Transactions on the Built Environment vol 42, © 1999 WIT Press,, ISSN 1743-3509
Fatigue problems in ship structure
J. Kozak
Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology,
Technical Univ. of Gdansk, 80-952 Gdansk, Narutomcza 11/12, Poland
Fatigue strength of ship structure is one of the components of reliability of ship as a
mean of transport. Majority of fatigue strength assessment proposals given by
classification societies are based on use of characteristics of typical joints or designs
of hull construction given if form the Wohler curves. More accuracy calculation will
be done if more adequate Wohler curve to calculate the problem will be applied. To
gather wide spectrum of fatigue properties of typical ship hull nodal points fatigue
tests should be performed and their results have to be systematised. Paper show an
exemplary of systematic fatigue tests result as well as way of their systematisation.
During our life rapid growth of new types of ships and offshore structures is observed
and completely new and narrow specialised designs have birth. Due to the
increasing amount of different cargoes potentially dangerous for environment the
construction of ships and its reliability have to be permanently improved. Even the
new potentially safer construction with large or innovative designs like the new
generation of double hull tankers need of the knowledge of their behaviour under
complex service load and often in extremal weather or sea conditions. One of the
potential modes of the destruction of ship structure is a fatigue as the effect of
interaction of such factors like load, material, design, manufacturing and
Such structure like ship hull contains great number of welds, weld crossings,
imperfections of manufacturing or assembling etc, which lead to geometrical,
structural or technological notches creating favourable conditions for fatigue crack
Transactions on the Built Environment vol 42, © 1999 WIT Press,, ISSN 1743-3509
Marine Technology
initiation and its further growth. In general, ship hull is a thin skin structure
supported by system of longitudinal and transverse stiffeners. Additionally safety and
ecology requirements have modified classical designs of ships adding double skin
plating. As the consequence of those is fact that in general ship hull almost in
majority consists of large number of plate crossings, weldings, stiffener-stiffener or
plate-stiffener intersections, cut-outs and wholes. All of such components are
'calculated and manufactured difficult' and their load capacity is connected with
quality of their manufacturing. Moreover depending on significance of analysed
detail for fatigue strength of ship hull, the range of fatigue processes and as a
consequence the range of the problems of fatigue in ship structure can be divided into
three groups: local, regional and global \ Local range of fatigue strength problems
consists of such class of defects like welds or cruciform joints whereas global
problem of fatigue can be identified for instance with problem of deck cracking in the
wide region of the bow edge of the superstructure. In general, total reliability of
structure is an effect of combination of small, medium and large scale processes of
Looking at simplified cross section for instance of Ro-Ro ship one can extract several
places in which the problems of fatigue strength can occur. There are such points
like bilge corner, double skin-twindeck joint, cross girder connection or girder stiffener intersection as it is shown in Fig.l. Proper calculation of fatigue strength of
such complex structures requires - as initial data - the knowledge of at least two
parameters : fatigue properties of analysed body and load conditions as a sources of
failure. Both groups of factors are very difficult to define. First one - because of fact
that fatigue life properties are strongly depended on quality of manufacturing as well
as state of load. The second one - because of fact that all mentioned places are
subjected to mixed and complicated state of load and it is difficult in practical design
of ship structural detail to define the proper nominal stress level. Furthermore fact
that process of calculation should be supported by proper definition, not only the
level, but of state of the load also and by selection of adequate load representation
what creates the next complication. Moreover fatigue properties of particular
structure design are connected with way of loading and supporting scheme.
As the fatigue analysis is not a rigorous science it is difficult to compute the exact life
of a structure. The reason is that some data involved are subjected to some degrees of
uncertainty *. One of group of such data is load that is combined by set of such
components like still water loads, wave bending loads, dynamic loads and thermal
effect loads. Mentioned above manufacturing imperfections are another important
groups of non-full determined factors too. Additionally the majority of the ship
structural components are more complex than the test specimens used for
determination of the strength patterns, both in geometry as well as in applied load
and a relationship between the S-N data stress and the calculated stress can not be
easily obtained
Transactions on the Built Environment vol 42, © 1999 WIT Press,, ISSN 1743-3509
Marine Technology
Figure 1. Middle cross section of small Ro-Ro ship
Fatigue assessment of the complex structures
During some last years several proposals for the assessment of the fatigue of the ship
hull structure have been presented. The general scheme proposed is to split the
structure into elementary substructures and to search for properties of each selected
potentially 'weak chain' of construction. A fatigue tests and theoretical approach are
two major paths for the prediction of the fatigue behaviour of the ship hull structure.
Classification societies developed the fatigue assessment procedures, which - beside
different approaches to details - in general are supported on utilising the design
fatigue curves because of its simplicity for practical application *. Such approach
assumed that ship hull structure is divided into simple, elementary details for which
the fatigue behaviour is known and given in form of fatigue (Wohler) curves. Of
course methodology that allows performing such separation process as well as to
define load conditions or determine criteria for damage is a key point of all
developed assessment procedures and is different in particular approach. To adjust
Transactions on the Built Environment vol 42, © 1999 WIT Press,, ISSN 1743-3509
Marine Technology
way of fatigue failure as close as possible to reality the fatigue characteristics of the
welded joints have been divided into several classes - each of them with a
corresponding design S-N curve obtained from experiments. Independent on applied
methodology the common platform of all approaches is utilisation of the design
curves. The exemplary, basic design curves are shown in Fig.2/
Figure 2.
UK Dept of Energy Design Curves
Main and common source for fatigue characteristics of design details which are
transformed into design curves shape are laboratory carried fatigue tests because only
such way gives the basis for structural analysis of the properties of the tested node.
Mentioned above simplification of welded joints and way of cracking lead to
simplicity of the calculated model. So, the uncertainty margin is relatively wide
because of differences between the analysed structure and typical representing
particular class. There is no possible also to take into account the effect of the
Transactions on the Built Environment vol 42, © 1999 WIT Press,, ISSN 1743-3509
Marine Technology
sequence of load in a case of the various amplitude loading. The knowledge of
behaviour of crack during its propagation stage as a very important indicator for
designer as well as explorer of construction can make the calculation process more
To find the answer for more complex and detailed problems of cracking the another
methods for assessment of the fatigue behaviour of structure should be used. One of
them is a theoretical approach. Packet of tools for this methodology gives linear
fracture mechanics ^. In general the formulae for crack propagation velocity is
defined basing on stress intensity ratio. The integration of such formulae gives
fatigue propagation data \ The obstacle of easy using of this approach is proper
obtaining of the strict solution for stress intensity factor formula but uncertainties in
results can be overcome by using a numerical calculation. However at a present stage
of development this methodology is too sophisticated for design and exploitation
Laboratory tests of real scale models of bilge corner of Ro-Ro ship
As it was mentioned above it is possible in hull structure to identify places which are
important from the fatigue strength point of view. Some of such places are presented
in Fig.l and majority of them was investigated during last several years in
Technology Laboratory of Shipbuilding Faculty of Technical University of Gdansk.
Those are marked with a circle in Fig. 1.
Among others investigations were made for fatigue properties for family of bilge
corner *. Some variants of connection of inert skin and inert bottom plating were
investigated ^. Model design, load and support conditions are shown in Fig. 3
whereas in Fig.4 places and trajectories of developing fatigue cracks during the tests
are shown. To make possible the presentation and comparison of fatigue test results
in qualified shape the test data has to be homogenised. Problem arises when one tries
build the Wohler curve for whole family and then makes comparison with tests
results of another geometry, because stress as determinant of one axis on diagram
should be normalised because different models had been tested with different load
level. Decision what stress level would be used, as a reference should be made. The
nominal theoretical stress level caused by bending was applied. It created next
obstacle: how reduce effect of width of shell plating for different geometry because
this factor has got influence both on real stress distribution as well as on theoretical
bending stress level. So it is important to keep in mind when using the design S-N
curve in the fatigue assessment process the calculated stress should correspond to the
stresses used in building the curve. From that point of view it is important to know
which type of adequate stresses is to be used for fatigue assessment: nominal, hotspot or notch stress.
Transactions on the Built Environment vol 42, © 1999 WIT Press,, ISSN 1743-3509
Marine Technology
Loading & supporting scheme
X/a 75*6
0 0
Detail "a" : model 21
Detail "a" : models 22-20
Detail "a" : model 27
Detail "a": model 20
Figure 3
Details of models of bilge corner of Ro-Ro ship.
Transactions on the Built Environment vol 42, © 1999 WIT Press,, ISSN 1743-3509
Marine Technology
Model 21
Model 22
Model 23
Model 24
Model 25
Model 26
Model 27
Model 29
Figure 4.
Way of cracking of models of bilge corner of Ro-Ro ship.
Transactions on the Built Environment vol 42, © 1999 WIT Press,, ISSN 1743-3509
Marine Technology
To prove above Fig. 5 presents fatigue tests results of whole family of tested models
compared with mentioned design curve class F2 suggested by majority of proposals
for welded joints. One can see that for some presented designs fatigue tests results of
really tested construction are located below of field limited by lines of +/- two
standard deviations from Wohler line F2 class. It means that real fatigue strength is
less than would be obtained from calculation process. Once more the significance of
proper selection of the design curve for calculation and as basis for such selection necessity of building of catalogue of such curves should be pointed out
Models 20
Figure 5.
Fatigue tests results of models of bilge corner of Ro-Ro ship.
Transactions on the Built Environment vol 42, © 1999 WIT Press,, ISSN 1743-3509
Marine Technology 549
The fatigue assessment of ship hull structures is still very complicated
problem and there is still a lot of gaps in methodologies in spite of wide
development of procedures and analytical tools,
In majority fatigue assessment procedures suggested by classification
societies are supported on Safe-Life approach on design curves which
represents modified Wohler curves,
For wide spectrum of geometry and load condition in ship hull structure it
is difficult to create a fatigue assessment procedure which utilise only one,
common design curve,
Linear fracture mechanics is alternatively tool for fatigue assessment in
ship hull structure but at present stage of development it is too sophisticated
for design and exploitation practice,
Laboratoiy carried out fatigue tests of huge scale of details of ship hull
structure are still important source for data both for creation or verification
of new design procedures as well as simply for solution of problems which
can not be solved analytically.
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Marine Technology
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