Cap 10 Immersive Technologies in education

2024, Immersing in the Metaverse: Theoretical and Practical Reflections

The metaverse is used intensively in various areas of the contemporary world, including education. However, the incorporation of these tech- nologies is taking place gradually in the teaching and learning process, from the design of the curriculum, the development of content, the delivery of lessons and assessment processes. This study is the result of an integrative literature review which sought to find out what the trends are in the use of new technologies, especially immersive virtual reality or metaverse technologies in education. The main results show positive experiences with the insertion of these resources for contextualized and practice-oriented training. The results are lacking in the sense that these technologies are incorporated right from the initial pedagogical development, leaving room for discussions in this direction.

PART III: THE METAVERSE IN EDUCATION 10 IMMERSIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATION: TRENDS AND CHALLENGES FOR CONTEXTUALIZED LEARNING Ingrid Weingärtner Reis Ivam Galvão Filho Vania Ribas Ulbricht 207 IMMERSING IN THE METAVERSE ABSTRACT The metaverse is used intensively in various areas of the contemporary world, including education. However, the incorporation of these technologies is taking place gradually in the teaching and learning process, from the design of the curriculum, the development of content, the delivery of lessons and assessment processes. This study is the result of an integrative literature review which sought to find out what the trends are in the use of new technologies, especially immersive virtual reality or metaverse technologies in education. The main results show positive experiences with the insertion of these resources for contextualized and practice-oriented training. The results are lacking in the sense that these technologies are incorporated right from the initial pedagogical development, leaving room for discussions in this direction. KEYWORDS: Metaverse. Education. Virtual reality. Immersion. 208 10. IMMERSIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATION 1. INTRODUCTION Technology constantly challenges education by continually introducing resources, tools, software, not to mention the recent democratization of various Artificial Intelligences in everyday processes. Academia and all the actors involved in the teaching and learning process should be part of this discussion, taking the lead in discovery, presenting demands, and utilizing these resources (Wu, Zhang & Lee, 2023). It is necessary to design, use, and evaluate the potential of new technologies, especially for this study, which concerns the use of immersive virtual environments or the metaverse. One should consider the teaching and learning process broadly, from curriculum design to pedagogical activities and strategies, content creation, and student performance evaluation. Furthermore, technology should enable greater inclusion and access to education and knowledge creation. Among the aforementioned elements, the use of immersive environments will allow engagement with content in a way beyond just text, videos, or hyperlinks. Thus, the design and preparation of learning objects expand the possibility of tailored content construction for these new realities (Lee & Hwang, 2022; Wang et al., 2022; Hare & Tang, 2023). As part of this same dimension, the stakeholders involved in this process, especially teachers, must undergo training and strengthen their pedagogical and digital skills. It is important to emphasize that digital literacy goes beyond having access and knowledge of how technologies work. It involves developing competencies related to the appropriate use of technologies, the search and evaluation of digital information, and how to use them critically (Zhang & Xu, 2022). In a coordinated manner, teachers, technological resources, and didactic-pedagogical perspective enable the creation of personalized 209 IMMERSING IN THE METAVERSE education, tailored to the needs of students and contextualized to their reality (Hare & Tang, 2023). Thinking about content creation and teaching and learning methodologies, one can mention the use of games as a possibility to establish new relationships with students, allowing them to connect with their context (Hare & Tang, 2023). Simulation is also a strong point in projecting the new in teaching and learning processes, enabling students to observe and interact directly (Siyaev & Jo, 2021). The approximation to reality in the use of these environments in education extends to different levels, from basic education to higher education and professional training. The assessment process represents an opportunity for improvement, where the use of immersive resources allows students to engage in practical exercises, not only in professional training but also in knowledge construction and research processes. The possibility of tracking students through the recognition of behavior patterns facilitates the personalization process and the search for performance improvement (Hare & Tang, 2023). Schools are experiencing the context of digital transformation, and it is expected that educational institutions and teachers are capable of critically and appropriately using these technologies, strengthening the concepts of digital citizenship and inclusion. In light of this context, the present research aims to understand the trends in the use of new technologies, especially immersive technologies such as virtual reality or the metaverse, in education, utilizing the integrated literature review method. Thus, it is clear that there are unexplored potentials regarding the use and combination of these technologies for education, and understanding these possibilities from the beginning will aid the stakeholders involved in the teaching and learning process on how to better utilize them. Therefore, it is crucial to understand what the trends are in the use of new technologies, especially virtual and 210 10. IMMERSIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATION immersive reality or the metaverse in education. The following section will present the methods used to conduct the investigation and the main results obtained. Subsequently, the main discussions are presented and, finally, the final considerations of the work. 2. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK The concept of the metaverse originated in 1992 in the classic novel ‘Snow Crash’ by Neal Stephenson (Stephenson, 2022), in which the author laid the groundwork and provided initial definitions on the subject. However, it was only in the early 21st century that the concept of the metaverse materialized with the first practical applications, notably the Second Life platform. In this context, various platforms began to use technology to offer a wide range of experiences, including games, entertainment, simulations, communication systems, and virtual workstations. In recent years, billions of dollars have been invested in the development of hardware and software for the metaverse, making it a trend that can no longer be ignored (Longo & Tavares, 2022). The word ‘metaverse’ is formed by the combination of ‘meta,’ which in Greek means ‘after’ or ‘beyond,’ and ‘verse,’ derived from the English word ‘universe’ (Longo & Tavares, 2022). Lee et al. (2011) classify the metaverse into four distinct types, each characterized by its dimensions: 1. Augmented Reality: Technologies that add real-world information in layers and connect them to the network for users to explore. The associated characteristic is External/Augmentation. 2. Life Logging: Records users’ actions in the metaverse. It can be divided into two types: Object Lifelogs, which record the state of the environment and real-world conditions, and Lifelogs, which record the history. The associated characteristic is Intimate/Augmentation. 211 IMMERSING IN THE METAVERSE 3. Mirror Worlds: Virtual models of the real world. The associated characteristic is External/Simulation. 4. Virtual Worlds: Environments that simulate the economic and social aspects of the real world. Their associated characteristic is Intimate/Simulation (Lee et al., 2011). Virtual Reality enables immersion in virtual environments, aiding in the understanding of complex concepts, such as exploring the human body or historical structures. In addition to allowing a different perspective on an object, such as a building, it ensures the safety of students and teachers by allowing interaction in a simulated environment. In this dimension, profound value is identified in the processes of student engagement with knowledge. These technologies also allow content to be developed in a different way, extending information and knowledge, expanding the possibilities for connecting knowledge. Educational materials, regardless of the medium they are created in, can, through an object or element of knowledge, establish relationships with other concepts, content, and resources using Augmented Reality (Zhang et al., 2022). Especially concerning the Metaverse, which combines the technologies mentioned earlier, there is the possibility of a collaborative learning environment where students, teachers, and other participants from anywhere in the world can come together to learn. In addition to the potential for collaboration and unique content interaction, access to other cultures and a diversity of experiences further enriches the teaching and learning process. 3. METHODOLOGICAL PROCEDURES Considering the research objective, which is to understand the trends in the use of these new technologies - especially Virtual Reality 212 10. IMMERSIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATION and the Metaverse - in education, a systematic integrative literature review will be conducted. This review will take into account previous empirical or theoretical studies, both experimental and non-experimental, in order to comprehend a particular phenomenon (Broome, 1993; Whittemore & Knafl, 2005). Botelho, Cunha, and Macedo (2011) assert that integrative review differs by employing a planned review that aims to address a specific problem. Additionally, it utilizes explicit and systematic methods for conducting research. According to these authors, the planning and systematization of the research aim to provide transparency throughout the entire process, thereby ensuring methodological rigor. The integrative review will be conducted on studies obtained from searches in the following databases: SciElo, Scopus, Eric, and IEEE Xplore. The following search descriptor, in the English language, will be applied: (metaverse) AND ((education) OR (eLearning)). The inclusion and exclusion criteria applied were no time restrictions, only original and complete articles were considered; articles published in English, Spanish, and Portuguese (Figure 1). To analyze the results, thematic analysis will be used, which is a type of analysis that aims to group expressions and concepts used in the studies and identify relationships that lead to desired answers (Braun & Clarke, 2012). When searching the databases, a total of 98 articles were located, with 3 from SciElo, 52 from IEEE Xplore, 38 from Scopus, and 5 from Eric. After reviewing titles, abstracts, and keywords, 75 out of the 98 articles were excluded either because they were duplicates or outside the main scope. Subsequently, a full-text review was conducted on 23 articles, of which 3 were excluded for not having a direct relevance to the topic. Therefore, this study considers the 20 selected articles for analysis. Figure 1 presents the steps carried out for the systematic 213 IMMERSING IN THE METAVERSE integrative literature review and the results obtained in each of them, following the framework of Botelho, Cunha, and Macedo (2011). Figure 1 - Stages of the integrative review process used and results obtained in each of them Source: Adapted by the authors from Botelho, Cunha, and Macedo (2011). As mentioned earlier, the set of articles considered for this study is directly related to the research objective and consists mostly of recent publications. Table 1 presents the list of selected articles. 214 10. IMMERSIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATION Table 1 - Selected Articles for Analysis List of Articles Nº Article Author Year 1 Constructing an Edu-Metaverse Ecosystem: A New and Innovative Framework M. Wang; H. Yu; Z. Bell; X. Chu 2022 2 Into the Brave New Metaverse: Envisaging Future Language Teaching and Learning J. G. Wu; D. Zhang; S. M. Lee 2023 3 Neuro-Symbolic Speech Understanding in Aircraft Maintenance Metaverse A. Siyaev; G. -S. Jo 2021 4 Systematic Literature Review on the Use of Metaverse in Education Saritas, Mustafa Tuncay; Topraklikoglu, Kivanç 2022 5 Utilizing the Metaverse for Learner-Centered Constructivist Education in the Post-Pandemic Era: An Analysis of Elementary School Students Suh, Woong; Ahn, Seongjin 2022 6 Bibliometric Mapping of Metaverse in Education Tas, Nurullah; Bolat, Yusuf Islam 2022 7 Technology-Enhanced Education through VR-Making and Metaverse-Linking to Foster Teacher Readiness and Sustainable Learning Lee H.J.; Hwang Y. 2022 8 Influencing Factors of Usage Intention of Metaverse Education Application Platform: Empirical Evidence Based on PPM and TAM Models Wang G.; Shin C. 2022 9 The metaverse in education: Definition, framework, features, potential applications, challenges, and future research topics Zhang X.; Chen Y.; Hu L.; Wang Y. 2022 10 Exploration of Educational Possibilities by Four Metaverse Types in Physical Education Yu J.-E. 2022 11 From Extended Reality to The Metaverse: A Critical Reflection on Contributions to Education; [DE LA REALIDAD EXTENDIDA AL METAVERSO: UNA REFLEXIÓN CRÍTICA SOBRE LAS APORTACIONES A LA EDUCACIÓN] Ortega-Rodríguez P.J. 2022 12 Metaverse in Education: a systematic review; [Metaverso en Educación: una revisión sistemática] López-Belmonte J.; Pozo-Sánchez S.; Moreno-Guerrero A.-J.; Lampropoulos G. 2023 continue 215 IMMERSING IN THE METAVERSE continuation List of Articles Nº Article Author Year 13 Building a Smart Education Ecosystem from a Metaverse Perspective Zhou B. 2022 14 Who really needs a Metaverse in anatomy education? A review with preliminary survey results Iwanaga J.; Muo E.C.; Tabira Y.; Watanabe K.; Tubbs S.J.; D’Antoni A.V.; Rajaram-Gilkes M.; Loukas M.; Khalil M.K.; Tubbs R.S. 2023 15 Is Metaverse in education a blessing or a curse: a combined content and bibliometric analysis Tlili A.; Huang R.; Shehata B.; Liu D.; Zhao J.; Metwally A.H.S.; Wang H.; Denden M.; Bozkurt A.; Lee L.-H.; Beyoglu D.; Altinay F.; Sharma R.C.; Altinay Z.; Li Z.; Liu J.; Ahmad F.; Hu Y.; Salha S.; Abed M.; Burgos D. 2022 16 When makers meet the metaverse: Effects of creating NFT metaverse exhibition in maker education Hwang Y. 2023 17 Metaverse and education: the pioneering case of Minecraft in immersive digital learning Sánchez-López I.; Roig-Vila R.; Pérez-Rodríguez A. 2022 18 Definition, roles, and potential research issues of the metaverse in education: An artificial intelligence perspective Hwang G.-J.; Chien S.-Y. 2022 19 Exploring the application scenarios and issues facing Metaverse technology in education Chen Z. 2022 20 Virtual Reality Metaverse System Supplementing Remote Education Methods: Based on Aircraft Maintenance Simulation Lee H.; Woo D.; Yu S. 2022 Source: Compiled by the authors, 2023. To carry out the full reading of the articles, supporting or secondary questions directly related to the main objective of the article were 216 10. IMMERSIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATION developed. These questions served as guidance and assisted in the systematic analysis and generation of results. The questions used were: What are the uses of the Metaverse in education? What new forms of learning in the Metaverse were presented? What models or frameworks were presented in the articles? What recommendations were made for the implementation of Metaverse environments in education? What are the main research possibilities indicated by the researchers? In the following section, the main results are presented along with the discussion about them, aiming to meet the primary objective of the research. 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS According to the previous results presented on the articles considered for the research, some elements are identified that help to understand the context in which the research was conducted. Regarding the methods, different types of studies were identified. Among the selected articles, two articles used a survey as a research method, and there was also one case study, one exploratory study, a grounded critique (Socio-critical Paradigm), a multimodal discourse analysis, and one mixed-methods study (Qualitative-Quantitative). In the remaining texts, there was no clarity in the method used. In terms of literature review, three systematic review studies and two bibliometric review studies were found. In the remaining articles, it was not possible to identify a specific type of literature review. It was also observed in the study that the majority of the articles were published between 2020 and 2023, which, according to Saritas et al. (2022), is due to a shift in the concept of the metaverse, which currently focuses more on the digital reality of the metaverse than just 3D software. From the full reading of the articles, elements were found that can be considered enlightening regarding the trends in the use of the metaverse 217 IMMERSING IN THE METAVERSE and other technologies related to education. Figure 2 represents a conceptual map as a result of the thematic analysis conducted. Figure 2 - Conceptual map of the thematic analysis conducted Source: Compiled by the authors, 2023. The studies highlight the evolution of digital learning over the years, culminating in the era of the Edu-Metaverse, which promises to transform traditional methods of teaching and learning (Wang et al., 2022). The texts also emphasize the challenges faced, such as digital divide and the Metaverse Divide, focusing on issues of value, ethics, and security within the Edu-Metaverse ecosystem (Wang et al., 2022). The articles also underscore concerns about digital identity and inclusive learning design, aiming to promote further research 218 10. IMMERSIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATION on the impact of the metaverse in education and find solutions to the identified challenges (Wang et al., 2022). The analyzed articles explore a wide range of innovative technologies. Among these technologies, XR (extended reality), 5G, AI (artificial intelligence), VR (virtual reality), AR (augmented reality), MR (mixed reality), 3D photos, 3D videos, glasses, brain-computer interfaces (BCI), and reinforcement learning (RL) agents were the most mentioned. The use of VR and XR, combined with social networks, is highlighted as a way to create immersive and collaborative educational experiences (Wu, Zhang & Lee, 2023). The adoption of devices such as glasses and 3D simulators and machine learning techniques demonstrates an innovative approach to technology use, while the use of NSSE (Neuro-Symbolic Speech Executor) with neural networks, another identified resource, underscores the importance of natural interaction in virtual environments (Siyaev & Jo, 2021). Technologies such as Roblox, Augmented Reality, Virtual Worlds, and 3D renderers associated with 5G are also explored, highlighting the pursuit of more immersive and connected experiences (Suh & Ahn, 2022). The use of VR in conjunction with AI is emphasized in different contexts, such as in games like Pokémon Go or in learning with virtual management systems (Tlili et al., 2022). Furthermore, the inclusion of concepts such as NFTs, Virtual Worlds, Minecraft, life logging, and Mirror World demonstrates the diversity of applications and the ongoing search for technological innovation in education (Hwang, 2023; Hwang & Chien, 2022). The research identified that the willingness to use the educational metaverse platform is strongly influenced by the implementation of personalized learning, contextualized teaching, perceived utility, ease of use, social needs, and social impact (Chen, 2022; Tas & Bolat, 2022; Wang & Shin, 2022; Zhou, 2022). When assessing the use of the metaverse in 219 IMMERSING IN THE METAVERSE education, it includes language teaching, pilot and mechanic training, anatomy teaching, and physical education. The most commonly used platforms were Roblox, Minecraft, Second Life, and Zepeto (Iwanaga et al., 2023; Lee, Woo & Yu, 2022; Wang & Shin, 2022; Sánchez-López, Roig-Vila, & Pérez-Rodríguez, 2022). The research results also indicated an evolution in metaverse design across generations X, Y, and Z; however, there have been few studies on hybrid, mobile, and microlearning (Tlili et al., 2022). Wang and Shin (2022) recommended at the higher design level that governments create flexible and stable business environments to promote the development of the metaverse industry and education. Zhang et al. (2022) believe that metaverse models or structures should be designed for educational purposes, in addition to implementing metaverse rules and principles in education. According to the authors, research should also explore the cognitive and non-cognitive impact of the metaverse on student learning, conduct comparative studies on the effectiveness of learning and teaching between the metaverse and other learning environments, as well as different metaverse platforms. It was also found that, overall, the use of the metaverse in education produces positive results in student learning, engagement, and motivation, and it has the potential to enrich and transform education (López-Belmonte et al., 2023). However, further research is needed on the use of the metaverse in education, which involves the use of technologies like blockchain, artificial intelligence, issues related to regulation, and problems related to data security and user information. According to Ortega-Rodríguez (2022), there are also few studies on virtual reality based on specific learning theories and studies on how to integrate them into the curriculum. There is also a need for metaverse studies involving students with disabilities, as there were few articles that addressed the topic in depth. 220 10. IMMERSIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATION Another recommendation is the training and technical guidance that should be provided to teachers to use the metaverse as an educational tool, as this practice tends to facilitate familiarity with the metaverse’s features and resources, improve the understanding of how to integrate it into the curriculum, and enhance the ability to facilitate collaborative learning experiences (Tlili et al., 2022). Finally, according to Yu (2022), students should become active users of the metaverse, consuming, producing, and sharing content independently. Users should also understand that actions taken in the metaverse should be continuous, as the interaction between the virtual world and the real world is considered important and can positively influence the results obtained. 5. FINAL REMARKS In the current context, the role of technology in transforming education is undeniable. The integrative literature review conducted in this study revealed that new technologies, especially immersive virtual reality or metaverse technologies, have the potential to promote enriching and contextualized educational experiences. The results obtained highlight positive experiences with the incorporation of these resources into the teaching and learning process. However, it is important to emphasize that the implementation of technologies in education still occurs gradually and faces significant challenges. The review highlighted the need for a more comprehensive approach that involves not only the use of these technologies in the classroom but also their integration from curriculum design to content development and assessment. Furthermore, it is crucial to promote discussions and reflections on the best way to incorporate these technologies into the initial 221 IMMERSING IN THE METAVERSE pedagogical development. It is necessary to bridge gaps and identify effective strategies to harness the full potential of immersive technologies in promoting practice-oriented education aligned with the demands of the contemporary world. In this sense, it is essential for educators, educational administrators, and researchers to be engaged in the development and dissemination of best practices in the use of new technologies in education. Only through a careful and collaborative approach can we ensure that these technologies are effectively incorporated and benefit the educational process, preparing students for the challenges and opportunities of the modern world. REFERENCES Botelho, R. R. L.; Cunha, C. C. A. & Macedo, M. (2011). O método da revisão integrativa nos estudos organizacionais. Gestão e Sociedade, vol. 5, 11, pp. 121 - 136. Braun, V., & Clarke, V. (2012). Thematic analysis. In H. Cooper, P. M. Camic, D. L. Long, A. T. Panter, D. Rindskopf, & K. J. 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