Volume 33 (4)
European Association for the Study of Science and Technology
Dec 2014
EASST Review (ISSN 13845160) is published quarterly, in
March, June, September and
EASST Editor: Vacant
Guest Editor: Ignacio Farías
(WZB Berlin Social Science
Center, Germany)
Tel:(+49) 30 2514927
email: farias@wzb.eu
Distributed digitally to all
EASST Members
Subscription: Full individual
membership fee (waged and
resident in high income
countries): EUR 40 annual.
Students, unwaged or resident
in all other countries pay a
reduced fee of EUR 25.
Library rate is EUR 45.
Please note that subscriptions
can be made through the
EASST website by following the
‘Join EASST’ link.
EASST Review on the Web:
Cover Illustration: “EASST
Fireworks”. Photo by Isaac
Marrero-Guillamón, Torún,
Poland, September 2014
The Association's journal was
called the EASST Newsletter
through 1994.
EASST Review's Past Editors:
Ann Rudinow Sætnan, 2006 2014; Chunglin Kwa, 1991 2006; Arie Rip, 1982-1991;
Georg Kamphausen, 1982.
Fred Steward (University of Westminster)
Council of the European Association for the
Study of Science and Technology:
Elected members:
Marton Fabok (University of Liverpool, Student representative)
Ignacio Farías (WZB Berlin Social Science Center)
Maja Horst (Department of Media, Cognition and
Communication, University of Copenhagen)
Pierre-Benoit Joly (National Institute of Agronomic Research,
Laura Watts (IT University of Copenhagen)
Attila Bruni (University of Trento)
Fred Steward, President (Westminster University)
Estrid Sørensen (Ruhr-Universität, Bochum)
Harro van Lente (University of Utrecht)
Co-opted members:
Samsa Hyysalo (editor of Science & Technology Studies)
Ingmar Lippert (manager EASST Eurograd list)
Krzysztof Abriszewski (organizer of 2014 EASST conference)
Gary Downey (President of the Society for Social Studies of
Science, ex-officio)
EASST's Past Presidents:
Christine Hine, 2005-2008; Sally Wyatt, 2000-2004; Rob
Hagendijk, 1997-2000; Aant Elzinga, 1991-1997; Stuart Blume,
1987-1991; John Ziman, 1983-1986;Peter Weingart, 1982.
Member benefits: EASST organizes a biennial conference and
supports a number of “off-year” events such as workshops,
PhD summer schools and national/regional STS meetings.
Members are offered reduced registration rates for the biennial
EASST conference and many other EASST events.
EASST funds and awards three biennial academic prizes for
excellence in various aspects of community-building – the Olga
Amsterdamska award for a creative collaboration in an edited
book in the broad field of science and technology studies, the
Chris Freeman award for a significant contribution to the
interaction of science and technology studies with the study of
innovation, and the John Ziman award for an innovative
venture to promote the public understanding of the social
dimensions of science.
EASST publishes the EASST Review and offers member access
to the journal Science & Technology Studies.
Ignacio Farías
Recognize the picture on the cover? Our conference in Toruń. A beautiful medieval old town in
Northern Poland. Catching up with good old friends. Making new friends. A timely conference theme:
Situating Solidarities: social challenges for science and technology studies. Long lunch breaks in a
sunny inner yard. Running into each other in between sessions. Good buildings for community building.
Serious discussions about the coffee. Conference dinner in a fortress. Archery lessons. Desperado, a
bizarre heavy metal pub. Astonishment about the number of routes and flight-train combination taken to
get to Toruń. Rumours about a broken flight information display at Gatwick impeding friends and
colleagues from coming. Ovation for the three collectives winners of EASST awards. Hat off to
Krzysztof Abriszewski from the Nicholas Copernicus University and the organization. And, of course,
the fireworks. An image that is also good when thinking about the kind of object we are enacting every
two or four years (depending on how you define the ‘we’): the conference as a fire object.
Fire objects invite us to think about ontological multiplicity, about the conference as a multiplicity, not
simply differently experienced by the individual participants, but involving differing sets of practices,
concerns, infrastructures, topologies. The issue, of course, is not simply ascertaining difference, but
understanding the politics of coordinating differing, sometimes even mutually exclusive enactments.
The notion of fire objects thus invites critical thinking, as it underscores the impossibility of making
everything present and the inevitable production of otherness and absences. It is provocative to think
about our conferences along those lines: How to coordinate the multiple enactments of a conference,
how to hold it together, while taking into account the inevitable production of absence?
One strategy, I think, is producing overtly incomplete archives. Archives are interesting knowledge
devices, as they attempt to produce neither synthesis nor coherence, but to collect multiplicities and let
them overlap, interact, intra-act. Normally, however, archives do have the pretension of completeness.
But what about an archive that presents itself as being incomplete, that forces us to think about
absences, to long for ‘other voices, other rooms’. I hope the pieces collected in this and the coming
issues of the EASST Review about the Toruń conference will produce an incomplete archive of this
kind, one that is capable of bringing together multiple ways of practicing our conference, while making
us aware of not just of absent presences, but also of present absences.
A second strategy involves engaging with the politics of conference organization, which involves among
many other things a politics of size and numbers, as well as of atmospheres and interiorities. What
happens to EASST when we move from a conference with 600 participants to conferences with almost
2000? When does an academic community become a population to be governed? How do conference
fees take into account not just North and South, East and West, but also the precarization of academic
labour or the inclusion of non-academic researchers in science and technology? Or, more generally,
which conference atmospheres do we aspire to? Which type of scholarship do they inspire? As with
atmospheres more generally, the question here is about the type of interiority enacted by our
conferences. Is it an issue-oriented one, based on heterogeneous and multi-disciplinary
problematizations of science, technology and traditional social science accounts thereof? Or is a
discipline-oriented interiority emerging as a consequence of an increasing institutionalization of the
field? Are we seeing the contours of a post-STS landscape, as recently discussed at
http://installingorder.org/? Or is the other way around? STS as a generative multiplicity being currently
risking disciplinarization?
Generative questions, I hope, which could guide us when shaping the future of the EASST Review as an
incomplete archive and engaging with the ontological politics of conference organization.
Postsocialism and
Susanne Bauer, Marija
Brajdić Vuković, Endre
Dányi, Márton Fabók &
Ivan Tchalakov
Situating agencies
and solidarities in
News from the
Astrid O. Andersen
Calls for Papers
Technology and
academic virtues in
Square pegs and
round holes
Olga Kudina
Mhorag Goff
STS and politics
Ivana Damnjanović
On the
intertwinements of
care and
Kay Felder & Susanne
Situating shifts
Josefine Rassch
Early career
and obstacles in
doing STS
Nina Amelung
Caring for a
displacement in
meeting formats
Tomás Sánchez
Criado & Nerea
New Publications
Postsocialism and STS. A subplenary at EASST
Susanne Bauer, Marija Brajdić Vuković, Endre Dányi,
Márton Fabók & Ivan Tchalakov
The ‘Postsocialism and STS’ subplenary at this year’s EASST
conference in Toruń grew out of an EASST-supported STS workshop
held in Budapest in January 2014 (see Márton Fabók’s report in the
previous issue of The EASST Review). The main focus of the Budapest
event was a double blind spot: the relative absence of postsocialist cases
in STS and the relative absence of STS works in postsocialist studies. As
far as the first part of this double blind spot is concerned, it is worth
highlighting that the postsocialist transition has mostly been described in
political and economic terms (i.e. democratisation and market making),
while science and technology have been considered rather unimportant
and unproblematic. This is quite surprising, especially if one considers
the central importance of science and technology in the selfunderstanding of socialism as a hyper-modern project. (Nothing
illustrates this better than the Palace of Science and Culture in the centre
of Warsaw, which testifies the centrality of science and technology in the
promise of socialist modernisation.)
Summary: STS has sometimes
been accused of ‘presentism’: a
tendency to study
configurations, assemblages,
arrangements, sets of material
practices that take place here
and now, in the present. How
would our key concepts,
methods, analytical strategies
change if we blurred the
boundary between the past and
the present, the here and the
there, and sensitized ourselves
to half-presences? This
subplenary aimed to address
this abstract question by
initiating a discussion about the
postsocialist condition. More
specifically, we aimed to
explore remembered and
forgotten narratives of
modernism, sources of
enthusiasm and scepticism
towards technoscientific
promises, and various
configurations of the public and
the private in sociotechnical
innovations in order to discuss
how the concept of
postsocialism might contribute
to ongoing debates in STS, and
vice-versa, how insights from
STS might help us better
understand the postsocialist
Figure: Palace of Science and Culture, Warsaw, Poland
Source: http://roman-shymko.com/digest/palace-of-culture-and-sciencein-warsaw/
As for the second part of the double blind spot, STS has been strongly
influenced by postcolonial works, many of which have aimed at
EASST Review
Volume 33, Number 4
Susanne Bauer is associate
professor in sociology of science
at Goethe University Frankfurt.
Her research interests include the
sociology of infrastructure,
databases and biobanks in
biomedicine and environmental
health, hybrid ecologies, and the
Cold War history of risk
Marija Brajdić Vuković is
assistant professor of sociology the
the University of Zagreb. Her
current research focuses on local
practices of knowledge production
in the context of science and
technology policies and evaluation
practices. Marija is chair of the
Section for Science and
Technology Research of the
Croatian Sociological Association.
decentring or provincialising Europe and North America. As Katherine
Verdery (2002: 20) argues, however, it makes little sense to address the
relationship of the former ‘First World’ and the former ‘Third World’
without also talking about the former ‘Second World’, since many if not
most anti-colonial struggles were also significant episodes of the Cold
War, the traces of which are still very much visible today. If this is right,
then postsocialist studies has a lot to offer for STS, and vice-versa. The
subplenary in Toruń was our initial attempt to articulate what such offers
might entail and come up with a (necessarily incomplete) inventory of
possible topics and themes for future events and research projects.
The subplenary was divided into two parts. In the first part, Ivan
Tchalakov, Marija Brajdic Vukovic, and Susanne Bauer made a series of
interrelated observations about postsocialism and STS. Drawing on his
own experience in Bulgarian and Russian academic institutions, Ivan
started the subplenary by situating STS in Eastern Europe before and
after the collapse of state socialism (see also Mitev and Tchalakov
2007). He argued it has been difficult for STS to be established in the
former eastern bloc because it repeatedly drew attention to the ‘taboos’
of science – a move that was appreciated neither in the scientific socialist
context of the 1970s and 1980s nor in the neoliberal climate of the 1990s
and early 2000s. As far as the latter is concerned, Ivan mentioned two
important difficulties for STS scholars in Eastern Europe. The first is
concerned with the agenda of STS: while conducting ethnographic
research in laboratories and other scientific settings has been one of the
strengths of science studies, what mattered most for scientists in the
former east in the 1990s was mostly de-industrialisation, the growing
importance of entrepreneurship, the impact of increasing direct foreign
investments, and the short- and long-term implications of brain drain.
The second difficulty had more to do with the methods of STS: to carry
out STS-inspired research in Eastern Europe required – and requires still
– historical research, which (despite some important exceptions like
Bruno Latour’s study on Louis Pasteur or John Law’s research on
Portuguese colonialism) did not quite fit with most STS scholars’
presentist approach towards scientific practices and processes.
In a way, Marija’s and Susanne’s contributions to the subplenary could
be seen as elaborations on Ivan’s two points about the agenda and the
methods of STS. In her talk, Marija concentrated on her experience in
the Croatian academic system in order to point out to some of the
difficulties that former socialist academic systems face during their
transformation into ‘competitive’ entities. According to the most
common indicators, for instance, the Croatian academic system appears
to be a ‘poor performer’ in terms of scientific productivity and impact of
scientific research. Some factors contributing to its poor performance are
associated with the constant decrease in R&D investment, the
devastation of different parts of the academic system during the social
and economic transition, along with a constant reduction of research
personnel and a lack of well thought-through reforms. Marija argued that
one of the major obstacles of the initiation and implementation of
reforms has been a lack of consensus regarding the direction, depth and
wideness of those reforms due to disciplinary differences, normative
differences related to the acceptance of norms of neoliberal capitalism,
and norms and habits connected to the ways of ‘doing science’ stemming
EASST Review
Volume 33, Number 4
from the socialist past. As Marija pointed out, while following the
transitology literature it is tempting to conceptualise post-socialist
transition as a linear process, in practice, this transition has been
negotiated and contested on a day-to-day basis in different settings, in
different ways.
The problem of temporality also played central role in Susanne’s
presentation. As she emphasised, postsocialist STS and the history of
technoscience in the former eastern bloc have the potential to complicate
linear accounts of the transition from state to market economy. Rather
than telling a story of progress, they may open up the possibility to study
post-socialist neoliberal assemblages (Collier 2011). This can sensitise
STS for heterogeneous temporalities and entanglements of various pasts
in the here-and-now. Post-Cold War Kazakhstan, for instance, while new
oil economies take over, deals with the legacies and impact of socialist
modernity, such as large-scale irrigation projects, nuclear testing and the
space program. Beyond the parallel history of Cold War science and
technology, the postsocialist case shows how there are more than one
versions of modernity, technoscientific utopia and disenchantment.
Moreover, to post-Soviet countries in Central Asia, this includes both
postsocialist and postcolonial concerns, given the much longer history of
Russian colonialism, early Soviet anti-colonialist visions and policies as
well as colonial continuity and a recent uptake of pan-Eurasianism in
post-Soviet nation building. In light of this, Susanne suggested that STS
scholars also ask the question that has already been raised in literary
studies: is the ‘post’ in postcolonial the same as the ‘post’ in
postsocialist? (Moore 2001) She then argued that case studies from STS
might explore how such entanglements and temporalities look like and
work, and sensitise us to the half-presences of various colonial and statesocialist pasts in post-Soviet economies. This way, along with the
postcolonial challenges, STS-inspired studies of postsocialism might
help further provincialise dominant western epistemologies and trouble
the analytical categories in the study of technological modernity.
Endre Dányi is postdoctoral
research fellow in sociology at the
Goethe University Frankfurt. His
PhD at Lancaster was a materialsemiotic analysis of liberal
democracy in Hungary, using the
Hungarian parliament building as
a methodological device. Endre is
also one of the founder-editors of
Mattering Press.
Marton Fabok is a PhD Student
in Geography and Planning,
University of Liverpool. He is
EASST Student Representative
In the discussion that followed Ivan’s, Marija’s and Susanne’s
presentations (and the conversations that preceded it) a number of
fascinating topics and themes came up, the elaboration of which is
beyond the scope of this short report. At the same time, however, we
find it important to at least list them here, hoping that some of them will
be taken up in prospective STS meetings, within EASST and beyond.
Lack of trust: a persistent lack of trust within and among
scientific communities in Eastern Europe has made STS-inspired
ethnographic research on scientific practices more difficult. What
role does trust play in various scientific settings, and how does it
change due to increased competition, standardisation,
institutionalisation, etc.?
Naukovendenie: What is the relation of STS to its Soviet
counterpart ‘naukovendenie’ (science studies), an important
(mostly philosophical) project at the intersection of science and
politics/state planning? The project of naukovedenie originated in
the 1920s as part of scientific socialism and resurfaced in the
EASST Review
Volume 33, Number 4
Ivan Tchalakov is head of the
Department of Institutional and
Applied Sociology and of the
Technology Transfer Office, both
at the University of Plodvdiv. Hs
latest book is titled Innovations
and Entrepreneurs in Socialist and
Post-Socialist Societies (coauthored by Jouko Nikula).
Cold War context (Aronova 2011). According to Aronova (2011:
185), the ‘cold war was, among many things, about different
visions of how to organize science’. If both movements, science
studies in the west and ‘naukovedenie’ in the east, somehow
responded to similar concerns related to the Cold War, how do
these differences play out in the post-Cold War era? What are the
peculiar fusions and politics of late socialist and postsocialist
science, technologies and economies in different countries? Here
STS can provide more complex empirical stories about these
postsocialist assemblages and help overcome simple analytical
binaries themselves to be located within the Cold War condition.
Aronova, Elena (2011) The
Politics and Contexts of Soviet
Science Studies (Naukovedenie):
Soviet Philosophy of Science at
the Crossroads. Studies of Eastern
European Thought 63, pp.175202.
Collier, Stephen (2011) PostSoviet Social: Neoliberalism,
Social Modernity, Biopolitics,
Princeton University Press,
Princeton, NJ.
Mitev, Tihomir and Ivan
Tchalakov (2007) ‘From
Sociology of Science to STS: The
Bulgarian case’ in Ivan
Tchalakov, Harald Rohracher,
Frank Mali et al. (eds.), Governing
sociotechnical change in
Southeastern Europe:
contributions from a science &
technology studies perspective.
East-West Publishers, Sofia, pp. 228
Moore, David Chioni (2001) ‘Is
the Post- in Postcolonial the Postin Post-Soviet? Toward a Global
Postcolonial Critique.’ PMLA
116(1), pp. 111-128.
Verdery, Katherine (2002)
‘Whither postsocialism?’ in Chris
Hann (ed.) Postsocialism: ideals,
ideologies and practices in
Eurasia, Routledge, London &
New York, pp. 15-28.
Utopias after the Cold War: does the collapse of state socialism
also indicate the end of utopias? Or did utopias merely change
their form and content? What does the (post-)socialist experience
tell us about our belief in accounting practices and technological
fixes in relation to climate change, the financial crisis, or other
matters of concern?
Failure: the collapse of state socialism has mostly been framed in
terms of failure, that is, the failure of socialist economies to
remain sustainable vis-à-vis capitalist economies. Nowadays,
many Eastern European countries are accused of failing to live up
to certain economic and political expectations (often within an
EU context). What can STS say about the technologies of
expectations? How does failure figure in / is figured by such
What’s the post in post-socialism? In asking this question we
would like to bring to the fore the specific temporalities at work
in the postsocialist condition and invite empirical case studies on
these heterogeneous relations. Close empirical studies are
important to map out the dis/continuities and half-presences in
specific technoscientific assemblages that we encounter as
postsocialist present.
The continued importance of stateness. Attempts to overcome the
socialist state seem to go together with the persistence of
socialist elites and the emergence of refashioned authoritarian
states. How do developments in neoliberal economies co-shape
regimes of accounting and governance in social justice, welfare
policies elsewhere?
EASST Review
Volume 33, Number 4
Technology and academic virtues in Ukraine:
Escaping the Soviet path dependency
Olga Kudina
More than twenty years after the collapse of the Soviet Union there still
remain a lot of gaps in understanding how the societal transformation
towards a postsocialist society occurred and what contributed to this
process. Some aspects of this change were discussed during the EASST
Plenary session on the relevance of the postsocialist condition for STS.
While Ivan Tchalakov provided retrospective analysis of the science
politics in the Soviet Union and explained how its unintended
consequences assisted socialist modernization, Marija Vukovic looked
into youth academic migration as inspiring re-evaluation of science
foundation in Croatia and Susanne Bauer elaborated how Soviet nuclear
ecologies unfolded environmental changes. The speakers and audience
purported that such a complex process as a/the transition to a
postsocialist society cannot be fully captured by political and economic
reforms. Society had to gradually adjust (and is still adjusting) to a more
open and democratic way of life, something that can only be achieved by
the bottom-up rationale, as witnessed by the speakers’ presentations. In
this short essay I want to build on the results of the Plenary session and
continue reflection on the postsocialist transition drawing from the fields
of STS and Philosophy of Technology.
I shall argue that in order to achieve a better picture of the societal
transition to a postsocialist culture it is necessary to trace a change in the
landscape of human beliefs, values and norms. In the speeches of all
presenters, technology was always involved as a direct or indirect factor
of change, enabling new ideas and reflection on dominant values. The
concept of techno-moral change (Swierstra et al., 2009) can be a useful
theoretical tool to reflect on the postsocialist transition period as a
gradual process of review and reconceptualization of societal values and
norms, accompanied by technological innovation. I would like to
particularly inquire how the introduction of ICT challenged the moral
landscape in the sphere of education in Ukraine. I chose to concentrate
on education because this sector is especially relevant in the context of
postsocialist transition, being entitled to produce critical reflective
individuals whose actions will shape the future of the country. Since the
aim of this essay is a preliminary reflection on postsocialist conditions, I
will draw on existing academic scholarship and my own experience as I
have obtained full higher education in Ukraine. Building on the
methodology of techno-moral change, I will first explore the promises
and assumptions regarding the education sphere that new technologies
bring with them. Then I will sketch the educational practice in Ukraine
prior to introduction of ICT and outline some of the dominant values in
the field. Finally, I will analyse how ICT played out in Ukrainian
EASST Review
Volume 33, Number 4
Summary: Inspired by
participation in the EASST
Panel on postsocialist
condition, in this essay I tried to
look into postsocialist transition
in the sphere of education in
Ukraine as influenced by
introduction of Information and
Communication Technologies.
Utilizing Swierstra’s (2009)
concept of techno-moral
change, I trace how new
technologies gradually assist
renegotiation of the moral
landscape in Ukrainian
education sphere, whose
integrity has been often
questioned since the Soviet
times. STS and Philosophy of
Technology can be useful
frameworks to further enhance
existing knowledge on
postsocialist transition and
generate new one as to how this
change can be facilitated.
educational and moral context and what it signified for a postsocialist
Olga Kudina is a Research Intern
at Maastricht University, FASoS,
Philosophy Department
It has been widely accorded in STS that technology can inspire and coshape societal change and progress. New information and
communication technologies (ICT) started to penetrate Western world
already in the 60s-70s, gaining access to Easter Europe mostly after the
collapse of the Soviet Union in the early 90s. Following Osborne and
Hennessy (2003), the introduction of Internet, computers and in the
following decade of smartphones echoed the utilitarian “everybody-willbenefit” idea. Firstly, new technologies promised to expand and enhance
educational practice, offering a cheap, fast and effective access to
information and new educational tools. Secondly, they also carried a
promise of forming a new generation of motivated and self-regulated
students, who would promote responsible and honest learning and
research practices in the age of cross-cultural connectivity and
knowledge exchange. Therefore, the introduction of ICT led to expect a
drastic change in the knowledge production practices.
Despite of the optimistic nature of promises that accompanied the
introduction of ICT, it took more than a decade for such technologies as
personal computers to become ubiquitous in Ukraine and be included in
the everyday practices. The educators, however, still struggle to
incorporate new technologies in their work, constrained by formal and
practical factors, such as lack of regulatory framework, skills to operate
technology and time to obtain those skills as well as hesitance to change
their routine practices. However, the young generations are eager to use
the promoted benefits of ICT and have embraced new technologies
quickly. Notwithstanding numerous obstacles that constrain the effective
implementation of ICT in the domain of education, teachers have to take
ICT into account when designing learning material and assessing the
work of students. According to Swierstra (2009), promises carry certain
conditions that need to be fulfilled in order to be realized. This technomoral change principle can be illustrated by the case of the ICT
introduction in Ukraine.
On top of practical and formal conditions, also the moral landscape
inhibits an effective integration of ICT into the educational sphere. As
mentioned earlier, ICT are said to promote productive learning and the
practices of academic honesty. However, it is assumed that such norms
and values are ubiquitous and desirable everywhere. As we shall see
further, the Ukrainian educational context is somewhat different.
Academic integrity was often a matter of concern in the Soviet Union,
when practices of plagiarism would be referred to not as borrowing and
cheating but as a noble act of helping your comrade (De Witt, 1961).
Ethical beliefs regarding academic dishonesty in independent Ukraine
have not changed much since the Soviet times. Recent surveys report a
high rate of academic misconduct among Ukrainian undergraduate
students who mostly find it morally justifiable (Yukhymenko-Lescroart,
2014). These results are supported by Western educators teaching in
Ukraine, who say that cheating in Ukrainian high-schools and
universities is considered to be a part of collective battle for the better
grade and a form of caring for your groupmates. The dominant
reproductive model of education indirectly supports such behaviours and
teachers often tolerate academic misconduct (Earich, 2008; Brand and
EASST Review
Volume 33, Number 4
Rist, 2013, p.51). Therefore, a moral landscape in the sphere of
education in Ukraine, still tightly correlated with the Soviet principles of
collectivity, does not directly fit with the values promoted by ICT.
However, there is a need for further reflection. On the one side, a famous
STS claim that users often appropriate technology in other ways than
foreseen by the designers proves to be fruitful in regard to ICT and
education in Ukraine. ICT do provide novel ways to access and generate
information, but Ukrainian students often use them to blindly copy
reports and whole dissertations from the Internet. Looking for such
“academic agencies” online, I was amazed by their number, range of
services and flexible payment options, ranging from standard to
overnight tariffs. On the other hand, the co-shaping of the educational
sphere and ICT also generated positive changes in the mindset of
students and educators. For instance, in the early 2000s some Ukrainian
universities started using software to detect and discourage students and
staff from plagiarism as an attempt to address numerous complaints on
the quality of education in Ukraine and to better assess academic
content. When I was submitting a master’s thesis in Ukraine some years
later, department staff demanded that all works be screened by
university’s anti-plagiarism software. Academic work would be accepted
only if the software detected less than 30% match with other sources.
Consequently, some students had to re-submit their work. Not being a
legal condition, anti-plagiarism technology became a de facto widely
accepted voluntary practice in educational institutions, inviting students
to review their ethical beliefs. This initiative was recognized by the
newly elected minister of education Serhiy Kvit (a former president of
Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, a national university that is rendered as the least
corrupt in the country), who promised to stimulate and support best local
and Western practices regarding academic integrity on the national level
(Onyshchenko, 2014). However, as witnessed earlier by YukhymenkoLescroart (2014), students who have been nurtured in the academic
culture of cheating will not easily accept the new moral framework.
Thus, dishonest academic practices still pertain. But the sole fact of
questioning dominant norms is already a promising development in the
gradual and contingent process of change in academia. Therefore,
introduction of ICT in the sphere of education in Ukraine not only
highlighted the dominant ethical beliefs of the scholars but also
contributed to their reflection and re-evaluation, assisting the bottom-up
gradual change in Ukrainian academic sector.
Inspired by participation in the EASST Panel on postsocialist condition,
with this essay I tried to show that postsocialist transition, just like
techno-moral change, is always a process, never linear and subject to
renegotiation. Looking into the sphere of education in Ukraine as
influenced by introduction of ICT offers many insights into society in
transition and challenges it faces along the way. STS and Philosophy of
Technology can be useful frameworks to further enhance existing
knowledge on postsocialist transition and generate new one as to how
this change can be facilitated.
Brand, R. A. & Rist, D. W. (2013).
The Export of Legal Education: Its
Promise and Impact in Transition
Countries. Ashgate Publishing,
De Witt, N. (1961). Education and
Professional Employment in the
U.S.S.R. Washington: U.S.
Government Printing Office for the
National Science Foundation.
Earich, G. (2008).
Accomplishments and obstacles in
Ukraine: Continental divide. Peace
Corps Online. [Blog entry].
Retrieved on November 13, 2014
Onyshchenko, O. (2014, June 13).
Serhiy Kvit: Na reformy
navazhusia. An interview.
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Osborne, J., & Hennessy, S.
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Swierstra, T., Stemerding, D. &
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Yukhymenko-Lescroart, M. A.
(2014, March). Ethical beliefs
towards academic dishonesty: A
cross-cultural comparison of
undergraduate students in Ukraine
and the United States. Journal of
Academic Ethics, 1(12), pp. 29-41.
Before turning it in, this essay was screened for plagiarism with 0%
match result.
EASST Review
Volume 33, Number 4
STS and politics: new encounters
Ivana Damnjanović
Summary: Can STS be used as
political theory? Two tracks at
the EASST 2014 conference
especially concerned with
political issues invited us to
seriously consider this question.
One of them examined the role
of the state as a political
superstructure, while the other
investigated uses of Internet
among grass-roots social
movements. Both demonstrated
that all facets of politics can
and must be taken into account
when analyzing the coproduction of technology and
As its title made apparent, the last EASST conference in Toruń Situating
solidarities proposed to focus on political issues. Being a political
scientist who went astray and tumbled into STS, I was impatient to see
how this major theme would translate into papers, and I was not
disappointed. While many tracks did, to some extent, make connections
with politics, in two of them politics was in the spotlight.
STS and “the state”
This track aimed to shed some light on the role of the state for the coproduction of science, technology and society. But interestingly this
concern was overshadowed by a more fundamental question – what/who
is the state? There is no consensus. The very concept of the state, it
seems, is additionally challenged by ever accelerating technological
developments, and has to be de-constructed and re-constructed in order
to become relevant and operationally useful for STS studies. This
important issue was further explored by questioning STS perspectives on
the concept of state, the transformation of traditional role(s) of the state
in the face of changing socio-technical environments, and the changing
relationships between “the state” and “the people”.
In a paper entitled ‘Is the state an actor or not?’, Jeffrey A. Knapp and
Sarp Yanki Kalfa challenged the view of the state as a plexus of
“multiple discrete connected together in complex ways” (Carroll 2006:
4). Instead, their research of the press coverage of 1974 “Cyprus
Dispute” shows that, at least in the view of the press, the state is
conceived as an actor. Approaching a similar topic from a different
perspective, Nicholas Rowland and Jan-Hendrik Passoth, continuing
their previous work, focused on the proliferation of “states” in state
theory, concluding that “the state” remains a sort of black box in political
science. Their investigation of the multiplicity of “the state” was
complemented by the Matt Spaniol’s paper ‘The future state: When the
future multiple and the state multiple meet’.
Papers presented by Astrid Mager (‘Absence and presence of “the state”
in sociotechnical imaginaries of search engines’) and Daniela Schuh
(‘Reproducing citizenship: Challenges of cross-border surrogacy to the
nation state’) questioned the regulatory role of the state in a world
dominated by transnational developments. Both papers shared a common
theoretical framework based on the notion of “sociotechnical
imaginaries” (Jasanoff & Kim 2009), and used it to investigate how
states cope with new challenges, be it universal search engines or
transnational surrogacy. Focusing on the issues of governance and lawmaking, these two papers tried to untangle the difficult relationships
between the national and international levels, as well as between
technological, political and social actors.
EASST Review
Volume 33, Number 4
Another two papers, interestingly, clearly posited “the state” as
something distinct from, or even opposed to, “the people”. From this
perspective, “the state” is an alienated entity that acts according to its
own particular interests instead of the interests of the people who,
presumably, comprise it. Andrzej Wojciech Nowak’s presentation
‘Situating de-solidarities: State as a container and container settlements
as an “exception state”’ addressed this very directly. His analysis of the
Polish state acting not as the protector of the poor, but as something to be
protected from the poor offered a very powerful image. Nowak
discussed, for example, how instead of building social housing, state
resources were rather utilized to build container settlements heavily
under surveillance and certainly more expensive. Keith Guzik’s paper
‘Ni con cola: How agencies give state surveillance the slip in Mexico’
demonstrated that state programmes, even when well-intended, mostly
fail as a consequence of not taking into account citizens’ attitudes,
institutional arrangements and the various materialities involved.
Another interesting question that stems from this paper is whether
corporations can succeed where the state cannot. It seems possible that
people would trust corporate entities more than government or, at least,
that we need to conceptualize these kinds of trust differently. The
presentation ‘The center of election – bureaucratic practices at Danish
municipal election’ by Anne Kathrine Pihl Vadgaard showed, on the
other hand, how, at least in one instance, the people and the state actually
do become one. Drawing on Latour’s (1987) concepts of centres of
calculation and acting at distance, her paper investigates the emergence
of democracy through technical and bureaucratic tools.
Ivana Damnjanović is Assistant
Professor at Faculty of Political
Sciences, University of Belgrade.
Her research is focused on mutual
shaping of technology and politics.
Practising politics online
This track was very compact, with papers nicely complementing each
other. Compliments are due to the conference organizers, since the track
was composed from the papers originally submitted to the Open track
Three out of four papers focused on the same issue: how groups and
social movements are using online tools to debate, organize, disseminate
information, make political statements, and, in short, promote their
political goals. Marcial García, Pablo Cortés-Gonzáles and Alfonso
Cortés-Gonzáles’ ‘Communication, education, and social movements
online: New imaginaries, old utopias’, Vasilis Galis and Christina
Neumayer’s ‘The reclaiming of online media by civil society: Greece &
Sweden’ focused on social movements using Internet to build on their
offline activities: protests like in Greece and Sweden or self-organized
networks providing services government no longer provides in Spain.
Characterized as attempts to control the narrative by reclaiming social
media and to find adequate pedagogical tool for organization, debate,
broadcast and social mobilization, this online presence was understood
as embedded in the totality of movements’ functioning, or as an
extension of its offline activities into cyberspace. A key question
discussed was the relative efficiency of online activism compared to
offline, “real” activism. Ivana Damnjanović's ‘Hacktivism in Serbia:
from patriotic hacking to social media (ab)use’ showed, however, a
different course of action; one that starts in cyberspace, and, despite
EASST Review
Volume 33, Number 4
Carroll, P., 2006. Science, Culture,
and Modern State Formation,
Berkeley/London: University of
California Press.
Jasanoff, S. & Kim, S.-H., 2009.
Containing the Atom:
Sociotechnical Imaginaries and
Nuclear Power in the United States
and South Korea. Minerva, 47(2),
Latour, B., 1987. Science in
Action: How to Follow Scientists
and Engineers Through Society,
Cambridge: Harvard University
Morozov, E., 2011. The Net
Delusion, New York:
Thorpe, C., 2008. Political Theory
in Science and Technology
Studies. In E. J. Hackett et al., eds.
The Handbook of Science and
Technology Studies.
Cambridge/London: MIT Press,
pp. 63–82.
occasional efforts to spill over to offline politics, stays confined to it. In
terms of publicity, political influence and overall impact in society, the
latter does not seem as a very effective strategy. Inevitably, Morozov’s
(2011) notion of “slacktivism” was mentioned and, to some extent,
The fourth paper ‘Inside digital music distribution: Changing dynamic
and paradoxes of the music industry’ by Hyojung Sun showed that
political concerns, such as state laws on intellectual property and stances
on piracy, played a role in the development of various distribution
Final remarks
Building upon the general theme of the Toruń conference, the papers
presented at these two tracks showed that STS approaches can be very
useful for study of politics in a very broad sense, and that even political
science itself can be a viable subject of study for STS. In a sense, these
papers demonstrated that STS can indeed be used as political theory
(Thorpe 2008). Unfortunately, there seems to be little interest from
political scientists to explore opportunities that STS approaches present,
since most authors in the field still usually adopt positions of
instrumentalism or technological determinism.
EASST Review
Volume 33, Number 4
On the intertwinements of care and
temporalities. Shared reflections on some of the
conference themes
Kay Felder & Susanne Oechsner
This reflection piece on the conference is the product of a dialogue
between the two of us at the EASST 2014 that was continued at
lunchtime and coffee breaks. We are both currently working in projects
led by Ulrike Felt at the Department of Science and Technology Studies
in Vienna and went to the conference excited to present our projects,
looking forward to getting some inspiration from the different
conference talks and themes. While both of us work at the same
department in Vienna, on a first glance our research is situated in quite
different fields. Susanne just recently started her PhD in which she
investigates how - in the case of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL)
technologies - the collective good for aging societies is being negotiated
in local research and development practices. Kay on the other hand is
already in a well-advanced stage of her PhD in the area of health,
biomedicine and public understanding of science. She worked with focus
groups from the larger project “Perceptions and Imaginations of Obesity
as a Socio-scientific Problem in the Austrian Context“ (led by Ulrike
Felt between 2009 and 2012) and analyzed the role time - in forms of
temporal narratives - plays in the ways people understand and perceive
obesity and body-weight as matters of (non-)concern in their own lives
as well as society.
Summary: This collective
reflection piece grew out of our
shared observation that notions
of care and temporalities
continuously surfaced in a
number of panels we visited at
EASST 2014. We trace the
intertwinements of these
notions through different
locations and set them in
relation to our own work that
we presented at the conference.
While our topics do not seem to be related on a surface level, the
conference inspired us to think about analytical similarities as well as
certain kinds of sensibilities that are connected to both our topics. In
Kay’s project, the ways people “care” and reflect on their and others’
bodies and lives, as well as how they understand things to be matters of
concern is intrinsically connected to how people imagine pasts, futures
and present temporalities to align. In preparation for the panel “Nonconcerns about science and technology and within STS“ Kay tried to
push her reflection further in order to think about what this might mean
for how temporalities and matters of concern are connected on a more
general level. Reflecting through and with time was something that also
Susanne felt is very much present in the ways Ambient Assisted Living
is conceptualized and worked on. Similar to dominant ways of thinking
about obesity, in her case too imaginations of a collective and
endangered future give shape and meaning to the ways people think
about solutions, problems and concerns. Thus we became interested in
how similar analytical sensibilities in relation to time as “an integral part
of the deep structure of taken-for-granted, unquestioned assumptions”
(Adam 2003:60) take form in other themes and talks at the conference.
This piece grew out of our dialogue, since we observed that care and
EASST Review
Volume 33, Number 4
temporalities were two notions being taken up and worked with
throughout the conference.
When we attended the plenary discussion on Horizon 2020 we
encountered a continuation of our own reflections in the ways the
framework was discussed. Time and society are explicitly linked in
Horizon 2020, since its key structural approach to research is challengeled: The outlined challenges are expected to be tackled proactively,
which implies the normative demand to act now in order to care for the
future. By linking our reflections to STS work on the performative role
of time, we want to point out that within the Horizon 2020 framework
the anticipated near-future of 2020 becomes not only imagined and
discursively constructed but also “creates material trajectories of life”
(Adams et al. 2009:248). Thus, the future-oriented ways in which we
think about societal concerns strongly shapes our present and also how
we can conceptualize our future as well as potentially affected
collectives and individuals. Engaging with the challenges proposed in
the Horizon 2020 framework in relation to our reflections on time, we
want to point to the ways in which past, present and future always are
linked and align in specific assemblages. We further argue that this can
be understood as a process of not only formulating and constructing the
matters we care about, but also how we want to take care of them and
who we care about.
Kay Felder and Susanne
Oechsner both write their PhD and
work at the Department of Science
and Technology Studies at the
University of Vienna. Kay works as
a researcher and lecturer and has
her focus on biomedicine and
public understanding of science,
Susanne works as a researcher and
is interested in co-production
processes of technology and
Thinking about these questions and inspired by the Horizon 2020
plenary, we started wondering what these considerations could mean for
the concrete local contexts these challenges and frameworks might
affect. How do these big promises get translated into local practice? How
might this framework influence for example funding structures? How are
understandings and conceptualizations of what we care about shaped by
such frameworks and in what ways?
AAL is funded in Horizon 2020 under the Societal Challenge theme
“Health, demographic change and wellbeing”. In addition to producing
material artefacts, in AAL the exploration and production of future users
and markets is linked through the establishment of project consortia that
consist of research institutions, user organizations and business partners.
User participation normatively is seen as key for the development of
good systems for a well aging society. In practice, user participation has
its own temporalities, since there are good and bad times for their
involvement, and participation can lead to precarious results. What
happens, if the users say at the end, that the initial project idea that has
further been developed over the course of the project is not relevant for
the future they care about? Can bad results be good results in this
framework and can they feed into a ‘logic of care’ (Mol 2008) for the
future common good?
One particular location, where temporalities of participation and diverse
articulations of care became visible, was the remarkable presentation by
Laura Navne in the panel “Practices of participation: Temporal
alignments in life-and-death decisions in neonatology”. She presented
one case of (parental) participation in decision-making in a neonatology
intensive care unit in Denmark. Drawing on rich material from an
ethnographic field study, she highlighted the distributed work of aligning
EASST Review
Volume 33, Number 4
different temporalities which are at stake in these life-and-death
decisions and how they shape understandings of what good care means.
Questions of concerns and of care usually relate to things we find
important, things we hold dear, and caring is especially related to finding
ways to keep living things living (Puig de la Bellacasa 2011).
Sometimes, though, some actors may find that at some point in time
good care can mean quite the opposite. Good care can have a multiplicity
of articulations, one of which might involve ensuring a good death (Law
2010). In Navne’s case, while the parents’ participation in caring for
their terminally ill babies was for the longest time seen as essential, there
was a point where the doctors felt the need to try and push the
participation out in order to ensure a good death for the child. They
moved from “getting the parents on board” to “hurry up slowly”,
indicating, that they have to be brought on board in a different way, to
redefine what it means to care well. So also here, depending on the
timing, good participation (of parents) can become bad participation,
from something enabling and valued to something disabling and
What it can mean to provide good care was also prominently taken up in
the panel “Technological innovations in caring communities: New
solidarities”. In her presentation “Networks of memory as caring devices
for people with dementia” Lorena Ruiz explored networks of memory
consisting of heterogeneous actors and materials and the role they play
for good care for people with dementia and for holding their identity in
place. Good care, here, meant to be made and remade by others which
brings up the question of how (well) they hold us and the materials that
too make us, and of what it means to find good ways of enacting the
subjectivity of ‘the other’.
Dick Willems’ contribution “A caring community for things: Loving
404s together” sparked a heated debate. Willems read caring as a form of
knowing and applied this to old collectors’ cars. One of his critics
protested against the - from his point of view problematic - use of the
notion of care that Willems was mobilizing or ‘caring for’. He was
accused of sentimental and preservationist motives which, according to
the critic, was starkly contrasted by the dense, moving account the
previous speaker provided the audience with. Yet, this differentiation
between the carer’s “giving memory to keep identity in place” and the
practices of a collector of 404s, who cares to hold the car together, has
one striking resemblance (the great apparent difference between a person
in need of assistance and a car and one’s moral obligations
notwithstanding): In both cases an identity, a configuration or an
assemblage of materialities is held in place, in order to hold together,
align and navigate the past, the present and, if possible, a future.
Adam, B. (2003). Reflexive
Modernization Temporalized.
Theory, Culture & Society 20(2),
Adams, V., Murphy, M., Clarke,
A. (2009). Anticipation:
Technoscience, Life, Affect,
Temporality. Subjectivity 28, 246265.
Felt, U., Felder, K., Öhler, T. and
Penkler, M. (2014). Timescapes of
Obesity: Coming to Terms with a
Complex Socio-medical
Phenomenon. Health: An
Interdisciplinary Journal for the
Social Study of Health, Illness and
Medicine 18 (6), 646-664.
Law, J. (2010). Care and killing.
Tensions in Veterinarian Practice.
In: Mol, A., Moser, I. and Pols, J.
(eds.). Care in Practice. On
Tinkering in Clinics, Homes and
Farms. Bielefeld: transcript
Verlag, 57-69.
Mol, A. (2008). The Logic of
Care: Health and the Problem of
Patient Choice. London:
Puig de la Bellacasa, M. (2011).
Matters of Care in Technoscience:
Assembling Neglected Things.
Social Studies of Science 41(1),
Coming back to our collective reflection on the conference themes and
topics, we were reminded how human capacities to care and to imagine
are deeply intertwined. In our piece we thus wanted to reflect on the
conference against the background of “how questions of time and
temporalities play an important role for understanding phenomena and
for acting upon them in late modern societies” (Felt et al. 2014: 661).
Tracing these intertwinements throughout the conference and the various
presentations we saw was an inspiring exercise.
EASST Review
Volume 33, Number 4
Situating shifts. Reflecting on the presentation
of change
Josefine Raasch
Summary: In this paper I
present a short analysis of how
shifts were examined in several
presentations at the EASST
conference in Toruń, Poland. I
compare and generalize on my
understandings of these shifts
when I ask who was assumed to
have brought the shifts into
existence, what features were
attributed to the shifts and what
resulted from talking about
shifts in these particular ways.
In laying open my decisions of
the writing process and
positioning myself within this
paper, I want to emphasize that
I do not re-present these shifts,
but produce specific academic
shifts myself.
I had been looking forward to the conference in Toruń for a long time.
Having completed a Ph.D. in STS in Australia in 2013, this was my first
Science and Technology Studies conference in Europe. I had already
decided to attend at least two tracks completely, one related to the
research I am doing now, ‘Epistemic issues in the play of governance’,
with Ger Wackers and Rolf Andreas Markussen as convenors, and
another related to a future project that Estrid Sørensen and I are working
on at the moment, ‘Technologies of care and participation: Shifting the
distribution of expertise and responsibilities’ (with Hilde Thygesen and
Ingunn Moser as the convenors; Ger Wackers jumped in as host of the
panel for most of the sessions).
Although the presented talks covered very different issues, I noticed that
many of them dealt with changes, which were called ‘shifts’. Far from
defining ‘shift’ as a buzzword, I became curious about the different
shifting objects, the different ways of framing shifts in research projects
and the different ways of approaching them. Being back on my desk in
Germany, I now follow up on my curiosity and write about these
different shifts. I will share my memories, draw on the notes that I
meticulously scribbled down at the conference and on information of the
EASST conference web presentation. By making this explicit, I hope to
clarify from the outset that my textual presentation of the enactment of
shifts is anything but representative.
The shifts multiple
Vicky Singleton was the first to evoke my curiosity about shifts. She had
curly hair and looked smaller than I had expected and for some reasons
both surprised me. Her kind appearance and her elucidated clarity
impressed me. I remember many details of her presentation about a shift
in health policy by promoting common values in compassionate care.
These common values had been written into the National Health Service
How did Singleton approach the shift? She examined the discourses
around the promotion of common values, investigated the values
considered to be common and the consequences of their promotion for
caring practices and patients. Drawing on her ethnographic research on
the care of patients with Alcoholic Liver Disease, Singleton argued that
two of the promoted values, respect and dignity, assumed patients with
aspirations. These patients were believed not only to be interested in
living a healthy lifestyle and taking responsibility for their lives, they
were also imagined to strive for it. However, based on her research she
claimed that not all patients had aspirations and instead of taking care of
EASST Review
Volume 33, Number 4
themselves, some actually needed to be taken care of. The situations, in
which caring professionals worked, were thus more complex than
assumed by policy makers and a fixed set of values wasn’t necessarily of
much help. It is important to emphasize that the lack of care Singleton
could observe was not necessarily caused by a lack of values among
caring professionals, but rather an effect of the socio-material
arrangements that did not support a caring practice.
Singleton described that shifting the expertise for care from the
professionals to the patients occurred together with a shift in the
responsibility for care. Through this shift in responsibility, however, the
relationality of situated caring was lost. Being realized in compassionate
care, Singleton situated the enactment of this shift in health policy. Yet,
policy makers did not understand the promotion of these values as
situated and enacted as they did deny that putting common values in
action was a collective achievement. However, understanding the
implementation of common values as collective achievement is crucial
for taking responsibility for it. Singleton warned that the promotion of
common values in compassionate care might result in a denial of the
collective responsibility to alleviate suffering and in reduced capacities
for care.
After working for thirteen years as
a physiotherapist, Josefine Raasch
studied Social Anthropology and
Education at Humboldt University
Berlin, Germany. She then moved
to Melbourne, Australia, to
complete a Ph.D. in Science and
Technology Studies in 2013. In her
current post-doc research fellow
position she investigates how
different professions document
children and what results from that.
Singleton pointed to three shifts, all intrinsically entangled with each
other: a shift in health policy, a shift in expertise and a shift in
responsibility. I remember my enthusiasm when hearing about different
shifting objects, a variety of different practices that caused the shifts and
also about different results of these shifts, while Singleton made clear
that they were all related to and dependent on each other. Attending my
first European STS conference, I noticed that I witnessed the enactment
of more than one, but less than many shifts.
Enacting shifts at the EASST conference in Toruń
There were other researchers who talked about shifts and enacted them
through their talks. Listening to some of them I got enthusiastic again,
but only a few presenters enacted a multiple shift. Yet, my interest in
shifts was evoked. How were the shifts enacted? What did they do and
what resulted from them? I tried to find out more by focusing on the
shifting objects, the things that were happening together with the shifts
and the orderings resulting from shifts.
The shifts described at the panels ‘Epistemic issues in the play of
governance’ and ‘Technologies of care and participation: Shifting the
distribution of expertise and responsibilities’ covered a huge range of
fields: shifts from an epistemic culture of teaching medical students
based on medical concepts to another, based on educational concepts
(Wallenburg et al.), shifts in handling nanoparticles caused by new legal
regulations and ‘quasi-governmental guidelines’ (Pfersdorf), shifts in
standards in research assessment (Rushforth et al.), shifts of Dutch
society (Mundbjerg Gjodsbøl and Nordahl Svendsen) and in the meaning
of Dutch citizenship from entitlement to obligations and responsibilities
(van Hees et al.), and recurrent shifts among patients/elderly people from
being taken care of to having aspirations or practicing autonomy
(Singleton, Wackers, Aune, Lassen).
EASST Review
Volume 33, Number 4
As much as the objects of shifts varied, the actors doing the shifts did
not. Guidelines and policies (Singleton, Wackers, Markussen, JerakZuiderent, Zuiderent-Jerak, Lawaetz, Wimmelmann), including legal
regulations (Pfersdorf, Gellert et al.), were the actors mentioned most
often. Handbooks and technologies (Niezen, Lucivero, Broderson,
Lindegaard) were also considered to enact shifts.
Often, the shifts presented in the papers carried a critical argument. The
criticism was directed to policies and discourses, employed regulations,
guidelines and big claims. Sometimes the shifts were accompanied by
suggestions on what to do differently to act in a more effective way.
Rarely, the shifts were the stars of the presentation, as the shifts
contained all kinds of values and criticism, actors, and socio-material
arrangements, which were analysed and discussed in more detail. Rather
than highlighting the shifts, they were described as situated processes or
results of different actors coming together, acting in a particular way.
The speakers at the Toruń conferences enacted shifts with specific
features. Some of them are listed below:
Being attributed to a vast amount of objects
Being enacted by guidelines, policies, legal regulations,
handbooks, technologies
Carrying and/or containing criticism, actors, values, and sociomaterial arrangements
Being a continuous process or a stabilized result of practices
observed in specific empirical fields
Appearing sometimes as more than one, but less than many, and
at other times as singularized.
I definitely do not claim that my situating of shifts is a representation of
the conference reality. Rather I chose and defined the shifts, their
enactors and characteristics according to my interpretation of the
conference reality, in order to describe knowledge as enacted. Other
ways of analysing the described presentations would have been possible.
I was also fascinated by the discussions of the methodological issues and
by the ontological politics of the presented papers. For the purpose of
this paper, however, I have decided to write about the situated
enactments of shifts at the biannual EASST conference in Toruń, Poland.
I am grateful that I had the chance for both attending and reflecting on
the conference and I want to express my gratitude to the EASST who
made this possible by organizing the conference and by providing
funding for the conference fee. Thank you.
EASST Review
Volume 33, Number 4
Situating agencies and solidarities in
environmental sustainability. Reporting from
EASST14 in Toruń, Poland.
Astrid O. Andersen
On Tuesday September 16, which in Copenhagen was a beautiful early
autumn day, I left towards Poland, to discover for me yet unknown
geographical and intellectual territories. I was travelling to the medieval
town of Toruń to participate in the biannual conference of EASST for
the first time.
As I stepped out of the airplane in Warsaw, my paper “Purification:
Engineering water and producing expert knowledge in Arequipa, Peru”
was almost ready, yet a little too long, which often seems to be a
problem when preparing for 15-minutes presentations. After a few hours
in the Polish capital, another three hours in a train packed with Polish
teenagers, I arrived in Toruń, where Nicholas Copernicus was born (so I
learnt from the conference materials) and where the conference was set,
(I later learnt that the location was carefully selected with the objective
of decentring STS from Northwestern Europe). Since it was my first
time to attend an EASST conference, I was rather blank on what to
expect – would it be like mega-conferences I attended earlier – AAA
Meetings or LASA?
My paper and I were to participate in a track called “Situated agency in
environmental sustainability”; L2 was its orderly affix in the conference
program. It took place in room AB 3.10, on the third floor of the recently
built humanities building of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in
Summary: This short text
provides a first hand
commentary from this year’s
EASST conference: Situated
Solidarities, which took place in
September in Toruń, Poland.
The author deploys an
ethnographic STS sensibility to
the question of what is a
conference. Taking as point of
departure the track ‘Situating
agencies and solidarities in
environmental sustainability’,
the author argues that the
format of the EASST
conference – with tracks going
on over several sessions,
producing continuous collective
reflections and discussions, and
with extended time and space
for engaging in informal
communication over lunch and
coffee – is very well suited for
building intellectual thought
and relations.
There were about 15 of us in the room when the first session of the track
started, on September 17 at 10.30 a.m. The two conveners, Brit
Winthereik and Ingmar Lippert, both STS scholars from the IT
University of Copenhagen, welcomed us to what they qualified as a first
step of some yet unknown collaborative work of theirs. We would have
four sessions of each 90 minutes; 12 papers that all responded to the call
for papers engaging “how people participate in reconfiguring
environments”. Responding to the overall conference theme, Situated
Solidarities, the two conveners asked us to, throughout the sessions,
think about and discuss “to whom we offer what kind of solidarities?”
How do we practice solidarity as (STS) scholars? And where do we
situate it? Solidarity with different practices? With different entities…?
The welcome had an open, explorative, positive tone. In contrast to other
larger conferences, where sessions are short, time is utterly compressed
EASST Review
Volume 33, Number 4
and collective thoughts are most often cut off as session participants
walk out of the room where the papers are given, I felt a relief knowing
that I would be able to think continuous thoughts with which to engage
in a continuous dialogue and discussion.
Astrid O. Andersen is postdoc at
the Department of Anthropology at
University of Copenhagen; her
research centres on humanenvironmental relations.
Throughout the four sessions a path was paved through a variety of
empirical settings; we travelled through corporate carbon accounting, a
Chilean copper mine, Swedish corporate care for sustainability, naturemaking through coast protection in New Zealand, Greek river expertise,
responsible climate adaptation in Denmark, optimization in
environmental management in an international NGO, wastewater
management in Peru, design and ontology of noise in England, buildings
as nature-machines in Norway and Swedish smart grids. The papers were
weaved together by the physical setting where they were presented – a
teaching aula at a Polish University; curtains, electronically
interconnected with the projector, cut the daylight from entering the
room, and an air-conditioning system prevented us from feeling the
pleasant autumn temperatures in the outside world. We were crafting an
academic conference by aligning the material practices with those going
on in other rooms next to ours, and by gathering our thoughts and
reflections around each other’s papers.
Throughout the path along these many ethnographic sites, a rich
landscape of concepts and possible analyses was drawn out for us to
tumble and play in: ontic achievements, erroneous environments, making
STS travel, care as practice, multiple sustainabilities, infrastructures –
and infrastructuring, politics of expertise, governance of natural
commons, infraconceptual critique, creative redefinitions, overflows,
assemblages and holistic vagueness…
Solidarity was played out as a concept and a notion that shifts the
engagement and relation we as analysts / scholars practice in the realities
we engage with when we do our work. It may mean shifting the level of
commitment towards a less distant form of analysis towards one that is
closer to the idea of collective world-making. In the final session, our
visionary and realist conveners made us go together in groups and
discuss what we had learned from the sessions.
Some of the questions that circulated along the track, and in the final
Does reality-making need people who think of reality-making?
Is there a difference between ontic solidarity and ontological
What comes after being troubled?
Where is solidarity located? How can we invite people to make
social analysis?
What actually qualifies as critique?
What kind of treasons are we afraid of?
EASST Review
Volume 33, Number 4
What are the connections and disconnects between care –
solidarity – critiques? Can we think of scholarly practices in
which we shift between these?
How can design be used as ethnographic method when engaging
with environmental controversies; a way to build new relations,
Can we (scholars) work towards daring to risk or de-stabilize
our own position?
Finally, we opened the curtains, let light in, changed the way of seating
and got together in small groups that after a while gathered in one, to
summarize the discussions and make the reflections collective. Instead of
summing up the contents of the discussion, I leave you a glimpse of the
notes I took of our collective reflections:
Coffee breaks, two-hour lunches, plenary sessions, and a spectacular
social event in the Toruń fort made our conference track cross those of
other participants, and weaved the EASST experience together as a
dense meshwork of presentations, discussions, sharing and reflections. I
appreciated these spaces, which made the conference a place where it
was possible to meet and connect with new and already known people.
When returning to Denmark, by train, with my papers full of notes and
ideas, track convener Ingmar Lippert - a passionate STS scholar and
activist – was sitting in front of me, clearly satisfied with the EASST
experience: “this is the third time I come to this conference feeling
genuinely at home, it is like my community”. I understood why, and
thought that I look forward to my path crossing that of others at future
EASST conferences.
EASST Review
Volume 33, Number 4
Square pegs and round holes: research
funding and disciplinary legitimacy in STS
Mhorag Goff
Summary: The current round of
European Commission funding
represents an opportunity for the
STS discipline, with greater
alignment to the concerns and
dispositions of STS research. If
we are to win bids there are
challenges to address in terms of
negotiating an implicit agenda
and hidden success criteria, and
perennial tensions in terms of
how we present a coherent story
to market STS research. The
plenary emphasized community
building as a means to develop
understanding of what STS
scholars can offer and made a
call to arms that as EASST
members we must do what we do
best by engaging with other
worlds, if we are to achieve good
‘bar presence’ and support our
research agendas.
The subplenary of Pierre Benoit Joly, Maja Horst, Robin Williams and
Fred Steward as chair presented their perspectives and invited the
audience to discuss the challenges and opportunities for STS scholars in
seeking successful engagement with Horizon 2020, the new European
Commission funding framework for 2014-15.
The call for bids is framed as an appeal for responses to societal
challenges, of which it was suggested that challenge 6, “Europe in a
changing world – inclusive, innovative and reflective societies” is a
likely target for the STS community. This observation came out of the
Vilnius conference “Horizons for Social Sciences and Humanities”
earlier in the month (for which Fred Steward’s report is on the EASST
website), which outlines the strategic goals for integrating social
sciences and humanities research with those of Horizon 2020.
The plenary opened with the broad question about how EASST can
influence these programmes. It spoke strongly to the conference theme
of “Situating Solidarities: social challenges for science and technology
studies”, echoing the challenge of tackling the tensions that arise from
the identity and legitimacy issues in STS whilst exploiting the
community’s interdisciplinary strengths.
Horizon 2020 recognizes that new modes of research and knowledge
creation associated with scientific and technological innovation must
include interdisciplinary research. This gives EASST members a unique
advantage in the sense that they may be ‘pushing an open door’ where
the experience of the STS community in handling epistemic diversity,
and the multi-domain expertise of members can be a source of value.
It was noted by Pierre Benoit Joly that there is a predictable tension
arising from the perceived dominance of economically driven research
agendas in the European Commission - seen as influencing the success
of funding bids. Competing on this basis creates a requirement to fit
within these frames of reference. It was enlightening as an early career
researcher to hear Robin Williams speak about the harsh realities of
chasing research funding in that there is evidently significant work
involved in bridging the gap between stated and ‘real’ success criteria for
projects the European Commission is willing to fund. He observes a
need to be able to interpret the bid criteria around this implicit agenda
and to identify the people in the Commission who can support this.
Accessing the expertise of advisory groups is easier than in the past, with
opportunities to get involved with the public consultation exercises in
some strands, and it was suggested that having more reviewers in the
system would improve understanding of how the system works among
the EASST community.
EASST Review
Volume 33, Number 4
Overall, bidding demands engagement with a complex policy network
and pro-active management of the process, requiring that we as a
community establish and expand our footholds in the Commission in
order to focus our efforts effectively. Suggested strategies include
sharing the costs of engagement activity as a means of supporting
collective action, and accounting for bid development costs within bids.
In this respect standalone projects are vulnerable and there is a need for
capacity building in STS so that projects can be turned into a stream to
build sustainability.
Maja Horst highlighted a perception among STS researchers of a lack of
understanding outside the community about what STS is, and in relation
to bidding this is manifested in the challenge of communicating how the
community can add value. There is a sense among STS scholars that it is
hard to find collaborators for bids and that STS is seen as ‘PR’ for other
people’s projects.
Investing time in building informal links with other departments in our
own universities is one approach to raising our profile in terms of
engaging with research communities with whom we could potentially
Much of the discussion centred on the double-edged sword of STS
researchers’ interdisciplinary expertise, noting that the STS community,
unlike natural science, can be seen as somewhat fragmented, with
researchers coming from backgrounds as diverse as history and
environmental science, and this discontinuity might undermine our
ability to influence. There is therefore a need to integrate the community
to provide ‘strength in numbers’, with the potential for EASST to act as
a hub in coordinating members’ responses to Horizon 2020. There is a
need to target areas to invest efforts and we must be wary of losing
opportunities to contribute by neglecting less obvious strands.
Mhorag Goff is a researcher and
Associate Lecturer at the University
of Salford; imminently completing
a PhD in the Information Systems,
Organisations and Society research
group. Her PhD thesis is a critical
investigation of electronic patient
records in the NHS in England
using Actor-Network Theory to
understand how they benefit
clinical work practices. She has a
particular interest in research topics
related to ethics, philosophical and
critical approaches to understanding
information systems.
Whilst this kind of integration is more challenging for some STS
scholars than others depending on our disciplinary allegiances, we are of
course not isolated in the sense that they are part of research
communities within our universities, and might fruitfully frame our
potential contributions as providing the ‘missing ingredient’ in bids in
other disciplines. We might, for example, smuggle STS into research
agendas in other guises and expand ‘shadow’ research projects.
It is also important to build relationships with those in university
administration who support bids. This means not only to valuing those
who write papers but also individuals involved with the project
development, bidding and project management ecosystem that supports
successful bidding and delivery of projects.
Finally, there is a need for EASST to support pathways for those at the
start of academic careers to get access to and involved with EC funding
bids, by facilitating networking and strengthening the ability of EASST
members to collaborate. We need to be clear in communicating the STS
research agenda and understand the market for our research interests, and
in this respect presenting a strong sense of disciplinary identity can be a
vehicle for generating more widespread understanding of STS. In
approaching Horizon 2020 this demands critical assessment within the
community with respect to what we do, and ‘getting our hands dirty’ in
taking up opportunities to demonstrate our value.
EASST Review
Volume 33, Number 4
Early career scholars’ expectations and
obstacles in doing STS – within academia and
Nina Amelung
Summary: “Doing STS –
within academia and beyond”
was the theme of the preconference doctoral workshop
at this year’s EASST
conference. The article begins
with introducing theoretical
perspectives of STS scholars
and theirs visions of doing STS,
in order to reflect on the
workshop theme. Furthermore,
selected concerns of
participants are addressed such
as the interaction with the
empirical field, communicating
STS research and the demands
of the job market. The article
ends with examples of good
practices of doing STS
presented in the workshop and
encourages to take up the ideal
of “avant-garde” as a stimulus
for doing STS.
“Doing STS – within academia and beyond” was the theme of the preconference doctoral workshop at this year’s EASST conference. While
the issue definitely matters to early career scholars, as they try to find
their own way of doing STS as scholars within academia, it also matters
to them as scholars interacting with the world beyond academia and as
future professionals working outside of academia.
In this article I offer some reflections on the workshop, but will begin by
approaching the workshop theme from selected theoretical perspectives
on doing STS, as they provide inspiration for (early career) scholars to
reflect on their ambitions and visions of how to do STS. Such ideals
implicitly and explicitly floated in the discussions during the workshop.
However, this doctoral event brought together more heterogeneous
expectations, as well as rich experiences of participants and discussants.
The second section focuses on some of the concerns and obstacles raised
by participants about doing STS, offering insights into how early career
scholars are affected and perceive the particular challenges of doing STS
beyond academia. The article ends with examples of engaging STS in
the particular ways of publishing and communicating research as good
practices in order to encourage experimentation with the yet
“unspeakable” in John Laws’ sense.
1. Doing STS beyond academia: perspectives from theory
Key figures in STS have already articulated their visions of how STS can
matter or contribute beyond academia and derived suggestions on how
STS should be done. Let us recall some of these ideas. Wiebe Bijker
(2001) suggested two strategies of doing STS when he argued for the
reinvention of the “public intellectual”. One strategy is acting as a
critical observer and making “political interventions” by offering a
mirror to scientific and technological cultures and the actors involved:
“doing case studies is a way for individual STS researchers to
conduct political interventions. […] Another metaphor to describe
this kind of intervention via a case study could be “the STS mirror”:
STS studies present mirrors in which actors see their cultures and
actions in new ways. And again, seeing themselves in these new
ways may lead to self-conscious changes in behaviour.” (Bijker
2001: 446).
Another is to act as a social engineer:
EASST Review
Volume 33, Number 4
“STS research needs to reestablish close collaboration with the
science and engineering communities. […] I argue that STSers can
contribute to making things, to changing the world. In doing so, they
inevitably will dirty their hands, for there is no free ride here.”
(Bijker 2001: 446)
Obviously, both strategies can potentially conflict with each other. For
example some scholars feel uncomfortable with the latter because they
fear losing their critical distance or becoming instrumentalised for the
wrong ends.
The way scholars interact with their empirical field, but also with the
public and policy makers links up with what John Law (2004) wrote
about how STS can matter and how he defines particular modes of
contribution. Instead of giving an appropriate summary of his six modes,
I recommend a full reading of his paper and here only selectively pick
out some points of inspiration. He suggests “interference” as one mode
which offers an explanation as to why it is rather challenging and
demanding to make contributions as an STS scholar beyond academia:
“[…] interference is a mode of matter-ing that is awkward, rough,
and broken. […] It does not generalise. It does not smooth out. It
does not offer general calculative possibilities. In short it is specific,
a form of located practice. Mattering in interference is something that
is re-done, re-enacted, instance by instance. […] Its contributions are
local. So there is no overview. Instead there are specific problems
and specific constellations, and specific possibilities. All in specific
places.” (Law 2004: 7).
Nina Amelung, PhD candidate at
Department of Sociology at
Technische Universität Berlin,
currently visiting scholar at
department of Sociology and Work
Science at the University of
While such lofty ideals were aired here and there in our discussions, the
overall approach of the doctoral workshop was hands-on and rooted in
participants’ own practical experiences. The aim was to learn from
exchanges on ambivalent experiences about how to turn ideals, such as
“using the STS mirror” or “interference”, into practice. Yet ideals
remained implicit.
2. Doing STS beyond academia: concerns of early career scholars
The objectives for the workshop were promising. The organizer Marton
Fabok, student representative in the EASST council, had drafted a call
inviting to “critically engage with what STS researchers practically do”
and “to address how STS can be used in the context of practitioners,
policy-makers, activists or even business consultants” 1. In retrospect, the
key question addressed involved the obstacles and visions of EASST’s
early career scholars about doing STS. Before addressing some of the
concerns raised during the workshop, I would like to note that since I’m
writing based on my subjective experience of selective discussions, these
reflections are eclectic and self-evidently do not necessarily represent the
perspectives of other participants.
Starting with the range of obstacles, one issue raised was the challenge to
communicate and make research understandable beyond STS insiders. A
participant described his interest in the workshop based on:
“experiences on how I previously have found it quite difficult to
discuss my research with people outside academia not familiar with
STS concepts. So far they have found it too theoretical to actually be
useful for implementation. […] Another experience is that I have
EASST Review
Volume 33, Number 4
found that STS theories very often focus on finding problems rather
than solutions, and this is also something which makes it troublesome
when trying to reach a broader audience and actually achieve a
change.” (participant A)
Other participants were interested in discussing the challenges of how
STS engages with the public and politics. Therefore they wanted “to hear
if and how others succeeded in communicating their research to actors
involved in the policy process or to 'the public'” (participant B) and “to
engage in conversations about using STS doings and knowings in
political ways and with political goals” (participant C).
Another area of interest was how to interact with the empirical field.
Bijker’s notion of “political interventions” by the researcher turns out to
be a rather complicated and difficult endeavour in practice. As one
participant described it:
“The company had little experience with the anthropological
approach and it was therefore a challenge to communicate my
findings to the designers and programmers at the company in a useful
way. Not only did I try to make the programmers and designers
interact with the ethnographic field site in new ways. In doing so I
constantly had to challenge the normal ways of knowledge transfer in
the company.” (participant D).
A recurrent theme pointed to the issue of how to make STS ‘useful’ – for
practitioners, for policy makers, for engineers, but also for their own
careers (in order to be competitive with others on the job market).
Depending on the country around 20 to 75% percent of PhD candidates
will leave academia after they have finished their thesis (Auriol 2010:
15)2. It is common for various scholars to see their future contribution in
other working areas beyond academia. Furthermore, the younger
generation of STS researchers is in many countries confronted with
increasingly precarious working situations within academia, which
makes them increasingly concerned about what they can contribute
outside of academia. Due to massive and complex changes (linked with a
trend in the marginalization of social sciences in some countries and
increased competition for constantly limited resources in academia) the
future prospects for PhD candidates in Europe (especially but not only in
East and South Europe) are under pressure (Cyranoski et al. 2011). This
could be a driver for increasing demand from early career scholars in
STS for more reflection on what kind of skills STS researchers gain and
how these are unique qualifications demanded on the job market outside
of academia and enrich the employability of young researchers:
“When it comes to STS as a profile that qualifies you to get a job in
business or public sector, I have little clue what important aspects are
that make you look qualified. I hope to gain knowledge about
whether there are specific methods or knowledge bases that are
significant for the STS-approach and that can be translated to applied
problem-solving competencies. Are there actually companies that
look for the STS-competencies?” (participant E).
This points to a dilemma regarding controversial expectations in STS. A
legitimate demand articulated by young scholars is to clarify the
particular skills and competences of STS in order to use STS as a unique
selling point when they compete with others on the job market.
However, requests and competences deriving from STS scholarship
EASST Review
Volume 33, Number 4
might be different and even contradictory to what is demanded by the
worlds beyond academia. Or put differently: challenging traditions of
thinking might be welcomed or at least heard in some niches and under
certain conditions – and in others not. STS scholars will continue
struggling to find a balance between these requests, but should explore
further which are these niches and conditions, in order to make a better
impact with their interventions and ways of doing STS. If they succeed,
they will become more and more demanded beyond academia. To me,
this includes developing reflection skills, collecting experiences of how
to intervene in a critical but responsible way, and learning how to deal
with the ambiguities of getting our hands dirty while still keeping a
critical distance in order to avoid becoming instruments for the wrong
3. Doing STS beyond academia: examples of good practices
The workshop approached the theme of what STS researchers practically
do by addressing the actual work practices of STS researchers: how they
publish and engage with the publishing industry, how they communicate
their research, how they work with practitioners, but also if and what
kind of impact STS research has beyond academia.
Doctoral candidates and selected senior researchers (who acted as
facilitators and discussants) discussed their views and experiences in
doing STS in working groups. Small group discussions addressed the
issues of “social media” facilitated by Jan-Hendrik Passoth and Nicholas
Rowland; “open access publishing” supported by Endre Dányi; “working
with practitioners” facilitated by Ingmar Lippert; “academic careers”
assisted by Jan-Hendrik Passoth and Nicholas Rowland; “science
communication” facilitated by Sarah Rachel Davies, “digital
interventions” helped by Paolo Magaudda and an ad hoc small group on
“working with policy makers” facilitated by Marton Fabok. Les Levidow
was originally scheduled to facilitate two workshops on “co-operative
research” and “academic journals”, but had to cancel due to external
Inspiration was derived from “good practices” of enacting STS in
publishing and communication platforms, which can be also seen as
materialized visions of doing STS. One example is based on the idea that
the process of writing and publishing can be addressed by alternative
forms of engaging with how texts are produced and distributed. The
initiative taken by the young publishers Mattering Press is motivated by
the belief that the way in which this takes place matters.3 Founded by a
collective of formerly early career scholars in STS, they have now
started to produce high quality, peer reviewed, open access books
featuring relational research on science, technology and society and
based on a collaborative and mutual supporting basis. The ambition is to
experiment with the ways of producing academic books that break with
the often asymmetrical relationships between publishers, authors, readers
and networks of distribution. Instead, as Endre Danyi (co-general-editor
of mattering press) explained, taking care of the publishing process and
caring for all involved is the key to a different and STS inspired
approach of publishing.
EASST Review
Volume 33, Number 4
Auriol, L. 2010. Careers of
doctorate holders: employment and
mobility patterns, OECD
Bijker, Wiebe E. 2003. „The Need
for Public Intellectuals: A Space for
STS: Pre-Presidential Address,
Annual Meeting 2001, Cambridge,
MA“. Science, Technology, &
Human Values 28(4):443–50.
Cyranoski, David, Natasha Gilbert,
Heidi Ledford, Anjali Nayar, and
Mohammed Yahia. 2011.
„Education: The PhD factory“.
Nature 472(7343):276–79.
An example of how to experiment with communicating STS is the blog
“installingorder.org”. Founders Jan-Hendrik Passoth and Nicholas J.
Rowland shared their blogging experiences with participants. Their blog
provides a public platform for discussing STS themes and is realized by
a core group of bloggers and guest bloggers, but is open for
participation. Additionally, it offers recommendations of literature to
read and of lessons to teach (including teaching material). Discussions
focused on what kind of writing style reaches out to specific audiences
(such as either the wider public or STS scholars). Participants shared the
motif of mobilizing alternative forms and pushing the limits of
communicating, presenting and exchanging STS thoughts.
A source of inspiration for stimulating experiments in enacting STS can
be found in what Law calls “avant-garde” – another ideal so heroic yet
so difficult to enact in practice:
“Avant-garde works by undoing taken for granted assumptions […] it
also tries to undo the groundings for policymaking, criticism, and
puzzle-solving, and to show that these are not really foundations.
That means that it proposes the unthinkable, or at least the
unspeakable. […] Avant-garde never fits with established enactments
of the real world. This means that it is inconsistent with the
apparatuses of discipline with its journals, its institutions, and its
funding bodies. […] But avant-garde, that loose cannon, must be
protected. It matters in ways that start out by being unthinkable – and
then, at least sometimes, come to matter in quite other, transportable
ways.” (Law 2004: 8, 9, 11)
Law, John. 2004; ‘Matter-ing: Or
How Might STS Contribute?’,
version of 28th June 2004,
available at
(downloaded on 4th February 2010)
Participant A, B, C, D, E:
quotations from statements of
motivation letters for the workshop
Relevant themes and related issues have been raised, but there will need
to be more spaces to reflect on early career scholars’ contributions
mediating between STS visions and external constraints. Therefore I
hope the workshop is the beginning of discussion rather than an isolated
event among early career scholars and across the scholarly generations in
EASST Website: http://www.easst.umk.pl/easst-pre-conference-doctoralworkshop-torun/, accessed on 25th of November 2014.
These numbers reflect PhD candidates across all disciplines. Since STS
scholars can be found across diverse disciplines it is difficult to specify how
they are affected by that.
Mattering Press Website: http://www.matteringpress.org/, accessed on 25th of
November 2014.
EASST Review
Volume 33, Number 4
Caring for a displacement in meeting formats
Report on the 4th meeting of the STS Spanish
Network, 4-6 June 2014, Salamanca1
Tomás Sánchez Criado & Nerea Calvillo
1. The #4esCTS meeting: Diaspora and care in an STS network
The 4th meeting of the Spanish STS Network (Red esCTS) took place
between June 4th-6th 2014 in Salamanca, hosted by the Institute of
Science and Technology Studies2 of the University of Salamanca in two
beautiful buildings from the 16th century (Colegio Arzobispo Fonseca
and the Faculty of Translation and Documentation). The meeting could
be seen as a moment of consolidation for the network with an attendance
of more than 80 people from very different professional and disciplinary
backgrounds, presenting papers, distributed in parallel sessions, on the
most diverse topics, ranging from contemporary urban, cultural or
health/care issues to the reflection of forms of citizen science and
participatory interventions in technoscientific issues3.
In a productive and ironic stark contrast with the historicity and solidity
of the buildings, the meeting wanted to gather STSers from inside and
outside of academia to analyse the outmost contemporary predicaments
and frailties affecting knowledge production institutions. Indeed, the call
‘If you love me, go away! Deploying diasporas and activating care from
the backroom’ played ironically4 not only on the complicated career
prospects of young STS academics in Southern European countries but
also on the ‘brain drain’ rhetoric (that usually depicts the structural
problems in R&D as one in which ‘the best minds’ are escaping the
country). The idea of the call was to build an alternative framework to
this construction of a diasporic academia, which sometimes forgets about
those who cannot travel, usually neglects those producing relevant
knowledge in places different from academia (e.g. health activists,
collective architecture networks, cultural producers and artists, etc.), and
almost never signals the important forms of backroom care-work that
have to be deployed and activated to maintain professional and personal
bonds at a distance, or to be able to overcome fear and frustration to
produce relevant changes in the present day sociomaterial conditions
affecting us.
Summary: Our meeting ‘If you
love me, go away! Deploying
diasporas and activating care
from the back room’ not only
reflected on the complicated
career prospects of young STS
academics in Southern Europe,
but also aimed at challenging
traditional ways of producing
and sharing knowledge within
STS. Besides discussing at
great length the prospects of a
peer-to-peer (P2P) network
format with Francesca Musiani
(our keynote speaker), we
sought to experiment with
different meeting formats,
ranging from dramaturgical
performances, the cooking of
workshops to an online call for
manifestos or videointerventions addressing how to
engage with non-academic
knowledge producers. In sum,
this meeting has signaled for us
an interest in the promotion and
exploration of more inventive
formats for the encounter of
academics and non-academics
not only addressed at sharing
papers, but also at stimulating
the production or testing more
interventionist projects, ideas,
and research devices.
Building on the idea of ‘diaspora’ and highlighting the necessary care
networks put to work to reduce its impact, one of the most important
aspects of the programme reflected on how to keep on doing as a
decentered and non-structured STS network in post-austerity times.
Besides streamlining meetings’ budgets and eliminating fees to grant
access–as has been the regular practice of the network in the past four
years–, an important strand of organizational worries laid on the modes
of governance and free tools available to sustain our horizontal practices.
Given the inspiration in and the parallels with other peer-to-peer (P2P)
EASST Review
Volume 33, Number 4
Tomás Sanchez-Criado is
Lecturer in Social Sciences at the
Open University of Catalonia. He
is a Social Anthropologist
interested in the ethnographic
study of the material politics of
care, currently doing research on
grassroots mobilizations for
independent living and practices of
participatory/activist design of
personal and urban care
networks, the organizing committee invited Francesca Musiani as a
special guest for the opening conference ‘Of dwarfs and giants: The
networks of today and their politics of architectural design.’ Francesca
kindly agreed to reflect on the prospects of how a P2P scientific network
might look like departing from her studies (Musiani, 2013) on the fluid
yet stable forms of P2P governance in decentralized digital architectures
(dwarves sitting on the shoulders of other dwarves, not giants). A very
interesting debate ensued, focusing on whether the use of open-access
publishing strategies might be the most important avenue to enable our
network’s activities or if other more hybrid and material forms of opensourcing might have to be invented to bring to life such an experimental
idea of a P2P scientific network (cf. Corsín Jiménez, 2014),
experimenting with its formats and ways of building encounters.
The opening ceremony closed with the video-intervention We, the
guinea pigs by the influencing open design community ColaBoraBora5,
portraying explicit scenes of a laboratory rat vivisection with a voiceover
of an enraged lab rat denouncing the utilitarian uses of either people or
animals by scientists in their empirical work, hence contesting scientific
expertise and the institutionalisation of research as well as calling for a
more hybrid and co-produced fabric of science, caring for other forms of
knowledge production. The first day ended with the presentation of a
speed-dating dynamic See no evil, hear no evil6 by ColaBoraBora,
searching to frame first encounters between academics and nonacademics present at the meeting.
2. #4esCTS’s special workshops: Towards more hybrid and
inventive ‘ways of doing’ STS?
Indeed, many efforts were put in the previous months to deploy and
make available in the programme relevant forms of caring for STS7 and,
more especially, to turn its more hybrid and inventive potential futures
into a ‘matter or care’ (Puig de la Bellacasa, 2011) for our network. A
wide gamut of special workshops were carefully put to test during the
meeting. Each workshop challenged ‘ways of doing’ STS, testing
alternative discussion and communication formats, as well as inquiring
not only what the field ‘is’ but also on how we want it collectively to be.
For the Demo-WHAT? A dramatechnic experiment in democratic
productions8, organized by the GESCIT research group at Universitat
Autònoma de Barcelona, we gathered in a pub downtown –the meeting
spaces were challenged too!–. The workshop started with a dramaturgic
performance, featuring a voiceover by Democritus of Abdera, in which
participants were presented with different figurations of democracy and
the roles of experts encountered by the group in their recent research
exploring participatory STS methods, such as a year-long consensus
conference and diverse focus groups. Paper fragments featuring different
‘voices’ –i.e. anonymous quotations– were distributed to participants
divided in groups, and each group was asked to create a dramaturgic
representation of what democracy means inspired on them, resulting in
one of the most hilarious moments of the whole meeting (with several
groups acting on stage, be it representing the everyday democracy
through conversations on a bus or proclaiming, without mumbling a
EASST Review
Volume 33, Number 4
word and refusing to speak, a constitution for an inclusive democracy of
the shy).
Research accountability and the circulation of knowledge were explored
in the Publish like you give a damn, careful experiments in academic
publishing9 workshop, convened by the Mattering Press collective10.
Julien McHardy dynamised a discussion about open access publishing
formats and different forms of academic writing registers and genres,
based on small writing samples that participants had been asked to share.
It served as a starting point for the exploration of what care and
experimentation in academic publishing could mean. Quoting
McHardy’s contribution to the network’s blog a few weeks later11:
“Talking to people at the meeting, I gained the impression that being
outside institutional accountability is both difficult and what makes
esCTS a productive and exciting initiative. Like esCTS, books are not
easily accounted for, because they are not easily counted, ranked and
evaluated. In addition, according to our workshop discussion, books
offer greater freedom compared to the stricter editorial, disciplinary and
formal requirements of articles. And even where books count, for tenure
for example, they do not register on a scale, but as singular
achievements, either published or not (perhaps with the exception of
prizes and awards). If books and the esCTS network share that they are
not easily accounted for, we can start to consider that books might be
valuable because they evade evaluation.” The workshop was also a
means to share textual practices to participants with non-textual
Nerea Calvillo is an architect at
C+arquitectos, researcher at
Citizen Sense at Goldsmiths
University of London and Design
Critic in Architecture at the
Graduate School of Design at
Harvard University. She is
currently working on feminist
environmental monitoring,
ontologies of the toxic and how to
take air pollution into account
from an architecture perspective.
For the TEO goes to the kitchen12 workshop, convened by some of the
members of TEO (Taller de Experimentación Objetual, or Objectcentered Experimentation Seminar) in Barcelona, there had been a call
for ‘research objects’ (any sort of trace or material from a research
endeavour) some people wanted to share and experiment upon. The
proposal was for all attendants to take part in the cooking of a
taylormade ‘Mediterranean diet’ seminar that might suit very particular
research objects: avoiding ‘heavy fat’ conceptual seminars impossible to
digest or ‘too messy’ cooking methods, as well as pointing at the crucial
aspect of committing to good practices in seminar ’commensality,’
ensuring that all relevant human or nonhuman parties involved in
research were sat at the table for dinner. The workshop resulted in a very
funny creative marathon where the two seminar proposals were
collectively developed.
Last but not least, Diasporic Science13, promoted by Adolfo Estalella and
Tomás Sánchez Criado, sought to promote an online call for manifestos,
putting forward STSers’ most purposive and imaginative skills to rethink
academia and social science through statements. That is, inspired on the
proliferation and creativity of both activist and artist manifestos14 and
thinking from the manifesto as a particular accounting technique (a
ship’s log), the idea was to think of possible routes into the future,
refiguring diaspora into a movement of displacement of our very
institutions and knowledge practices. The call resulted in proposals
addressing the need for more collaboration with research counterparts or
the transformation of our knowledge production through the use of other
media (e.g. architecture, industrial design and illustration), or the
EASST Review
Volume 33, Number 4
Corsín Jiménez, A. (2014). The
right to infrastructure: A
prototype for open source
urbanism. Environment and
Planning D: Society and Space,
32(2), 342–362.
vindication and exploration of non-hegemonic forms of research and
Lury, C., & Wakeford, N. (Eds.).
(2012). Inventive Methods: The
happening of the social. London:
Musiani, F. (2013). Nains sans
géants: Architecture
décentralisée et services Internet.
Paris: Presses de Mines.
Puig de la Bellacasa, M. (2011).
Matters of care in technoscience:
Assembling neglected things.
Social Studies of Science, 41(1),
Thévenot, L. (2009). Governing
Life by Standards: A view from
Engagements. Social Studies of
Science, 39(5): 793-813.
Collage: Publishing workshop in the Colegio Arzobispo Fonseca, by Julien McHardy.
3. Caring for a displacement in STS meeting formats?
To conclude, we would like to highlight that despite their rather
‘entertaining’ features these different workshops and formats should not
be seen as side aspects of the programme in Salamanca. Rather, they
were nuclear moments where all the network’s participants gathered to
think together. Indeed, they could be seen as interesting forms of
producing a slight displacement of conventional formats, seeking to
expand their prospects, their scope and to broaden their publics. Indeed,
we believe that here lies the most interesting aspect of this 4th Spanish
STS Network meeting: besides ‘investing’ (to borrow the figure from
Thévenot, 2009) in more or less standardized and readymade conference
forms, this meeting has signalled an interest in the promotion and
exploration of alternative and more inventive methods (Lury &
Wakeford, 2012) for the encounter of academics and non-academics,
formats that might be helping us to experiment with other forms of
meeting not only addressed at sharing papers, but also at stimulating or
testing projects and ideas. Inventive formats that might be useful for the
expansion of more caring forms addressing knowledge politics in STS,
and which might be projecting a different meeting landscape for STS
gatherings for the years to come…
Many of these things remain yet unexplored and will certainly define the
experimental agenda of the forthcoming 5th meeting–which will take
place, as decided in the network’s assembly, in Madrid next June 2015–
to keep challenging diasporas and encountering new displacements on
the way.
EASST Review
Volume 33, Number 4
We would like to thank Adolfo Estalella, Antonio Montero, Carmen
Romero, Daniel López, Guillem Palà, José Carlos Loredo, Liliana
Oliveira, Lucía Liste, María G. Aguado, Pablo Santoro, Rubén Gómez
Soriano, Santiago López García, Rebeca Ibáñez, and Vincenzo Pavone
for taking care of our networked things preparing the call or organizing
the meeting and its spaces, as well as commenting and making
suggestions in the writing of this report. We would also like to thank
Ignacio Farías for his careful help and comments in the process of
drafting it.
There have been other previous reports on the network, its philosophy and its
previous meetings available in Vincenzo Pavone and Adolfo Estalella
“«Making Visible the Invisible» STS Field in Spain”, EASST Review Vol
30(3), September 2011; Adolfo Estalella, Rebeca Ibañez and Vincenzo Pavone,
“Prototyping an Academic Network. Three years of the Spanish Network for
Science and Technology Studies”, EASST Review Vol 32(1), March 2013, this
last article providing a more personal view on the network as an experiment in
“prototyping” a new modality of academic association. The 3rd meeting was
also reported by Pablo Santoro in the EASST Review 32 (4).
Instituto de Estudios de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, see http://ecyt.usal.es/
See the final programme and abstracts here:
The first part of the title is an ironic reference to a popular quote from the 90’s
by a Spanish flamenco and copla singer. See the CfP here:
ColaBoraBora have specialized in the reflection and production of creative
and collaborative knowledge practices. “Nosotras las cobayas”
“No me chilles que no te veo”
Such as the CareReview process (a peer review process of all presentation
proposals submitted to the meeting, seeking to collaboratively enhance the
paper), part of the interest of the network’s members to develop more careful
‘recipees’ for the ‘cooking’ of the meetings, see:
“¿DEMO-qué? Un experimento dramatécnico de producciones democráticas”
See http://redescts.wordpress.com/2014/03/19/4escts-formatos-especiales-delencuentro-3-publish-like-you-give-a-damn-careful-experiments-in-publishing/
See http://matteringpress.org/
See http://redescts.wordpress.com/2014/08/05/why-books-matter/
TEO va a la cocina: http://redescts.wordpress.com/2014/03/11/4esctsformatos-especiales-del-encuentro-1-teo-va-a-la-cocina/
Ciencia Diáspora: http://cienciadiaspora.wordpress.com/
See http://backspace.com/notes/2009/07/design-manifestos.php
EASST Review
Volume 33, Number 4
News from the Council
Election of EASST Council Members 2015-2018
Closing date for voting is Monday 15th December (23.30
UK time). Statements from each of the candidates can be
found on our web site at easst.net/wpcontent/uploads/2014/11/EASST-Council-Elections2014-candidates-statements.pdf. Please read this before
EASST Support for 2015 Activities
The call for application that closed November 28, 2014
was a success. We received 18 applications from all over
Europe, almost the double number of applications than for
the last call in 2013. The country distribution of the
applicants is the following: Denmark (2), Ireland,
Belgium (2), Russia, the Netherlands (2), Germany,
Greece, UK, Austria (3), Spain, Italia, Hungary, and
Bulgaria. The council has set a four members committee
to evaluate the proposals and select the awardees. All
applicants will be notified of the results in mid-January
Calls for Papers. Current Deadlines
Source: Eurograd
Dec 19, 2014 Conference: Closing the Door on Globalization: Cultural
Nationalism and Scientific Internationalism in the 19th
and 20th centuries. Lisbon, Portugal: July 15-18, 2015.
Source: http://lists.easst.net/pipermail/eurogradeasst.net/2014-November/011532.html
Jan 09, 2015 Conference: 6th European Conference on African
Studies: Digital Technologies and Global Health in
Africa. Paris, France: July 8-10, 2015. Source:
Jan 10, 2015 Conference Panel: Defining sustainability in the built
environment, Nordic Environmental Social Science
Conference. Trondheim, Norway: June 9-11, 2015.
EASST Review
Volume 33, Number 4
Source: http://lists.easst.net/pipermail/eurogradeasst.net/2014-November/011560.html
Jan 15, 2015 Workshop: Investigating Interdisciplinary Practice:
Methodological Challenges. Helsinki, Finland: June 1517, 2015. Source: http://lists.easst.net/pipermail/eurogradeasst.net/2014-November/011528.html
Jan 15, 2015 Workshop: Governing the Inorganic: Materials,
Infrastructures and Care. Santiago, Chile: Sept 14-15,
2015. Source: http://lists.easst.net/pipermail/eurogradeasst.net/2014-November/011539.html
Jan 15, 2015 Conference: Critical Issues in Science, Technology and
Society Studies. Graz, Austria: May 11-12, 2015. Source:
Jan 30, 2015 Conference: The Future of Open Building. Zürich,
Switzerland: Sept 09-11, 2015. Source:
Jan 30, 2015 Conference: ISCRAM 2015: Getting ready for the
unexpected – IS for Crisis Management in a complex and
uncertain world. Kristiansand, Norway: Apr 24-27, 2015.
Source: http://lists.easst.net/pipermail/eurogradeasst.net/2014-December/011569.html
Jan 31, 2015 Journal: Call for Special Issue and Focus Section
Proposals. Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal
(IxD&A). Contact: info@mifav.unioma2.it; Source:
Feb 01, 2015 Conference: Social Sciences and Medical Innovations:
Doing Things together. Tomsk, Russia: May 21-23, 2015.
Source: http://lists.easst.net/pipermail/eurogradeasst.net/2014-November/011538.html
Feb 06, 2015 Conference: European Conference on ComputerSupported Cooperative Work – ECSCW. Oslo, Norway:
Sept 19-23, 2015. Source:
Feb 09, 2015 Conference Panel: Hegemony or Resistance? On the
Ambiguous Power of Communication. Annual
Conference of the International Association for Media
and Communication Research. Montreal, Canada: Aug
20-22, 2015. Source:
Mar 01, 2015 Conference: Experimenting with New Technologies in
Society. Delft, Netherlands: Aug 20-22, 2015. Source:
EASST Review
Volume 33, Number 4
Mar 16, 2015 Conference: Encountering alcohol and other drugs.
Lisbon, Portugal: Sept 16-18, 2015. Source:
Apr 01, 2015 Special Issue. Technology and Innovation Policies for
Inclusive Development. African Journal for Science,
Technology, Innovation and Development. Contact:
astridszogs@gmail.com and MuchieM@tut.ac.za. Source:
Career Opportunities
Source: Eurograd
Dec 15, 2014 Post-doc and PhD positions in Labs “Energy & Society”
and “Digital Media”. Munich Center for Technology in
Society. Technical University of Munich. Contact:
Source: http://lists.easst.net/pipermail/eurogradeasst.net/2014-November/011551.html
Dec 15, 2014 Assistant Professor in Philosophy of Technology and
Science Technology Studies. Arizona State University.
Source: http://lists.easst.net/pipermail/eurogradeasst.net/2014-November/011530.html
Jan 1, 2015
Post-doc for research-action project on "Social Innovation
and Living Lab"SPIRAL Research Centre, University of
Liège. Source: http://lists.easst.net/pipermail/eurogradeasst.net/2014-November/011531.html
Jan 6, 2015
Permanent Research Position in Sociology of Science,
Technology and Innovation at Centre for sociology of
innovation (CSI) of Mines ParisTech. Source:
Mar 01, 2015 Call for Proposals for visiting researchers by Brocher
Foundation residencies 2016. Geneva, Switzerland.
Source: http://lists.easst.net/pipermail/eurogradeasst.net/2014-November/011541.html
EASST Review
Volume 33, Number 4
New Publications
Source: Eurograd
Journal of Peer Production #5: Shared Machine Shops. Source:
Eä - Journal of Medical Humanities & Social Studies of Science and
Technology Vol. 5 N° 1. Source:
African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development,
Special issues on "Informal Sector Innovations", Volume 6, Issue 3,
2014. Source: http://lists.easst.net/pipermail/eurograd-easst.net/2014November/011546.html
Economic and Social Transformation: An Empirio -Theoretical Review
of Indian Initiatives. Source: http://lists.easst.net/pipermail/eurogradeasst.net/2014-November/011552.html
CJC, 2014, Vol.39 No.4: Bridging Communication and Science and
Technology Studies (STS). Source:
Journal of Scientometric Research (J Sci Res)* 2014 | May-August |
Volume 3 | Issue 2. Source: http://lists.easst.net/pipermail/eurogradeasst.net/2014-November/011564.html
The announcements below have originally appeared on the Eurograd email list.
Messages are also included in EASST Review if they are still relevant at the
time of publication.
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Kind regards,
Ingmar Lippert (Eurograd list manager, IT University, Copenhagen)
EASST Review
Volume 33, Number 4