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This paper contends that understanding the role of the Earth Constitution in human affairs requires seeing it within the context of several principles concerning our human situation that have emerged since the early 20 th century. These include the principles of unity in diversity, of holism, and of the nature of constitutional law itself. I hope to show that the Earth Constitution embodies the positive features of this paradigm-shift in human consciousness and that it can also function as a catalyst for further transformations that will solve our most basic human problems concerning war, social justice, human rights, and the destruction of nature.
n the early 21 st century the enterprise of ethics appears in bad shape. The three central traditions in Western ethics still endlessly argue over ethical issues without ever significantly addressing the multiple planetary crises that we face on the Earth, from ever-increasing totalitarianism of national security states, to endless wars promoted by nation-state imperialism, to the exploitative domination of transnational corporations over entire areas of the world, to on-going planetary climate collapse and impending civilizational disaster, to the steadily growing threat of major nuclear accidents or intentional holocaust, to the rapid decline of the resources necessary for life, such as fresh water, agricultural lands, and ocean fisheries.
Consciousness, Truth, and the Overcoming of Nihilism Emergent Human and Cosmic Holism, 2023
Relativism, nihilism, skepticism, and deconstructionism all share doubt about the existence of truth and the ability of human beings to actualize the truth. Today these forces remain very powerful and are destructive of human civilization. Complete repudiation of truth is very different from the reasonable skeptical stance that is fundamental to the pursuit of truth. Together these extreme positions represent nihilism: the will to destruction, to nothingness, to death and the negation of life: "if nothing is true, then everything is permitted." These attitudes
This paper attempts to identify the basic elements in the theory of human liberation, including a framework of holism that encompasses developmental theory, critical social theory, and the world's great spiritual traditions. It attempts to show how the Earth Constitution promotes these elements of human liberation across social, economic, and political dimensions, thereby providing our best model for promoting human liberation.
This paper considers the relation between the dimension of temporality that applies to human consciousness as well as to physical reality with the dimension of timelessness pointed to by "mystics" like J. Krishnamurti. It introduces the notion of "Civilizational Reason" to characterize the temporality of human awareness and history, and it attempts to articulate why this temporality includes an "incarnational imperative." We have a moral imperative to try to incarnate the values that appear on our human "utopian horizon." The Constitution for the Federation of Earth conforms exactly to this imperative for the 21st century.
In this essay I present the thesis that the ancient sources of the great world religions were holistic in character, in a form that I call static holism. I then argue that the early-modern world view arising from the Renaissance formulated a new paradigm that was not holistic, but fragmented and atomistic in the extreme. From this paradigm emerged global capitalism and the system of sovereign nation-states, both of which manifest the fragmented and extremely destructive features of the early-modern paradigm. However, in the past century, human beings have scientifically discovered the pervasive holism of the universe, akin to ancient holism but now an emergent holism, that could lead us out of the crises and disasters that we now face on this planet. But the fragmented paradigm, I argue, institutionalized in the nation-state and capitalist world system, blocks transformation to the new holism, and is the primary source of our endangered future. Finally, I try to show what holistic planetary institutions would look like in terms of the Constitution for the Federation of Earth, which can serve as a model and blueprint for a redeemed, truly holistic world system.
Why are there essents [=existents] rather than nothing? That is the question. -Martin Heidegger (An Introduction to Metaphysics) It is flat-out strange that something--that anything--is happening at all. There was nothing, then a Big Bang, then here we all are. This is extremely weird... This book is... about a possible Deeper Order. It is about evolution, and about religion, and, in a sense, about everything in between. -Ken Wilber (Sex, Ecology, Spirituality)
The Humanistic Psychologist, 1995
Why are there essents [=existents] rather than nothing? That is the question.-Martin Heidegger (An Introduction to Metaphysics) It is flat-out strange that something-that anything-is happening at all. There was nothing, then a Big Bang, then here we all are. This is extremely weird… This book is… about a possible Deeper Order. It is about evolution, and about religion, and, in a sense, about everything in between.
I. Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Sempozyumu (Yol) Bildiri Kitabı, 2022
Pozantı, bugün Adana’ya bağlı bir ilçedir. İlçe merkezi, Mersin ve Niğde’ye komşu bir konumda Doğu Akdeniz ve Orta Doğu’yu İç Anadolu ve Avrupa’ya kara ve demiryolu ile bağlayan önemli bir geçit noktasında bulunmaktadır. Geçmişte de bu önemini korumuş olan Pozantı, bulunduğu konum itibariyle savaşlar, baskınlar, göçler, sevkiyatlar, eşkıya olayları vs. birçok tarihi olaylara tanıklık etmişti. Özellikle Birinci Dünya Savaşı yıllarında demiryolunun inşasıyla birlikte Pozantı, Anadolu’da kuzey-güney istikametindeki nüfus hareketlerine nihai bir aktarma istasyonu olmuştu. Örneğin 1915 yılında Osmanlı Hükümeti’nin Halep ve Musul’da sevk ve iskânını zorunlu tuttuğu Ermeni göçmenlerin bir kısmı Konya’dan Pozantı istasyonuna aktarılmışlardı. Diğer taraftan İstanbul’dan güney vilayetlere askerî personel, malzeme, posta veya ticari ürün sevkiyatı da Pozantı istasyonundan yapılmıştı. Dolayısıyla bulunduğu konum itibariyle Pozantı, Birinci Dünya Savaşı döneminde devletin ikmal ve ulaşım yükünün büyük bir kısmını da üstlenmiş durumdaydı. Çalışmanın amacı; Birinci Dünya Savaşı’nda Pozantı istasyonunda yaşanan çeşitli hareketlilikleri anlatarak Pozantı’nın tarihi rolünü ortaya çıkarmaktır. Çalışmanın ana kaynaklarını Cumhurbaşkanlığı Osmanlı Arşivi’nden tespit ve temin edilen belgelerle literatürde yer alan ikincil kaynaklar oluşturmaktadır. Söz konusu kaynaklar, nitel yöntemle analiz edilerek çalışma ortaya konulmuştur. Pozantı is a district in Adana today. The district center is located in a neighboring location to Mersin and Niğde, a major gateway point connecting the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East to Central Anatolia and Europe by land and rail. Pozantı, which has maintained this importance in the past, has witnessed many historical events such as wars, raids, migrations, shipments, bandits, and so on. Especially during World War I, with the construction of the railway, Pozantı became the ultimate transfer station for population movements in the direction north-south in Anatolia. In 1915, for example, some of the Armenian migrants, whom the Ottoman government mandated their relocation and resettlement to Aleppo and Mosul, were transferred from Konya to Pozantı station. On the other hand, shipments of military personnel, supplies, mail, or merchandise from Istanbul to southern provinces were also made from the Pozantı station. As a result of its position, Pozantı also assumed a large portion of the State's supply and transportation burden during World War I. The study aims to expose the historical role of Pozantı by describing the various movements experienced at the Pozantı station during World War I. The main sources of the study are the documents identified and obtained from the Ottoman Archives of the Presidency and the secondary sources in the literature. These resources will be analyzed by qualitative and comparative methods, thus the study will be presented.
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