5480 Elm Street
Lowville, New York 13367-1608
University of Pennsylvania, 1984-92. Ph.D. in History, May 1992.
Princeton University, 1981-3. A.M. in History, December 1983.
University of California at Berkeley, 10-week intensive courses in Arabic,
Persian, summers 1976, 1978, 1982.
Center for Arabic Study Abroad, American University in Cairo, 1979-80.
American University in Cairo, 1978-9.
University of California at Santa Cruz, 1973-7. A.B. in History, December
Marie Curie Fellowship, ‘Poverty in the Qur’ān: Medieval Islamic interpretations and uses’, with Dr Alena Kulinich, Seoul National University, 2021-3.
John G. Medlin, Jr., Senior Fellowship, ‘The early history of Islamic asceticism’, National Humanities Center, Research Triangle Park,
North Carolina, 2014-15.
Branigin Lecture, ‘Agreeing to disagree (or not): the shaping of Islam in the
early Middle Ages’, presented at the Institute for Advanced
Study, Indiana University, February 2011.
Marie Curie Fellowship, ‘Regional patterns in early Islamic law and piety’, with
Dr Mathieu Tillier, University of Aix-Marseille, 2008-10.
Arts & Humanities Research Council, Research Leave Extension Grant,
Michaelmas Term 2008.
Institute for Advanced Study, School of Historical Studies, fellowship, 19992000.
Social Science Research Council fellowship, Syria, 1998-9.
Charlotte Newcombe graduate dissertation fellowship, 1990-1.
Fulbright country fellowship, Turkey, 1989-90, extended to 1990-1.
William Penn fellowship, U. Penn., 1984-5, 1986-8.
CASA fellowship, 1979-80.
Highest Honors, Department of History, UC Santa Cruz, 1977.
Honors, Stevenson College, UC Santa Cruz, 1977.
University Lecturer in Arabic and Islam (renamed Professor of Arabic &
Islamic Studies, 2014), University of Oxford, and Fellow of
Pembroke College, 2000-23. Courses on Qur’an, hadith,
page 2
Islamic law, Islamic religion, history, Sufism. Graduate
supervision at master’s, doctoral levels.
Assistant Professor, Department of Religious Studies, Southwest Missouri State
University, 1993-5. Courses on religion (introductory), world
religions, Islam.
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of History, Wake Forest University,
1992-3. Courses on Middle East, world history.
Teaching Assistant, Department of History, University of Pennsylvania, 1985-6
(England, world), 1988-9 (world), plus additional volunteer
teaching in Byzantine, world courses.
‘Al-Muḫtaṣar of al-Ḫiraqī (d. 334/945-946). Introduction and translation’.
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Before Sufism: early Islamic renunciant piety. Islam - thought, culture, and
society 4. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2020. Paperback edition
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by asterisks below).
Ahmad ibn Hanbal. Makers of the Muslim world. Oxford: Oneworld, 2006.
The formation of the Sunni schools of law, ninth-tenth centuries C.E. Studies in
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‘The variant readings in Islamic law’, Journal of the International Qur’anic
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‘Sufis, renunciants, and worshippers in Tārīkh Baghdād’, Journal of Sufi studies
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‘Kitāb al-Ḥujjah ʿalá ahl al-Madīnah and the transition from regional schools to
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‘Counting shaykhs in hadith collections’, al-Karmil 40-1 (2019-20): 93-119.
‘The Inquisition outside Baghdad’, Journal of the American Oriental Society
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‘Ibrāhīm al-Naḫaʿī (Kufan, d. 96/714)’, Arabica 67 (2020): 60-81.
‘The Musnad of al-Shāfiʿī’, Studia Islamica, no 114 (2019), 249-64.
‘The controversy over reciting the Qurʾān with tones (al-qirāʾah bi’l-alḥān)’,
Journal of the International Qur’anic Studies Association 4
(2019): 85-109.
‘Al-Shaybānī and contemporary renunciant piety’, Journal of Abbasid studies 6
(2019): 52-85.
‘Before ṣūfiyyāt: female Muslim renunciants in the 8th and 9th centuries CE’,
Journal of Sufi studies 5 (2016): 115-39.
‘Bukhārī’s kitāb tafsīr al-Qur’ān’, Journal of the International Qur’anic Studies
Association 1 (2016): 149-72.
‘The early controversy over whether the Prophet saw God’, Arabica 62 (2015):
‘The early Ḥanafiyya and Kufa’, Journal of Abbasid studies 1 (2014): 23-45.
‘The destruction of books by traditionists’, Al-Qanṭara 35 (2014): 213-31.
‘The life and works of al-Nasāʾī’, Journal of Semitic studies 59 (2014): 377407.*
‘Whether to keep unbelievers out of sacred zones: a survey of medieval Islamic
law’, Jerusalem studies in Arabic and Islam, no 40 (2013),
‘Exaggerated fear in the early Islamic renunciant tradition’, Journal of the Royal
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‘Abū Isḥāq al-Šīrāzī and Ibn al-Ṣabbāġ and the advantages of teaching at a madrasa’, Annales Islamologiques, no 45 (2011), 141-66.
‘“God created Adam in his image”’, Journal of Qur’anic studies 13/1 (2011):
‘Bukhārī and his Ṣaḥīḥ’, Le Muséon 123 (2010): 425-54.*
‘The relation of the Ten Readings to one another’, Journal of Qur’anic studies
10/2 (2008): 73-87.
‘Khargūshī, Tahdhīb al-asrār’, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African
Studies 73 (2010): 29-44.
‘Aḥmad ibn Ḥanbal’s book of renunciation’, Der Islam 85 (2011): 345-59.
‘The life and works of Abū Dāwūd al-Sijistānī’, Al-Qanṭara 29 (2008): 9-44.
Reprinted in The Ḥadīth, edited by Mustafa Shah, Critical
concepts in Islamic studies, 4 vols (London: Routledge, 2010).
‘When not to recite the Qur’an’, Journal of Qur’anic studies 11/1 (2009): 14151.
‘Baṣran origins of classical Sufism’, Der Islam 82 (2005): 221-40.*†
‘The Musnad of Aḥmad ibn Ḥanbal: how it was composed and what distinguishes it from the Six Books’, Der Islam 82 (2005): 32-51.*
Reprinted in The Ḥadīth, edited by Mustafa Shah.
‘Aḥmad ibn Ḥanbal and the Qur’an’, Journal of Qur’anic studies 6/2 (2004):
page 4
22-34. Reprinted in Islamic law, edited by Gavin Picken, Critical concepts in Islamic studies, 4 vols (London: Routledge,
‘The Ḥanbali law of ğihâd’, The Maghreb review 29 (2004): 22-32.
‘Early renunciants as ḥadīth transmitters’, The Muslim world 92 (2002): 40718.*†
‘The piety of the hadith folk’, International journal of Middle East studies 34
(2002): 425-39.*† Reprinted in The Ḥadīth, edited by Mustafa
‘Traditionist-jurisprudents and the framing of Islamic law’, Islamic law and
society 8 (2001): 383-406.*† Reprinted in Islam, edited by
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by Gavin Picken.
‘Sufis and competing movements in Nishapur, 9th-10th centuries C.E.’, Iran 39
(2001): 237-47.†
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‘The concluding salutation in Islamic ritual prayer’, Le Muséon 114 (2001):
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Review of Anver M. Emon, Islamic natural law theories, Journal of Islamic
studies 26 (2015): 202-3.
Review of Écriture de l’histoire et processus de canonisation dans les premiers
siècles de l’islam, edited by Antoine Borrut, Journal of the
Royal Asiatic Society 25 (2015): 507-8.
Review of ʿAbd al-Jawād Ḥamām, al-Tafarrud fī riwāyat al-ḥadīth, Al-ʿUsur
al-wusta 22/1-2 (2010 [2014]).
Review of Behnam Sadeghi, The logic of law making in Islam: women and
prayer in the legal tradition, Bulletin of the School of Oriental
and African Studies 77 (2014): 216-17.
Review of Virtues of the Imām Aḥmad Ibn Ḥanbal by Ibn Al-Jawzī, edited and
translated by Michael Cooperson, Journal of Islamic studies 25
(2014): 354-5.
Review of The Islamic scholarly tradition. Studies in history, law, and thought in
honor of Professor Michael Allan Cook, edited by Asad Q.
Ahmed, &al., Journal of Islamic studies 25 (2014): 216-20.
Review of Sufism, Black and white: a critical edition of Kitāb al-Bayāḍ
wa-l-Sawād by Abū l-Ḥasan al-Sīrjānī (d. ca. 470/1077), edited
by Bilal Orfali and Nada Saab, Journal of Islamic studies 24
(2013): 204-6.
Review of Asad Q. Ahmed, The religious elite of the early Islamic Ḥijāz,
International journal of Middle East studies 45 (2013): 171-3.
Review of Christoph Pitschke, Skrupulöse Frömmigkeit im frühen Islam, Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 107 (2012): 400-2.
Review of Étienne de La Vaissière, Samarcande et Samarra, Der Islam 89
page 11
(2012): 254-6.
Reviews of Asmāʾ Ibrāhīm Saʿūd ʿAjīn, Manhaj al-ḥāfiẓ ʿAbd al-Razzāq
al-Ṣanʿānī, Muṣṭafá Muḥammad Ḥamīdātū, Madrasat al-ḥadīth
fī al-Andalus, Bashīr ʿAlī ʿUmar, Manhaj al-imām Aḥmad fī
iʿlāl al-ḥadīth, Abū Bakr Laṭīf Kāfī, Manhaj al-imām Aḥmad fī
al-taʿlīl, and Giuseppe Scattolin and Aḥmad Ḥasan Anwar,
al-Abʿād al-ṣūfīyah ʿinda ʿAbd al-Malik al-Kharkūshī,
Al-ʿUsur al-wusta 21 (April 2009).
Review of Wael B. Hallaq, Sharīʿa, Journal of Near Eastern studies 71 (2012):
Review of Harald Motzki, &al., Analysing Muslim traditions: studies in legal,
exegetical and maghāzī ḥadīth, Journal of Semitic studies 57
(2012): 436-8.
Review of Mohyddin Yahia, Šāfiʿī et les deux sources de la loi islamique,
Islamic law and society 19 (2012): 312-15.
Review of Norman Calder, Islamic jurisprudence in the classical era, Journal
of Islamic studies 23 (2012): 226-9.
Review of David Cook, Martyrdom in Islam, Journal of the economic and
social history of the Orient 52 (2009): 343-4.
Review of Ahmet T. Karamustafa, Sufism: The formative period, Bulletin of the
School of Oriental and African Studies 72 (2009): 173-5.
Review of Leor Halevi, Muhammad’s grave, Speculum 83 (2008): 999.
Review of Rudolph Peters, Crime and punishment in Islamic law, Law and
history review 26 (2008): 188-190.
Review of Jāsim Ḥālūb Surayd al-ʿIzzāwī, al-Imām ʿAbd Allāh ibn Wahb,
Al-ʿUsur al-wusta 20/1 (April 2008).
Review of G. H. A. Juynboll, Encyclopedia of Canonical Ḥadīth, Islamic law
and society 15 (2008): 408-11.
Review of Peri Bearman, &al., ed., The Islamic School of Law, Journal of the
American Oriental Society 127 (2007): 545-7.
Review of Jonathan Brown, The Canonization of al-Bukhārī and Muslim, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 3rd ser., 18 (2008): 526-8.
Review of Brannon Wheeler, Mecca and Eden, Journal of Semitic studies 53
(2008): 366-7.
Review of Nurit Tsafrir, The history of an Islamic school of law, Journal of
Near Eastern studies 67 (2008): 228-30.
Review of Yasin Dutton, Original Islam, Journal of Semitic studies 53 (2008):
Review of Recep Senturk, Narrative social structure, Journal of Islamic studies
19/1 (2008): 115-17.
Review of Paul R. Powers, Intent in Islamic law, Islamic law and society 14
(2007): 425-7.
Reviews of Aḥmad ibn ʿAbd Allāh al-Bātilī, al-Imām al-Khaṭṭābī wa-āthāruhu
al-ḥadīthīyah, and ʿAbd Allāh Muḥammad al-Ḥabashī, Jāmiʿ
al-shurūḥ wa-al-ḥawāshī, Al-ʿUsur al-wusta 19/1 (April 2007).
Review of Scott C. Lucas, Constructive critics, ḥadīth literature, and the articulation of Sunnī Islam, Islamic law and society 13 (2006): 41013.
page 12
Review of Peter C. Hennigan, The birth of a legal institution, Islamic law and
society 13 (2006): 275-6.
Reviews of Mawil Izzi Dien, Islamic Law and Fuʾad Jabali, The companions of
the Prophet, Islam and Christian-Muslim relations 17 (2006):
Reviews of Wael B. Hallaq, The origins and evolution of Islamic law and Mawil
Izzi Dien, Islamic law, The Times literary supplement,
December 9, 2005.
Review of Jonathan P. Berkey, The formation of Islam, Journal of the American
Oriental Society 124 (2004): 401-2.
Reviews of ʿUmar Īmān Abū Bakr, al-Imām al-Nasāʾī wa-kitābuhu al-Mujtabá
and ʿAlī ibn Muḥammad Abū al-Ḥasan and ʿUmar ibn Aḥmad
ibn ʿAlī al-Aḥmad, al-Multaqaṭ fī dafʿ mā dhukira ʿan al-imām
Aḥmad, Al-Usur al-wusta 17/1 (April 2005).
Review of Michael Cook, Commanding right and forbidding wrong in Islamic
thought, Journal of Semitic studies 50 (2005): 230-2.
Review of Safar ibn ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Ḥawālī, Ẓāhirat al-irjāʾ fī al-fikr
al-islāmī, Al-Usur al-wusta 16/1 (April 2004).
Review of Mathieu Tillier, Vies des cadis de Miṣr 237/851–366/976, Bulletin of
the School of Oriental and African Studies 67 (2004): 449.
Review of Harald Motzki, The origins of Islamic jurisprudence, Islamic law and
society 11 (2004): 404-8.
Review of Florian Sobieroj, Ibn Ḫafīf aš-Šīrāzī und seine Schrift zur Novizenerziehung, Journal of the American Oriental Society 123
(2003): 447-9.
Review of Mercedes García-Arenal, ed., Mahdisme et millénarisme en Islam,
Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 66
(2003): 92-3.
Review of Eerik Dickinson, The development of early Sunnite ḥadīth criticism,
Islamic law and society 10 (2003): 249-51.
Review of Jonathan Bloom and Sheila Blair, Islam: a thousand years of faith
and Power, on H-MIDEAST-MEDIEVAL@HNET.MSU.EDU (Middle East Medievalists listserv), 2
November 2002.
Reviews of Laṭīfah al-Bakkāy, Ḥarakat al-khawārij, and Ibrāhīm ibn Ṣāliḥ
al-Ḥandūd, Iḥtijājāt Abī al-Fatḥ ibn Jinnī, in Al-Usur al-wusta
14/2 (October 2002).
Review of Patricia Crone and Fritz Zimmermann, The epistle of Sālim ibn
Dhakwān, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 65 (2002): 578-9.
Review of Daniel A. Madigan, The Qurʾân’s self-image, MESA bulletin 36
(2002): 51-2.
Review of Jonathan E. Brockopp, Early Mālikī law, Islamic law and society 9
(2002): 271-4.
Review of Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad Kanʿān, Fiqh al-ḥadīth ʿinda aʾimmat
al-salaf bi-riwāyat al-imām al-Tirmidhī, Al-Usur al-wusta 14/1
(April 2002).
Review of Mohammad Moslem Adel Saflo, al-Juwaynī’s thought and method-
page 13
ology, Der Islam 79 (2002): 169-70.
Review of Denise Aigle, ed., Miracle et karāma, Journal of the American Oriental Society 122 (2002): 633-5.
Review of Eric Chaumont, ed. & trans., Kitāb al-Lumaʿ by Abū Isḥāq al-Shīrāzī, Islamic law and society 9 (2002): 116-19.
Review of Wael B. Hallaq, A history of Islamic legal theories, Journal of Near
Eastern studies 62 (2003): 220-2.
Review of Yasin Dutton, The origins of Islamic law, Journal of the American
Oriental Society 121 (2001): 713-15.
Review of Ibn Warraq, ed., The origins of the Koran, MESA bulletin 35 (2001):
Review of M. Mustafa al-Azami, On Schacht’s Origins of muhammadan jurisprudence, and Norman Calder, Studies in early Muslim jurisprudence, Journal of law and religion 15 (2000-1): 363-7.
Review of Miklos Muranyi, Die Rechtsbücher des Qairawāners Saḥnūn b.
Saʿīd, Islamic law and society 8 (2001): 137-9.
Review of Mary Louise Gude, Louis Massignon, in Journal of Near Eastern
studies 59 (2000): 276-7.
Review of ʿAbd Allāh Shaʿbān ʿAlī, Ikhtilāfāt al-muḥaddithīn wa-al-fuqahāʾ fī
al-ḥukm ʿalá al-ḥadīth, in Al-Usur al-wusta 12/1 (April 2000).
Review of Muṣṭafá al-Harrūs, al-Madrasah al-mālikīyah al-andalusīyah, in
Al-Usur al-wusta 11/2 (October 1999).
Reviews of Zuhayr ʿUthmān ʿAlī Nūr, Ibn ʿAdī wa-manhajuh, and ʿAbd al-Razzāq ibn Khalīfah al-Shāyajī and al-Sayyid Muḥammad al-Sayyid Nūḥ, Manāhij al-muḥaddithīn fī riwāyat al-ḥadīth
bi-al-maʿná, in Al-Usur al-wusta 11/1 (April 1999).
Review of Gerhard Conrad, Die Quḍāt Dimašq und der Madhab al-Auzāʿī, in
Islamic law and society 6 (1999): 403-5.
Review of Muhammad Qasim Zaman, Religion and politics under the early
ʿAbbāsids, in Islamic law and society 6 (1999): 272-5.
Reviews of Najm ʿAbd al-Raḥmān Khalaf, Naqd al-matn bayna ṣināʿat
al-muḥaddithīn wa-maṭāʿin al-mustashriqīn, and Muḥammad
ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Marʿashlī, Fatḥ al-mannān bi-muqaddimat
Lisān al-Mīzān, in Al-Usur al-wusta 10/1 (April 1998).
Review essay (5,000 words) concerning George Makdisi, ‘Ṭabaqāt-biography:
law and orthodoxy in classical Islam’, Islamic studies (Islamabad) 32 (1993): 371-96, and Wael B. Hallaq, ‘Was al-Shafiʿi
the master architect of Islamic jurisprudence?’ International
journal of Middle East studies 25 (1993): 587-605, in Arabica
44 (1997): 308-16.
Reviews of M. Muʾnis ʿAwaḍ, al-Jughrāfīyūn wa-al-raḥḥālah al-muslimūn,
Shaʿbān Khalīfah and Walīd Muḥammad al-ʿAwzah, Fihrist
Ibn al-Nadīm, and ʿAṭāʾ ibn ʿAbd al-Laṭīf ibn Aḥmad, Imʿān
al-naẓar fī Taqrīb al-ḥāfiẓ Ibn Ḥajar, in Al-Usur al-wusta 9/1
(April 1997).
Review essay (6,000 words), ‘Discerning the will of God: four recent books on
Islamic law’, Religious studies review 23 (1997): 11-15.
Review of Haim Gerber, State, society, and law in Islam, in American historical
page 14
review 101 (1996): 1256-7.
Review of Yāqūt, Irshād al-arīb, edited by Iḥsān ʿAbbās, in MESA bulletin 30
(1996): 76-7.
Reviews of ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ Aḥmad al-Fāwī Maḥmūd, Uṣūl al-malāmatīyah
wa-ghalaṭāt al-ṣūfīyah, and Badrī Muḥammad Fahd, Tārīkh
Baghdād lil-muʾarrikh Ibn al-Najjār al-Baghdādī, in Al-ʿUsur
al-wusta 7/2 (October 1995).
Review of M. Muʾnis ʿAwaḍ, al-Raḥḥālah al-awrubbīyūn fī mamlakat Bayt
al-Maqdis al-ṣalībīyah, in Al-‘Usur al-wusta 6/2 (October
Review of al-Maqrīzī, K. al-Muqaffá, in Al-‘Usur al-Wusta 5/1 (April 1993).
‘Ibn Ḥabīb’s book of scrupulosity’ (2600 words), forthcoming in Journal of the
American Oriental Society 144 (2024): 421-5.
‘Early ḥadīth touching on marriage and conversion, by Ibn Abī Shayba’. Pages
69-73 in Conversion to Islam in the premodern age: a
sourcebook. Edited by Nimrod Hurvitz, Christian Sahner, Uriel
Simonsohn, and Luke Yarbrough. Oakland: University of
California Press, 2020.
‘Heißt es »Allāh«, oder heißt es »Gott«?’ Pages 421-4 in Koran erklärt. Ein
Beitrag zur Aufklärung. Edited by Willi Steul. Berlin: Suhrkamp, 2017.
‘Early Ḥanbali creeds’ (translations of eight creeds), available at the Oxford
University Research Archive,
‘The creeds of Aḥmad Ibn Ḥanbal’, with Saud Al-Sarhan. Pages 29-50 in Books
and bibliophiles: studies in honour of Paul Auchterlonie on the
bio-bibliography of the Muslim world. Edited by Robert
Gleave. N.p.: Gibb Memorial Trust, 2014.
‘Was wir wirklich über die frommen Altvorderen (al-salaf al-sâlih) und ihre
Vorstellungen vom islamischen Recht wissen können’, with
Andreas Görke. Pages 27-43 in Salafismus in Deutschland:
Ursprünge und Gefahren einer islamisch-fundamentalistischen
Bewegung. Edited by Thorsten Gerald Schneiders. Bielefeld:
Transcript, 2014.
‘The formation of the Sunnī schools of law’, review essay (6,000 words). Pages
351-66 in The formation of Islamic law. Edited by Wael B.
Hallaq. The formation of the classical Islamic world 27. General editor Lawrence I. Conrad. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2004.
‘Islamic Law’, Oklahoma City University law review 23 (1998): 901-9.
‘Daʿāʾim al-Islām of al-Qāḍī al-Nuʿmān and the Mukhtaṣar of al-Ṭaḥāwī’,
presented to workshop Normative Practices in Tenth Century
page 15
Ifrīqiya, Université de Lausanne, March 2024.
‘“Let me not find one of you reclining on his couch (arīkah)”’, presented to the
30th Congress of the Union Européenne des Arabisants et
Islamisants, Utrecht, July 2022.
‘Al-Sulamī, traditionist’, presented to colloquium L’héritage de Abū ‘Abd alRaḥmān al-Sulamī à l’occasion du millénaire de sa mort, Paris,
December 2021.
‘The early epitome (mukhtaṣar) of Islamic law: evolution of a genre’, presented
to Columbia University Seminar on Religion and Writing,
October 2021.
‘The early mukhtasar; Abu Musʿab al-Zuhri, Buwayti, Muzani, Tahawi, and
Khiraqi; the shaping up of a genre’, presented to Islamic Legal
Studies Retreat, Crewkerne, convened by the Law, Authority
and Learning in Imami Shi’ite Islam project, June 2021.
‘Mālik and regional schools as they appear in Kitāb al-Ḥujjah ʿalá ahl al-Madīnah’, presented to workshop ‘Narratives on the Maliki legal
school: inside and outside views (from the early period to the
present)’, University of Exeter, February 2020.
‘The Musnad of al-Shāfiʿī’, presented to the 29th Congress of the Union Européenne des Arabisants et Islamisants, Münster, September 2018.
‘Early Islamic renunciant piety and the emergence of Sufism’, presented to History seminar, SOAS, January 2018.
‘The controversy over reciting the Qur’an with tones (al-qirāʾah bi-al-alḥān)’,
presented to Hadith & Law in Early Islam workshop, University of Exeter, November 2017.
‘Ibn al-Mubārak, traditionist’, presented to conference ‘Modern hadith studies
between Arabophone and western Scholarship’, Pembroke College, Oxford, January 2017.
‘The rightly-guided caliphs: the range of views preserved in hadith’, keynote
address to the annual conference on Islamic political thought at
the King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies,
Riyadh, December 2016.
‘Who’s in, who’s out? Right belief and good behaviour in the definition of a
Muslim’, presented to the 28th Congress of the Union Européenne des Arabisants et Islamisants, Palermo, September 2016.
‘The agents of Mūsá al-Kāẓim and ʿAlī al-Riḍā’, presented to the American
Oriental Society, Boston, March 2016.
‘Form, function and history of the hadith collections as a literary genre’, presented to workshop Catenae, florilegia, anthologies and related
literature, Berlin, March 2016.
‘The importance of personal characteristics and biographical information in
Sunni hadith criticism’, presented to Islam anno 250 conference, Leiden, December 2015.
‘Mawardi (d. 1058) between law and religion’, presented to Religious Studies
Seminar, Cambridge, November 2015.
‘Early female Muslim renunciants (8th-9th centuries CE)’, presented to the conference Gendering ascetic knowledge in Christianity, Judaism,
and Islam, Berlin, October 2015.
page 16
‘Origins and early Sufism’, presented to the Triangle medieval studies seminar,
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, March 2015.
‘Why non-Muslim subjects are to pay the jizyah’, presented to the Union Européenne des Arabisants et Islamisants, Helsinki, June 2014.
‘Māwardī’s legal thinking’, presented to New approaches to world Islamic and
Middle East studies conference, McGill University, Institute of
Islamic Studies, Montreal, May 2014.
‘Muḥammad Nāṣir al-Dīn al-Albānī and traditional hadith criticism’, presented
to colloquium Claiming tradition: modern rereadings of the
classical Islamic heritage, Pembroke College, Oxford, September 2013.
‘The formation of Sunni and Shii traditionalism in Baghdad’, presented to conference Baghdad—space of knowledge, Berlin, August 2013.
‘Apocalypticism in the hadith literature’, presented to ‘Visions of the End’
workshop, Oxford, March 2013.
‘The spread of Ḥanafism to Khurasan and Transoxania’, presented to conference Eastern Iran and Transoxiana, 750-1150, St Andrews,
March 2013.
‘Regional schools of law and piety’, presented to the Postgraduate seminar in
Islamic studies, School of Philosophy, Theology and Religion,
University of Birmingham, October 2012.
‘The transmission of hadith: changes in the ninth and tenth centuries C.E.’, presented to the Union Européenne des Arabisants et Islamisants,
Basel, September 2012.
‘The early Ḥanafīyah and Kufa’, presented to School of Abbasid Studies,
Exeter, July 2012.
‘Locating Hell in early renunciant literature’, presented to conference on locating Hell in Islamic traditions, Utrecht, April 2012.
‘Wahhābism and Islamic law’, lecture at Agha Khan University, Institute for the
Study of Muslim Civilisations, London, February 2012.
‘The life and works of al-Nasāʾī’, presented to conference in memory of Gautier
H. A. Juynboll (1935-2010), Leiden, December 2011.
‘Ibn al-Mubārak’s Kitāb al-Jihād and early renunciant literature’, presented to
conference on legitimate and illegitimate violence, University
of Exeter, September 2011.
‘The interpretation of three qur’anic terms of special interest to early renunciants’, presented to the Institute of Ismaili Studies, London,
February 2011.
‘The Islamic literature on encounters between Muslim renunciants and Christian
monks’, presented to the International Society for Religion,
Literature and Culture, Oxford, September 2010.
‘Renunciation (zuhd) in the early Shiʿi tradition’, presented to the Shiʿi Studies
Colloquium, London, September 2010.
‘Quotations of extra-qur’anic scripture in early renunciant literature’, presented
to the Union Européenne des Arabisants et Islamisants, Naples,
September 2010.
‘“God created Adam in his image”’, presented to the sixth biennial SOAS
Qur’an conference, London, November 2009.
page 17
‘Prosperity and stagnation: Māwardī, Abū Yaʿlá, and the Sunni revival’, presented to the Conference on Abbasides, Cracow, May 2009.
‘Quantitative approaches to the early literature of renunciation (zuhd)’, presented to the Union Européenne des Arabisants et Islamisants,
Leipzig, September 2008.
‘Mâwardî’s legal thinking’, presented to Network of British Researchers and
Practitioners of Islamic Law, first workshop, University of
Exeter, June 2008.
‘Ibn Ḥanbal, Kitâb al-zuhd’ and ‘Analysis of specific chains of transmission’,
presented to the Workshop on transmission and authority of
prophetic traditions, Islamisches Institut, Halle, May 2008.
‘Islamic law: salient characteristics and historical problems’, presented to the
colloquium on Law & Religion, Balliol College, April 2008.
‘Nasâʾî’s shaykhs’, presented to the American Oriental Society, Chicago, March
‘Stemmatic analysis of the Ten Readings’, presented to the fifth biennial SOAS
Qur’an conference, London, November 2007.
‘Ibn Taymîyah, Ibn al-Qayyim, and the Ḥanbali school’, presented to the Workshop on Ibn Taymîyah and Ibn Qayyim al-Jawzîyah, Berlin,
October 2007.
‘Oral and written transmission of hadith, 9th-10th Centuries C.E.’, presented to
the colloquium Oralité et lien social au Moyen Age (Occident,
Byzance, Islam), Paris, May 2007.
‘Oral and written transmission in the generation of variant readings (qirâʾât) of
the Qur’an’, presented to the American Oriental Society, San
Antonio, March 2007.
‘The incidence of travel in search of hadith’, presented to the Union Européenne
des Arabisants et Islamisants, Sassari, September 2006.
‘Abû Nuʿaym’s sources for Ḥilyat al-awliyâʾ, Sufi and traditionist’, presented to
the colloquium Maîtres et disciples dans le soufisme des 3e et
4e siècles de l’Hégire (9e-10e s.), Lyons, September 2006.
‘A basic survey of the Six Books’, presented to the American Oriental Society,
Seattle, March 2006.
‘When not to recite the Qur’an’, presented to the fourth biennial SOAS Qur’an
conference, London, November 2005.
‘Texts relating to the emergence of pious opposition to renunciation (zuhd)’,
presented to Sufi Texts workshop, Oxford, July 2005.
‘The Muṣannaf of Ibn Abī Shaybah’, presented to the American Oriental Society, Philadelphia, March 2005.
‘Whether to keep women and unbelievers out of the mosque: a survey of medieval Islamic Law’, presented to the Union Européenne des
Arabisants et Islamisants, Cracow, October 2004.
‘Monotheism and Islamic piety’, presented to Hindu studies seminar, Hindu
Studies Centre, Oxford, May 2004.
‘The legacy of al-Shâfiʿî’, presented to CNRS seminar, Aix-en-Provence, May
‘Islamic mysticism and what is Islamic about it’, presented to the Oxford
Byzantine Society conference on mysticism, Oxford, February
page 18
‘Aḥmad ibn Ḥanbal and the Qur’an’, presented to the third biennial SOAS
Qur’an conference, London, October 2003.
‘Ḥanbali law and non-Muslims’, presented to the 20th Maghreb review conference, Oxford, July 2003.
‘The Musnad of Aḥmad ibn Ḥanbal’, presented to the American Oriental Society, Nashville, April 2003.
‘The doctrine of al-Shâfiʿî according to Tirmidhî and Marwazî’, presented to the
School of Abbasid Studies, Cambridge, July 2002.
‘Sufis, proto-Sufis, and other renunciants in ninth-century Basra’, presented to
the American Oriental Society, Houston, March 2002.
‘Islamic law’, presented to Seminar on the philosophy of law, Institute for
Chinese Studies, Oxford, February 2002.
‘The transmission of religious tradition in Islam’, presented to Colloquium on
the transmission of religious tradition, University College,
Oxford, June 2001.
‘The holy man in early Islam’, presented to the American Oriental Society,
Toronto, April 2001.
‘From regional schools to personal: a second look’, presented to the III. International conference on Islamic legal studies, Cambridge,
Massachusetts, May 2000.
‘Fiqh and ḥadīth from competing approaches to complementary’, presented to
the American Oriental Society, Portland, March 2000.
‘Qur’anic abrogation across the ninth century’, presented to the Symposium on
Islamic legal theory, Salt Lake City, September 1999.
‘Early ascetics as traditionists’, presented to the Middle East Studies Association, Chicago, December 1998.
‘The practice of hadith transmission, ninth-tenth centuries C.E.’, presented to
the Middle East Studies Association, San Francisco, November
‘The piety of the hadith folk’, presented to the Middle East Studies Association,
Providence, November 1996.
‘Ibn Mujāhid and Qur’ān recitation in the 10th Century C.E.’, presented to the
American Oriental Society, Philadelphia, March 1996.
‘Sufis, Malamatiyya, and Karramiyya in Khurasan, 9th-10th centuries C.E.’,
presented to the Middle East Studies Association, Washington,
D.C., December 1995.
‘Early Sufis and the Ḥanābilah’, presented to the American Oriental Society,
Salt Lake City, March 1995.
‘Islamic law and legalism’, presented to the Society of Biblical Literature,
regional meeting, St. Louis, April 1994.
‘The Shāfiʿi school of law and theology’, presented to the American Oriental
Society, Madison, March 1994.
‘Did the Sunni community form in order to oppose the Shīʿi? The Ḥanābilah
from opposition to the rationalists to opposition to the Shīʿah’,
presented to Conference on Shīʿī Islam, Philadelphia, September 1993.
‘The religious policy of the caliphs from al-Mutawakkil to al-Muqtadir as
page 19
expressed by their judicial appointments’, presented to the
American Oriental Society, Chapel Hill, April 1993.
‘The Iranian revolution and the theory of revolutions’, presented to Social
Scientists of North Carolina Baptist Colleges, Mars Hill, North
Carolina, February 1993.
‘The Mukhtaṣar of al-Muzanī’ (article).
‘Gestures of prayer and supplication in the Islamic and other traditions’ (article).
‘Shiʿi law against Sunni in 10th-century Africa’ (article).
‘A third category: the slave wife’ (article).