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Cutting edge practices for cutting edge performance.
This project is carried out by employing an empirical method through questionnaire design and administration and tapped the perceptions and knowledge of the target elements of this study. The research frame was about Ghana Education Service office workers within the Accra Metropolis including higher education institutions. A qualitative data analysis is presented more in the literature review to support in conclusions for the purpose of this project work. More importantly, the backbone of the research was based on both primary and secondary sources of data, which helped and revealed a lot of contentions within the secretarial practice. A total of 200 questionnaires was developed and distributed among 200 staffs of G.E.S. based on random sampling technique. This means that it is not the total number of GES in the Metropolis that was considered, it was only the total figure of 200 questionnaires that was considered and administered on the participants randomly. The participants for that matter the respondents included the management, Supervisors, Secretaries/Stenographers, University Administrators and some Teachers/Lecturers. The questionnaires were directly administered which gave results; hence, all the 200 questionnaires were answered and returned for presentation and analysis. This was an opinion seeking from the elements of the population and drawn clear conclusions from their answers after careful presentation and analysis. Ghana Education Service is one of the Government of Ghana public institutions established by an act of parliament to oversee the Educational systems in Ghana. Secretarial Practice is a professional practice and it has been misconstrued by many public or government administrators in terms of educational advancements and reforms in fulfilling the economic needs of a country. Among all educational programmes at the higher level of education, it is only secretarial practice that has not been considered in the Universities at most. Hence, no organization in Ghana has positions called company or corporate secretary which is meant to be professionally higher position for secretarial practitioners. The career path for people pursuing secretarial studies in Ghana has limited future success and growth since the programme designers at the Universities failed to design courses that will build secretaries skills and knowledge to occupy the executive positions in corporate businesses and government sector to help them professionally to derive the objectives forward for successful development and growth. 1. Background / Introduction The reasons why this research topic came into consideration is the peer wrong perceptions about the secretarial studies. Colleagues within the same university who are pursuing different programmes like accounting and many others do not see the importance of secretaryship as a study. They always refer a secretary to someone who did typewriting and nothing else. Most people normally and even including most educators who are not in the field of secretaryship does not recognize the position because since time in memorial the top public universities in Ghana have never created a higher education in secretaryship, hence, no such human capital is developed in the country. There is the need to stress this as a fact because even those students who study secretaryship with colleges are sometimes discouraged by other colleagues because they don't see the career prospects due to the modern technology. In fact, what people don't know is the importance of secretaries and for that matter company secretary to help the executives in carrying out the right policies and laws governing corporate businesses in other countries and organisations. Even, the public sectors of Ghana has no position like company secretary, all what is assumed is the typist, stenographer, receptionist and secretary working at the lower desk of the organization. Moreover, according to the Ghana Companies Act 1963 (Act 179) has it that " appointment of secretary ". This is not very clear because secretary is one of the roles but the top role backed by legislation is the company or corporate secretary in most countries of the world. Therefore, the code needs to be amended to reflect the real position for companies to comply with. Hence forth, a secretary is not company secretary but rather is the basic position required by company formation or business set up to fill its general operation.
There is no doubt that private individual, corporate bodies and even organizations mistake computer operators for professional secretaries. It is in the light of this, that this research was carried out to clear the misconception. It was a study carried out on some selected organization within Kaduna State. Related books on the topics were referred to and 120 questionnaires were used for the study out of which responses from 100 respondents were received and used and that form the basis for analysis. The study revealed that professional secretaries undergo training and professional courses as regard to their duties and responsibilities also computer operators also play significant roles in the organization, they type and safeguard document in their possessions. This was achieved by evaluating the performance of a professional secretary and a computer operator. Conclusions were drawn that professional secretaries assume duties on behalf of their boss unlike computer operators. It was recommended that computer operators who wish to be called professional secretaries should take up courses in office profession and management studies department and other professional courses relating to that.
C. P. Akpan
Abstract The roles of secretaries and data processors in the administration of universities across the country cannot be overstressed. They play significant roles in the collection of data, processing, storage, retrieval and dissemination of information. The university deals with information processing to a large extent and therefore, employs this category of staff to perform these functions. Secretaries now operate in automated offices using modern machines and methods in order to save time, effort and energy. Despite the provision of modern technologies in offices for job performance, secretaries are still needed for the machines to function. They are needed to contribute to the attainment of the institutional objectives. In today’s globalized and highly competitive nature of the world of work, driven by modern technologies, particularly information and communication technology, coupled with lack of employment opportunities globally, secretaries and data processors should value their job and do what is right to maintain their employment. This calls for the provision of a good and comprehensive code of conduct to guide them in the discharge of their duties. This paper focuses on the code of conduct for secretaries and data processors in the university system. The challenges faced by this group of workers in this era of modern office automated equipment will also be discussed and some recommendations proffered. Key word: University, System, Code of conduct, Secretary, Data processors, challenges.
The secretarial profession, a long standing career, often relegated to the background by many, including the practitioners, has revolutionaries through the advent of globalised technology. As network and web applications become more and more significant, the importance of relational database management systems also increases. Selecting the right one (technology) for the needs is essential to ensure the quality and proper performance in a profession. It is obvious Microsoft SQL is one option that many secretarial professionals might select. It also looked at the need to harness the power of technology through secretarial profession in an administrative support activities for directing services regarding records, management, secretarial support, telephone service, cell phone service, pager service, mail, front desk reception and messenger service as well as printing and copying which are secretaries duties. It highlights the change which technology has brought to the profession and encourages non-practitioners to join the profession. It enjoins those already practicing it to strive and embrace the new revolution in technology so as to remain relevant. The paper urges government to provide adequate technological infrastructure and enabling environment that would make secretarial job efficient in order to boost productivity on the part of the practitioners.
Different Communication scholars have tried as much as possible to define communication from different perspectives. Communication takes place regardless of whether we are in a solitary confinement or in company of others. indeed, the fact that one likes because one communication needs to be re-examined, as an individual dead body communicates something to the living. the corpse of a miscreant who died in a bloody violent clash or that of a notorious drunkard whose imposing body is found facing down in a gutter is likely to spark of a great deal of tongue-wagging among passer-by. Communication is the essence of Secretarial function and also the basis of performance of Secretaries. It is essential in all strata of human relationships and interactions. Without communication, there can be no effective co-operation and co-ordination to perform optimally.
Enfermedades virales qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbn mqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcv bnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzx cvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjkl zxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghj klzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfg hjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasd fghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopa sdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuio pasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyu iopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwert yuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwe rtyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmq wertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbn mqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcv bnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzx Infección Es una enfermedad de distribución mundial, que afecta a animales de todas las edades, siendo particularmente vulnerables tempranamente y en la vejez, donde produce un cuadro que se conocía como "encefalitis de los perros viejos".
Reimpresión de 2.000 ejemplares UNIDAD DE EDUCACIÓN ESPECIAL Santiago de Chile, Septiembre de 2006 13 ¿Cuál es la finalidad del Plan General Común del Nivel de Educación Parvularia? El Plan General Común del Nivel de Educación Parvularia del establecimiento, busca aunar criterios entre todas los Educadores/as de Párvulos que se desempeñan en los cursos de Transición, en diferentes áreas como por ejemplo: proyectos de innovación que se van a desarrollar durante el año, métodos para la iniciación a la lectura y/o escritura, adaptaciones Plan General Común del Nivel de Educación Parvularia del Establecimiento. Actividades Comunes: paseos, visitas, talleres... Planificación que realiza el equipo de educadoras Definición de énfasis curriculares Estrategias Metodológicas Aprendizajes Fundamentales Estrategias metodológicas Articulación con NB 1 en la zona de patio, estrategias de comunicación y trabajo con la familia, metodologías de trabajo pedagógico, postulación, adquisición y uso de recursos, desafíos para los aprendizajes de los niños y niñas, articulación con el Primer Año Básico, entre otros. ¿Cuáles son los aspectos claves que debería considerar el Plan General Común del Nivel de Educación Parvularia? Se ha de tener presente que para trabajar en este instrumento, es imprescindible contar con los antecedentes de la evaluación diagnóstica además de las concepciones y definiciones que busca proyectar el nivel de Educación Parvularia al interior del establecimiento (concepto de Plan General del Curso Planificación que realiza la educadora del Curso Para anticipar y guiar los objetivos y actividades que se van a desarrollar en torno a las diferentes líneas de acción: Aprendizaje de los niños y niñas. Organización del espacio Otros actores de la comunidad Organización del Tiempo Equipo de trabajo Evaluación Planificación Familia 25 Consideraciones para la elaboración de un Proyecto de Aula a) Contar con un diagnóstico de los aprendizajes de los aprendizajes de los niños y niñas: sus fortalezas, intereses y debilidades.
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The production and use of aluminum alloys involves a wide range of processing and fabrication methods. For a number of reasons discussed in this article, process modeling has an increasingly important role in all areas of production. This article reviews some process modeling activities in aluminum processing. The aims of the review are to (1) describe the current state of research in two major processing areas, (2) establish the principal motivations in the aluminum industry for undertaking process modeling, and (3) to identify generic research issues most in need of attention. This review is not intended to be exhaustive, but considers only selected processes, based on work in Norwegian laboratories with which the authors are most familiar. There is considerable parallel modeling activity worldwide in industry and academia which will not be discussed here. The case studies selected are sufficient, however, to illustrate all the main points of the review.A recent review of material...
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