Conference Israel 2013

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The conference titled "Patristics and the Confluence of Jewish, Christian and Muslim Cultures" focuses on the impact of patristic studies in understanding the interrelations among Jewish, Christian, and Muslim identities. Presentations include discussions on Syriac Christians, narrative practices in liturgical poetry, the role of holy texts in late antiquity, the intellectual history of Jewish Christianity, and more. The plenary lecture by Averil Cameron delves into the significance of patristic studies within the context of emerging Islam.

‫המרכז לחקר הנצרות‬ ‫נוסד על ידי הוברט ואלדגונדה ברנינקמאייר וורהן‬ The Center for the Study of Christianity Established by Hubert and Aldegonde Brenninkmeijer-Werhahn Patristic Studies in the Twenty-First Century An International Conference to mark the 50th Anniversary of AIEP/IAPS Jerusalem, June 25-27, 2013 TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 2013 Beit Maiersdorf, Room 405 14:30 8:30 Reception and Registration (4th Floor Lobby) 9:30 Opening Session Chair, Theodore de Bruyn Greetings: Theodore de Bruyn, President of AIEP/IAPS Brouria Bitton-Ashkelony, Director, Center for the Study of Christianity Asia, Satoshi Toda, Hitotsubashi University Australia, Bronwen Neil, Australian Catholic University Africa, Michel Libambu, Université catholique du Congo 16:30 Coffee Break 18:00 Keynote Lecture Rabin Building, Auditorium Chair, Carol Harrison, Vice-President of AIEP/IAPS Greetings: Asher Cohen, Rector of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Adolph Martin Ritter, Ruprecht-Karls Universität “The Origins of AIEP” 10:15 Coffee Break 10:45 Overview of Patristic Studies (I) Chair, Theodore de Bruyn Overview of Patristic Studies (II) Chair, Oscar Velásquez, Vice-President of AIEP/IAPS Susan Ashbrook Harvey, Brown University “Patristic Worlds” 19:30 Reception and Banquet (1st Floor Lobby, Rabin Building) Europe, Martin Wallraff, Universität Basel North America, Dennis Trout, University of Missouri South America, Francisco García Bazán, CONICET 12:45 Lunch Break 14:00 Chair, Oscar Velásquez, Vice-President of AIEP/IAPS Angelo Di Berardino, Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum “The Development of AIEP” ‫האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים הפקולטה למדעי הרוח‬ The Faculty of Humanities The Hebrew University of Jerusalem THEME I Patristics and the Confluence of Jewish, Christian and Muslim Cultures What does patristics mean for scholars in communities with a combination of Jewish, Christian, and Muslim identities? WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 2013 Beit Maiersdorf, Room 501 9:00 15:30 ĞůũŬŽWĂƓĂ, Pontificium Institutum Orientale “The Concept of God’s Oneness and His Attributes (ΕΎ˴ϔ˶λ) as the Start Point of Dialogue with Jews and Muslims in the ˶Ϊ˶΋Ύ˴Ϙ˴όϟ˸ ΍˴ϭ ˶Ϧϳ͋Ϊϟ΍ ˶ϝϮ˵λ΃˵ ϲ˶ϓ ˶Ϊ˶΋΍˴Ϯ˴ϔϟ˸΍ ˶Ϊ˶΋΍˴ή˴ϓ Ώ ˵ Ύ˴Θ˶ϛ (Book of the Pearls of Utilities on the Principles of the Religion and the Dogmas) of ‘Abdisho bar Brikha (d.1318), Metropolitan of Nisibis” Plenary Lecture: Chair, Lorenzo Perrone Aryeh Kofsky, Haifa University “Studying Patristics as an Outsider: Does it Make a Difference?” 10:00 Coffee Break 10:30 Session 1: Chair, Lorenzo Perrone Timothy Pettipiece, University of Ottawa “Manichaeism at the Crossroads of Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Traditions” Menahem Kister, Hebrew University of Jerusalem “Aphrahat Concerning Christ’s Divinity and Sonship: Jewish Opponents and Christian Sources” Reuven Kiperwasser and Serge Ruzer, Hebrew University of Jerusalem “Syriac Christians and Babylonian Jewry: Narratives and Identity-Shaping in a Multi-Religious Setting” Ophir Münz-Manor, Open University of Israel “The Ritualization of Narration in Jewish and Christian Liturgical Poetry” 12:00 Lunch Break 13:30 Session 2: Chair, Marianne Sághy Yonatan Moss, Yale University “The Rise and Function of the Holy Text in Late Antiquity: The Case of Severus of Antioch” Emmanuel Fiano, Duke University “‘Jewish Christianity’ and European Civilization: An Intellectual History” Charlotte Touati, Université de Neuchâtel “Ethiopia, Israel and the Falasha” 15:00 Coffee Break Session 3: Chair, Paula Fredriksen Johannes van Oort, Radboud University Nijmegen/University of Pretoria “Augustine on God and Memory: A Gnostic-Manichaean Analysis of Confessions X” 17:00 Coffee Break 17:30 Plenary Lecture: Chair, Brouria Bitton-Ashkelony Averil Cameron, University of Oxford “Patristic Studies and the Emergence of Islam” THEME II Patristics Between Eastern and Western Christian Traditions What does patristics mean in the face of diverse receptions of patristic texts within and between Eastern and Western Christian traditions? 12 :00 Lunch Break WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 2013 Beit Maiersdorf, Room 502 9:00 12 :00 Lunch Break 13 :30 Session 5 : Chair, Marco Rizzi Plenary Lecture: Chair, Susan Ashbrook Harvey Marcin Wysocki, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin “Between Western and Eastern Traditions: Polish Patristic Studies and Theology after World War II” Columba Stewart, St. John’s University “Patristics beyond ‘East’ and ‘West’” 10:00 Coffee Break 10:30 Session 4: Chair, Susan Ashbrook Harvey Octavian Gordon, University of Bucharest “Translating Patristic Greek Literature in the PostCommunist Romanian Cultural and Ecclesiastical Society” >ƵĐŝĂŶŠŶĐĉ, Directeur de la bibliothèque byzantine du Centre Saint Pierre et Saint André de Bucarest, Roumanie; Université de Bucarest “Exemple de réception d’un texte d’Athanase d’Alexandrie dans la querelle théologique entre l’Orient et l’Occident sur le Filioque” Tina Dolidze, Tbilisi State University “Patristics оƐZĞĨůĞĐƚĞĚŝŶ'ĞŽƌŐŝĂŶDĞŶƚĂůZĞĂůŝƚLJ” Barbara Crostini, Stockholms Universitet “Hesychius of Jerusalem: An Exegete for East and West” Rodrigo G. Álvarez Gutiérrez, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile “La réception de la théologie trinitaire du Contre Eunomio de Grégoire de Nysse chez Ghislain Lafont” THEME III Patristics and Theology What can theology contribute to patristics today and what can patristics contribute to theology today? WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 2013 Beit Maiersdorf, Room 503 9:00 13:30 Daniel Buda, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu “Some Aspects Regarding the Importance of Patristics for Ecumenical Theology Today” Plenary Lecture: Chair, David Satran Christoph Markschies, Humboldt Universität “Patristics and Theology: From Concordance and Conflict to Competition and Collaboration?” 10:00 Coffee Break 10:30 Session 6: Chair, David Satran Martin George, Universität Bern “Concepts of Theology in the Early and Byzantine Church” Pablo Argárate, Institut für Ökumenische Theologie, Ostkirchliche Orthodoxie und Patrologie “Patristic Pneumatology in the Twenty-first Century” Pak-Wah Lai, Biblical Graduate School of Theology, Singapore “Medical Analogies as Soteriological Motifs in Late-FourthCentury Patristic Writings” 12:00 Lunch Break Session 7: Chair, Michel Libambu Young Richard Kim, Calvin College “Patristics and Protestants: A View from Contemporary North American Christianity” Julia Konstantinovsky, University of Oxford “Patristics, Multiculturalism and the Building of the Self: ‘Towards a Constructive Christian Social Ethics’” 15:00 Coffee Break 15:30 Session 8: Chair, Satoshi Toda Patricia Andrea Ciner, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo – Universidad Católica de Cuyo “The Exegesis of the Gospel of John in Heracleon and Origen: New Lines of Research on a Controversial Issue” Lenka Karfíková, Charles University, Prague “The Fifth Theological Oration of Gregory Nazianzen and the Historical Contingency of Revelation” THEME III (continued) Patristics and Theology What can theology contribute to patristics today and what can patristics contribute to theology today? THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 2013 Beit Maiersdorf, Room 501 10:30 15:30 Zurab Jashi, Universität Leipzig “The Education of Hope through the Trinitarian Theology of the Nicene Church Fathers” Session 9: Chair, Averil Cameron Scott Ables, University of Oxford “Tradition in John of Damascus: A Creative and Adaptive Orthodoxy” Ysabel de Andia, Directeur de recherches au CNRS “Les références d’Irénée de Lyon au Concile de Vatican II: un exemple de l’autorité des Pères de l’Église” Eirini Artemi, Archdiocese of Athens and all Greece “Orthodox Christianity and ‘Modernity’” Fiona Kao, University of Cambridge “Female Martyrs in Early Modern Martyrologies and their Patristic Heritage” Charles Stang, Harvard Divinity School “Patristics and Philosophy: Strategies of Retrieval in Jean-Luc Marion and Giorgio Agamben” 12:00 Lunch Break 13:30 Session 10: Chair, Tina Dolidze Beit Maiersdorf, Room 405 Session 11: Chair, Octavian Gordon Roberto Spataro, Università Pontificia Salesiana “Benedict XVI and his Catecheses on the Church Fathers: Suggestions to the Theologians” Eimhin Walsh, Trinity College, Dublin “Formation from the Fathers: The Place of Patristics in Theological Education of Clergy” Adrian Marinescu, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München “Theology, Orthodoxy, Orthopraxy: Reflections on the Church Fathers’ Topicality” 15:00 Coffee Break THEME IV Patristics, Literature, and Histories of the Book What is the meaning for patristics of current thinking and research in literary history and book culture? THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 2013 Beit Maiersdorf, Room 405 12:00 Lunch Break 13 :30 Plenary Lecture: Chair, Michael Heyd Session 13: Chair, Michael Satlow Beit Maiersdorf, Room 501 Mark Vessey, University of British Columbia “‘Scribes for the Kingdom of God’: The Fathers of the Church in Writing, Literature and Book Culture (1963-2013)” Hillel Newman, University of Haifa “Jewish Books in Light of Patristic Literature” 10:00 Coffee Break Zeev Elitzur, Ben Gurion University “Parallel Developments of the Jewish and Christian Holy Book in Late Antiquity” 10:30 Session 12: Chair, Michael Heyd 9:00 Dominique Côté, Université d’Ottawa “Les Pseudo-Clémentines ou le choix du roman grec” Benoît Gain, France “De quelques exemples d’intertextualité dans les littératures chrétiennes de l’Antiquité” Cordula Bandt, Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften “On Formal Aspects of Psalm Catenae Manuscripts” THEME V Patristics and Art How can the study of aesthetics and early Christian art forms contribute to the study of patristics? THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 2013 Beit Maiersdorf, Room 502 9:00 12:00 Lunch Break 13:30 Session 15: Chair, Richard Price Plenary Lecture: Chair, Rina Talgam Margaret M. Mitchell, University of Chicago “Scripture as a Christian Public Monument in the Late Fourth Century” Robin Jensen, Vanderbilt University “New and Renewed Approaches to Material and Visual Evidence for Early Christian Studies: The Integration of Texts and Artifacts” 10:00 Coffee Break 10:30 Session 14: Chair, Rina Talgam Marianne Sághy, Central European University, Budapest “Poetry as Propaganda: Martyr Theology, Nicene Orthodoxy and Classical Tradition in the Epigrammata Damasiana” Elizabeth Williams, New York University “Silver and Gold: Uses, Appreciations, and Economies of Precious Metals in the Early Byzantine Eastern Mediterranean” Anne Karahan, Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul “Patristics and the Byzantine Motifs of Christ Pantokrator versus the Theotokos with the Christ Child” THEME VI Patristics and Archaeology What is the meaning for patristics of a broader understanding of ancient culture and Christianity arising from archaeological investigations? THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 2013 Beit Maiersdorf, Room 503 9:00 13:30 Session 17: Chair, Leah di Segni Plenary Lecture: Chair, Joseph Patrich Sophia Germanidou, Kalamata “Attitudes of Christian Patristics towards Technology in the Sphere of Byzantium: Myths and Evidence” Yoram Tsafrir, Hebrew University of Jerusalem “Aelia Capitolina and the Holy City: The Roles of Patristic Literature and Archaeological Research in the Study of Late Antique Jerusalem” Eirini Zisimou, University of Birmingham “The Economy and Material Culture of the Early Christian Greek Church” 10:00 Coffee Break 15:00 Coffee Break 10:30 Session 16: Chair, Joseph Patrich 15:30 Session 18: Chair, Lenka Karfíková Mats Pehrson, University of Gothenburg ”The Location(s) of Jabesh-Gilead: A Reevaluation of the Textual Sources in Light of Recent Archaeological Excavations” Bernard Mulholland, Queen’s University, Belfast “Identification of Early Byzantine Constantinopolitan, Syrian and Roman Church Plans in the Levant and Some Possible Consequences” Eirini Panou, Institute for Textual Scholarship and Electronic Editing (ITSEE), University of Birmingham “The Church of Mary in the Probatic Pool and the haghiasmata of Constantinople” Oded Irshai, Hebrew University of Jerusalem “Eusebius’ Martyrs of Palestine: Blood, Politics and Holy Cartography” Chrysi Kotsifou, Van Leer Jerusalem Institute “‘Fragmented’ Landscapes and ‘Fragmented’ Accounts: Pilgrimage Sites and Accounts” 12:00 Lunch Break 16:30 Coffee Break 17:00 Closing Plenary Session: Chair, Theodore de Bruyn Jean-Noël Guinot, Sources Chrétiennes “Éditer, traduire et commenter les écrits des Pères. Constats, évolutions, perspectives. Retour sur 70 ans d'activité dédiée par 'Sources Chrétiennes' à l'édition des textes patristiques” Security Notice This program serves as your invitation to the conference and admittance pass to the University. When you come to the conference, please bring along your passport and the conference program. Parking will be available at Beit Maiersdorf, through the Humanities parking entrance. Organizing Committee: Brouria Bitton-Ashkelony, Director of the Center for the Study of Christianity Theodore de Bruyn, President of AIEP/IAPS Carol Harrison, Vice-President of AIEP/IAPS Daniel Salem, Conference Assistant Contact Details || The Center for the Study of Christianity: || AIEP/IAPS:
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