Ecological dynamics and motor
learning design in sport
Keith Davids, Duarte Araújo, Robert Hristovski, Pedro
Passos and Jia Yi Chow
We outline an ecological dynamics approach to motor learning that identifies the
learner–environment relationship as the basis for learning design in sport. The
relevant scale of analysis for understanding how to design tasks for motor learning
and practice is to consider how each learner interacts with the environment. This
approach to learning design captures intentionality and perception and action as
intertwined processes underpinning individual differences in movement behaviour. During learning, the role of movement pattern variability is fundamental
in supporting the exploratory behaviours needed to seek and establish functional
movement solutions by each learner. Learning is enhanced by a strategy of locating
the learner in the meta-stable region of the perceptual–motor workspace. In this
region the learner does not act in a manner that is either completely independent
or completely dependent on the environment. In this context, numerous rich and
creative adaptive actions emerge from the task constraints. We discuss the implications of these ideas for a nonlinear pedagogy after providing a brief explanation of
key ideas in ecological dynamics.
Ecological dynamics
The ecological approach to learning (e.g. J. Gibson & E. Gibson, 1955; E. Gibson
& Pick, 2000) originated as an alternative to enrichment theories of learning (more
recently exemplified in the ACT-R model, Anderson et al., 2004). In enrichment
theories, environmental stimuli are ambiguous and individuals resolve this ambiguity by enriching information-poor stimuli through inferential processes or internal
knowledge structures. The emergence of expertise with learning and experience is
believed to occur through an increase in the sophistication of enriched internalized
processes and structures (Jacobs & Michaels, 2007).
In contrast, ecological dynamics advocates that the relevant scale of analysis
for understanding behaviour is the functionality of the individual–environment
relationship (Araújo, Davids & Hristovski, 2006). The mutuality and reciprocity of
performers and their environments can result in an enhanced coupling of perception and action subsystems through learning. The acquisition of skill emerges as a
consequence of indeterminate interactions between learners and the environment
(Barab & Kirshner, 2001; Chow, Davids, Hristovski, Araújo & Passos, 2011; Davids,
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Ecological dynamics and motor learning design in sport
Button & Bennett, 2008). During their interactions with other individuals and key
objects, surfaces and events when practising, each individual learns to perceive the
surrounding layout of the environment in the scale of his or her body and action
capabilities (Turvey & Shaw, 1999). Learning leads to changes in environmental
properties to which a learner’s perceptual system becomes attuned, captured by
key events, objects and inter-individual interactions (Jacobs & Michaels, 2007).
Ecological dynamics attempts to explain how learners become adept at exploiting
available sources of information for regulating performance.
The sophistication of skilled performance derives from the functionality of
the improved fit between experts and their performance environments (Araújo &
Davids, 2011). Performance and learning are constrained by key features of the
performer–environment system including characteristics of the environment, the
biomechanics, physiology and morphology of the individual, and task-specific constraints. Functionally adaptive, goal-directed behaviours emerge as learners attempt
to satisfy these interacting constraints (Araújo et al., 2006; Chow et al., 2011; Davids
et al., 2008). Proponents of ecological dynamics argue that explanations of learning
should be aimed at ‘phenomena within the organism–environment synergy rather
than within the organism per se’ (Beek & Meijer, 1988, p. 160). Understanding of
movement skill acquisition may be enhanced as a result of an ecological dynamics
focus, with its emphasis on the learner–environment relationship.
Skill acquisition in ecological dynamics
Successful performance in sport is characterized by reproducible low-dimensional
patterns of behaviour, which are functional, consistent with respect to performance
outcomes and resistant to perturbation (Warren, 2006). Low-dimensional patterns
of behaviour are relatively stable and coordinated movements that have been well
practised. They are less complex to perform since motor system degrees of freedom
have been integrated into a functionally coherent and organized action, characteristic of a skilled athlete. Skilled performers are not locked into rigidly stable solutions
(e.g. technical, tactical), but can modulate their behaviours to achieve consistent
performance outcome goals, a capacity termed ‘dexterity’ (Bernstein, 1967, 1996;
see also Davids et al., 2008). Successful performers are able to adapt their actions
to dynamically shifting environments that characterize competitive sport. For example, there will probably be variability in the distance between the gymnast–beam
‘system’ before a vault is performed, or variability in the gymnast–floor (or bar)
system when a vault in the air is performed. Such performance conditions require
some level of compensatory movement pattern variability even in the most stable of
athlete–environment relations.
Such adaptive flexibility in motor performance is tailored to current environmental conditions and task demands and implicates ongoing perceptual regulation
of action. This idea was exemplified by Araújo et al. (2006) in studies of different
sports including sailing, basketball and boxing. Changes in behaviours emerged
during the action, such as a change in direction when dribbling past an opponent in basketball, or selecting a jab instead of a hook in boxing. From several
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available performance solutions, a decision emerged based on an athlete’s perceptual attunement to key information sources such as time needed to close a gap
with an opponent (i.e. a defender in basketball or adversary in boxing). During
sport performance, if more functional movement patterns emerge to fit changing
environmental circumstances due to performance fluctuations created by dynamic
instabilities in the performer–environment system, the performer will be helped to
discover and explore those functional movement patterns. However, fluctuations
in the movement patterns themselves may or may not be functional. Fluctuations
in the conditions of the performance environment can play a role in learning by
helping individuals to search for more varied and effective movement solutions to
fit the task dynamics.
Stable behavioural solutions correspond to attractors (i.e. preferred states) in
the behavioural dynamics of the performer–environment system (Warren, 2006).
Transitions between stable behavioural patterns correspond to bifurcations (or
changes in behaviours). To illustrate, consider an attacker and defender engaged
in a dyad in a team sport such as rugby union. Patterns of attack and defence in
team games can be shaped by fluctuations caused by local interactions of individual
attackers and defenders in game subphases (Passos et al., 2009). The interactions
of opposing players in team games can be characterized as fluctuations of different
magnitudes that can provide a measure of the stability of an attacker–defender
dyad. The moment that this equilibrium is broken a system bifurcation emerges;
for example, the attacker emerges as the player closest to the try line or the defender
successfully rips the ball from an attacker in a tackle. System bifurcations can provide a mechanism for athletes ‘deciding’ when one mode of behaviour is no longer
functional (Kelso & Engström, 2006). Such instabilities do not exist a priori in a
performance context in sport but are emergent and dynamic, shaped by the specific
confluence of task and environmental constraints. These ideas are congruent with
Gibson’s (1979) proposition that control in human behaviour lies in the actor–environment system, not solely within the individual.
For each learner, the task in sport is to exploit physical (i.e. mechanical) and
informational (i.e. patterns in the distribution of stimulus energy) constraints to stabilize an intended behaviour. An emergent performance solution may rely more or
less upon physical or informational regularities, depending on the task. There are
typically a limited number of varied but stable performance solutions that can be
achieved for a desired outcome. In a team ball game such as volleyball, an individual
may have several options for attacking the ball at the net. The most functional
option at any moment will emerge dependent on the state of the environment (e.g.
positioning of defenders on the court, height and location of the ball with respect
to the net, and how many touches are left for the attacking side).
Representative learning design
Brunswik (1956) advocated the investigation of performer–environment interactions in psychological research using the concept of ‘representative experimental
design’. Perceptual variables incorporated into experimental designs should be
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Ecological dynamics and motor learning design in sport
sampled from the performer’s typical performance environment, to which behaviour is intended to be generalized. In motor learning, design of learning tasks should
represent the task constraints of the performance environment. In representative
design there is a strong emphasis on the specificity of the relations between the
individual and the environment, which is often neglected in traditional approaches
to behavioural sciences (Dunwoody, 2006).
Generalizability is central to Brunswik’s (1956) notion of representative experimental design. Brunswikian concepts in ecological psychology are harmonious
with Gibson’s (1979) emphasis on the reciprocal relations between perception and
action. In studies of motor learning in sport, ‘representative learning design’ implies
the generalization of learning task constraints to the task constraints encountered
during performance, for example when perceiving the actions of a ‘live’ opponent
in a study of anticipation (Araújo et al., 2006; Pinder, Davids, Renshaw & Araújo,
2011). An important pedagogical principle in sport is the need to ensure that there
is adequate ‘sampling’ of information from the performance environment in a
teaching task, ensuring that modified games will provide a close representation of
an actual game so that important sources of information are present (Tan, Chow
& Davids, in press). The criteria to develop an operational definition of ‘representative learning design’ (Araújo, Davids & Passos, 2007; Pinder et al., 2011) are
synthesized in Table 7.1.
In cricket, batting against a bowling machine is not representative of batting
against a real bowler (Pinder et al., 2011). There were clear distinctions in emergent
movement patterns under the two conditions. Against the ball projection machine,
batters could use only ball flight information. Therefore, the tendency to design
simplistic and controlled practice drills may not accomplish the requisite level of
representative design to enhance learning in specific sports.
Nonlinear pedagogy and the role of constraints in facilitating learning
Conceptualizing humans as belonging to a class of non-linear dynamical systems
has led to the development of a non-linear pedagogy (Chow, Davids, Button & Koh,
2006; Renshaw, Chow, Davids & Hammond, 2010). It has been argued that the
learning process can be guided by manipulating key constraints acting on each
individual (Davids, Button & Bennett, 2008). Newell (1986) classified three categories of constraints: task, organismic and environmental. These constraints do not
influence the learning process independently, but rather form complex interacting
configurations that shape the perceptual–motor landscape of each learner (Davids et
al., 2008; Chow et al., 2011). The perceptual–motor landscape of a learner forms
a kind of workspace in which all potential movement solutions for an individual
learner may exist. In non-linear neurobiological systems, constraint configurations
do not prescribe each learner’s behaviour but simply guide it.
In the theory of ‘direct’ learning (Jacobs & Michaels, 2007), information from
the environment, in the form of ambient energy arrays, is critical in channelling
learners to acquire movement skills. Jacobs and Michaels described learning as the
process of change in the relevant informational parameters that informs action and
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Table 7.1 Criteria, description and examples for ‘representative learning design’
Design complex
Provide learners with
opportunities to explore a
variety of task solutions
Challenge learners to practise under
different task constraints in which
information or goals are changed
Provide access to
relevant sources
of information
Create tasks that specify
properties of interest for
learners. Allow them to make
reliable judgements and
actions based on relevant
patterns in the environment
Perceptual judgements and actions
of an advanced tennis player will be
improved at a faster rate if he or she is
required to hit a ball that comes from
the actions of an opponent rather than
from a ball projection machine
Use dynamic
Include tasks that evolve over Playing small-sided games (2v1 or 3v3)
encourages learners to understand
where to move in order to perform
an action. This opportunity for
establishing a relationship between
movement and action may not be
afforded in static practice drills
Allow for active
Enable learners to act in
context in order to perceive
informational variables that
support achievement of their
Movement interactions between
an attacker and a defender allow
perception of informational variables
such as interpersonal distance and the
time to close the space between players
Set achievable
Design tasks in which goals
can always be achieved with
different degrees of success
(e.g. more quickly or slowly,
in a bigger or smaller area)
In a tennis practice game when an
advanced player plays with a novice,
the task of the advanced player might
be to place the ball into certain
restricted areas of the court, and the
task of the novice is simply to return
the ball to the other side
learning. Direct learning is aligned with the theory of direct perception, according
to which perception is the detection of information (Michaels & Carello, 1981),
avoiding the need to assume different internal processes from the detection of information. In the theory of direct learning, perceptual information is directly mapped
to action and the information for learning is directly perceived by individuals.
Individual differences in learning
It is unsurprising that the non-linear interactions of key constraints lead to individual differences in how learners assemble movement solutions. This is an important advance in understanding since many traditional theories of learning recognize
the existence of individual differences, but fail to provide an analysis of how these
may be designed into learning programmes. A non-linear pedagogical approach
provides a principled, theoretical framework for understanding individuality and
applying the ideas in learning design. Even if task and environmental constraints
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were considered as constant, the learning dynamics of each individual would be different. The distinctive configurations of constraints between learners are manifest
in how each individual attempts to satisfy specific task constraints during practice.
It is futile to try and identify a common, idealized motor pattern towards which all
learners should aspire (e.g. learning a ‘classical’ technique for an action). Individual
learners can often experience discontinuous, qualitative changes in performance
due to the presence of instabilities in their perceptual–motor landscape. These
instabilities may be due to growth, maturation and learning. The perceptual–motor
landscape may undergo changes in stability, requiring learners to adapt quickly to a
newly emerged stable movement solution (i.e. on a much shorter timescale than the
long-term learning process itself). For example, during adolescence, sudden growth
spurts may alter limb properties, requiring learners to recalibrate their movement
responses. Similarly, changes to functional performance characteristics due to influences of training may lead to muscle asymmetries, with concomitant effects on
motor performance. Non-linear pedagogy highlights the individuality of learning
pathways and individuality of performance solutions. Constraints can act on learners along different timescales, from the immediate (at the timescale of perception
and action) to the more long-term (at the timescale of developmental change over
months and years).
The role of behavioural variability in learning
The ‘search and assemble’ process that characterizes learning in each individual can
be enhanced by system variability, which amplifies exploratory activity and guides
discovery of individualized functional solutions (Newell, Liu & Mayer-Kress, 2008;
Schöllhorn, Mayer-Kress, Newell & Michelbrink, 2009). Intrinsic movement variability enlarges the area of solution search in the learner’s phase space, that is the
conceptual space of all possible movement solutions.
The positive role that system variability can play in facilitating adaptive behaviours is a feature of neurobiological learning in general. Although the mechanics of
ball passing between players in team games can be deterministically modelled, the
trajectory of the ball after only a few passes cannot be deterministically predicted
due to its sensitivity to small differences in trajectory variations r. This may be
considered an example of the so-called ‘Sinai billiards dynamics’ (see, for example,
Rozikov, 2007), in which chaotic ball trajectories are formed from minute variations
that accumulate. Non-deterministic processes, however, do not signify the absence
of predictability. For example, when boxers practise punching against a heavy bag
or opponent, the hand-striking sequences tend to show different degrees of influence of previous strikes on subsequent sequences of action (Hristovski, Davids &
Araújo, 2009). The non-deterministic nature of the boxer–target system means
that, although subsequent changes in the system’s state cannot be predicted with
perfect probability, emerging system states are somewhat correlated. Perturbations
are usually composed of influences that are external to the system (e.g. the presence
of significant others) and that make the system drift from its stationary state. This
contrasts with fluctuations that signify drifts from the stationary state generated
by intrinsic system disturbances (such as when interpersonal distance between an
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attacker and a marking defender causes fluctuations in the balance of an attacker–
defender dyad in team sports).
These ideas suggest that adaptive variability in neurobiological systems has a functional role in producing subtle variations and adaptive patterns of behaviour in everchanging environments. Schöllhorn and colleagues have advocated a ‘Differential
Learning’ approach, in which learners experience a variety of movement patterns
(thus providing a ‘noisy’ learning environment), to encourage development of an
individualized movement pattern that best fits the task dynamics of the context.
Schöllhorn, Beckman, Michelbrink, Sechelmann and Daivds (2006) studied the
acquisition of dribbling and passing skills in association football. Participants were
exposed to continuous changes in movement execution, avoidance of repetitions,
absence of corrective instructions and a focus on exploratory practice. This group
showed stronger learning effects than other participants exposed to a traditional
teaching approach that emphasized repetition of a putative optimal technique. In
summary, challenging individuals to perform different variations of a skill can be
beneficial since learners can be engaged to search for functional movement solutions by adding movement variability to a target skill (see also Frank, Michelbrink,
Beckmann & Schöllhorn, 2008; Schöllhorn et al., 2009).
The differential learning findings demonstrated how the introduction of
movement variability during learning can support transitions from one pattern to
a new adaptive pattern. Clearly, not all variability is beneficial (Hamill, Haddad,
Heiderscheit, Emmerik & Li, 2006) and a key challenge is to design variability
strategically into a learning task to encourage functional and adaptive learning
Constrained variability, coloured noise and meta-stability in learning
The amount and type of noise present in learning environments can constrain
the behaviours emerging from learners. In multi-stable, dynamical systems, such
as human movement systems, noise can play a functional role by enhancing the
probability of transition between the multiple states of the system. The interjection
of noise or signal variability can contribute to the exploration of task solutions.
Coaches can harness these ideas to constrain learning environments by understanding how to structure variability. Noise is white when all its components can
contribute equally to the overall power of the noise, as in white light, whose different colours contribute equally to the spectrum. With coloured noise, some, usually
lower-frequency (e.g. red), components contribute more than others, thereby containing variable structure rather than randomness. Coloured (i.e. correlated) noise
has structure to it and, from a learning perspective, it stimulates movement system
variability. This type of variability could be achieved through carefully considered
manipulations to specific task and environmental constraints. In learning environments in which the noise added by a teacher or coach is white, learners are left to
their own devices to explore system multi-stability and discover movement solutions themselves. When adding coloured noise, pedagogists implement processes of
guided discovery. This constrains a learner to search in specific, meta-stable regions
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of the perceptual–motor performance workspace. In this region a learner will be
poised at the edge of instability to facilitate possible transitions between movement
behaviours that could be effective for changing performance situations. The learner
cannot act completely independently of environmental constraints, nor in a fully
dependent manner (waiting for information to act).
These ideas were illustrated by Hristovski, Davids and Araújo (2006), who
investigated the impact of target distance on action patterns of boxers. No specific
instructions were given to boxers on how to hit a heavy punch bag. The distance
between the boxers and the punching bag was manipulated. Different scaled-body
distances afforded the emergence of different movement patterns (e.g. hooks, jabs,
uppercuts). At a critical scaled-body distance (0.6), boxers were in a maximal metastability state in which they could flexibly switch between any of the boxing action
modes. The scaled-body distance value of 0.6 was critical in pushing the boxer’s
movement system to the edge of instability, from where each punching mode could
be spontaneously activated under the task and the environmental constraints. At
other values of scaled distance this level of flexibility in emergent actions was not
Why is meta-stability so important for learning design? Meta-stable states have
been defined as ‘dynamically stable’, allowing systems to remain balanced in readiness for transitions (Kelso, 1995). In the meta-stable state, small fluctuations can
push it towards a specific action path. Rich interactions can spontaneously emerge
within complex systems when previously uncorrelated system components or
processes suddenly become interconnected under constraints (Guerin & Kunkle,
2004; Juarrero, 1999).
A good example of system meta-stability was observed in the contextual dependency that emerged between attackers and defenders in rugby union dyads (Passos
et al., 2009). As interpersonal distance decreased, the attacker–defender system
entered a meta-stable region of performance, signifying that there was a balance in
the readiness of the system to transit between multiple attractors. Within certain
values of interpersonal distance, three possible outcomes exerted influence on the
system: (1) an effective tackle could occur; (2) a tackle could occur but the attacker
could pass the defender; or (3) the attacker could avoid physical contact with the
defender and run towards the try line. The emergence of one of these outcomes
was due to the level of coupling among system components. When the attacker and
defender entered a meta-stable region (due primarily to decreasing interpersonal
distance) the components of the dyadic system became more or less coupled. If
an attacker and defender became coupled, then a tackle was more likely to occur,
whereas a try was more likely when they were not coupled.
Meta-stable states in complex neurobiological systems are ideal for learning
because varied and creative patterns of behaviour can arise (Hristovski et al., 2006;
Hristovski, Davids, Araújo & Passos, 2011). In some contexts such as ice climbing
or kayaking, discovery learning based on random variability (i.e. white noise) may
not have desirable consequences for learners, because of obvious health and safety
issues. In these circumstances, the difference between random fluctuations and
constrained fluctuations in learners needs to be recognized.
The coupling that emerges between a learner and the environment in team
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games during learning implies that it is important to discern the dynamics induced
by the co-adaptive movements of attackers and defenders. Different types of environmental information variability could have profound effects on success. In other
sciences it has been shown that coloured noise enhances the switching rate between
stable modes of behaviour more successfully than uncorrelated (white) noise (Wio,
2005). Adding structured variability to the practice environments of attackers and
defenders in small-sided team games can help individual learners discover and
explore the range of decisions and actions available to them in specific game subphases. Switching between different modes of behaviour can provide the adaptive
variability needed to perform successfully in team games.
These findings illustrate why, more recently, there has been much greater emphasis on exploring how variability can be infused in the motor learning process (e.g.
Schöllhorn et al., 2009).The variability added through learning design requires
more options to be created for advanced learners (at the control stage of learning)
and fewer options for novice learners (at the coordination stage). At the control
stage, more advanced learners have more relatively stable patterns of movement
coordination available (e.g. volleyballers who can successfully perform a defensive
dig with two arms). More practice variability can be added to the learning environments of these players in order to ‘perturb’ them from their stable skill base.
Space and time manipulations during practice can lead these players to explore and
acquire other skills for defending an attack, perhaps involving one arm as well as
two. On the other hand, beginners in volleyball are seeking to establish more stable
movement patterns for defending and need less variability (see also Newell, 1985).
Pedagogists need to infuse a relevant amount and type of noise to place learners
in the meta-stable region, with an emphasis on individual differences in learning.
During motor learning when noise can be incorporated, free competition
between particular solutions can occur, and coaches or trainers should not be too
prescriptive in directing learners to find functional performance solutions (Chow et
al., 2011). Learning to find performance solutions is predicated on the education of
intention (i.e. converging task goals with the performer’s goals), attunement (i.e. the
appropriate perception and use of key sources of information), calibration (i.e. scaling movement to the key information sources) (Fajen, Riley & Turvey, 2009; Jacobs
& Michaels, 2007) and the functional reorganization of perceptual–motor degrees
of freedom (Newell, 1985; Savelsbergh & Van der Kamp, 2000) (see Table 7.2). Next
we discuss how these learning processes contribute to three possible phases of skill
development: (1) exploration, (2) discovery and stabilization and (3) exploitation.
How manipulating constraints can enhance skill acquisition
in sport
Goal constraints can be considered extraordinary in comparison with physical
constraints, regulating action if a specific performance outcome is intended.
Intentional constraints shape actions to change current information into information that is specific in supporting an intended outcome (Shaw & Turvey, 1999).
This argument implies that the first step in the learning process is the ‘education
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Table 7.2 Phases of the development of skill and related learning processes
Phases of skill development
Main learning processes
Exploration of degrees of freedom to achieve a task
goal: searches the internal and external system degrees
of freedom to find a way to achieve a certain goal
Education of intention:
converging task goals with
learner’s goals
Exploring task solutions and stabilizing them:
identifies tentative performance solutions and
attempts to reproduce them during goal-directed
Attunement: the appropriate
perception and use of sources of
Exploiting perceptual–motor degrees of freedom:
immediate adaptation to situational demands and
effective goal achievement
Calibration: scaling action to the
of intention’ (Jacobs & Michaels, 2007), which will initiate the process of exploring
system degrees of freedom.
Changing constraints shape emerging behaviours, and interactions between an
individual performer, environment and task over time can produce a particular
function of behavioural change. The relative impact of constraints changes with
time can be visualized in Figure 7.1, showing how constraints channel a learning
system to define a specific path to an intended goal. Figure 7.1 depicts a convergence
between the degrees of freedom bounded by the environment and the individual.
During learning these become constrained to form links (synergies) that allow goal
achievement. The more specifically defined is the goal path, the more do functional
constraints and task constraints specify the behaviours for achieving that goal.
The closer the performer is to actual performance, the more he or she is sensitive
to momentary variations and is constrained by past events. This is why Figure 7.1
Figure 7.1 A schematic showing that to learn action solutions is to influence the convergent
interactions of a performer with the environment in goal-directed activity. The
degrees of freedom are reduced in the same proportion as there are more constraints to channel behaviour.
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shows that, near the moment when skilled behaviour emerges, functional characteristics of the individual (e.g. fatigue, emotions, concentration) become more
influential. However, during learning, at a longer timescale than that of performance, the individual’s structural characteristics (e.g. height, limb length) may be
more influential.
In seeking solutions to behavioural task goals, the performer is attempting to discover the dynamic characteristics of a system defined over the individual performer,
environment and task.
Exploring degrees of freedom to achieve a task goal
Intentional constraints shape perception–action couplings. In certain situations,
particular perceptions and actions are more functional than others and, with
experience, learners get better at choosing the perceptions and actions they can
use to achieve task goals. Different intentions organize perceptual–motor systems
in distinct ways. Educating the intentions of learners influences which particular
informational variable needs to be perceived.
The education of intention is not just an information-guiding process. Intention
plays its role by priming a perceptual system to be attuned to information appropriate for specific perceptions and actions. In other words, intentions direct the
attention of a learner and performer. Intentions motivate exploratory behaviours
that constrain perception, which further constrains action, and so on. In a oneagainst-one basketball game close to the basket, it can be assumed that attackers
with the ball intend to dribble past the defender and to shoot, rather than simply
to maintain possession of the ball. Such assumptions are necessary because of the
intertwined relations between intentions, perceptions and actions.
This aspect of learning design is also impacted by Bernstein’s (1967) insights
on how individual degrees of freedom are regulated. When the intentions of a
performer correspond with a task goal there is a need to establish basic relationships with the environment to acquire minimum control over the system (e.g. what
to attend to, what movements and postures are involved). At this stage, movement may be coupled to a specific source of information that supports action,
but it does not mean that it specifies the property of the environment that the
performer intended to perceive. For example, when a goal tender in ice hockey
attempts to intercept the puck, a specifying variable might be the trajectory of the
puck. Information from the flight of the puck will specify when and where the goal
tender’s intercepting limb needs to be placed in space to successfully parry a shot.
The term non-specifying variable is reserved for a variable that does not specify the
property that a perceiver intends to perceive (e.g. a player attempting to perceive
the trajectory of a puck despite the deceptive movements of an opponent striking
it). Skilled athletes can orient their bodies to hit a shot in one corner of a goal while
shooting at the opposite corner to provide non-specifying information to confuse
a goal tender. The term specifying variable is used only for a variable that specifies
the property that a perceiver intends to perceive (e.g. the focus of expansion of
the puck on a goal tender’s retina specifies the speed of approach of the puck for
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Exploring task solutions and stabilizing them
Later in learning, the performer identifies tentative performance solutions and
attempts to reproduce them during goal-directed behaviour by reorganizing the
previously exaggerated constriction of degrees of freedom (Vereijken, van Emmerik,
Whiting & Newell, 1992). New action possibilities start to be identified (e.g. when
an informational variable is not useful). Perceptual attunement is the process of
learning which sources of information to attend to in which situations and when.
With practice, learners converge from sources of information that may be only
partly useful in one situation (i.e. non-specifying) to sources of information that
are more useful (i.e. specifying), under a variety of circumstances. The stabilization
of discovered solutions, as well as exploration of the limits of these solutions, and
the search for new, specifying information–action couplings, form the dominant
characteristics of this phase. In catching a fly ball in baseball, the information a
novice picks up may be the peak optical velocity or the maximum height of the ball.
These sources of information do not exactly specify the direction and speed with
which a fielder should run to intercept the ball. Only during later phases of skill
development can the individual converge on other more specifying variables such
as vertical optical acceleration (Michaels & Oudejans, 1992).
Exploiting perceptual–motor degrees of freedom
Specifying information sources tend to be regularly used by skilled athletes because
they have searched for and discovered these during extensive practice. The exploitation of motor and perceptual degrees of freedom is a characteristic of skilled
behaviour in sport and allows adaptation to situational demands and effective goal
achievement. At this stage, athletes achieve attunement to a wider range of spatial
and temporal variables and greater sensitivity to the contextual consequences of
their actions (Araújo, Davids & Serpa, 2005). System degeneracy, or the ability
of elements that are structurally different to perform a similar function or yield a
similar output, is an essential feature of skilled behaviour. It enhances the flexibility of athletes in competitive performance environments (Davids, Button, Araújo,
Renshaw & Hristovski, 2006). Exploiting neurobiological degeneracy is a key aspect
of skilled behaviour in sport because performance is not limited to a restricted
movement pattern or just a few perceptual variables to make decisions and to regulate actions.
A relevant process at this stage is that of calibration or scaling of the perceptual–
motor system to information. Specifying information can appropriately constrain
a perception or action. Body dimensions and action capabilities are not fixed, but
often change on account of development, ageing and training. When these change,
actions that were once possible may become impossible (or vice versa, Fajen et al.,
2009). For example, players’ effective body dimensions are altered by use of implements such as racquets, roller blades and sticks. Calibration and recalibration are
necessary to establish and update the mapping between the units in which the
relevant properties of the world are perceived and the units in which the action is
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For a properly calibrated performer, body-scaled and action-scaled affordances
can be directly and reliably perceived by simply picking up the relevant sources of
information (Fajen et al., 2009). Although recalibration occurs quite rapidly, it is
likely that continued experience leads to further refinement. Affordances that are
both body- and action-scaled may be prevalent in sports. The development of motor
skill is not a homogeneous process, and idiosyncratic manifestations are expected
(Newell et al., 2008). Processes such as education of intention, attunement and
calibration can occur in all the three phases. In addition, learners may benefit from
some kinds of enrichment, most obviously through physical conditioning and regular access to high-quality equipment and practice facilities (such as a diving pool and
a springboard in learning to dive). This enrichment does not theoretically explain
the learning process, since it merely facilitates learning.
In summary, intentions, perceptions and actions are intertwined processes that
benefit from the education of intention, attunement to key perceptual variables in
the performance environment and calibration as the system changes as a result of
processes such as development and maturation. Learning environments need to be
carefully designed in order to facilitate appropriate interactions between these. A
major concept in ensuring a functional learning design is representative learning design
(Pinder et al., 2011), predicated on Brunswik’s (1956) representative task design.
Designing learning contexts in sport
In the study of perception and action, representative design (Brunswik, 1956) has
been acknowledged as the generalization of task constraints in experimental designs
to the constraints encountered in specific performance environments, such as sport
(Araújo et al., 2006; Davids, 2008). Ensuring that task constraints are representative is not a trivial matter since, in sport studies, small changes in task constraints
can lead to substantial changes in performance outcomes and movement responses
(Hristovski et al., 2006). In fact, task sensitive bifurcations naturally partition the
continuum of actions (individual or collective) into discrete, qualitatively distinct
‘typical situations’ (see Figure 7.2) of any representative learning design (Hristovski
et al., 2011). For example, in boxing, the clench situation is qualitatively different
from that of close-distance fighting because of the number and the types of actions
that boxers can use. Similarly, close-distance fighting differs from half-distance and
long-distance fighting, making them all different typical performance situations.
The borders between qualitatively different typical situations are defined by the
abrupt change of the number and the type of affordable actions (i.e. opportunities
for action). Typical performance situations are performer-dependent and should be
defined with respect to body- or action-scaled possibilities.
By directing attention to these qualitative changes when individually defined
situations emerge or cease to exist, that is, training at the very borders of different
typical performance situations in sport, may prove to be useful. Whereas training
‘inside’ the regions of typical situations may stabilize the afforded actions and their
coupling, training at the bifurcation points offers acquisition of qualitatively different performer–environment interactions and sensitization to qualitative situation
changes in competition.
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Ecological dynamics and motor learning design in sport
Figure 7.2 A schematic depicting a constellation of two constraints whose relation forms a
control parameter of the system. For different combinations of constraints some
typical situations emerge and some vanish. The regions where this happens are the
bifurcation areas (bold curves). Bifurcations partition the otherwise continuous
space of logically possible actions. Training inside the regions of typical situations
may stabilize typical afforded actions and their couplings. Training close to the
bifurcation points may sensitize the system for discovering the emergence of new
Pedagogists need to appreciate fully the major constraints of a particular performance environment and how the design of practice tasks and interventions may
support the maintenance of coupled perception and action processes, which reflect
the functional behaviours of athletes. The ubiquitous practice of decomposing
tasks into smaller, putatively more manageable parts needs to be considered since
a coach may be interfering with the acquisition of an important perception–action
coupling. Representative learning design is a new term which theoretically captures
how motor learning theorists and pedagogues might use insights from ecological
dynamics, such as perception–action coupling, emergence under constraints, selforganization, task simplification, movement pattern variability and neurobiological
system degeneracy, to ensure that practice and training task constraints are representative of the context towards which they are intended to generalize (Pinder et
al., 2011).
The constraints of training and practice need to replicate the performance
environment adequately so that they are not too static, allowing learners to detect
affordances and couple actions to key information sources. Learners need to move
in order to learn how to pick up information successfully to regulate their actions,
which support the perception of further specifying variables to coordinate movements in a cyclical manner (Gibson, 1979). This critical requirement was highlighted
in a recent study examining the effectiveness of dynamic versus static training drills
designed to replicate the lower-limb coordination patterns in the sport of triple
jumping (Wilson, Simpson, Van Emmerik & Hamill, 2008). Static tests lack functionality because they typically restrict the exploratory processes of a learner and
do not represent the constraints of performance. This criticism was directed at a
new soccer skills test comprising passing and shooting tasks that required players
to kick a moving ball, delivered at a constant speed, towards one of four randomly
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determined targets (identified by a custom lighting system, see Russell, Benton &
Kingsley, 2010). The static nature of cones, for example, allows a performer to be
completely in control of the interpersonal distance and relative velocity that has
been shown to constrain successful dribbling against a moving defender (Passos et
al., 2008). By neglecting the active role of opponents in task design, Russell et al.
(2010) did not reproduce the dynamic nature of the football performance environment, which would impact on the functionality of the skills’ evaluation test.
To attain representative learning design, theorists should design dynamic interventions that consider interacting constraints on movement behaviours, sample
informational variables adequately and ensure the functional coupling between perception and action processes (Pinder et al., 2011). Functionality would ensure that
(1) the degree of success of a performer’s actions are controlled for, and compared
between contexts, and (2) performers are able to achieve specific goals by regulating
actions in learning contexts (movement responses, decision-making) with comparable information to that existing in the performance environment.
In order to examine empirically the degree of association between behaviours in
a learning task with that of a performance setting, the importance of Stoffregen,
Bardy, Smart and Pagulayan’s (2003) concept of action fidelity needs to be recognized
(Araújo et al., 2007). Stoffregen et al. proposed that fidelity exists when there is a
transfer of performance. Practice, training and learning tasks are simulations of the
performance environment that need to be high in action fidelity (in much the same
way that video designs in studies of anticipation are intended as simulations of a
performance context that is the subject of generalization, e.g. Araújo et al., 2005).
The degree of action fidelity can be measured by analysing task performance in
detail. For example, measures of task performance in sport, such as time taken to
complete a task and observed kinematic (coordination) data during performance,
would provide means to assess action fidelity (Araújo et al., 2007).
Conclusions and implications for practice
According to the ecological dynamics approach, the training of motor skill should
be based on organizing practice conditions that promote the development of
expertise, even in non-experts (Araújo, 2007). We concur with Klein’s (1997) view
that a solution is to teach performers to learn like experts, and to gain expertise
autonomously when practising in training sessions or in competitions. There is no
general ‘optimal organization’ for designing practices. The organization of training
practices that are useful (i.e. to develop sport expertise) is that which is relevant
to improve performance of a specific individual athlete, or groups of athletes, in a
certain context learning a certain task (Davids, Button & Bennett, 2008).
Successful learning design is based on a sound understanding of (1) the expertise
level of the performer on the task, (2) the functions (goals) to be trained and (3)
the primary constraints on behaviour (organismic, task and environmental) to be
manipulated or taken into account during learning. The key to assisting learners
in acquiring functional movement behaviours comes about through presenting the
relevant constraints during the different phases of skill development.
Coaches are typically more concerned with manipulating task constraints, since
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they are open to control and provide a direct channel to shape the progression of an
athlete. A major challenge is to consider the functional representativeness of training exercises. Rules, instructions and equipment can be manipulated to narrow the
search within the perceptual–motor workspace such that effective actions can be
Personal constraints should be intimately related with task constraints.
Therefore, interventions may occur by selecting or transforming aspects of the task
in order to facilitate a specific impact on an individual athlete, for example to select
athletes differing in height to play one-on-one near the basket in basketball. Some
interventions (e.g. induction of fatigue, thermal conditions of specific performance
environments, changes in emotional state, inducing variability) may be appropriate
to facilitate coping skills in individual learners. Designing these critical features
of performance into learning programmes makes practice more representative.
For example, adding variability into movement patterns has been shown to help
learners differentiate actions during learning, allowing them to become more functionally adaptive in their movements (see Schöllhorn et al., 2006). Environmental
constraints cannot be easily manipulated, but they may be considered to promote a
better adaptation of the performer to the performance context.
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