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Which urgent care services do febrile children use
and why?
Sabine Maguire,1 Rita Ranmal,2 Sirkka Komulainen,2 Sarah Pearse,2 Ian Maconochie,3
Monica Lakhanpaul,4 Ffion Davies,5 Joe Kai,6 Terence Stephenson2; on behalf of the
RCPCH Fever Project Board
of Child Health,
Cardiff University School of
Medicine, Heath Park, Cardiff,
2Royal College of Paediatrics
and Child Health, London, UK
3Department of Paediatric
Emergency Medicine, St
Mary’s Hospital, London, UK
4 Academic Division of Child
Health, Department of Medical
Education and Social Sciences,
Leicester Royal Infirmary,
Leicester, UK
5Emergency Department,
Leicester Royal Infirmary,
Leicester, UK
6Division of Primary Care,
University of Nottingham
Medical School, Queen’s
Medical Centre, Nottingham,
Correspondence to
Dr Sabine Maguire, Department
of Child Health, Cardiff
University School of Medicine,
UHW Main Building, Heath
Park, Cardiff CF14 4XN, UK;
Accepted 14 April 2011
Published Online First
3 June 2011
Objectives To explore how parents navigate urgent
and emergency care (U&EC) services when their child
<5 years old has a feverish illness, their views of that
experience and whether services are meeting their
needs and triaging in line with national guidance.
Design Parents of a febrile child <5 years old contacting any U&EC service in three localities during a 6-month
period were invited to participate in a telephone questionnaire supplemented by case note review. A subset
participated in an in-depth interview.
Results Of 556 parents expressing an interest, 220
enrolled, making 570 contacts (median 3, range 1–13)
with services during the child’s illness which lasted
3 days on average. Parents’ first preference for advice
in hours was to see a general practitioner (GP) (67%;
93/138) and when unavailable, National Health Service
Direct (46%; 38/82). 155 made more than one contact
and 63% of the repeat contacts were initiated by a service provider. A range of factors influenced parents’ use
of services. Parents who reported receiving ‘safety netting’ advice (81%) were less likely to re-present to U&EC
services than those who did not recall receiving such
advice (35% vs 52%, p=0.01). Parents identified a need
for accurate, consistent, written advice regarding fever
and antipyretics.
Conclusion Parents know the U&EC service options
available, and their first choice is the GP. Multiple contacts are being made for relatively well children, often
due to repeated referrals within the system. Safety
netting advice reduces re-attendances but parents want
explicit and consistent advice for appropriate home
Although most childhood illnesses are managed
at home without medical intervention,1 2 children are significant users of urgent and emergency care (U&EC) in England 3 – 5; for example, a
quarter of calls made to National Health Service
(NHS) Direct1 and more than a quarter of visits to
emergency departments (EDs) each year concern
children, 3 with the number of ED attendances for
children increasing.6 Febrile illness is one of the
most common reasons for parents to contact the
health services.7 ‘Fever phobia’8 or parental concerns about fever significantly influence service
use9 and are due to parental anxiety about serious
illness and factors such as previous experiences.10 –15
The excessive use of secondary care services for
problems perceived by parents as urgent, remains
an on-going concern for healthcare provision.16 –20
What is already known on this topic
The expanding range of urgent and emergency
care services available to parents need to meet
the needs of children and their families.
Feverish illness in a young child is a very
common reason for parents to seek advice
from a doctor.
Guidelines recommend giving ‘safety netting’
advice to parents following contact with a
healthcare professional.
What this study adds
Parents are aware of the urgent and emergency care services available to them but prefer their general practitioner for initial advice.
Multiple contacts are being made for relatively well children, contributed to by multiple
onward referrals.
Safety netting advice reduces re-attendances,
but parents need more explicit and consistent
written and verbal advice for appropriate home
In 2007, the National Institute for Health and
Clinical Excellence (NICE) in England developed a
guideline21 for the assessment and initial management of children less than 5 years old with feverish illness. The guideline recognised and aimed to
provide advice for the plethora of U&EC options
available to parents including the general practitioner (GP), out of hours GP provider (OOHs),
NHS Direct (a 24-h telephone advice line for people in England staffed by nurses), walk-in centre
(WIC) and ED. We aimed to explore how parents
and carers access and navigate urgent services for
their child <5 years of age with febrile illness,
their views of that experience and whether services are meeting their needs. The term ‘parent’
is used in the remainder of the article to refer to
parents and carers.
The study was carried out in three locations in
England: Leicestershire (county and city), the City
of Peterborough and north west London between
January and June 2009. T he populations in the
Arch Dis Child 2011;96:810–816. doi:10.1136/adc.2010.210096
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three areas varied widely as regards socioeconomic status
and included rural/urban/inner-city residents and immigrant
populations. All services in each location providing U&EC
were invited to take part and included ambulance services,
children’s assessment units, EDs, GP practices (via Primary
Care Research Networks), NHS Direct centres, Primary Care
Trust out of hours GP services, WICs and any other services.
Other services refers to any community based health professionals such as pharmacists, midwives and health visitors. It
also includes a specific team of community paediatric specialist nurses who visit acutely unwell children in one particular
Figure 1
Parents were approached when they contacted any of these
primary (including non-face-to-face) or secondary services
with a febrile child aged <5 years. Exclusion criteria were: (1) if
the child had a pre-existing disease for which they had been
given a prior pathway to follow during febrile illness; (2) the
parent had initiated formal complaint procedures or was currently involved in a negligence case against the service in question; or (3) the child died during the study period. Eligibility
was determined by health professionals and by the researcher.
The recruitment process is described in figure 1.
Data were collected from three sources: (1) a telephone
questionnaire to determine the number of contacts the parent
Recruitment and data collection process. NICE, National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence.
Arch Dis Child 2011;96:810–816. doi:10.1136/adc.2010.210096
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made during the episode of illness, the child’s presenting
signs/symptoms at each contact (in order to classify the level
of risk according to the NICE guideline21) and the outcome in
each case; (2) subject to relevant trust research and development approval and parental consent, the child’s case notes for
each contact with a service were reviewed for correlation with
questionnaire results; and (3) a telephone semi-structured
interview with a subset of parents to explore reasons for choosing particular services, experiences of navigating through the
health system, whether advice given by services was followed,
examples of what worked well and what could be improved,
and sources of information that parents seek independently.
A purposive a nd opportunistic sampling strategy was used to
select a sample of parents across geographical areas (urban,
rural and inner-city), service types and time of contact with
a service (working hours/night/weekend) for the telephone
interview. This stage ended when ‘saturation’ was reached. 22
All parents were offered feedback on the results of the study.
Interpreter services ( were
used with non-English speakers.
Each contact was classified for risk of serious illness by the
same researcher based on the ‘traffic light system’ recommended in the NICE guideline, 21 that is, high risk if any red
features were present, intermediate risk for amber features
and low risk for green features alone. Any areas of uncertainty
were discussed with a consultant paediatrician and consensus
reached. The level of risk was determined from the questionnaire supplemented by the case note proformas.
Descriptive statistics are used to summarise the data. For categorical variables, frequencies and percentages are presented
and for continuous variables, the total n, median and range are
presented. Data were analysed using the Statistical Package for
Social Sciences (SPSS version 17). Associations between different variables were tested by χ2 tests. The participating services
were grouped in order to preserve anonymity. Deprivation
ranks were calculated using data from the Indices of Multiple
Deprivation (2007).23 The responses of the 29 parents who
answered follow-up questions were recorded and transcribed.
Content analysis and QSR NVivo software were used to analyse the transcriptions to identify any patterns and themes. 22
Research ethics approval was obtained from St Thomas’
Hospital Research Ethics Committee in October 2008
parents who participated in the telephone questionnaire,
those children whose medical notes were reviewed and 29 parents who participated in an in-depth telephone interview (see
figure 2). While a ll those participating in the original questionnaire were invited to participate in the in-depth interview, we
selected parents so that the sample would be representative in
terms of geographical area (52% urban, 24% rural, 24% innercity), ethnicity (59% white British, 41% non-white British),
socioeconomic status, number of contacts made (median 3,
range 1–9), level of risk of serious illness according to parent
report (28% high, 62% medium, 7% low, 3% not known),
types of services used (38% secondary care) and ‘in’ and ‘out
of hours’ contacts (34% in hours, 17% out of hours, 48% in
and out of hours). The demography of the sample (n=220) was
similar to that of England as a whole, although the proportion
of mixed ethnic groups was higher in the sample (table 2). The
case note review results are reported elsewhere. 24
Contacts with services
Overall, the 220 parents made a total of 570 contacts
(median 3, range 1–13) across primary and secondary care
services throughout the child’s illness which lasted an average (median) of 3 days (range 10 min to 2 weeks). Thirty-nine
per cent (85) of parents reported seeking advice within 24 h of
their child becoming ill, 23% (50) waited between 25 and 48 h,
37% (81) waited more than 49 h and the waiting time of the
remainder (2%; 4) was unknown. As shown in figure 3A–D,
the parents’ preference for initial advice when ‘in hours’ was
to see their GP (67%; 93/138). When the GP was not available,
approximately half chose to contact NHS Direct (46%; 38/82).
Overall, 11% (24/220) of parents brought their child directly to
the ED for initial advice.
The outcome of the initial contact is detailed in table 3.
Most onward referrals were made by primary care services.
Although the lowest number of high risk patients presented
to NHS Direct, these resulted in the largest number of children being assessed elsewhere. The majority (70%; 155/220) of
parents had more than one contact, involving 505 contacts in
total. These repeat contacts were often initiated by the health
services themselves (221 of 350). A total of 44 parents made
four or more contacts, accounting for 249 of the 570 contacts;
71 contacts were with a single team of community paediatric
specialist nurses who visit acutely unwell children at home in
one particular region.
Recruitment of participants
Reasons for parental choice of service
Thirty-four services agreed to act as participation identification centres and refer parents to the study team from January
to June 2009 (table 1). The results comprised three datasets: 220
Interviewees evaluated their own advice seeking behaviour,
and reasons for choosing specific services included the child’s
young age and illness history, level of concern, availability of
Table 1
Types of participating services
Service type
City of Peterborough North west London All areas
Emergency department
Children’s assessment units
General practices
Out of hours GP services
Walk-in centres
NHS Direct
Other services
*Some services were co-located and patients were recruited from only one of these services to avoid double counting.
GP, general practitioner.
Arch Dis Child 2011;96:810–816. doi:10.1136/adc.2010.210096
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Figure 2
Number of participants.
Table 2 Demographic characteristics of children included in the
sample (N=220) compared to the population in England as a
whole23 31 32
N=220 (%)
N, 1000s (%)
Age of child at first assessment
0 to ≤1 years
60 (27%)
641 (21%)
1–4 years
151 (69%)
2528 (79%)
4–5 years
9 (4%)
97 (44%)
1482 (49%)†
Ethnic origin of child
White British
131 (60%)
42 747 (87%)
White other
19 (9%)
1932 (4%)
20 (9%)
643 (1%)
32 (14%)
2248 (5%)
13 (6%)
1133 (2%)
5 (2%)
435 (1%)
Length of episode
0–24 h
45 (20%)
25–48 h
40 (18%)
49–72 h
26 (12%)
>73 h
95 (43%)
14 (6%)
Sample living in areas in England ranked according to the Indices of Multiple
Deprivation for 0–15-year olds*
0–20% (most deprived)
40 (20%)
35 (18%)
32 (16%)
37 (19%)
80–100% (least deprived)
52 (27%)
Level of risk of serious illness at initial contact (parent reports)
High risk
27 (12%)
Medium risk
156 (71%)
Low risk
36 (16%)
*Known for 196 children.
†Aged 0–4 years.
Arch Dis Child 2011;96:810–816. doi:10.1136/adc.2010.210096
their GP, belief that the child’s illness required face-to-face
consultation, previous experiences and the inconvenience
associated with hospital waits. Parents would fi rst seek advice
from their GP if they could get a same day appointment (the
doctor–patient relationship and listening skills were valued).
Convenience and proximity were other reasons mentioned
for service preference, particularly outside surgery hours. The
need for reassurance and advice about whether the child could
be managed at home, whether the symptoms indicated serious illness (such as meningitis) and the need to be seen by a
medical professional were strong themes. The NHS Direct
telephone service/website was often used for this reason, particularly out of hours.
‘Safety netting’ advice
We asked parents whether they had received safety netting
advice, that is, told what to do if their child did not progress as expected (as recommended in the NICE guidance21).
Overall, 81% (284/349) of those sent home or who kept their
child at home recalled being given safety netting advice, 56
did not recall such advice and nine did not know. Parents not
‘safety netted’ were more likely to seek another contact than
those who were (52%; 29/56 vs 35%; 98/284, p=0.01). T he
recall of safety netting advice was proportionate to the parent reported risk level (high: 90%; intermediate: 85%; low:
75%). Some interviewees commented that the advice given
was not always helpful. One parent suggested that information about which signs to look for should be provided in writing as it can be difficult to retain spoken information when
Expectations of services
Some interviewees expressed frustration about long waiting times and the timeliness of the assessment and had clear
opinions about how quickly they thought their child should
be seen, which was often related to the age of the child. Some
sought face-to-face contact if they felt that they had been kept
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waiting too long by an NHS Direct nurse returning a call and
others felt prioritisation of children at the point of contact with
medical services was required. Parents expected their concerns
to be taken seriously, to be ‘listened to’ and not to made to
feel like a ‘panicky’ parent, especially when they perceived the
illness as potentially life-threatening and/or where the child
was very distressed. Suggestions for improvements included
understanding the families’ needs, for example, the inconvenience of attending face-to-face services regarding transport,
family circumstances or the time of day.
Figure 3 (A) Services contacted in hours for initial advice. (B) Services contacted out of hours for initial advice. (C) Services contacted at any
time for initial advice. (D) Services contacted at any time and at any point in the journey. *O ther services refers to any community based health
professionals such as pharmacists, midwives and health visitors. It includes a specific team of community paediatric specialist nurses who visit
acutely unwell children in one particular region. GP, general practitioner; NHS, National Health Service.
Table 3
Children presenting as at high risk of serious illness according to parent report
Number who first sought advice from
this service (number at high risk in
Number who made further contact
with services (number at high risk in
Number who made further contact
with secondary care services
General practice (including out of hours)
NHS Direct
Walk-in centre
Emergency department
105 (13)
47 (2)
34 (3)
24 (4)
8 (5)
2 (0)
220 (27)
77 (13)
37 (2)
21 (2)
10 (3)
8 (5)
2 (0)
155 (25)
The further contact could be with services other than the presenting service. Children initially presenting as at high risk may not have been high risk at subsequent contacts
and vice versa.
Arch Dis Child 2011;96:810–816. doi:10.1136/adc.2010.210096
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Need for appropriate information and advice
Parents had a range of fever- and service-specific information
needs, namely management of fever and related symptoms,
management of minor (viral) illnesses, indications for antibiotics, what temperature indicated the need to seek medical care
and from where, ‘benign’ rashes and those associated with
meningitis, access to services including what to do in an emergency and numbers to call, and the administration, use and
effects of analgesia and antipyretics, for example, alternating
ibuprofen and paracetamol. Some parents felt advice given by
health professionals was confl icting. Improvements needed
included consistent, clear communication about the aetiology
of fever, signs to look out for following discharge and what
should trigger a return visit. The internet was used as a source
of information for fever and rashes prior to contacting services.
Some found this failed to reassure, or encouraged them to contact NHS Direct or their GP. Others felt it was too detailed,
‘scaring’ parents unnecessarily. Many would welcome information leaflets, not only about fever but children’s illnesses
in general. No interviewees reported receiving a copy of the
patient version of the NICE guideline. 21
This pilot study provides insight into the U&EC services used
in England by parents of young children, and their rationale
for doing so. Notably, despite the fact that the majority of children experienced a short (median 3 days) illness, there were an
average of three contacts with services, clearly contributing
to the burden that febrile illness places on the health service.
However, contrary to the perceptions of many service providers, this was not the result of ‘doctor shopping’, 25 but rather
due to parents seeking advice being referred between services.
The fragmentation of current U&EC arrangements is leading
to multiple assessments, compared to ‘old-style’ general practice, and may not be cost effective. Interestingly, despite the
proliferation of U&EC service options, the parents’ fi rst choice
of advice was their own GP. W hen the GP was not accessible,
they sought advice from NHS Direct in the majority of cases,
although they were then often directed to other services. Most
of the contacts with GPs/OOHs services at any point during
the child’s illness were face to face (82%) as opposed to by telephone. In times of fi nancial stringency, these results may be of
value to other countries considering providing a new range of
urgent care services for young children. While these may be
used by families, it is unclear how cost effective they are, given
the high number of ‘internal referrals’ between services, and
parents’ preference to see their GP fi rst rather than the newer
service providers.
Only 11% of parents chose the ED initially for advice, and
then only because they perceived their child as being at high or
intermediate risk of serious illness. The ED service was the second most frequently used (15%) at any point during the patient
journey (figure 3D), usually as a result of referrals between services (40 of 83 contacts). There were 16 cases where the parent
self-referred to the ED following a visit to primary care (GP/
OOHS GP, WIC or NHS Direct); in 10 cases, safety netting
advice was given, and it is difficult to know what influence
this may have had. Williams’ survey of parents of children
with non-urgent needs presenting to an ED found that parents
generally engage in appropriate care-seeking behaviour before
presenting to a paediatric ED.19
The use of ‘stay at home’ decisions by the ambulance crews
could not be ascertained as unfortunately no cases were
Arch Dis Child 2011;96:810–816. doi:10.1136/adc.2010.210096
recruited to the study by this service in any of the three locations. Use of the ambulance service by study participants
related only to those being transferred to the ED, where the
most common reason for calling an ambulance was a ‘febrile
seizure’ (9/15).
The value of safety netting advice has been highlighted by
other authors. 26 27 Our data would support its value. It is reassuring that 81% of parents recalled being given such advice,
and re-attendances among this group were significantly fewer
than among those without advice. Health professionals should
ensure that safety netting advice is given to all, and not just to
those perceived to be at highest risk of serious illness. ‘Fever
phobia’ is reduced if parents are provided with information
enabling them to care for children with mild illness and to recognise when their child needs an urgent assessment. 28 Ehrich
found that parents not only wanted information about which
symptoms should prompt a return visit but that on the return
visit they wanted a higher priority and not to have to wait at
the back of the queue. 29
Parents participating in this study explicitly identified a
need for consistent advice regarding fever thresholds that
warrant assessment or treatment, what symptoms and signs
to watch for, what antipyretics should be used and what dosing regimes were required. Some parents expressed a desire
to receive written information, and we recommend that such
guidance (eg, advice leaflets based on the fever chapter in the
Department of Health publication, Birth to five years30) should
be produced and disseminated throughout U&EC services to
standardise the assessment and management of such children.
It was disappointing to note that most parents asked were
unaware of NICE’s ‘parent information’ for febrile illness and
this does raise questions as to how this is being disseminated.
Providers need to be more aware of the resources that parents
use, in particular online resources, and consider uploading relevant advice to such sites.
Parents have a good knowledge of the U&EC services available to them locally, and would prefer to attend their GP fi rst
when their young child is ill. There are an unacceptably high
number of health service contacts for short-lived illnesses
among children, most of which are generated by referrals
between services and not by parents. This raises questions
about the current service provision for these children: are
all of the newer urgent care services ‘adding value’ to the
care of these children? It also highlights the need for relevant
training of those assessing acutely ill children. Safety netting
advice is a priority and significantly reduces re-attendances.
Clear, consistent, symptom-based written advice for parents about what features to look for, home management and
when to seek further help is urgently required by all services
and may reduce the burden of low risk consults on these
Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Richard Baker, Elizabeth Draper,
Linda Haines, Patricia Hamilton, Fiona Jewkes, Martin Richardson and Ann Seymour of
the project steering group, as well participating parents, individual staff who helped us
at collaborating NHS Trusts, and the Primary Care Research Networks.
Funding This study was funded by Department of Health for England.
Competing interests None.
Ethics approval This study was conducted with the approval of the St Thomas’
Hospital Research Ethics Committee.
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
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Arch Dis Child 2011;96:810–816. doi:10.1136/adc.2010.210096
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Which urgent care services do febrile
children use and why?
Sabine Maguire, Rita Ranmal, Sirkka Komulainen, Sarah Pearse, Ian
Maconochie, Monica Lakhanpaul, Ffion Davies, Joe Kai and Terence
Arch Dis Child 2011 96: 810-816 originally published online June 3, 2011
doi: 10.1136/adc.2010.210096
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