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A work in progress, including 'An Academic Theory' and 'Negativity in Children', and a few notes on psychology.
The aim of this highly original book is twofold: to explain the reconciliation of religion and politics in the work of John Locke and to explore the relevance of that reconciliation for politics in our own time.
The results are publishes in a chapter of the book “Human Rights in Child Protection”, edited by Asgeir Falch-Eriksen and Elisabeth Backe-Hansen. The findings reveal significant differences between countries with regard to the interpretation of the principle of the child’s best interest, the strength of the principle compared with other principles, and the degree of discretionary power vested in decision-makers. The authors argue that the findings indicates that what is deemed important for children’s interests across child protection systems differs hugely, and as such the right of the child in many jurisdictions has a long way to go. The child best interest principle appears oftentimes as a right that is open to wide discretionary interpretation.
Columbia Human Rights Law Review, 2015
This article advances an interpretative account of parental rights and builds a normative case against them. This normative account considers how parental rights function in existing constitutional and family law, and assesses theoretical arguments that seek to justify them. This article begins by describing the most common, child-centered justification for parental rights: that parents are empowered in order to protect children’s best interests. I argue that these child-centered accounts do not justify the current legal regime governing parental rights. Instead, current parental rights are better understood as quasi-property interests, residual from historical traditions where children were more explicitly regarded as their parents’ property. The middle part of this article advances the thesis that the quasi-property functioning of parental rights is not a contingent feature of American law of parents and children. It is instead characteristic of granting parents separate autonomy interests in determining the path of their children’s lives. Parental autonomy rights displace and diminish consideration for children’s interests and objectify children. This article introduces the concept of “desire-contingent goods” and argues that parental autonomy rights are paradigmatically the right to choose desire contingent goods for children regardless of whether they are desired or not. This denies the equal importance of children’s desires, subjective experiences and perspectives on their own lives. As a consequence, basic doctrines in constitutional and family law cannot be reconciled with liberal and egalitarian commitments. The later portion of this article evaluates alternative theoretical justifications for parental rights. These include constitutional and philosophical arguments based on personal liberty and family privacy, as well as philosophical arguments based on relational rights, ethics of care, and the Lockean labor theory of value. These arguments all fall short and, in crucial ways, rely on denying children equal moral consideration. The article concludes with recommendations for legal reform.
ABSTRACT Child labour is an important aspect of social and economic reality that surrounds us although it is sometimes unnoticed. It is the severe problem of the world in general and the sub-Saharan countries like Ethiopia in particular in which children are considered an asset and means to improve livelihood of their family at the expense of their education. The attempt towards the elimination of child labor in Ethiopia is still lagging compare to the rest world. This in turn is affecting adversely the accumulation of human capital. Thus, the researcherwas intended to assess the impact of Child Labour on Children’s Educational Achievement in Ganta Afeshum Woredaand give the possible solution to overcome this problem. To realize this objective, the researcher employed qualitative approach and used in depth interview, FGD, key informant interview, personal observation data collection instruments and employed descriptive research and purposive sampling technique. The researcher analyzed the finding qualitatively through interpretation, description and summarization of the data. As the finding of the study indicates child labour is sever in rural area than urban area and also girls are more exposed for child labour than boys, children are involved in domestic and non-domestic productive activities. The attitude of communities toward child labour is also positive; they consider children as valuable asset for contributing family income. The views of households on working children arise commonly from their poor knowledge about the issue and is directed by traditional outlooks of uprooting ‘milk teeth’, that is seen as a shift from childhood to adulthood. As the finding indicates, Child labour has an impact on children’s educational achievement by making them: repeated the class, absenteeism from class, drop out, make very tired, shortage of times for study and reducing the chance to access education, beside this, as the finding indicate attitude of the communities, employers, poverty coupled with limited access to credit, health and family size as well as the abusive practices are thechallenges that hamper eliminating of child labour. Finally, as the finding indicate the local administratorstrategy of employing one sector, one children and work with NGOs, private sector and public sectors paly significant role via improving the future childhood of children, however,the involvement kebele administrator in tackling the problem is at low level, their understanding about child labour and implementing the existing legislation are poor though there are adequate law pertinent to children. Key words: Child Labour, Educational Achievement, Children
Paulus sering dianggap orang sebagai tokoh yang paling penting dan kontroversial, sesudah Yesus. Mengapa demikian? Di satu sisi Paulus adalah tokoh penting karena dia sangat kreatif; dia berjasa dalam mengembangkan agama dan teologi kristen.
Estudi General, 1986
LA INTEGRACIO A L'<<ALOU FEUDAL)) DE LA SEU DE GIRONA DE LES TERRES BENEFICIADES PEL ((REGIM DELS HISPANS)). ELS CASOS DE BASCARA I ULLA, SEGLES IX-XI (*) RAMON MARTÍ L'objectiu d'aquest paper és resseguir el procés de subjecció econbmica fiscal, a la Seu de Girona, de l'espai agrari comprks al seu domini durant els segles IX-XI. Aquest resseguiment és restringit als indrets més ben documentats i que ens aporten dades fiables al llarg dels tres segles. Veurem com el procés de subjecció seguira uns passos diferents i obtindra uns resultats diferents a cadascun dels llocs estudiats, conseqiikncia de la participació de circumstancies locals concretes. No hem trobat ((gironins)) fidels del bisbat de Girona, només propietaris de terres i habitants d'una vila (villa) o ((vilan) (villare) a l'hora de fer valer els seus drets sobre la terra. Recentment Th. N. Bisson ha fet palesa l'ínfima <(catalanització>) de Catalunya al segle XII'; amb més raó cal suposar-ho encara als segles precedents. Aquests (<catalans)) tenen per identitat la del lloc on viuen i la heretada dels seus avantpassats. De vegades l'únic testimoni de l'origen d'un home és el seu nom; puntualment anotarem a peu de pagina la relació d'antropbnims d'origen germanic/llatí quan tinguem un grup coherent de pobladors2. El primer precepte carolingi conservat és el que atorga el 834 Lluís el Pietós al bisbe Wimer, on li reconeixia drets fiscals sobre 9 viles i 4 ((vilars)). El darrer el rebra Wigo el 922 de Lluis d'Ultramar i hom hi fa menció de gairebé 30 viles, 15 ((vilars)), 2 cenobis i diverses valls3. Aquest increment del nombre de propietats proper al 200 O/ o en menys d'un segle i l'adquisició de nous drets fiscals és la pauta seguida per la Seu gironina en el període estudiat. En els dos preceptes citats es reconeix al bisbe la facultat de jutjar i fer justícia en el seu domini, la qual cosa li sera útil per fer-se justícia ell mateix i por-' d'essor de la Catalogne: identité, pouvoir et idéologie dans una société du XII. sitcle>), Annales E.S.C., 1984, n." 3 , pp. 454-79. ((... au début du XII. sikcle, lorsque italiens et étrangers parlent pour la premikre fois de ((catalans)) et de ((Catalania)), c'est-a-dire, selon l'étymologie la plus plausible, (d'hommes issus) de la ferre des chdtelains (((castlans). Ilparait douteux que cette perception implique d'autres dimensions culturelles de l'identité social. Ni les juges, ni les moines, pour ne mentionner que deux catégones sociales caractéristiques, ne manifestent un intér2t ou un attachement ouvertement régionalistes au x~=sit?cle)), p. 456. Dintre del grup d'antropdnims llatins compte també els d'origen grec i hebraic que deuen la seva difussió al cristianisme. De vegades la tasca de classificació dels noms presenta dificultats, degut a la corrupció de les formes que ens han arribat a les copies. Ens ha estat una gran ajuda rellegir AE-BISCHER, P., Essai sur l'onomastique catalane du IX au x~~~s i k c l e ,
DergiPark (Istanbul University), 2022
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