded by the Project PAC (PO‐CI‐01‐
0247‐FEDER‐046095), cofinanced by COMPETE 2020 through
FEDER and by National Funds through FCT.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no new data were
created or analyzed in this study.
Helder Nunes
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How to cite this article: H. Nunes, O. Emadinia, J. Costa, R.
Madureira, R. Soares, J. Silva, I. Frada, V. Anjos, F. Viana, M.
Vieira, A. Reis, Appl. Res. 2022, e202200062.