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Basic, deceptively simple forms of critique.
JRSP-ELT (ISSN: 2456-8104), 2020
Criticism is a critical study of some subject or theme which seems as: an interpretation, assessment, analysis, judging merits, unfavorable opinions and systematic inquiry. It also gives the opportunity for context setting. Literary criticism may have a positive or a negative inclination as well as an investigation of someone's work of literature. Critical theory is the philosophical appraisal and analysis of society and culture and it keeps up that philosophy is the main snag to human freedom. There are various forms of criticism occurring in the day-today life.
A discussion on the four major concepts of world literary criticism
Journal of Architectural Education, 2009
Critique of Critique, 2023
What is critique? How is it used and abused? At a moment when popular discourse is saturated with voices confronting each other about not being critical enough, while academic discourses proclaim to have moved past critique, this book reawakens the foundational question of what 'critique' is in the first place. Roy Ben-Shai inspects critique as an orientation of critical thinking, probing its structures and assumptions, its limits and its risks, its history and its possibilities. The book is a journey through a landscape of ideas, images, and texts from diverse sources—theological, psychological, etymological, and artistic, but mainly across the history of philosophy, from Plato and Saint Augustine, through Kant and Hegel, Marx and Heidegger, up to contemporary critical theory. [Attached are the book's opening sections--Introduction and Overture].
Since the Enlightenment critique has played an overarching role in how western society understands itself and its basic institutions. However, opinions differ widely concerning the understanding and evaluation of critique. To understand such differences and clarify a viable understanding of critique, the article turns to Kant’s critical philosophy, inaugurating the “age of criticism”. While generalizing and making critique unavoidable, Kant coins an unambiguously positive understanding of critique as an affirmative, immanent activity. Not only does this positive conception prevail in the critique of pure and practical reason and the critique of judgment; these modalities of critique set the agenda for three major strands of critique in contemporary thought, culminating in among others Husserl, Popper Habermas, Honneth, and Foucault. Critique affirms and challenges cognition and its rationality, formulates ethical ideals that regulate social interaction, and further articulates normative guidelines underway in the on-going experimentations of a post-natural history of human nature. In contradistinction to esoteric Platonic theory, philosophy at the threshold of modernity becomes closely linked to an outward-looking critique that examines and pictures what human forms of life are in the process of making of themselves and challenges them, by reflecting upon what they can and what they should make of themselves. As a very widely diffused practice, however, critique may also become a self-affirming overarching end in itself. Key words: Affirmative critique, judgment, distinction, philosophy, reason, Enlightenment, Man, anthropology, Kant, Heidegger, Habermas, Foucault, Schlegel, Plato The article Raffnsøe: "What is Critique? Critical Turns in the Age of Criticism" has been published in Outlines. Critical Practice Studies here:
BMJ, 1981
The function of criticism RAANAN GILLON Matthew Arnold once wrote an essay on "the function of criticism." I think we in medicine can learn something from Arnold, and I have borrowed his title as an excuse to analyse, in this quasiphilosophical John Locke Lecture, the function of criticism in the context of medical education and practice. I shall start with a brief account of what I mean by the words "criticism" and "function." Purpose of criticism In the broadest sense criticism is evaluation-in the words of the Oxford English Dictionary it is the passing of judgments on the qualities of something. Criticism need not, though it often is, be adverse criticism or fault finding, as the fact that it is perfectly ordinary to speak of adverse criticism indicates. When I speak of the function of criticism I use the term function to mean not just the purpose of criticism but the way in which it fulfils its purpose: function is an active word stemming from the Latin verb fungor (I perform), and a function is "the special kind of activity proper to anything"; or "the mode of action by which it fulfils its purpose," again according to the OED. Thus in considering the function of criticism I must consider not only its purpose or purposes but also the mode of action whereby it fulfils such purpose or purposes. I must consider, that is, how it works. Matthew Arnold is his classic discussion was writing about literary criticism: but he offers as his "definition" of criticism, "a disinterested endeavour to learn and propagate the best that is known and thought in the world."' I think it is fairly clear that this can serve neither as a definition of criticism, for it does not describe what criticism is, nor as an account of the function of criticism, for it gives no indication of how criticism works. With slight modifications, however, it seems to serve admirably as a unitary account of the purpose of criticism or at least of criticism at its best. Thus we may say, with some sacrifice of Arnoldian
The practice of criticism of authors and works in England from 1660 to 1789
The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism
Science in Context, 1997
Critique involves reflection, specifically self-reflection, and as such it is inherently linked with philosophy. Critique calls for change, awareness, liberation from false conceptions, and reshaping of spheres of action and belief. Consequently it is closely linked with the moral and the ...
Revista de Processo, 2022
Гуськов А.Г. Переводчики Посольского приказа в 1718 г. // Вспомогательные исторические дисциплины в современном научном знании: Материалы XXXIII Международной научной конференции. Москва, 2020 г. М.: ИВИ РАН, 2020. С. 128-130. , 2020
ציפור פצועה, דורה בדר יומן 1937-1933, יפה ברלוביץ (עורכת), כתבה והוסיפה: מדריך קריאה ואחרית דבר, הוצאת הקיבוץ המאוחד סדרת מגדרים, 2011
Budva u Velikom ratu, 2019
Cuadernos de Etnología de Guadalajara, 2004
The History and Philosophy of Materialism (John Symons & Charles Wolfe, eds.), 2024
Psychopharmacology, 2013
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
PLoS Biology, 2005
The Journal of Industrial Economics, 1997
Ambitos Feministas vol. 4 , 2014