Production Engineering
In a competitive
Your selection
depends on
one and only thing:
Your ability to
Production Engineering
Interview Simulator & Trainer
Command Your Professional Worth On-the-Spot!
Hearing you speak,
will others believe that
you are a smart
Production Engineer,
who can be trusted with the
projects & secrets?
Production Engineering Interview Simulator & Trainer
Command your Professional Worth On-the-Spot!
Every day, thousands of well-qualified production engineering
This simulator is the result of their eight years of research
professionals walk out of job interviews - facing rejections.
on ‘What Went Right’ and ‘What Went Wrong’ with about
Interviewers don’t/can’t trust them because they fail to respond
210,000 candidates they have collectively interviewed.
convincingly on the spot. They don’t sound like they
Handling a job interview is a psycho-motor skill like car driving.
‘actually’ earned their degrees! The focus, energy, & passion
You must have the reflex to handle any eventuality that can
crucial for professional survival and success are not seen!
shockingly come up. The only way to gain this mastery is to
work in similar environments until the skill becomes a habit.
The tragedy is that most of them can write the answer on a
piece of paper! But, they can’t convincingly speak it on the
spot! This single shortcoming ruins the lives of millions of
well-qualified people, even forcing many to drugs and suicides.
Interview calls are difficult to come by. You can’t waste them for
‘practice’. And, a few minutes of mock-interviews don’t add any
value. Therefore Interview Simulator. It reveals your mistakes
so that interviewers don’t find them out! It uncovers your
Realising the crucial nature of the problem & the absence of a
shortcomings that even a close friend hesitates to tell you!
reliable solution, a global team of 52 professionals decided to
Therefore, when you face the actual interview, you will feel
step in - to find a sure-fire, result-oriented method.
it as a very familiar repetition of this simulation!
This Software has two parts: Interview Simulator & Interview Trainer
Part 1: Interview Simulator - The first and only professional interview simulator in the world. It has over
5000 carefully selected interview questions in video format from 48 topics of Production
Engineering. These questions are blended with incisive HR questions, and thrown at you based on your
personal profile / customisation. You can attempt any number of new interviews.
Part 2: Interview Trainer (in 3 Modules) - 1. Interactive Interview Trainer: It includes over thousand key
questions, best responses, guide’s advices etc. 2. Production Engineering Competency Tests.
3. Questions & Insights, Interview failure case studies, Resume writing, Interview puzzles etc.
Production Engineering Interview Simulator & Trainer
Part 1: Interview Simulator
1.1 Realistic Professional Interviews
(Production Engineering + HR)
With Production Engineering Interview Simulator, you can customise and face
realistic interviews, and, analyse the consequences for quick improvement.
For example, Do you understand the hidden meanings of the questions as it is
being asked? Are you able to formulate an answer within 5 to 6 seconds? Are you
speaking in full sentences with clarity? Are you using the right technical
terminologies like a professional? Is your response the right answer? Are you
responding crisply? How are your facial expressions and gestures?
The step-by-step method for the Professional Interview Simulation:
1. Create Your Personal Profile: Interviews are created based on your educational qualifications;
Experience (or,Fresher), Area of specialisation, Type of the target company for employment etc.
2. Select Your Focus Areas: Based on your immediate need of attending an interview, or a viva
examination, you may select Focus1, Focus2 & Focus3. (Drop down menu as in the table below.)
3. Face the Questions from Interviewers on Screen, and the Camera is ON: Answer to the best of
your abilities. Your responses are captured by the camera for various modes of evaluation.
4. Five Options of Evaluations: 1. Auto Report, 2. Self Review, 3. Peer Review, 4. Mentor Evaluation,
and 5. Espoir Expert Evaluation. For details refer to the FAQ.
48 Topics, Over 5000 Video Questions from Production Engineering
Focus 1 and Focus 2: Advanced Production Technology, CAD/CAM and CIM, Machine Tools, Cutting Tools,
SPMs, Industrial Automation & Robotics, Mechatronics, Mould & Die Design, Plant Engineering, Manufacturing
– Machining, Manufacturing – Joining, Manufacturing – Casting & Forming, Manufacturing: Moulding, Internal
Combustion Engines, Industrial Engineering, Automobile Engineering, Design of Machine Elements,
Hydraulics & Pneumatics, Metallurgy & Heat Treatment, Metrology & Measurements, Industrial Tribology,
Strength of Materials, Environmental Engineering, Electrical Machines, Energy Audit & Management,
Mechanical Vibrations, Electronics Engineering, Computer Engineering, PLC & SCADA Applications, Electrical
Engineering for Production Engineers.
Focus 3: Production Management, Reliability Engineering,
Project Management, Operations Research, Engineering Habits
of Mind, Critical Thinking, 21st Century Skills, Product Design
Methodology, Energy Conservation, Engineering Economics,
Engineering Ethics, Ergonomics & Human Factors, Safety,
Responsibility & Rights, Industrial Relations, Office/Factory
Management, Engineering Marketing, Behavioural Science,
Finance for Engineers, Quality Assurance, World Class
Online demos are available for most of the above interview topics. Visit
Production Engineering Interview Simulator & Trainer
Part 2: Interview Trainer
2.1 Interactive Interview Trainer
You can learn ‘about’ interviews by reading books, or watching videos. However,
you cannot learn interview skills without ‘undergoing’ the actual experience of
physically participating in interviews.
With Espoir Interactive Interview Trainer you can attempt any number of realistic
interviews in a ‘practice environment’, until you gain the expertise to handle tough
interview situations and confidently command your worth.
The step-by-step method to use the Professional Interview Trainer:
1. Begin the practice session, and face the first question from the screen: You can re-play the
question till you clearly understand the question. You can also read the question as an English subtitle.
2. Answer to the question on camera, play it, fine-tune it till you are satisfied: You can attempt infinite
number of times to fine-tune your answer, body-language etc.
3. Refer to best responses: You can refer to the best responses for each question. These answers
contains the key points, words and phrases the interviewers look for.
4. Seek Guide’s advice: A guide appears and explains why interviewers ask this questions and what they
expect in an answer. What you should say and what you should not say, etc.
2.2 Production Engineering
Competency Tests
Espoir Interactive Interview Trainer contains a series of tests with an objective of
preparing the candidate to face technical questions in a professional interview.
These questions are handpicked by the experts in the field and can be used
for many other competitive examinations besides technical interviews.
2.3 Questions & Insights, &
Learning from Others’ Mistakes
Surveys reveal 88% of candidates don’t understand the hidden meanings of the
questions. Therefore, this section contains over 1000 questions, their hidden
meanings, sample answers, words and phrases to use while answering etc.
Discussing Your Key Skills & Abilities, Describing Your Accomplishments.
Explaining Your Goals and Interests, Showcasing Why You Are ‘the Best Fit’.
Highlighting Your Ambition & Knowledge, Providing Details about Your
Education, Handling Hard to Answer Questions, Asking Questions, etc.
To know about all other features, please visit the website.
Espoir Smart Interview
Companion Book
An offline reference & field book to maximise
the effectiveness of Interview Simulator & Trainer
Key contents:
Records of resumes sent, Your Interview Journal, Analysis of
What went Right & What Went Wrong in each interview.
Keynote: Do or Die. The imperatives of Interview Preparation.
How do we use Simulation for Interview success.
Modern day interview Process. How to ensure success?
Knowing, Packaging, & Presenting the product called “YOU”.
How to write power resumes.
Job search strategies for today’s economy.
Pages 178
Pre-Interview Research: Knowing your prospective employer,
Size: 23 cm X 18 cm
their culture, and the interviewing styles.
(Part of your Kit)
Understanding Interview Etiquette. Also, Telephone & Skype
Published by: Espoir Press
Keynote: Interviewers don’t risk their jobs by selecting poor
Questions and Insights. Understanding the underlying meaning of
those unexpected, tricky questions.
Interview Practice Module. STAR Method of answering questions.
Outsmarting the smart. Learning from other’s mistakes.
Stress Interviews: Will you nail it, or be nailed?
And More...
Applied Innovation
The Knowledge Models and Technologies
Employed in Interview Simulator & Trainer
Cognitive Load Theory (Sweller)
Artificial Intelligence
Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning
Elaboration Theory (Reigeluth)
Body-langauge Recording
Expertise Theory (Ericsson, Gladwell)
Attribution Theory (Weiner)
Functional Context Theory (Sticht)
Intrinsically Motivating Instruction (Malone)
Gestalt Theory (von Ehrenfels)
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (Maslow)
Information Processing Theory
Positive Psychology / PERMA Theory
Situated Cognition (Brown, Collins & Duguid)
Self-Determination Theory (Deci and Ryan)
Simulation Technology
Affordance Theory (Gibson)
Emotional Intelligence (Goleman)
Multiple Intelligences Theory (Gardner)
Experiential Learning (Kolb)
Systems Thinking
Flow (Csikszentmihalyi)
21st Century Skills
Benefit from the World’s largest Repository of
Engineering Interview Questions in Video Format!
Espoir Engineering Interview Simulator Series
Espoir Interview Simulator & Trainer software Programs are available for the following
branches of Engineering:
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Production Engineering
Petroleum Engineering
Civil Engineering
Petrochemical Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Polymer Technology
Electronics Engineering
Plastics Engineering
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
Textile Technology
Instrumentation & Control Engineering
Textile Production Engineering
Computer Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Information Technology
Environmental Engineering
Details and demonstrations on
Superior results are observed when Engineering Interview Simulators are used along with
the following learning programs:
Smart English Through
Technology & Science
Content-based Instruction Methodology: High school level to GRE / GMAT
level - Through Inspiring details/stories of Technology & the science behind it.
700 Hours of Learning - Customizable to students' level! Over 24,000
examples. 6000 Audio sessions in US/UK Accents. 300 Interactive Tests!
Speaking, Writing, Reading & Listening: Practice any number of times. Also
Proprietary Mirror-like body-language recording feature.
Spoken English Simulator & Trainer
Realistic Spoken English Interactions, the way your students face day to
day basis: Over 300 stimulating sessions.
Students can attempt spoken English sessions at random for higher
effectiveness, or through the serial number for repetitive practice.
Evaluation & Feedback: Capture the spontaneous talk to identify
communication short-comings. Self Review, Peer Review, Mentors feedback in
The Product Kit
Product Delivery: Espoir Production Engineering Interview Simulator &
Trainer contains the following:
1. The Software in Flash Drive,
2. Hardware Lock,
3. Espoir Smart Interview Companion Book,
4. Synthetic Leather Carrying Folder.
5. Coupons for Expert Reviews of Your Interviews.
Which Company?
What Job?
Considering the current economic /
business / employment scenario,
the following are the type of
companies, that you see in the
be happy to help you with the installation by online control.
Technical Support: Throughout the life of the product.
Guarantee / Warrantee: Free replacement for one year from the date of
purchase. However, the postal charges to be borne by the customer.
System Requirements: Hardware: Intel i3 or above. 2GB RAM. 2GB
Installation Support: This software is easy to install. However, we will
The companies that are into
pure ‘research & development’.
Graphics Card. USB 3.0 Port, 3 other ports. Camera & Mic. Software:
Windows 7.0 or above. MS Office Suite. (Internet Not Required)
They look for 100% techies with
‘super-human-domain-skills’. If
you are NOT a wizard in your
field, these jobs might not be for
you! But, they constitute only
0.2% of the overall jobs.
18% of companies hire only to
fire you later. They are shortsighted and lack vision or ethics.
If you are ambitious, and selfrespecting, avoid them!
An Eye Opener
82% of companies look for
smart candidates who can
execute projects, and show
tangible results. They need
quick learners, and team
players, who can convince and
inspire with their ideas. This
Interview Simulator is for
Winning Such Jobs in a
Competitive Job market.
“We are routinely surprised at the difficulty some young
people have in communicating: verbal skills, written skills,
presentation skills. They have difficulty being clear and
concise; it’s hard for them to create focus, energy, and
passion around the points they want to make. They are
unable to communicate their thoughts effectively. You’re
talking to an executive, and the first thing you’ll get asked
if you haven’t made it perfectly clear in the first 60 seconds
of your presentation is, ‘What do you want me to take away
from this meeting?’ They don’t know how to answer that
Mike Summers,
Vice President for Global Talent Management,
Dell Computers
“For the things we have to learn before we can do them,
we learn by doing them.”
- Aristotle (384 - 322 BC) Greek philosopher and Scientist - Probably the first
proponent of experiential learning.
Aren’t you risking your future by
not being the professional that your certificates say you are?
In reality, most interviewers are disguised interrogators. They ask tricky questions point blank, and
make harsh judgements based on your on-the-spot, spontaneous responses.
Interviewers believe, ‘behaviour’ predicts ‘behaviour’. That is, your spontaneous responses are the
true indications of your deep-rooted ‘behaviour’ that will eventually get exposed in the actual job. The
challenge for you is how to develop on-the-spot behaviours that are professional and likeable.
‘On the spot’ personal interaction skills are psycho-motor skills. The only way to ingrain them is to
repeatedly work on them in actual environments, until it becomes a habit. But, how can you do that?
Interview Simulators are the Only Solution. Why?
You need 21 days to build a new habit: Few minutes of mock-interviews can neither identify
your shortcomings nor help ingrain best practices. It needs continuous practice on a simulator.
You need to sustain ‘presence of mind’ under stress:
On the spot ‘inductive reasoning’ and ‘creative problem
solving’ win interviews. Only a simulator can build this.
You must understand questions as it is being asked.
Quick deciphering of questions for their hidden meanings
leads to smart answers. Simulator is a must for this.
You must formulate answers in 5 seconds: And, start
speaking in the 6th second. Only a simulator ensures this.
You must use correct words, terminologies on the spot: Words used on the spot describes
your depth of knowledge. To analyse your responses & to find remedies, you need a simulator.
You must remain likeable in tense situations. How is your facial expressions and gestures
while handling complex mix of technical and HR questions? Optimise them with the simulator.
Practice won’t make you perfect. Only perfect practice can make you perfect. Interview
Simulator is the insurance for safeguarding your hard-earned qualifications & career.
Production Engineering
Interview Simulator & Trainer
Command Your Professional Worth On-the-Spot!
An Espoir Worldwide Initiative
Developed based on Malcolm Baldrige Criteria for Educational excellence, and ISO-9000 quality systems at Oxford, England & Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States.
Patents applied for. Information in this brochure is for the Indian edition. To ensure your installation
Espoir Technologies Private Limited, 4th Floor, Prabhavee Tech Park, Baner Road, Baner Pune 411 045 MH, India, Hotline: 8055 800 900