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Writings on Italian Archival Theory is an annotated bibliography designed to introduce writings on Italian archival experience and knowledge to a wider international audience. Thus, this bibliography contains an abstract of each selected article or book in the original Italian, as well as in French and English. The writings date from 1963 to the present. This time period was selected for two reasons. First, it coincides with the promulgation of the 1963 archival law in Italy.
Archival Science, 2001
Archival theory in Italy has a long tradition, going back as far as the second half of the nineteenth century, and with roots in the 17th and 18th centuries. Central theme in the theory is the metodo storico, the principle of provenance, for the first time expressed in the late 19th century by Bonaini and Bongi. In the following decades archivists like Casanova and Cencetti were among the leading authors. Elio Lodolini assigned himself the task to synthesize ideas and notions, within a clear distinctions between records (registratura) and archives. One of the overall characteristics of the rich Italian literature is the stressing of the cultural value of archives.
Saggio elaborato nell'ambito del progetto sul tema “Community Archives around the world”, curato dalla Karta Center Foundation di Varsavia, in collaborazione con la Stefan Batory Foundation di Varsavia, pubblicato in inglese sul sito della Karta Center Foundation, sotto licenza CC-BY-SA, URL (aggiornato al 28 settembre 2014)
This paper aims to clarify the current situation of Italian university archives through the presentation of the most significant conferences held on the topic and the analysis of volumes and articles published in Italy in the last two decades. The author also aims to focus its attention on the programs of study, cataloguing and research carried out thanks to the fruitful synergy of scholars and institutions, in order to analyze and improve the situation of the archives of Italian universities from different points of view. EET/TEE Leopoldo Sandri, one of the fathers of Italian archival doctrine 1 , used to start his own lessons of Archival Science with the following statement: «The archive is what remains from a great shipwreck». This was a sentence that, as effectively remembered by Gigliola Fioravanti, immediately introduced the
Archivaria, 2017
RÉSUMÉ:Le concept de la sédimentation est une partie intégrale de la tradition italienne des études en archivistique. La sédimentation s’est toujours produite, souvent de façon inconsciente, dans la pratique archivistique et a eu des effets profonds sur la préservation de documents et sur leur transmission au fil du temps. Cet article vise à explorer comment s’effectue la sédimentation dans les archives. Après avoir décrit les significations et l’utilisation du concept de la sédimentation dans l’histoire de la théorie archivistique, cet article se concentre sur l’histoire de la sédimentation, c’est-à-dire les façons dont la sédimentation s’est manifestée à différentes époques en Italie et ailleurs en Europe.Une des idées offertes par cette étude est que la sédimentation ne s’est jamais produite de façon involontaire ou par hasard; elle a toujours été le reflet, quoique indirectement, des besoins politiques et administratifs de l’époque à laquelle elle a été effectuée et elle a antic...
Revista Acervo, 2012
Journal of Archival Organization, 2006
Creating archival descriptions in a digital environment and communicating across the Internet is not the same as traditional paper-based communication. As in other cultural domains, in archival description the medium influences the structure and content of information. The Siasfi Project and the Online Guide to the State Archives of Florence are good examples of these transformations. The article presents the main features of the Online Guide and discusses the theoretical and methodological assumptions underlying its conceptual model which are Stefano Vitali works in the State Archives of Florence Viale
Archival Science, 2001
This first introduction, written for educational purposes, is meant to be a concise basic text in which the core concepts of archival science are coherently defined and explained, in a non-polemical way and departing from a de-institutionalised point of view. It is not intended to support or reject any single theory, but to provide an overview. It should be read as a synthesis of a variety of shared ideas and views, not as a manifesto of a new approach to archival science. If there is anything new to it, it might be located in the coherent and integrated presentation. In this primer of archival science annotation has been avoided.
The Court Historian, 2000
The Prince's Archives are by definition the repository of the "arcana imperii": power's innermost secrets. It is hardly surprising, then, that the selection and availability of documents is influenced by the self-image power decides to transmit to the present and future. The vicissitudes of the papers of the House of Savoy are an extremely interesting case in point. The promulgation of the Statute in 1848 had made it possible to transform the old, secret court archives into a State Archives, along French lines. The idea was that this should also function as a centralized deposit for all the proceedings of the various institutions of the kingdom. The purpose-built construction designed by Filippo Juvarra in Turin in 1770 to house court documents thus contained, along with documents concerning the family's history, the proceedings of both the Secretary of the Interior, and of the Foreign Secretary. The organizing of the whole complex mirrored the image of the State, with the various organs subsumed under the monarchy and Savoy dynasty according to the dictates of the Constitution. Access was public, albeit within the (extremely strict) limits set for documents post-1815. There existed a strong conviction that the politics of a government and constitutional dynasty had so little in common with the politics of absolutism that it was both safe and desirable to permit access to documents belonging to a past which was remote in all but chronology. «Alla storia, non alla politica appartengono i documenti delle dinastie che regnarono» (the documents of once-reigning dynasties belong to history, not to politics) read the official report on the Italian State Archives drawn up in 1884, describing the political and cultural climate which had allowed the transformation. This shift from a conception of the archives as the administrative memory of the state apparatus to that of the sources of history, however, took considerably longer than elsewhere in the Kingdom of Sardinia, and, later, the Kingdom of Italy. The whole cultural politics of Carlo Alberto and his successors were against it, based as they were on a targeted diffusion of education and research, and the cautious control of all documents. The Archive functionaries were indeed warmly encouraged to use their discretion in allowing partial access to the documentation, and the king himself not infrequently intervened
Journal of Ancient History and Archaeology, 2023
The Journal of Asian Studies, 2003
The Fourth Crusade Revisited: Atti della Conferenza Internazionale nell'ottavo centenario della IV Crociata 1204-2004, Andros (Grecia), 27-30 maggio 2004. ed. P. Piatti (Vatican City: Libreria Editrice Vaticana), pp. 145-154 , 2008
Proceedings of the International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 2024
A Liberal Peace? The Problems and Practices of Peacebuilding, 2010
Journal of Social Work and Social Development, 2024
Latomus 25, 4, 1966
Proceedings for Annual Meeting of The Japanese Pharmacological Society, 2018
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1990
Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 2001
Molecular Imaging and Biology, 2012
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 2021