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The inability of the public sector to independently meet the increasing demand for infrastructure and services has prompted many governments to adopt Public-private partnership (PPP) as an alternative strategy. In worldwide practices, however, there are mixed results and controversy in the application of PPP model. The Public-private partnership has, for this reason, become an increasingly active research area mainly to establish the Critical Success Factors (CSFs) towards improving the PPP model. This article reviews the current debate on the subject of PPP and compares the findings of different literature regarding the relative importance of CSFs of PPP projects. The authors argue that the CSFs of PPP projects are distinctive to the context of location and time. The article concludes that this subjectivity has implications for the " guaranteed " success of both existing and future PPP projects.
Descripción y uso de las armas de estocada y de tajo.
This study was conducted to analyze some heavy and trace metal contents of selected edible vegetables commonly sold in four local government areas (LGAs) of Plateau State, Nigeria, with a view to unearth their toxicological implications on the populace. The vegetables sampled are Spinacia oleracea (spinach), Lactuca sati (lettuce), Cucumis sativus (cucumber), Daucus car (carrot) and Brassica oleracea (cabbage), while the metals analysed are Cd, Pb, Fe, Cr and Mn. Atomic absorption spectrophotometer was used to determine the concentration of the various metals and Tukey-Kramer multiple comparison tests in a one-way analysis of variance was used to compare variations in metal concentrations. Cd and Pb were not detected in all the vegetables sampled from Bassa LGA,
Conservation science in cultural heritage, 2023
There is a trend to roof over the courtyards of historical palaces and similar great buildings with an eye to conservation or to expanding their range of functions. This tendency is being popularized by major architects and barely a voice is raised against it. However, from the viewpoint of theory and heritage, such actions are not to be recommended. In line with some international documents on Cultural Heritage, several architectural, perceptual and functional arguments are shown to probe that, in order to preserve the cultural authenticity of courtyards, it would be mostly advisable to avoid covering them. A courtyard is by definition an open space. Enclosing it, even with an apparently harmless glazed roof, radically affects its architectural essence and how it is experienced. Hence, such projects should not be accepted in a generalized and uncritical manner. It is best for courtyards to be left as courtyards, not as rooms with skylights. C'è una tendenza a coprire i cortili dei palazzi storici e simili grandi edifici con un occhio alla conservazione o all'ampliamento della loro gamma di funzioni. Questa tendenza è stata resa popolare dai maggiori architetti e a malapena si leva una voce contro di essa. Tuttavia, dal punto di vista della teoria e del patrimonio, tali azioni non sono da raccomandare. In linea con alcuni documenti normativi sui Beni Culturali, vengono mostrati diversi argomenti architettonici, percettivi e funzionali atti a dimostrare che, al fine di preservare l'autenticità culturale dei patii, sarebbe opportuno evitare di coprirli. Un cortile è per definizione uno spazio aperto. Chiudendolo, anche con una copertura vetrata apparentemente innocua, incide radicalmente sulla sua essenza architettonica e sul modo in cui viene vissuta. Pertanto, tali progetti non dovrebbero essere accettati in modo generalizzato e acritico. È meglio lasciare i cortili come cortili, non come stanze con lucernari.
DIVIDEND PAYOUT. ITS IMPACT ON FIRM VALUE by Dmitriy Kostyuk Head of the State Examination Committee : Mr. Serhiy Korablin Economist, National Bank of Ukraine
Community Voice - Westclif on Sea, 2022
Operations Research, 2008
Економіка та суспільство
Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 2011
Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 2011
Rubina Saigol, 'Tale of Two Communities, Pakistani Textbook Representation of 1857' in 'Shaping a Nation', Lyon & Edgar ed, 2010
Military behavioral health, 2019
Kathmandu University Medical Journal, 2015
Samyukta: A Journal of Gender and Culture, 2022
Chemical Physics Letters, 1996
Ecumenical Review, 1997
Вчені записки Університету КРОК, 2024
Journal of Environmental Biology
International Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry