Fritz Althoff, Jonathan Milgrim,
and Anand J. Vaidya
broadview press
-53 -
M ark H alstead / H om o sex u ality, an d th e Islam ic C ase zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcb
Michael S.zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHG
Halstead has eloquently articulated the moral
views of Muslims for a quarter of a century. In
general, Halstead has attempted to elaborate the
Muslim concern for nurturing commitment to
a shared way of life; more particularly, he has
endeavoured to demonstrate various ways in
which the democratic aims of liberals-especially as they pertain to education-must take
account of the moral claims of Muslims living
in Western societies. The ideological interface
between Muslims and liberal educators undoubtedly is strained in the realm of sex education, and
perhaps on no topic more so than homosexuality.
Halstead argues that schools should not try to
undermine the faith of Muslims, who object to
teaching homosexuality as an 'acceptable alternative lifestyle'. Rather, insofar as schools concern
themselves with private values, they should adopt
a neutral stance, purveying information about
different values but not condoning one to the
exclusion of the other (1999b, p. 276).
Halstead begins by positing two basic claims.
First, the increasing acceptance of homosexuality
in Western culture, he tells us, is due to certain
philosophical assumptions. These assumptions
buttress the values of liberal education and they
include the unflinching support of individual
freedom, equality of respect, tolerance, and a
celebration of diversity. Second, Halstead insists
that not all people who reject homosexuality are
'homophobic'; they simply may disagree in principle with a) an acknowledgement of a homosexual
orientation, orb) 'acts' that one might associate
with homosexuality. While there are several
groups one might use to represent these principled
objections, Halstead chooses Muslims to stand
opposite the 'gay agenda', i.e., the view that sex
educators ought to present homosexuality as an
acceptable lifestyle. Halstead briefly acknowledges
a diversity of opinion within the homosexual
community, but proceeds with a portrayal of a 'gay
agenda' based on what he believes are 'the beliefs
and values which unite at least the majority of
western homosexuals' (Halstead & Lewicka, 1998,
p. 51) ....
[Halstead] follows the logic of the cultural
coherence model. The basic concern behind
cultural coherence is the emotional and social
stability of the child whose parents may adhere
to a set of cultural and religious values lacking
endorsement by the society in which they live.
While cultural coherence may apply to all families,
including those whose values receive widespread
approval, it is especially relevant to minority
communities, whose specific values and beliefs
are more likely to be ignored or even forbidden
in certain cultural contexts. Where education is
concerned, cultural coherence theory assumes that
a learn ing environment culturally (and/or religiously) consonant with the parents is more likely
to produce healthy learn ing outcomes for young
children and is more likely to foster a firmer sense
of self. Implicitly assumed in cultural coherence
theory is that parents have the fundamental right
to raise their children according to their customs,
beliefs and values.
Th e second stage to Halstead's pedagogy
involves the aim of enabling 'different communities with different values and ways of understanding the world to live together in harmony and to
enable each in their different ways to contribute to
the well-being of the broader society' (Halstead &
Lewicka, 1998, p. 62). Halstead recognizes that-it
is in M uslim children's best interest to be knowledgeable about certain Western attitudes toward
homosexuality if they are to cultivate appropriate
responses to it ....
... In Halstead's own words,
[Elven if certain beliefs do not make sense
from one's own cultural perspective, one
should try to see them through the eyes of
others, and this involves learn ing about the
underlying values of others so that one can
understand how certain beliefs fit into their
world view. (1999a, pp. 135-136)
is because he does not question the widely held
view that homosexuality is morally wrong from an
'Islamic point of view'.
Halstead unequivocally asserts that Muslims
'think in terms of acts, not inclinations' (Halstead
& Lewicka, 1998, p.58), thereby premising his claim
that Muslims cannot conceive of a homosexual
'orientation' owing to its fundamental 'incoherence'
within an Islamic frame of reference. Not only is
a sexual orientation inconceivable, we are told
that Islam also cannot abide homosexual deeds ....
[T]he upshot of Halstead's constructed antagonism
suggests that a) Muslims share a 'coherent and
unified worldview', including a unanimous set of
beliefs about homosexuality; and b) if Muslims are
to receive sensitive education concerning homosexuality it ought to be presented as controversial,
as something that 'some people believe'. However,
before this education takes place, Muslim children must 'have been adequately initiated into the
beliefs and values of their own community during
primary socialisation' (Halstead & Lewicka, 1998, p.
62). Finally, c) Halstead's stark opposition presumes
there to be some concerted and unified homosexual front attempting to squeeze out the hegemonic
heterosexual norm. In what follows, I will argue
against Halstead's odd defence" of an Islamic
understanding of homosexuality and I will show
three things: zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Halstead recognizes that his proposals are
Halstead endorses a questionable
a tall order. He knows, for instance, that there is
understanding of Islam that considers
likely to be tension if a 'gay agenda' can seek to
homosexuality to be forbidden;
promote homosexuality as an altern ative expres2. He neglects gay and lesbian Muslims who are
sion of one's sexual identity when conservative
particularly vulnerable to the unrepentant
M uslims do not espouse beliefs capable of accomhostilities of their own communities;
modating such views .... [He] genuinely hopes that
3. He delimits the range of options available to
sensitive teaching about homosexuality will lead
sex educators in such a way as to discourage
M uslim students to be 'better informed and more
genuine encounters between homosexuals
sympathetic to other people's positions and may
and Muslims. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDC
help them to clarify their own values and attitudes'.
Nevertheless, throughout Halstead's argument
there is the implicit assumption that M uslims zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
cannot and perhaps even should not be encouraged
... [Halstead] ignores the unwarrantable conclusion
to think about homosexuality empathically. This
that sexual orientation is supposed to follow from
one's being born a man or a woman. Halstead
practised. Halstead admits to the fact (Halstead &
claims that in Islam sexual identity is ultimately
Reiss, 2003, p. 101), though he unfailingly assumes
not a matter of being either heterosexual or homothe most orthodox Islamic view when he refers to
sexual. The key distinction, he tells us, is between
these occurrences as 'lapses' and 'deviations'," One
anticipates, then, Halstead's sympathy with parents
what is permitted (halal)
and forbidden (haram).
Halstead expands on this:
Islam teaches that if people have sinful desires
they should keep them to themselves and control them in order to avoid doing what God has
forbidden. It may, for example, be quite natural
for anyone to find handsome boys attractive (and indeed the Qur'an promises that in
paradise the faithful will be attended by young
men like pearls: Sura 56:37 and Sura 76:19), but
if this attraction becomes sexual desire it must
be resisted. (Halstead & Lewicka, 1998, p. 59)
Because Halstead limits his discussion to a
(particular) religious framework, he does not flesh
out the cultural underpinnings of homophobia, nor
does he acknowledge the relatively recent beginnings of widespread anti-homosexual attitudes
within Islam. Rather he chooses to focus on what
he calls 'the religious perspective', setting in
terminal opposition Islam, as a religion, against
homosexuality. In concluding that the Islamic
'worldview' cannot admit of any notion of 'orientation' but can only conceive of 'acts', Halstead
permits conservative Muslim scholars to remain
stubbornly indolent where there is room for Islam
to expand its conception with ever-increasing
knowledge and experience ....
When it comes to the germane religious
sources, Judaism, Christianity and Islam share
many of the same narratives. Still, it is discomfiting
that Halstead covers the obligatory exegesis of the
Sodom and Gomorrah story without referencing
alternate interpretations," welcomed by many
Muslims, Jews, and Christians, which suggest
that the 'sin' of Sodom is not homosexuality but
inhospitality (see Boswell, 1980, pp. 91-99), a grave
offence in Near Eastern cultures ....
Islam has come to inhabit many cultural
spaces wherein homosexuality is commonly
who wish to withdraw their children from sex
education classes whose content may conflict with
the values of the home, but he wisely acknowledges
the tremendous burden such a choice invites for
parents who must take up this daunting responsibility. Halstead also knows that no matter how
strictly Muslim parents attempt to regulate their
children's knowledge of sexuality, the formidable
influences of popular culture, purveyed through
various media and the hidden curriculum5zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfe
excluding children taken out of the state school
system and placed in comprehensive religious
schools) will exert considerable influence on a
child's thinking. He also knows that simplistic
moralizing and Islamic prohibitions, to which
many immigrant Muslim children are exposed in
after-school and weekend Qur'änic classes, will not
suffice to counter these influences, nor will they be
likely to appeal to the Muslim child without more
culturally-sensitive lessons that take account of
non-Muslim societies. Nevertheless, concerning
homosexuality as a 'morally acceptable way of life',
Halstead defends the right of conservative religious
groups, in particular Muslims, to object to 'the gay
and lesbian perspective'....
Because of the austere prohibitions against
homosexuality in Islamic teaching, gay and lesbian
Muslims must choose to live an irreconcilable
double identity, repress or deny their homosexual
feelings, or turn their back on Islam in order to be
true to themselves ....
Halstead's insistence that Muslims learn about
homosexuality as a controversial subject is problematic for three reasons: first, by merely learning
'about' different opinions and experiences with no
effort to foster empathy (i.e., the ability to 'take
on' or profoundly relate to another's situation) and
mutual respect, one can do little more than provide
exposure to another point of view without cultivating respect for persons qua persons. Second, this
approach does little to alleviate the stigmatization
... Halstead is correct to cast aside racist beliefs
of respect, but why does he stop
and fear that attend M uslim youth who identify as
there? The fact that racist beliefs are abhorrent and
gay or lesbian but are unable to be public about it
unworthy of respect while homophobic attitudes
because that view is presented only as an option zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCB
ascribed to a religion deserve our respect seems
for others .... Muslim children might learn to show
astonishingly incongruent. [Also.] Halstead's ·
sympathy toward homosexuals, but Halstead does
attempts to 'preserve Muslim values intact within
not address the needs of gay and lesbian Muslim
youth who may find themselves 'trapped' by highly
the Muslim community' unwittingly sanction
internal intolerance as well, because some of these
intolerant attitudes towards homosexuality within
'values" often include militant bigotry toward
their own communities.
homosexuals, and this will inevitably include
Third, Halstead 's characterization of homomany Muslims.
sexuality as an 'abomination' and deserving of
Finally, tensions persist between liberalism
condemnation according to the 'Muslim worldview'
and illiberal communities. 'Clearly', Halstead
not only foists a monolithic reading of homosexcomments, 'the state cannot both claim to weluality onto Islam, but it also delimits the range of
come diversity and at the same time try to ensure
topics morally acceptable to Muslims .... [What is]
that its non-liberal citizens adopt liberal values'
essential is that we consider the experiences of gay
(1999a, p. 133). Halstead assumes here that diversity
and lesbian people and consider why it is that his
and the adoption of liberal values are somehow
or her religion would appear to condemn a sexual
incompatible. Yet this would only be true if the
identity so many people possess, including many
state welcomed all kinds of diversity, including
within the Muslim world.zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
those that systematically interfere with the free... [C]onsidering that Halstead does recognize
dom of others to pursue life and liberty. We know
that Muslim children are raised according to views
this not to be the case; the state does not sanction
uncompromisingly intolerant toward homosexunfettered diversity. Still, there is another way in
uality, one would hope to find him a little more
which Halstead, mistakenly, understands liberal
sceptical of the traditions that maintain and justify
values to be neutral. Halstead claims that a liberal
anti-homosexual attitudes .... Ataullah Siddiqui
education stresses equality of respect and refuses
asserts that many Muslim scholars trained in
'to side with any contestable conception of the good'
madrassahs and seminaries are 'out of touch with
developments in the field of science, technol(1999a, p. 132). I concur with Halstead that in one
sense a neutral stance is necessary in order to teach
ogy and even other areas of thought and society'
controversial subject matter. Therefore, one ought
(Siddiqui, 1997, p. 426). This seems a more plausible
to encourage students to think from multiple perexplanation for 'incoherence' from an Islamic view
spectives about stem cell research, gun control, and
than any argument suggesting there not to be an
euthanasia but not condone or promote any parimplicit understanding of what is meant bya particular take on this subject matter. Similarly, one
ticular sexual orientation ....
ought to be just as objective concerning religious
[Halstead] unequivocally states:
belief as one would be about homosexuality. Not
only is there widespread ignorance about religions
[A] pluralist democratic society has a duty to
among non-religious people, but also it is unsurrespect and take account of the beliefs and valprising that gay and lesbian groups can be equally
ues of minority groups within it except where,
as in the case of racist beliefs, for example,
intolerant of conservative religious groups. As John
those beliefs are in conflict with the fundaBeck says, 'moral offence is experienced on both
mental principles on which the democratic
sides' (1999, p. 125).8
society itself is based. (1997, p. 327)
Even so, in another sense one cannot be
prejudice of homophobia.9zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONML
... Halstead does not
neutral when entertaining all
points of view. A
work out the tension wrought by an equality of
respect for cultures with a concern for the equalliberal education worthy of its name simply can-
not give equal time to views that tout superiority
or monopolies on truth when they pertain to
the basic virtues of tolerance and respect. Most
liberals are also famously interested in pursuing
justice and fairness, hardly a neutral position.
Halstead is correct, therefore, to stress that an
education for democratic citizenship necessarily
entails 'the rejection of racism, prejudice, and
discrimination as an affront to individual dignity'
(Halstead, 2003, p. 289; cf. Halstead & Reiss, 2003,
p. 160). Where Halstead's view becomes problematic is in his insistence that persons' primary
identities, i.e., their religious and cultural 'commitments', are more constitutive of who they
are than any identity derived from citizenship
(2003, p. 280) if and when these primary identities
become the bane of all that stands in the way of a
liberal education ....
[Stephen Macedo believes that] neutrality is a
clever ruse to which no one, including liberals, can
afford to acquiesce. He adds:
Liberal education should not stand for a
neutral educational environment, one that is
'nonjudgmental' with respect to the choices
people make or to the forms of good and valuable lives: to the contrary, we want children
to learn that there are better and worse ways
to using their freedom. What is crucial from
a liberal standpoint is that no one educational authority should totally dominate; that
children acquire a measure of distance on all
claims to truth in order to be able to think
critically about our inclusive political ideals
and detect conflicts between those inclusive
ideals and their more particular moral and
religious convictions. (Macedo, 2000, p. 238)
Macedo's point is important and Halstead would
doubtless agree. Yet Halstead never actually says
that Muslims ought to attain a critical distance
from their beliefs or repudiate the (cultural)
338 / UNIT
ity of respect for persons. He seems to favour the
former when he says, for instance, that the failure
to pass on the 'beliefs and customs' of the community to the next generation has 'every appearance
of the wilful self-destruction of the community'
(1995a, p. 39). Though I recognize the cultural
embeddedness of all persons, I am frankly more
concerned with the latter and see no need to be
uncritical about one's inherited culture .... zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcb
I concur with Halstead that in a pluralist society
there will be many issues on which reasonable
persons can and will respectfully disagree. I would
also endorse Halstead's view that it is the responsibility of the common school to avoid what he calls
a 'potentially oppressive situation where children
are expected to accept values in school [that] are
directly in conflict with their own values or those
of their family' (Halstead, 1999a, p. 132). Yet to
claim, as Halstead does, that the most we can hope
for is 'an enlightened live-and-let-live' is to despair
of fostering more than mere tolerance. It also
avoids any responsibility to confront crass prejudices and hatred. Beck writes,
Irrational prejudice against [homosexuals]
should be shown to be irrational; intimidation
of such minorities should be met with firm but
rational sanctions and the reasons why their
rights to self-expression and self-actualization
ought to be upheld should be explained. (Beck,
1999, p. 127)
Furthermore, 'an enlightened live-and-let-live'
falls far short of the encounter I am suggesting will
be conducive to reciprocity and mutual respect.
This would be an encounter where persons espousing different points of view and having different
experiences can learn from one another in an
atmosphere of trust and respect. Religious persons
opposed to homosexuality need to encounter gay
and lesbian students in an atmosphere of mutual
In the principal article this paper will reference,
trust and respect, just as gay and lesbian students
Halstead co-authors with Katarzyna Lewicka, but
need to encounter devout religious persons who
I shall speak only to Halstead in this paper, a's his
do not approve of their sexual identification." ...
work spans more than twenty years, and he alone
... Hearing from informed M uslim students
responds to one of the critics of the article he
who believe" that heterosexual relations are only
co-authored with Lewicka.
permissible within marriage will do at least three
By 'defence', I do not mean that he agrees with it
things: a) it will force children with different
personally, but that he does very little if anything
opinions to reflect upon the reasons why they disagree; b) it will oblige M uslim (and other religious)
to challenge the view.
Halstead considers several interpretations in
children to provide reasons for holding the views
Values in sex education (Halstead & Reiss, 2003),
on sexuality that they do; and c) finally, taking
this approach will engender an atmosphere of
but only in reference to Christianity.
Halstead explains that the executions of Iranian
inclusion, tolerance, and mutual respect by taking
homosexuals during the Islamic Revolution
account of different perspectives. ... zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLK
between 1979-1984 probably had more to do with
'an attack on western decadence and the public
transgression of morality than with homosexuality
In this article, I have challenged three aspects of
per se' (Halstead & Lewicka, 1998, p. 59).
Halstead's opposition of homosexuality to Islam.
s The hidden curriculum, for my purposes here,
First, I have shown that he has not properly taken
will refer to the implicit messages conveyed
into consideration the problems associated with
to schoolchildren through the attitudes and
homophobic prejudice by leaving unchallenged
actions of school staff, peers, and materials used
the fundamentalist views of some Muslims.
in classrooms.
Many Muslims are seeking for new ways, as
Halstead correctly notes that the number of
have Jews and Christians with their own scriphomosexuals in Britain is roughly equivalent to
tures, for understanding passages in the hadith
the number of Roman Catholics, i.e., about 6% of
and the Qur'än that seem to reject homosexuthe population, though this figure only reflects
ality. Halstead ignores the problems associated
those who exclusively identify as homosexuals. See
with narrow, decontextualized interpretations.
Halstead & Reiss (2003, p.160).
Secondly Halstead does not address the problem
In many places Halstead refers to 'core Islamic
values', 'fundamental beliefs and values' and
of gay and lesbian Muslims who suffer shame and
rejection from within their own communities
'distinctive beliefs and values'. See, for example,
because of these interpretations. In some cases,
Halstead (1995a, p. 27; 2003, pp. 283, 292).
there is even fear of death. Halstead does not
The reasons for this usually have to do with the
successfully reconcile his interests in children's
malicious attitudes towards homosexuality among
autonomy and his defence of Islam's proscriptive
many conservative religious groups. One could
disposition toward homosexuality. Finally, I have
surmise gays and lesbians to be rather indifferent
shown that Halstead's approach to teaching about
to these religious groups if these groups were not
homosexuality is too limiting and permits groups
so wont to cast scorn on homosexuals.
to exercise a tremendous power over Muslim
He does say that education for democratic
young people by uncritically initiating children
citizenship would require that children be taught
into a highly intolerant religious value system
that 'homophobic bullying is always wrong,
(Halstead & Lewicka, 1998, p. 61) ....
an affront to individual dignity, and a failure
to respect fu ndam ental rights and freedom s'
(H alstead, 2003, p.292; em phasis m ine).
Halstead, J.M. (1999a) Teaching about homosexuality:
a response to John Beck, Cambridge Journal of
I choose 'identification' over 'lifestyle' or
Education, 29(1), 131-136.
'preference' because the latter imply far more
Halstead, J.M. (1999b) Moral education in family life:
choice in the matter than most people attest to visthe effects of diversity, Journal of Moral Education,
à-vis their sexuality.
28(3), 265-281.
Of course, not all Muslim children believe this.
Halstead, J.M. (2003) Schooling and cultural
12 I am aware that this last point is controversial. It
maintenance for religious minorities in the
is very possible that such encounters will have the
liberal state, in: K. McDonough & W. Feinberg
opposite effect. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
(Eds) Citizenship and education in liberaldemocratic societies (Oxford, Oxford University
Press), 273-295.
Halstead, J.M. & Lewicka, K. (1998) Should
Beck, J. (1999) Should homosexuality be taught as
homosexuality be taught as an acceptable
an acceptable alternative lifestyle? A Muslim
alternative lifestyle? A Muslim perspective,
perspective: a response to Halstead and Lewicka,
· Cambridge Journal of Education, 28(1), 49-63.
Cambridge Journal of Education, 29(1), 121-130.
Halstead, J.M. & Reiss, M.J. (2003) Values in
Halstead, J.M. (1995a) Towards a unified view oflslamic
sex education: from principles to practice
education, Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations,
(London, Routledge).
6(1), 25-43.
Macedo, S. (2000) Diversity and distrust (Cambridge,
Halstead, J.M. (1997) Muslims and sex education,
Cambridge University Press).
Journal of Moral Education, 26(3), 317-329.
Siddiqui, A. (1997) Ethics in Islam: key concepts and
contemporary challenges, Journal of Moral
Education, 26(4), 423-431.