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1984, Stochastic Processes and their Applications
13 pages
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Integrals of the form 5 f(s) d Y (I, wl xl) are defined for nonanticipating processes f with respect to the composition of regular functions p and a Wiener process with parameter in (R')'I. Using such integrals, a forward diferential equation (23) is established for the density CJ a Wiener process killed when it reaches one or two constant barriers. stochastic integrals * multiparameter Wiener process * diffusion equariony
An elementary construction of the Wiener process is discussed, based on a proper sequence of simple symmetric random walks that uniformly converge on bounded intervals, with probability 1. This method is a simplification of F.B. Knight's and P. Révész's. The same sequence is applied to give elementary (Lebesgue-type) definitions of Itô and Stratonovich sense stochastic integrals and to prove the basic Itô formula. The resulting approximating sums converge with probability 1. As a by-product, new elementary proofs are given for some properties of the Wiener process, like the almost sure non-differentiability of the sample-functions. The purpose of using elementary methods almost exclusively is twofold: first, to provide an introduction to these topics for a wide audience; second, to create an approach well-suited for generalization and for attacking otherwise hard problems.
Random Operators and Stochastic Equations, 2003
|We study distribution laws of di®usion type processes and corresponding generalized functions. The stochastic integral equation satis ̄ed by these generalized functions is derived.
Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 1993
In this paper the generalization of the It6 and Stratonovich integrals for the case of non-linear systems excited by parametric delta-correlated processes is presented. This generalization gives a new light on the corrective coefficients in the stochastic differential equations driven by parametric delta-correlated processes. The full significance of these corrective terms is evidenced by means of some examples. 1 INTRODUCTION Stochastic integrals and differential equations have been extensively studied by scientists fight from the beginning of this century. Many books (see, for example, references 1-5) have been devoted to this subject, increasing the interest of scientists and engineers in this area. The extensive literature on this subject is primarily devoted to the case of differential equations excited by external and/or parametric normal white noise processes. In this case the It6 stochastic differential calculus 3'4'6 represents the main tool for evaluating the response in terms of statistical moments. A paper by Srinivasan 7 reviews the evolution of the researches on the stochastic integrals and on the problems connected to their applications. By using the It6 stochastic integral and the corresponding It6 differential calculus, the analysis of the probabilistic response of non-linear systems under external and/or parametric normal excitations becomes simple and immediate. Although, for the It6 integral, the usual rules of integration of the ordinary differential calculus fail, in the applications it is preferred to another stochastic integral, called the Stratonovich integral, 8 which retains the fundamental tools of the ordinary integral calculus. This preference is due to the computational benefits related to the statistical independence between the increments of the Wiener process and the response process, evaluated at the same time; this independence can be obtained only if the It6 integral is applied, while, if the Stratonovich integral is used, the analysis becomes more and more complicated. The common strategy for evaluating the Stratonovich integral, which, as said before, satisfies the
The problem of obtaining estimates of derivatives with respect to parameters of mathematical expectations of functionals of diffusion processes with absorbing boundary is considered in the paper. The problem demands to obtain the parametric derivatives of first exit times for the random processes. These derivatives can be obtained from the differentiation of the equation which is the result of applying the Ito’s formula to some function that vanishes on the boundary. The problem of differentiating the Ito integral, that arises here, is solved by approximating the Wiener process by a Gaussian one with exponential correlation function, consistent with the step length of the Euler method.
Carpathian Mathematical Publications, 2021
In this paper, we construct the two-parameter semigroup of operators associated with a certain one-dimensional inhomogeneous diffusion process and study its properties. We are interested in the process on the real line which can be described as follows. At the interior points of the half-lines separated by a point, the position of which depends on the time variable, this process coincides with the Wiener process given there and its behavior on the common boundary of these half-lines is determined by a kind of the conjugation condition of Feller-Wentzell's type. The conjugation condition we consider is local and contains only the first-order derivatives of the unknown function with respect to each of its variables. The study of the problem is done using analytical methods. With such an approach, the problem of existence of the desired semigroup leads to the corresponding conjugation problem for a second order linear parabolic equation to which the above problem is reduced. Its cl...
Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 1972
Let W(t, ώ) be the Wiener process on an abstract Wiener space (i, H, B) corresponding to the canonical normal disf f tributions on H. Stochastic integrals \ ξ(s, ω)dW(s, ω) and S t Jo (ζ(s, ω), dW(s,ω)) are defined for non-anticipating transfor-0 mations ξ with values in &(B, B) such that (f(ί, ω)-I)(β)c Z?* and ζ with values in H. Suppose X(t, ω) = Xo + V Γ I ζ(s, ω)dW(s, ώ)-f \ σ(s, ω)ds 9 where u is a non-anticipating Jo Jo transformation with values in H. Let /(£, x) be a continuous function on R x B, continuously twice differentiate in the indirections with D 2 f(t, x) e ^(H, H) for the x variable and once differentiable for the t variable. Then fit, X(t,ω)) = *(«, ω)ΌAs, X{s, ω), dW(s, ω)) <Df(s,X(s,ω),σ(8,ω)> + τ> trace[ξ*(s,ω)D 2 f(s,X(s,ω))ξ(s,ω)]}ds, where < , > is the inner product of H. Under certain assumptions on A and σ it is shown that the stochastic integral rt rt equation X(t, ω) = x 0 + \ A(X(s, ω))dW(s, ω) + \ σ(X(s, ώ))ds Jo Jo has a unique solution. This solution is a homogeneous strong Markov process.
The class of pseudoaffine (or more general 'triangular') R n R n (n 2) transformations, used in our previous works in the process of constructing n-variate pdfs (such as, for example, pseudonormal), is extended, as n , to infinite dimension spaces. This transition opens the way for construction of many new stochastic processes with discrete time. As a next step, a transition to continuous time processes enriches the underlying theory. The so obtained stochastic processes reveal interesting analytic properties. Some of the newly obtained processes are Markovian or k-th order Markovian. As a central result, the Wiener process is obtained along with its new generalization. A subclass, of the so obtained class of extended Wiener stochastic processes, is also shown to be alternatively described by a corresponding class of parabolic form partial differential equations with variable coefficients. That class of differential equations is an extension of the well known class of Einstein's parabolic differential equations related to the original Wiener process. There is a one to one correspondence between each particular extended Wiener process belonging to the defined processes subclass, and related extended Einstein's partial differential equation.
Brownian Motion.- Constructions of Brownian Motion.- Stochastic Integrals.- An Extension of Stochastic Integrals.- Stochastic Integrals for Martingales.- The Ito Formula.- Applications of the Ito Formula.- Multiple Wiener-Ito Integrals.- Stochastic Differential Equations.- Some Applications and Additional Topics.
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2005
We consider the processes defined by a Langevin equation and the associated continuity equation. The average of the density function, solution of the continuity equation, satisfies the Fokker-Planck equation. For a volume preserving vector field the same equation is satisfied by the average of the integer powers of the density, which are the moments of the related probability density. For a generic vector field the Fokker-Planck equation for the moments is slightly modified. We first illustrate the problem in the simple case of a free particle subject to a white noise, since the averages can be computed by an elementary procedure using the factorization property of the correlation functions of the noise. The probabilistic meaning of the moments is discussed and the comparison between the analytical results and the numerical simulation is shown. The case of a generic Langevin equation is treated by computing the averages via a Dyson expansion after observing that, for a volume preserving vector field, any power of the density function satisfies the same continuity equation with the appropriate initial conditions. As a consequence the results obtained for the free particle are easily extended. An alternative approach is based on the characteristics of the continuity equation; the probability density of this process in an extended phase space still satisfies a Fokker-Planck equation and its moments coincide with the previous definition.
Probability Theory and Related Fields, 1993
We define three types of non causal stochastic integrals: forward, backward and symmetric. Our approach consists in approximating the integrator. Two optics are considered: the first one is based on traditional usual stochastic calculus and the second one on Wiener distributions.
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